Federal committee looking at changing the name of Devil’s Tower


Platinum Member
May 1, 2024
The indians are complaining about it!! Keep it as is and change Denali back to Mt McKinley. The pre-americans can use their name for it and whites can use theirs. That's diversity.

CROOK COUNTY, Wyoming (KIFI) - A federal committee wants to see a name change for Devil's Tower National Monument to "Bear Lodge."

That's according to draft recommendations from the June 10-11 meeting of the Reconciliation in Place Names Advisory Committee. The committee's purpose is to "identify existing federal land unit names and geographic feature names that may be considered derogatory and recommend potential replacement names to the Secretary of the Interior."

The committee says over 20 tribes with close association to the site find the name offensive, and support calling the "sacred geographic feature" called it by its Indigenous name, "Bear Lodge."

The committee says tribal leaders have sought to change the name of Devil's Tower for at least 10 years.
I think we should call it…….Close Encounters of the Third Kind Tower

The indians are complaining about it!! Keep it as is and change Denali back to Mt McKinley. The pre-americans can use their name for it and whites can use theirs. That's diversity.

Devils Tower has been Devils Tower for almost 150 years when Teddy Roosevelt made it a national monument. When we hear the term we don't think of Satan but we immediately see in our mind that distinctive rock like no other around it. Same with places like Hell's canyon. What do you think when you hear "Bear Lodge?" I think of a resort that could be anywhere. And despite the legends, I can't find anywhere that Devil's Tower is or near a bear habitat.

Why anybody would find a name to be offensive is beyond me. I don't care what they call it, but having to change all the history books, educational and entertainment references etc. just seems so unnecessary. I think people who are pushing for that sort of thing need to find something useful to do, or get a hobby that absorbs their time and attention or something.

Next they'll be wanting to call New Mexico's Shiprock, a national landmark, "The Needles" or whatever other name it was once called even though Shiprock is the perfect name for it.
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Changing the name is STUPID.

So what it is called DEVILS TOWER? Who is triggered by that?

Lefties who do not believe in God also do not believe in the Devil…so who cares?

If anything, this will reduce tourists visiting the park.
Why do we pander to the pre-americans.?
You don’t and you never have.
You lie to us.
You commit genocide against us.
You kidnap our children.
You enroll those stolen children in schools where your religion is forced on us.
You brought diseases to this land.
You poison us.
You sterilized our women.
You, sir are a liar
You don’t and you never have.
You lie to us.
You commit genocide against us.
You kidnap our children.
You enroll those stolen children in schools where your religion is forced on us.
You brought diseases to this land.
You poison us.
You sterilized our women.
You, sir are a liar
But white america also gives the indians billions of dollars in welfare every year. And also affirmative action in the job market.

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