Federal Gov't Will Be Unable To Pay All Bills Sooner Than Expected, due to new tax law


Gold Member
Apr 29, 2016
Chicago, IL
Federal government will be unable to pay all bills sooner than expected, due to new tax law

- Federal government will be unable to pay all bills sooner than expected, due to new tax law -

The U.S. gov't’s cash reserves are expected to run out faster than expected, the Congressional Budget Office said Wed., a result of lost revenue from last yr.’s tax cut law. If the debt ceiling isn’t raised by the 1st half of March, CBO said, “the gov't would be unable to pay its obligations fully, & it would delay making payments for its activities, default on its debt obligations, or both.”

Boy, am I glad that they really thought thru what applying the tax cuts in Feb. already means for the budget. :102:

I guess Republicans needed to pass "something" before the yr. was out so Trump could stand on his soapbox & lie about how much they've done! He's the only person in the history of this country that would brag about the installment of a stolen Assoc. Supreme Court Justice over & over again! He's a tool along with his supporters & I guess I should feel sorry for the country, but for this creature to even be close to the Oval Office is probably justice & punishment for allowing the country to be taken over by cons. who couldn't care less about "the people!" Consolidating their power was all encompassing & it was allowed to happen thru apathy, complacency, & a true lack of logical thought while our own homes were burning around us! I hope that extra $20 a wk. we got from the tax cut makes it all worthwhile going thru this mess now! :1peleas:
Federal government will be unable to pay all bills sooner than expected, due to new tax law

- Federal government will be unable to pay all bills sooner than expected, due to new tax law -

The U.S. gov't’s cash reserves are expected to run out faster than expected, the Congressional Budget Office said Wed., a result of lost revenue from last yr.’s tax cut law. If the debt ceiling isn’t raised by the 1st half of March, CBO said, “the gov't would be unable to pay its obligations fully, & it would delay making payments for its activities, default on its debt obligations, or both.”

Boy, am I glad that they really thought thru what applying the tax cuts in Feb. already means for the budget. :102:

I guess Republicans needed to pass "something" before the yr. was out so Trump could stand on his soapbox & lie about how much they've done! He's the only person in the history of this country that would brag about the installment of a stolen Assoc. Supreme Court Justice over & over again! He's a tool along with his supporters & I guess I should feel sorry for the country, but for this creature to even be close to the Oval Office is probably justice & punishment for allowing the country to be taken over by cons. who couldn't care less about "the people!" Consolidating their power was all encompassing & it was allowed to happen thru apathy, complacency, & a true lack of logical thought while our own homes were burning around us! I hope that extra $20 a wk. we got from the tax cut makes it all worthwhile going thru this mess now! :1peleas:

Don't get used to that $20. It's gonna be taken back before too long. You didn't think your tax break would be permanent like businesses and millionaires get do you?
It would have been a bit more "honest" if Trump in his SOTU would have stated at the end..."....by the way, enjoy those temporary tax breaks, middle class, because the reality is that we're really broke...."
It would have been a bit more "honest" if Trump in his SOTU would have stated at the end..."....by the way, enjoy those temporary tax breaks, middle class, because the reality is that we're really broke...."

Whose fault would that be?

Democrats, who managed to double to the debt very recently, and supported social security, medicaid, medicare that are in the hole to the tune of 150 trillion dollars. All in the name of free shit, that you can't get enough of worshiping.

That's who.
Whose fault would that be?

Democrats, who managed to double to the debt very recently, and supported social security, medicaid, medicare that are in the hole to the tune of 150 trillion dollars. All in the name of free shit, that you can't get enough of worshiping.

That's who.

Yes, morons like you would "think" that this tax scam is ultimately the fault of democrats........That Trump Cult is still delusional....
Whose fault would that be?

Democrats, who managed to double to the debt very recently, and supported social security, medicaid, medicare that are in the hole to the tune of 150 trillion dollars. All in the name of free shit, that you can't get enough of worshiping.

That's who.

Yes, morons like you would "think" that this tax scam is ultimately the fault of democrats........That Trump Cult is still delusional....

The middle class not getting looted by you is a brilliant thing. We need more of that...

Cut spending.
Federal government will be unable to pay all bills sooner than expected, due to new tax law

- Federal government will be unable to pay all bills sooner than expected, due to new tax law -

The U.S. gov't’s cash reserves are expected to run out faster than expected, the Congressional Budget Office said Wed., a result of lost revenue from last yr.’s tax cut law. If the debt ceiling isn’t raised by the 1st half of March, CBO said, “the gov't would be unable to pay its obligations fully, & it would delay making payments for its activities, default on its debt obligations, or both.”

Boy, am I glad that they really thought thru what applying the tax cuts in Feb. already means for the budget. :102:

I guess Republicans needed to pass "something" before the yr. was out so Trump could stand on his soapbox & lie about how much they've done! He's the only person in the history of this country that would brag about the installment of a stolen Assoc. Supreme Court Justice over & over again! He's a tool along with his supporters & I guess I should feel sorry for the country, but for this creature to even be close to the Oval Office is probably justice & punishment for allowing the country to be taken over by cons. who couldn't care less about "the people!" Consolidating their power was all encompassing & it was allowed to happen thru apathy, complacency, & a true lack of logical thought while our own homes were burning around us! I hope that extra $20 a wk. we got from the tax cut makes it all worthwhile going thru this mess now! :1peleas:
Take away the credit cards ... it worked for my old lady.
Of course, this will help fulfill Paul Ryan's wet dream of cutting Medicare and Medicaid so that a bunch of CEOs could donate more money to re-elect the GOP whores.
It would have been a bit more "honest" if Trump in his SOTU would have stated at the end..."....by the way, enjoy those temporary tax breaks, middle class, because the reality is that we're really broke...."

