Federal illegal alien sweep nets 3000 criminals in 7 days!


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

MERGING W/ existing thread

Ice rounded up illegal aliens in Nevada today in Reno and Las Vegas.:clap2:
Not yet on the internet.
Ice rounded up illegal aliens in Nevada today in Reno and Las Vegas.:clap2:
Not yet on the internet.

They're just busting a few people to make it look like they're actually doing their jobs.

It's a show. Nothing more. I wouldn't be surprised if they just take em in then release them in a few days.
ICE announces criminal immigrant roundup

Sep 28, 2011
Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) - After months of complaints from immigrant advocates, the Obama administration promised in August that immigration authorities would start focusing their scarce resources on finding and deporting serious criminals, and largely leave alone immigrants whose only offense was crossing the border illegally.

To prove the point, more than 1,900 Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials spent the last week arresting nearly 3,000 criminal illegal immigrants in a nationwide sweep.

ICE announces criminal immigrant roundup - KTVN Channel 2 - Reno Tahoe News Weather, Video -
merged with existing thread


Feds Arrest 2,900 Illegal Immigrants with Criminal Records

Wednesday, 28 Sep 201l

An illegal alien crackdown has happened nationwide, halleluiah, called Operation “Cross Check”. The crackdown swept 50 states with the help of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, along with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). All the illegal aliens arrested had criminal records.

The 7 day sweep netted 2,900 illegal aliens with all with criminal records it’s said to be the largest effort by law enforcement and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the history of the United States.

The 1,900 (ICE) agents and the many law enforcement officers across the country had their hands full removing convicted criminals that were wanted and illegally in the country. Over half of the illegal aliens were wanted for “felonies included manslaughter, attempted murder, kidnapping, armed robbery, drug trafficking, child abuse, sexual crimes against minors, and aggravated assault.” These hardened criminals will no longer be able to prey on innocent American men, women and children in America!

Operation “Cross Check” also, arrested illegal aliens in “four US territories: Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.”

I shout kudos to the U.S. government for their effort on removing the dangerous illegal aliens from our streets and cities and towns. Americans deserve to feel safe in their own country. There is much more to be done and I hope this is just the start.

We are a nation of laws and The Rule of Law is meant to be followed by all. The Rule of Law is not too obeyed by some but to be obeyed by all that reside in America. There are no exceptions everyone must obey the same laws. Immigrants must come the right way or don’t come at all!
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Everyone should contact their politicians and demand that they close the border with Mexico and secure our ports and border and deport all illegal aliens. Or you will vote them out of office. There are approx. 20 million illegal aliens in America and this raid is just a drop in the bucket of what has to be done, what must be done! Let your voice be heard or all they hear are the pro-illegal alien supporters.

Contact Elected Officials:



(202) 224-3121 the White House phone number


Capital Switch Board:

1 (866) 220-0044
1 (800) 862-5530?
1 (877) 851-6437

US Congressional Switch Board

1 (800) 833-6354
1 (866) 340-9281
1 (877) 762-8762

The illegal aliens are drag on this country and financial drain on our economy!

ICE Agents Arrest 56 Criminal Illegals in Phoenix


Wednesday, 28 Sep 2011

PHOENIX ARIZONA – Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) arrested 56 illegal aliens as a part of President Obama’s nationwide illegal alien sweep called Operation Cross Check. His main objective was to remove illegal aliens who were previously convicted of a crime and who were illegally in the country.

In the Phoenix area (ICE) and the police went into the Barrio’s and neighborhoods looking for illegal aliens who are hiding in plain sight. All the illegal aliens that were arrested had criminal records and were illegally in the country.

It’s a shame they could only find 56 illegals because Arizona has a huge population of illegal aliens working jobs and living in public housing and sending their kids to public schools and collecting welfare checks. They’re stealing money from the American taxpayers and should be deported.

Authorities found illegal aliens ranging from gang bangers, drug pushers to child abusers. One person in a neighbor where a sweep took place said he hadn’t realized that the teen living next door to him was a gang member criminal and was in trouble with the law. He was amazed that it was right under his nose and he didn’t see it.

Many of the illegal aliens that were arrested have served time either in jails or prisons or both. Some others were on parole or probation and “some were deported, but came back into the country illegally.” Even if these criminals get deported there is a chance for them to sneak back across the border as many have done before. That's why we need to close the border with Mexico and put armed guards on it.

As Americans we need to make our wishes heard by the politicians that we want the Southern border closed and guarded and all illegal alien deported no matter what their criminal status is.

It’s taken so long to get the government to do anything because there are too few Americans complaining and demanding to deport illegal aliens and close the Southern border. The Hispanic pro-illegal aliens complain 24/7 using non-profit organization monies given to them by government grants. The taxpayers fund those grants out of their hard earned paycheck.

The Hispanics Organizations receives millions and millions of dollars every year from the government. Who do you think pays for it, certainly not the Hispanics. Every dollar you make there are taxes taken out to support the illegal aliens whether you want it or not. The only way to make it stop is start contacting your politicians and start DEMANDING that the Southern border be closed and guarded and that ALL illegal aliens deported ASAP!

Thank You.
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Man arrested in Grand Island as part of national illegal immigration operation

Man arrested in G.I. as part of national illegal immigration operation > The Independent > News > Local

Jose Garcia-Gonzalez, 43, of Mexico was arrested at his place of employment in Grand Island. He had previously been convicted of attempted drug possession and felony child abuse.

Garcia-Gonzalez's criminal history includes arrests and/or convictions for theft in 1990 and 1994, evading arrest in 1994, drugs in 2002, driving under the influence and child abuse in 2002, and writing bad checks and driving under the influence in 2006.
Hey, don't be afraid to post how many illegals were captured in your state! It's time to celebrate we have a victory no matter how small it is!
So..um..I guess another thing Obama's not getting credit for..


I'm sure the Hispanics are loving him right about now. I love the way they took the Hook, Line and Sinker! Obama promised them everything and amnesty to get their votes and then he puts the screws to them. What a Guy!

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