CDZ Fellow Conservatives, let's discuss Ben Carson together.

Ben Carson Just NAILED IT! Says THIS About Donald Trump and Illegal Immigration - The Political Insider

“What we really need to be talking about is how do we take care of our illegal immigration problem,” he said. “I’ve talked about that extensively. And the key thing is we have to secure all our borders—north, south, east and west.”

“And it doesn’t have to be a fence or wall,” Carson added. “That’s stupid. We have all kinds of electronic surveillance devices, drones, not to mention people. So we can do it. And then turn off the spigot that dispenses all the things that they are coming here to get. Then there won’t be any reason for them to do it.”

“I mean that’s pretty simple, and straightforward,” he said. “And I think everybody knows that. That’s there’s the ability to do it, there’s not the will to do it. It’s too juicy a political football.”
The liberal Brigade is currently practicing for their campaign against the nomination of the GOP................It is what they do, and is to be expected...........Just like on this thread as they champion another LIAR who shouldn't even be able to run for troop leader of the Girl scouts........................

A repeated KNOWN LIAR in the Hildabeast, and they will get tingling sensations up their legs........................

From an administration that has abused it's power time and time again, and has failed miserable in Foreign policy...............and improvement to that would Garbage man could do a better job................

But hey, he didn't land under sniper fire in Bosnia now did he..............LOL

He might be able to handle 2 email accounts at once..................

And a video did it.....................Too much ammo against their front running all they have is their typical nonsense in the mud.

Yes, unfortunately unless a mod breaks in, they have effectively destroyed any attempt to have a legitimate discussion on Ben Carson. I wonder why they fear him so?

I love this.

Let me try to explain how threads like this are viewed by intelligent, sane people.

The OP has voiced his hope that we can have a mature, reasonable discussion about the fine Doctor Carson and his run to the presidency. On its face, a very reasonable request.

However, one must factor in the complete lack of substance offered by the OP in making this request. It's glaring in its absence. The OP has no clue and doesn't care about the actual policy positions that this candidate feels are most important. He asks others to provide him with good reasons to vote for the candidate. And.....he only wants conservatives to join the conversation.

Now...the good part. There is ZERO chance that Ben Carson will become President of the United States. It will not happen. There is almost as little chance that he will win the GOP nomination. He's got a better chance of being tabbed as VP candidate than he does of getting the nod.....and that chance is very slim. I expect that he will leave the race shortly after the Iowa caucus, where he will not finish in the top three.

Given the fact that he is such a terrible candidate.....and hasn't been able to articulate any serious policy positions.......the "love" being shown to him by USMB nutbags is tremendously enjoyable.

Any nutbag who wants to place a wager oh Carson winning the White House can find me easily. I'll agree to,just about any set of terms that isn't a lame handicap plan. Try me.
The day I need advice from the Liberal Brigade, I'll ask for it......................You've got your own keeping the Hildabeast out of jail...........but since your side owns the DOJ now she will not get flamed for violating the rules of her office, and using a private server for Classified the Ambassador got fired for under her watch.....................

But be careful, she might have to land under enemy sniper fire...............LOL....................

Funny thing how your side loves the LIAR OVER AN HONEST MAN..............So LIBERAL OF YOU.


Weeeeeeeee! You think Carson is an honest man. That's so sweet.
The liberal Brigade is currently practicing for their campaign against the nomination of the GOP................It is what they do, and is to be expected...........Just like on this thread as they champion another LIAR who shouldn't even be able to run for troop leader of the Girl scouts........................

A repeated KNOWN LIAR in the Hildabeast, and they will get tingling sensations up their legs........................

From an administration that has abused it's power time and time again, and has failed miserable in Foreign policy...............and improvement to that would Garbage man could do a better job................

But hey, he didn't land under sniper fire in Bosnia now did he..............LOL

He might be able to handle 2 email accounts at once..................

And a video did it.....................Too much ammo against their front running all they have is their typical nonsense in the mud.

Yes, unfortunately unless a mod breaks in, they have effectively destroyed any attempt to have a legitimate discussion on Ben Carson. I wonder why they fear him so?

I love this.

Let me try to explain how threads like this are viewed by intelligent, sane people.

The OP has voiced his hope that we can have a mature, reasonable discussion about the fine Doctor Carson and his run to the presidency. On its face, a very reasonable request.

