Federal Judge Prevents Biden From Ending Trump 'Remain In Mexico' Policy


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'A federal judge has prevented the Biden administration from ending the “Remain in Mexico” immigration policy introduced by the Trump administration, ruling on Thursday that it should stay in place while legal challenges play out. '

Its not like Biden is enforcing it anyway - a reported 1400 illegals are crossing a day, and Mexico's military is reportedly escorting bus-loads of illegals to the border.

'A federal judge has prevented the Biden administration from ending the “Remain in Mexico” immigration policy introduced by the Trump administration, ruling on Thursday that it should stay in place while legal challenges play out. '

Its not like Biden is enforcing it anyway - a reported 1400 illegals are crossing a day, and Mexico's military is reportedly escorting bus-loads of illegals to the border.

This is pointless and stupid. It ended on day 2 of the Biden administration and for it to work the way it was working, it had to be supported Mexico. When Joe screwed it up on day 2, he opened the gates, Mexico stepped aside and let them pass freely across their country to our border. Biden Admin realized they screwed up and tried to talk Mexico back into it, but no. They are pretty much hands-off, at this point for multiple reasons. Without the assistance of Mexico, it doesn't matter if the program lives or dies officially. Unofficially it is already dead.
This is pointless and stupid. It ended on day 2 of the Biden administration and for it to work the way it was working, it had to be supported Mexico. When Joe screwed it up on day 2, he opened the gates, Mexico stepped aside and let them pass freely across their country to our border. Biden Admin realized they screwed up and tried to talk Mexico back into it, but no. They are pretty much hands-off, at this point for multiple reasons. Without the assistance of Mexico, it doesn't matter if the program lives or dies officially. Unofficially it is already dead.

Trump forced Mexican compliance by threatening foreign aid to their country. It can be done if somebody really wants to do it which Dementia doesn't. He wants an open border and to end Title 42 among other things. The faster he can destroy this country, the better for his party.
This is pointless and stupid. It ended on day 2 of the Biden administration and for it to work the way it was working, it had to be supported Mexico. When Joe screwed it up on day 2, he opened the gates, Mexico stepped aside and let them pass freely across their country to our border. Biden Admin realized they screwed up and tried to talk Mexico back into it, but no. They are pretty much hands-off, at this point for multiple reasons. Without the assistance of Mexico, it doesn't matter if the program lives or dies officially. Unofficially it is already dead.

Biden couldn't talk anyone into anything positive for America. He's that big of a joke and this past day filling the White House with depraved individuals as he signed a "marriage" bill further cemented the beclowning of America.
Trump forced Mexican compliance by threatening foreign aid to their country. It can be done if somebody really wants to do it which Dementia doesn't. He wants an open border and to end Title 42 among other things. The faster he can destroy this country, the better for his party.

Schumer admitted it a few weeks ago when he mentioned amnesty for 11 million or "whatever the number" (he knows it is 30 million or so). Then fast-track citizenship.

Now Biden is dumbing down the citizenship test.

This is pointless and stupid. It ended on day 2 of the Biden administration and for it to work the way it was working, it had to be supported Mexico. When Joe screwed it up on day 2, he opened the gates, Mexico stepped aside and let them pass freely across their country to our border. Biden Admin realized they screwed up and tried to talk Mexico back into it, but no. They are pretty much hands-off, at this point for multiple reasons. Without the assistance of Mexico, it doesn't matter if the program lives or dies officially. Unofficially it is already dead.

It was weak leadership on Biden's part , period and It's not exactly pointless. It needs to go down as part of Biden's legacy
Biden couldn't talk anyone into anything positive for America. He's that big of a joke and this past day filling the White House with depraved individuals as he signed a "marriage" bill

Meantime, the bill is pointless because what it pretends to fix was already legislated way back in 1967!

But can't you just wait until Biden is forced out of office and THIS THING is in his place
to crack the whip with Mexico?!

