Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

So the FBI are 'leftists'? LOL

Ok then bye bye now.

No dumbass. Try a little reading comprehension. Limp-wristed liberals suddenly LOVE the FBI when they do THEIR bidding but HATE cops every other day. Get it together, will you?
and right wingers love law enforcement especially when they kill unarmed suspects and always say, ''if they didn't try to resist arrest, they would be alive today. They should have followed the cop's orders etc etc etc''.... hypocrites abound with the ''cons'' as well, eh?

Not all, but certain partisans, on both sides, are all too happy to jump up and cheer on the police when it suits them. It's a pretty sickening display. And it says a whole lot about those individuals. Such people have no respect for law and order. They simply care about force and power.
Ammon Bundy will be having a lot of foot longs and will be squealing like a pig for the foreseeable future
Authorities: Shots fired during arrest of leader of Ore. group, 1 dead

These were whites. According to libs....white privilege was supposed to protect them.

Hey libs....see....when you attack the cops....you end up shot. Even crackas.
I am sure it makes you rigid to see such actions....

A criminal attacked a cop and got shot.

It doesn't make me cringe any more than a leaf falling from a tree. It's what happens.

He was involved in the armed takeover of a government building and was allowed to stay there for weeks. Do you really think that would have happened if he wasn't white?

Yeah I do. It was a building in bum fuck nowhere. No hostages. No risk to bystanders. In mid winter. Why risk cops lives when you can wait them out until they get restless and move on their own....which they did. Completely controllable.

Had they taken over the Federal Building in...say....downtown Portland or Seattle....it would've gone far different. Urban area. Thousands of others nearby. Needs to be handled quickly because it can grow out of control much quicker.

See the difference?
You cant let people just take over federal buildings and hold them forever.

The law must be, in the end, respected completely.
Authorities: Shots fired during arrest of leader of Ore. group, 1 dead

These were whites. According to libs....white privilege was supposed to protect them.

Hey libs....see....when you attack the cops....you end up shot. Even crackas.
I am sure it makes you rigid to see such actions....

A criminal attacked a cop and got shot.

It doesn't make me cringe any more than a leaf falling from a tree. It's what happens.

He was involved in the armed takeover of a government building and was allowed to stay there for weeks. Do you really think that would have happened if he wasn't white?
Absolutely not...but unfortunately what happened at Waco and Ruby Ridge left the govt. with a lot of dirt on their face that they know can spark a larger rebellion if they try anymore strong arm tactics....But what is different with Obama as president is that is not how he wants to deal with those situations..Obama just stopped the solitary confinement of juveniles in federal correctional facilities..thank goodness......

Whether or not Obama ordered it handled this way....it was handled in a tactically smart fashion.

Building in middle of nowhere. No hostages. No bystanders. Mid winter.

Wait them out. When they move...and they will....that's the opportunity and that's how they did it.

Good job LEOs.

We dont really know the full facts yhet, so lets not condemn the federalis just yet till we actually know something reliable, mmk?
Ammon Bundy will be having a lot of foot longs and will be squealing like a pig for the foreseeable future
Wow, you really get off on the thought of white men getting raped.

Why is that, whiney little Batshit?
So the FBI are 'leftists'? LOL

Ok then bye bye now.

No dumbass. Try a little reading comprehension. Limp-wristed liberals suddenly LOVE the FBI when they do THEIR bidding but HATE cops every other day. Get it together, will you?

You're angry Colonel Flagg, maybe you can find Major Burns and 'git them commies'.

It gets really tiring the cliches that have no meaning that conservatives say among themselves and think they are manna that dripped from 'god's mouth.

Conservatives are weak and scared, thus the unreasonable need to sling an AR-15 over their shoulder when going to Wendy's. But your memes allow you to believe the opposite.

Whatever floats your boat. Go say hi to Klinger for me.

And relax Columbo. No one is happy when one of these people gets shot or killed. If you read my post I put the blame on Bundy, where it belongs. Someone dead for no reason.
Yeah I do.
Yeah, but you're not smart. It would be the daily/nightly FoxNews story every single day if this was a Black Lives Matter group who were committing Federal crimes. Bill O'Reilly's head would have exploded, and there would be constant derision of the president for being "weak" dealing with those "thugs".

I'd add "...and you know it", but like I said, you're not smart.
Yeah if blacks did this they would've been smashed right? Except.....blacks burned and looted Baltimore and Ferguson and the police basically stood back and watched.

Yeah....spare us the crybaby act. Yall burn loot and riot and get....what was the phrase...."space to destroy"?
What? No cry baby shit about police brutality? Oh, wait...these dude's are white...nevermind.
Ammon Bundy is the leader of a group of protesters occupying a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon.
(CNN)Federal authorities arrested Ammon Bundy, the leader of a group of protesters occupying a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon, and several of his followers in a traffic stop Tuesday, a law enforcement official told CNN.

Shots were fired after authorities made the stop, the source said. It's not clear who fired first.

Developing story - more to come

CNN's Evan Perez contributed to this report.
Oregon protest leader Ammon Bundy is arrested - CNN.com
Good thing they are not black, they would have had to shoot first, answer questions later...

Like when the Fed's shot up Black Lives Matter protesters in Baltimore? Wait, that didn't happen...did it?

Maybe you could give us an example from this century of the Fed's shooting up Black folks?

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