However, one must factor in the complete lack of substance offered by the OP in making this request. It's glaring in its absence. The OP has no clue and doesn't care about the actual policy positions that this candidate feels are most important. He asks others to provide him with good reasons to vote for the candidate. And.....he only wants conservatives to join the conversation.

Now...the good part. There is ZERO chance that Ben Carson will become President of the United States. It will not happen. There is almost as little chance that he will win the GOP nomination. He's got a better chance of being tabbed as VP candidate than he does of getting the nod.....and that chance is very slim. I expect that he will leave the race shortly after the Iowa caucus, where he will not finish in the top three.

Given the fact that he is such a terrible candidate.....and hasn't been able to articulate any serious policy positions.......the "love" being shown to him by USMB nutbags is tremendously enjoyable.

Any nutbag who wants to place a wager oh Carson winning the White House can find me easily. I'll agree to,just about any set of terms that isn't a lame handicap plan. Try me.
The day I need advice from the Liberal Brigade, I'll ask for it......................You've got your own keeping the Hildabeast out of jail...........but since your side owns the DOJ now she will not get flamed for violating the rules of her office, and using a private server for Classified the Ambassador got fired for under her watch.....................

But be careful, she might have to land under enemy sniper fire...............LOL....................

Funny thing how your side loves the LIAR OVER AN HONEST MAN..............So LIBERAL OF YOU.


Weeeeeeeee! You think Carson is an honest man. That's so sweet.
Nice deflection from one who wants another Liar N Chief.........................No comment on the Hildabeast and her Lies....................

Didn't think you TROLL THIS THREAD.
Ben Carson Just NAILED IT! Says THIS About Donald Trump and Illegal Immigration - The Political Insider

“What we really need to be talking about is how do we take care of our illegal immigration problem,” he said. “I’ve talked about that extensively. And the key thing is we have to secure all our borders—north, south, east and west.”

“And it doesn’t have to be a fence or wall,” Carson added. “That’s stupid. We have all kinds of electronic surveillance devices, drones, not to mention people. So we can do it. And then turn off the spigot that dispenses all the things that they are coming here to get. Then there won’t be any reason for them to do it.”

“I mean that’s pretty simple, and straightforward,” he said. “And I think everybody knows that. That’s there’s the ability to do it, there’s not the will to do it. It’s too juicy a political football.”

He is right of course. Also we can make them self-deport by enforcing the existing laws on being here illegally. I would have no trouble at all voting for him.
The liberal Brigade is currently practicing for their campaign against the nomination of the GOP................It is what they do, and is to be expected...........Just like on this thread as they champion another LIAR who shouldn't even be able to run for troop leader of the Girl scouts........................

A repeated KNOWN LIAR in the Hildabeast, and they will get tingling sensations up their legs........................

From an administration that has abused it's power time and time again, and has failed miserable in Foreign policy...............and improvement to that would Garbage man could do a better job................

But hey, he didn't land under sniper fire in Bosnia now did he..............LOL

He might be able to handle 2 email accounts at once..................

And a video did it.....................Too much ammo against their front running all they have is their typical nonsense in the mud.

Yes, unfortunately unless a mod breaks in, they have effectively destroyed any attempt to have a legitimate discussion on Ben Carson. I wonder why they fear him so?

I love this.

Let me try to explain how threads like this are viewed by intelligent, sane people.

The OP has voiced his hope that we can have a mature, reasonable discussion about the fine Doctor Carson and his run to the presidency. On its face, a very reasonable request.

However, one must factor in the complete lack of substance offered by the OP in making this request. It's glaring in its absence. The OP has no clue and doesn't care about the actual policy positions that this candidate feels are most important. He asks others to provide him with good reasons to vote for the candidate. And.....he only wants conservatives to join the conversation.

Now...the good part. There is ZERO chance that Ben Carson will become President of the United States. It will not happen. There is almost as little chance that he will win the GOP nomination. He's got a better chance of being tabbed as VP candidate than he does of getting the nod.....and that chance is very slim. I expect that he will leave the race shortly after the Iowa caucus, where he will not finish in the top three.

Given the fact that he is such a terrible candidate.....and hasn't been able to articulate any serious policy positions.......the "love" being shown to him by USMB nutbags is tremendously enjoyable.