Whose fault would that be?

Democrats, who managed to double to the debt very recently, and supported social security, medicaid, medicare that are in the hole to the tune of 150 trillion dollars. All in the name of free shit, that you can't get enough of worshiping.

That's who.

That's BS; more like "W's" credit card debt showing up during Obama's admin. era with more tax cuts and the continuation of his wars started 15 years ago! That's hardly on Obama; just presided over it! He had a fairly successful admin. and no matter what Trump does trying to eliminate any trace of him it won't work! :1peleas:
It would have been a bit more "honest" if Trump in his SOTU would have stated at the end..."....by the way, enjoy those temporary tax breaks, middle class, because the reality is that we're really broke...."

Whose fault would that be?

Democrats, who managed to double to the debt very recently, and supported social security, medicaid, medicare that are in the hole to the tune of 150 trillion dollars. All in the name of free shit, that you can't get enough of worshiping.

That's who.

That's BS; more like "W's" credit card debt showing up during Obama's admin. era with more tax cuts and the continuation of his wars started 15 years ago! That's hardly on Obama; just presided over it! He had a fairly successful admin. and no matter what Trump does trying to eliminate any trace of him it won't work! :1peleas:

The democrats had control, but somehow it's not their fault?

Strange aversion of responsibility, blame yourself. They doubled the debt and supported the war on almost every step.
It would have been a bit more "honest" if Trump in his SOTU would have stated at the end..."....by the way, enjoy those temporary tax breaks, middle class, because the reality is that we're really broke...."

Whose fault would that be?

Democrats, who managed to double to the debt very recently, and supported social security, medicaid, medicare that are in the hole to the tune of 150 trillion dollars. All in the name of free shit, that you can't get enough of worshiping.

That's who.

That's BS; more like "W's" credit card debt showing up during Obama's admin. era with more tax cuts and the continuation of his wars started 15 years ago! That's hardly on Obama; just presided over it! He had a fairly successful admin. and no matter what Trump does trying to eliminate any trace of him it won't work! :1peleas:

The democrats had control, but somehow it's not their fault?

Strange aversion of responsibility, blame yourself.

So Trump and Reps control it all now and we're still going broke! What about that? Look before you leap please! :10:
The democrats had control, but somehow it's not their fault?

For almost 8 fucking years democrats have NOT had control of anything but the WH......are you really THAT dumb?
(forget I asked.)
It would have been a bit more "honest" if Trump in his SOTU would have stated at the end..."....by the way, enjoy those temporary tax breaks, middle class, because the reality is that we're really broke...."

Whose fault would that be?

Democrats, who managed to double to the debt very recently, and supported social security, medicaid, medicare that are in the hole to the tune of 150 trillion dollars. All in the name of free shit, that you can't get enough of worshiping.

That's who.

That's BS; more like "W's" credit card debt showing up during Obama's admin. era with more tax cuts and the continuation of his wars started 15 years ago! That's hardly on Obama; just presided over it! He had a fairly successful admin. and no matter what Trump does trying to eliminate any trace of him it won't work! :1peleas:

The democrats had control, but somehow it's not their fault?

Strange aversion of responsibility, blame yourself.

So Trump and Reps control it all now and we're still going broke! What about that? Look before you leap please! :10:

After doubling the debt, the Trump tax cuts cost peanuts.

Must be difficult to deal with that reality.

Of course, you are very scared about the fact that Americans get to keep their earnings. Why? Because it works...
Federal government will be unable to pay all bills sooner than expected, due to new tax law

- Federal government will be unable to pay all bills sooner than expected, due to new tax law -

The U.S. gov't’s cash reserves are expected to run out faster than expected, the Congressional Budget Office said Wed., a result of lost revenue from last yr.’s tax cut law. If the debt ceiling isn’t raised by the 1st half of March, CBO said, “the gov't would be unable to pay its obligations fully, & it would delay making payments for its activities, default on its debt obligations, or both.”

Boy, am I glad that they really thought thru what applying the tax cuts in Feb. already means for the budget. :102:

I guess Republicans needed to pass "something" before the yr. was out so Trump could stand on his soapbox & lie about how much they've done! He's the only person in the history of this country that would brag about the installment of a stolen Assoc. Supreme Court Justice over & over again! He's a tool along with his supporters & I guess I should feel sorry for the country, but for this creature to even be close to the Oval Office is probably justice & punishment for allowing the country to be taken over by cons. who couldn't care less about "the people!" Consolidating their power was all encompassing & it was allowed to happen thru apathy, complacency, & a true lack of logical thought while our own homes were burning around us! I hope that extra $20 a wk. we got from the tax cut makes it all worthwhile going thru this mess now! :1peleas:
Did any of the tards the penned this crap look at dates?

When Will the New Tax Plan Kick In?
Of course, you are very scared about the fact that Americans get to keep their earnings? Why? Because it works...

Only among the idiots that comprise the Trump cult.....Cheap whores, really...easily bought by a few dollars which they'll have to pay back while conglomerates LAUGH at your fucking stupidity.
Whose fault would that be?

Democrats, who managed to double to the debt very recently, and supported social security, medicaid, medicare that are in the hole to the tune of 150 trillion dollars. All in the name of free shit, that you can't get enough of worshiping.

That's who.

Yes, morons like you would "think" that this tax scam is ultimately the fault of democrats........That Trump Cult is still delusional....

When you live below the Poverty Line, like nat and spend all your money out of your rented basement space on the internet connection just so you can post your tired deluded drivel on USMB...
Listen to all the 'Demorats' squeal at the prospect of less government cheese.
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