Trump forced Mexican compliance by threatening foreign aid to their country. It can be done if somebody really wants to do it which Dementia doesn't. He wants an open border and to end Title 42 among other things. The faster he can destroy this country, the better for his party.
I never knew what deal Trump struck. I assumed it was some kind of bribe, and Mexico was not willing to go back to the "keep them at their southern border policy" because they wanted more than the original, since Joe was the one that called it off.
It was weak leadership on Biden's part , period and It's not exactly pointless. It needs to go down as part of Biden's legacy
It will.
This is pointless and stupid. It ended on day 2 of the Biden administration and for it to work the way it was working, it had to be supported Mexico. When Joe screwed it up on day 2, he opened the gates, Mexico stepped aside and let them pass freely across their country to our border. Biden Admin realized they screwed up and tried to talk Mexico back into it, but no. They are pretty much hands-off, at this point for multiple reasons. Without the assistance of Mexico, it doesn't matter if the program lives or dies officially. Unofficially it is already dead.
Yes, but that's also a POS CIA puppet that did that.
Yes, but that's also a POS CIA puppet that did that.
Just Joe, being a politician, paying back key supporters instead of a moderate President, (I suspect) at the immediate day 2 cost of any pretense of acting in moderation, stupidly caving to the far left open borders crowd wanting cheap day labor, I guess, and increased spending on the social umbrella supporting the illegals as that money is spent somewhere in the economy.
Just Joe, being a politician, paying back key supporters instead of a moderate President, (I suspect) at the immediate day 2 cost of any pretense of acting in moderation, stupidly caving to the far left open borders crowd wanting cheap day labor, I guess, and increased spending on the social umbrella supporting the illegals as that money is spent somewhere in the economy.

That's the least of their concern. The big game plan is to get as many into the country as possible and grant blanket amnesty. That would give them the right to vote making us a single-party government forever which would be the end of the Great Experiment. Soon afterwards we will be a Socialist country followed by Communism.
I never knew what deal Trump struck. I assumed it was some kind of bribe, and Mexico was not willing to go back to the "keep them at their southern border policy" because they wanted more than the original, since Joe was the one that called it off.

Mexico was very unhappy with the policy because Trump's demand also included they stop migrants from crossing their country to get to our border. Upon that warning they sent the Mexican military to their borders to stop people instead of escorting them to our country and recording the events. When people realized it would be near impossible to get here, they quit coming.
Meantime, the bill is pointless because what it pretends to fix was already legislated way back in 1967!

But can't you just wait until Biden is forced out of office and THIS THING is in his place
to crack the whip with Mexico?!

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The problem is the damage will be done and there's nothing we will be able to do to reverse it. It would take over a generation of President Trump's to get rid of all these people.
It's a moot point with this marxist anti white administration.

the Communists realized long ago it's white people that are stopping them from total domination of this country. Solution? Make white people a minority as soon as possible.
That's the least of their concern. The big game plan is to get as many into the country as possible and grant blanket amnesty. That would give them the right to vote making us a single-party government forever which would be the end of the Great Experiment. Soon afterwards we will be a Socialist country followed by Communism.
I am not sure if that would pass the review of the Supreme Court, not on conservative lines of a divided court, but on constitutional lines.
Mexico was very unhappy with the policy because Trump's demand also included they stop migrants from crossing their country to get to our border. Upon that warning they sent the Mexican military to their borders to stop people instead of escorting them to our country and recording the events. When people realized it would be near impossible to get here, they quit coming.
I knew of them holding them at their southern border, though I didn't at the time. I didn't know it until they were turned loose at Joe's invite and public announcement. Then they showed up at our border, people said where the hell did all these come from? Which is easy for me to say, but Biden administration should have known what and approximately how many they were giving open invitation to and had a plan. I don't think they had a clue and definitely did not have a plan, nor have they developed one.
That's the least of their concern. The big game plan is to get as many into the country as possible and grant blanket amnesty. That would give them the right to vote making us a single-party government forever which would be the end of the Great Experiment. Soon afterwards we will be a Socialist country followed by Communism.

Sad but true, that is their goal. The problem is, the Democrats in this country that vote for these people are asleep and too concerned with inconsequential stuff like pronouns, reparations, trans-rights, et. al. to focus on the real issues.

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