Any nutbag who wants to place a wager oh Carson winning the White House can find me easily. I'll agree to,just about any set of terms that isn't a lame handicap plan. Try me.
The day I need advice from the Liberal Brigade, I'll ask for it......................You've got your own keeping the Hildabeast out of jail...........but since your side owns the DOJ now she will not get flamed for violating the rules of her office, and using a private server for Classified the Ambassador got fired for under her watch.....................

But be careful, she might have to land under enemy sniper fire...............LOL....................

Funny thing how your side loves the LIAR OVER AN HONEST MAN..............So LIBERAL OF YOU.


Weeeeeeeee! You think Carson is an honest man. That's so sweet.
Nice deflection from one who wants another Liar N Chief.........................No comment on the Hildabeast and her Lies....................

Didn't think you TROLL THIS THREAD.

I would be OK with Hillary. She's as honest as any of the GOP candidates. Especially the current front runner. Honesty isn't what nutters demand. You know that. Hillary is a pandering politician......par for that occupation. I'm not too upset by it as she is right on the fucking issues. She's not shy about talking about the issues. Have you noticed that?

I prefer Bernie, though. How's he on honesty? Got anything?

You are losing so's almost sad.
Ben Carson Just NAILED IT! Says THIS About Donald Trump and Illegal Immigration - The Political Insider

“What we really need to be talking about is how do we take care of our illegal immigration problem,” he said. “I’ve talked about that extensively. And the key thing is we have to secure all our borders—north, south, east and west.”

“And it doesn’t have to be a fence or wall,” Carson added. “That’s stupid. We have all kinds of electronic surveillance devices, drones, not to mention people. So we can do it. And then turn off the spigot that dispenses all the things that they are coming here to get. Then there won’t be any reason for them to do it.”

“I mean that’s pretty simple, and straightforward,” he said. “And I think everybody knows that. That’s there’s the ability to do it, there’s not the will to do it. It’s too juicy a political football.”

He is right of course. Also we can make them self-deport by enforcing the existing laws on being here illegally. I would have no trouble at all voting for him.

Which laws? The ones that greedy corporations ignore when they hire undocumented immigrants for near slave wages?

You might want to take a look at the economic impact of deporting all undocumented immigrants. It ain't pretty.'s complicated. And that's like cryptonite for people like you.
Yes, unfortunately unless a mod breaks in, they have effectively destroyed any attempt to have a legitimate discussion on Ben Carson. I wonder why they fear him so?

I love this.

Let me try to explain how threads like this are viewed by intelligent, sane people.

The OP has voiced his hope that we can have a mature, reasonable discussion about the fine Doctor Carson and his run to the presidency. On its face, a very reasonable request.

However, one must factor in the complete lack of substance offered by the OP in making this request. It's glaring in its absence. The OP has no clue and doesn't care about the actual policy positions that this candidate feels are most important. He asks others to provide him with good reasons to vote for the candidate. And.....he only wants conservatives to join the conversation.

Now...the good part. There is ZERO chance that Ben Carson will become President of the United States. It will not happen. There is almost as little chance that he will win the GOP nomination. He's got a better chance of being tabbed as VP candidate than he does of getting the nod.....and that chance is very slim. I expect that he will leave the race shortly after the Iowa caucus, where he will not finish in the top three.

Given the fact that he is such a terrible candidate.....and hasn't been able to articulate any serious policy positions.......the "love" being shown to him by USMB nutbags is tremendously enjoyable.

Any nutbag who wants to place a wager oh Carson winning the White House can find me easily. I'll agree to,just about any set of terms that isn't a lame handicap plan. Try me.
The day I need advice from the Liberal Brigade, I'll ask for it......................You've got your own keeping the Hildabeast out of jail...........but since your side owns the DOJ now she will not get flamed for violating the rules of her office, and using a private server for Classified the Ambassador got fired for under her watch.....................

But be careful, she might have to land under enemy sniper fire...............LOL....................

Funny thing how your side loves the LIAR OVER AN HONEST MAN..............So LIBERAL OF YOU.


Weeeeeeeee! You think Carson is an honest man. That's so sweet.
Nice deflection from one who wants another Liar N Chief.........................No comment on the Hildabeast and her Lies....................

Didn't think you TROLL THIS THREAD.

