Feds Hide List of 11 Failing Obamacare Insurers, $900 Million Tax Dollars 'LOST' (WASTED!)


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Federal officials have a secret list of 11 Obamacare health insurance co-ops they fear are on the verge of failure, but they refuse to disclose them to the public or to Congress

Just in the last three weeks, five of the original 24 Obamacare co-ops announced plans to close, bringing the total of FAILURES to nine barely two years after their launch with $2 billion in start-up capital from the taxpayers under the Affordable Care Act

All 24 received 15-year loans in varying amounts to offer health insurance to poor and low income customers and provide publicly funded competition to private, for-profit insurers.

Nearly half a million failing co-op customers will have to find new coverage in 2016. More than $900 million of the original $2 billion in loans has been lost (WASTED).


A year after Democrats rammed the ACA into law against the majority opposition of the American people, Harry Reid ADMITTED in an interview that 'The ACA was NEVER intended to succeed but was meant to be a 'bridge' to the government-preferred Single-Payer'. He went on to add that they EXPECTED IT TO FAIL but that it was failing FASTER than expected.



THAT should have been the Lie of the Year, not that you could keep your doctor / plan if you wanted!

Let's forget for a second that no government in world history has ever created a social program that did not cost a dime and / of paid for itself....

'Won't Cost a Dime'? ACCORDING TO THE CBO:
It estimated that the total net cost of the insurance coverage provisions of the law would be $1.35 trillion over 10 years, from 2016 through 2025. This net cost includes gross costs of $1.993 trillion, which includes spending on subsidies for insurance obtained through the exchanges, tax credits to small businesses and expanded Medicaid coverage, minus revenues of $643 billion, which includes penalty payments from those who don’t obtain insurance and employers who don’t provide it.

$500 Billion was cut from Medicare to help offset the cost (which Obama said did NOT exist) of Obamacare.

As of Sept 24, 2014, the COST of the Obamacare Web Site, that STILL doesn't work as predicted / hoped, surpassed $2 BILLION dollars!
Obamacare Website Costs Exceed $2 Billion, Study Finds


The ACA will not go down in history as one of Obama's greatest achievements, a gift of 'free' / 'better' healthcare bestowed on America from its benevolent leader...

No, it will go down as the nation's LARGEST, EXPENSIVE, BIG-GOVERNMENT SOCIALIST POWER-GRABS SOLD TO THE NATION ON LIES, a program where the Socialist DNC Government declared to AMERICANS that they HAD NO RIGHT to know what was in the legislation being IMPOSED on them a program this administration FORCED on its citizens through monetary PUNISHMENT if it failed to comply with the government's EDICT, a program that FAILED, costing Americans their FREEDOM to choose their own healthcare and cost TRILLIONS!
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Ooo, a "secret list"! Which you and your source somehow have access to. Extraordinary.

I mean, it's not as if for-profit insurers have to issue quarterly reports to all their investors or anything....
Ooo, a "secret list"! Which you and your source somehow have access to. Extraordinary.

I mean, it's not as if for-profit insurers have to issue quarterly reports to all their investors or anything....
Awwww, it's so cute when Obama-zombies get all pissed when negative stories about Obama are released. They >poof< like a frightened cat, ignore the media and reported facts, and lash out at whoever posts the story.
Ooo, a "secret list"! Which you and your source somehow have access to. Extraordinary.

I mean, it's not as if for-profit insurers have to issue quarterly reports to all their investors or anything....
Awwww, it's so cute when Obama-zombies get all pissed when negative stories about Obama are released. They >poof< like a frightened cat, ignore the media and reported facts, and lash out at whoever posts the story.

Cool story, bro. Off-topic already? Is it because you don't understand how for-profit insurers function?
CO-OP FLOP: The Biggest Obamacare Disaster You’ve Never Heard About

It’s an Obamacare story with every imaginable outrage — blatant conflicts of interest, millions of tax dollars going to political cronies, thousands of Americans left without health insurance, lavish pay for incompetent executives, federal funds diverted illegally, multiple congressional investigations, insider trading convictions and big decisions made behind closed doors. There is even a child abuser.

President Obama promised the co-ops would help lower medical costs by competing with profit-driven private companies. You've heard about THAT...but what you have NOT heard about, as the media continues to protect their favorite Liberal Presidential Failure:

- Seven of the co-ops have closed.
- One third of Obamacare co-ops have failed.
- New York’s Obamacare co-op drew the most consumer complaints.
- Feds admit more Obamacare co-op failures are coming.
- Obamacare co-op execs hid millions in lavish pay, consulting fees.
- House panel says Obamacare co-op illegally diverted $25 million.
- ‘Luxurious’ funding lets Obamacare co-ops undercut commercial rivals.
- Obamacare co-ops mostly not ready for opening day.
- Four investigations of Obamacare co-ops.
- Obamacare’s Louisiana co-op riddled with self-dealing, conflicts of interest.
- Groups led by insider trader, child abuser got Obamacare co-op loans.
- Obama political ally got $340 million Obamacare co-op loan.
- Obamacare co-ops being formed behind closed doors.


Wooohoooo... :banana:
There are several threads about the co-ops. If you're changing the subject, it only confirms you know nothing about for-profit insurers.


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