I would be OK with Hillary. She's as honest as any of the GOP candidates. Especially the current front runner. Honesty isn't what nutters demand. You know that. Hillary is a pandering politician......par for that occupation. I'm not too upset by it as she is right on the fucking issues. She's not shy about talking about the issues. Have you noticed that?

I prefer Bernie, though. How's he on honesty? Got anything?

You are losing so's almost sad.
Aka you approve of the Hildabeast being a LIAR..........and agree that the Gov't should be bigger with the self avowed Socialist Bernie..................He's HONEST about it though.......................He openly admits it.

Who's gonna pay for it..................................BTW we ran out of money back in April...................Where's Obama's budget again...................
The liberal Brigade is currently practicing for their campaign against the nomination of the GOP................It is what they do, and is to be expected...........Just like on this thread as they champion another LIAR who shouldn't even be able to run for troop leader of the Girl scouts........................

A repeated KNOWN LIAR in the Hildabeast, and they will get tingling sensations up their legs........................

From an administration that has abused it's power time and time again, and has failed miserable in Foreign policy...............and improvement to that would Garbage man could do a better job................

But hey, he didn't land under sniper fire in Bosnia now did he..............LOL

He might be able to handle 2 email accounts at once..................

And a video did it.....................Too much ammo against their front running all they have is their typical nonsense in the mud.

Yes, unfortunately unless a mod breaks in, they have effectively destroyed any attempt to have a legitimate discussion on Ben Carson. I wonder why they fear him so?

I posted a link to statements he has made.

How about you address those?
Yes, unfortunately unless a mod breaks in, they have effectively destroyed any attempt to have a legitimate discussion on Ben Carson. I wonder why they fear him so?[/QUOTE]

Yes, I must admit.....I have this fear of ALL clowns........:bye1:
I love this.

Let me try to explain how threads like this are viewed by intelligent, sane people.

The OP has voiced his hope that we can have a mature, reasonable discussion about the fine Doctor Carson and his run to the presidency. On its face, a very reasonable request.

However, one must factor in the complete lack of substance offered by the OP in making this request. It's glaring in its absence. The OP has no clue and doesn't care about the actual policy positions that this candidate feels are most important. He asks others to provide him with good reasons to vote for the candidate. And.....he only wants conservatives to join the conversation.

Now...the good part. There is ZERO chance that Ben Carson will become President of the United States. It will not happen. There is almost as little chance that he will win the GOP nomination. He's got a better chance of being tabbed as VP candidate than he does of getting the nod.....and that chance is very slim. I expect that he will leave the race shortly after the Iowa caucus, where he will not finish in the top three.

Given the fact that he is such a terrible candidate.....and hasn't been able to articulate any serious policy positions.......the "love" being shown to him by USMB nutbags is tremendously enjoyable.

Any nutbag who wants to place a wager oh Carson winning the White House can find me easily. I'll agree to,just about any set of terms that isn't a lame handicap plan. Try me.
The day I need advice from the Liberal Brigade, I'll ask for it......................You've got your own keeping the Hildabeast out of jail...........but since your side owns the DOJ now she will not get flamed for violating the rules of her office, and using a private server for Classified the Ambassador got fired for under her watch.....................

But be careful, she might have to land under enemy sniper fire...............LOL....................

Funny thing how your side loves the LIAR OVER AN HONEST MAN..............So LIBERAL OF YOU.


Weeeeeeeee! You think Carson is an honest man. That's so sweet.
Nice deflection from one who wants another Liar N Chief.........................No comment on the Hildabeast and her Lies....................

Didn't think you TROLL THIS THREAD.

I would be OK with Hillary. She's as honest as any of the GOP candidates. Especially the current front runner. Honesty isn't what nutters demand. You know that. Hillary is a pandering politician......par for that occupation. I'm not too upset by it as she is right on the fucking issues. She's not shy about talking about the issues. Have you noticed that?

I prefer Bernie, though. How's he on honesty? Got anything?

You are losing so's almost sad.
Aka you approve of the Hildabeast being a LIAR..........and agree that the Gov't should be bigger with the self avowed Socialist Bernie..................He's HONEST about it though.......................He openly admits it.

Who's gonna pay for it..................................BTW we ran out of money back in April...................Where's Obama's budget again...................

You aren't interesting as you won't respond to what I am posting. You are a virtual straw man factory. You want honesty, you say. The MOST honest candidate is Bernie. The least honest is Trump. You prefer trump. This does not make you seem honest.
The day I need advice from the Liberal Brigade, I'll ask for it......................You've got your own keeping the Hildabeast out of jail...........but since your side owns the DOJ now she will not get flamed for violating the rules of her office, and using a private server for Classified the Ambassador got fired for under her watch.....................

But be careful, she might have to land under enemy sniper fire...............LOL....................

Funny thing how your side loves the LIAR OVER AN HONEST MAN..............So LIBERAL OF YOU.


Weeeeeeeee! You think Carson is an honest man. That's so sweet.
Nice deflection from one who wants another Liar N Chief.........................No comment on the Hildabeast and her Lies....................

Didn't think you TROLL THIS THREAD.

I would be OK with Hillary. She's as honest as any of the GOP candidates. Especially the current front runner. Honesty isn't what nutters demand. You know that. Hillary is a pandering politician......par for that occupation. I'm not too upset by it as she is right on the fucking issues. She's not shy about talking about the issues. Have you noticed that?

I prefer Bernie, though. How's he on honesty? Got anything?

You are losing so's almost sad.
Aka you approve of the Hildabeast being a LIAR..........and agree that the Gov't should be bigger with the self avowed Socialist Bernie..................He's HONEST about it though.......................He openly admits it.

Who's gonna pay for it..................................BTW we ran out of money back in April...................Where's Obama's budget again...................

You aren't interesting as you won't respond to what I am posting. You are a virtual straw man factory. You want honesty, you say. The MOST honest candidate is Bernie. The least honest is Trump. You prefer trump. This does not make you seem honest.
I replied that Hillary is a Lying Hildabeast, and that Bernie is an HONEST SOCIALIST................and I don't want more shit that we can't afford...............Unless you live under a rock we have a spending problem...........................

But types love the Liars and Socialist.....................You prove it time and time again............

WOOSH..........dang sniper fire again..............DUCK AND COVER..............
Weeeeeeeee! You think Carson is an honest man. That's so sweet.
Nice deflection from one who wants another Liar N Chief.........................No comment on the Hildabeast and her Lies....................

Didn't think you TROLL THIS THREAD.

I would be OK with Hillary. She's as honest as any of the GOP candidates. Especially the current front runner. Honesty isn't what nutters demand. You know that. Hillary is a pandering politician......par for that occupation. I'm not too upset by it as she is right on the fucking issues. She's not shy about talking about the issues. Have you noticed that?

I prefer Bernie, though. How's he on honesty? Got anything?

You are losing so's almost sad.
Aka you approve of the Hildabeast being a LIAR..........and agree that the Gov't should be bigger with the self avowed Socialist Bernie..................He's HONEST about it though.......................He openly admits it.

Who's gonna pay for it..................................BTW we ran out of money back in April...................Where's Obama's budget again...................

You aren't interesting as you won't respond to what I am posting. You are a virtual straw man factory. You want honesty, you say. The MOST honest candidate is Bernie. The least honest is Trump. You prefer trump. This does not make you seem honest.
I replied that Hillary is a Lying Hildabeast, and that Bernie is an HONEST SOCIALIST................and I don't want more shit that we can't afford...............Unless you live under a rock we have a spending problem...........................

But types love the Liars and Socialist.....................You prove it time and time again............

WOOSH..........dang sniper fire again..............DUCK AND COVER..............


How did Obama do with Sandy??? (just asking...LOL)
and thank you for reminding all of us HOW a president SHOULD act when faced with a catastrophe.......Of course, then there's Katrina...but lets not talk about that.
I agree with Carson on many issues but at first figured he would be weeded out. However, he has hung in there and is doing well.

His response to the Oregon shootings has me torn. I hate the hashtag approach but I like that he continues to proclaim his Christianity...
I agree with Carson on many issues but at first figured he would be weeded out. However, he has hung in there and is doing well.

His response to the Oregon shootings has me torn. I hate the hashtag approach but I like that he continues to proclaim his Christianity...

There is no "good" way to respond to that tragedy if you are a politician running for office. You know you will be asked and your answer, no matter what it is, will make one group angry, another satisfied, and still another disappointed.

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