Federal charges in the Breonna Taylor case.

Did you bother to read the articles I posted. Go back and read them, then have someone explain the big words to you.

In short- it was her car. She loaned it to Drug Kingpin Jamarcus Glover, who loaned to an associate who went out and got himself shot while delivering drugs. So, no, as some right wing posters claimed, the body wasn't "in the trunk", but it still looks really bad. Not enough to send her to jail, she had plausible deniability. But man, when her name comes up again as someone who is picking up packages for him and that she is holding his money, she's hardly the bystander the race pimps have been making her out to be.
Basically nothing that shows she was a part of any murder, which is why she was not even questioned about it. Next. What proof is there of her holding ANY packages? Even the Postal Inspector showed those claims were horseshit, but racist like you keep trying to run with it.
Wearing a ski mask in the middle of August, walking down the street flailing your arms.
Can you show me where it's against the Law to wear a ski mask in August?

Except, as much as I hate to give him credit, 2AGuy has a point. They didn't really lie. They might have drawn inferences that were incorrect, but they didn't lie.
The FBI has shown they lied, but you and 2guy have investigated this case more they have.
hoodies provide more than just physical comfort; they administer emotional comfort, too, similar to that of a weighted blanket.” Ah, this is where the scientific literature comes into play. I scurried over to the friend of every Ivory Tower academic researcher - Google Scholar. I entered the term “weighted blanket” in the search bar. Surprisingly (to me at least), there are robust and longstanding studies on the use of weighted blankets to support people on the autism spectrum, suffering from insomnia, or dealing with anxiety or hyperactivity.

Is There Science Behind Why Teens Wear Hoodies In Summer Heat?
She had a boyfriend that was into things and she left him. Bill Clinton flew around with Epstein but never left him. Fair enough?

She was still in tight contact with the guy.......which is why her apartment was one of several locations targeted with the search warrants...you know, the search warrants you guys now think are great....
And all the cops have to do to be left alone is to be a decent human but for some that is an unreachable goal.

McClain explained to them that he was an introvert that liked to be left alone. He told them where he had been and where he was going. Even pointing out his house to them. They had ZERO evidence he had done anything illegal but they had this insane need to choke him out anyway.

It would have taken 5 minutes to follow him home and then go to the store to check out his story. But they had to choke him out and drug him instead and this is the world you support.

I'm sure mistakes were made... but he resisted arrest. Acted erratically

It's why things burned.
Basically nothing that shows she was a part of any murder, which is why she was not even questioned about it. Next. What proof is there of her holding ANY packages? Even the Postal Inspector showed those claims were horseshit, but racist like you keep trying to run with it.

First, a dead body shows up in your car and it's related to a drug kingpin you are linked to, and you are a fool to think that you haven't just gotten your picture pinned to a corkboard related to that investigation.

Second- They had Glover walking out of her house with a USPS package and followed him to one of his trap houses. That the postal inspector keeps changing his story is besides the point.

Can you show me where it's against the Law to wear a ski mask in August?

The FBI has shown they lied, but you and 2guy have investigated this case more they have.


The fact that you value a drug dealer like Glover over peace officers is part of the problem. Not to worry, when the REpublicans are back in power, you are going to be whining like a little bitch.
As I've said many times, you are a poor excuse for a human.

No, the poor excuses are the ones who decided to let the mentally ill wander our streets, and then stick the cops with dealing with them.

Says first officer to plead guilty. I imagine she is going to turn on Jaynes.

Former officer charged in raid on Breonna Taylor's apartment expected to plead guilty in federal court

Yup, the rats are always the first ones off a sinking ship.
First, a dead body shows up in your car and it's related to a drug kingpin you are linked to, and you are a fool to think that you haven't just gotten your picture pinned to a corkboard related to that investigation.
Was she questioned or investigated for this so called body?
Second- They had Glover walking out of her house with a USPS package and followed him to one of his trap houses. That the postal inspector keeps changing his story is besides the point.
Lol, no wonder there no crimes are being solved. So they saw him leave her house with a box that had been sent through the USPS and just assumed it was drugs. The USPS Inspector confirmed it wasn't drugs, maybe it was a stool sample.
No more cutting the lawn with a ski mask on.

The fact that you value a drug dealer like Glover over peace officers is part of the problem. Not to worry, when the REpublicans are back in power, you are going to be whining like a little bitch.
Yep the cops can go back to murdering black folks and not have to worry about being prosecuted for it.

In the future, cops won't even bother investigating drug rings, and we can enjoy our streets flooded with drugs.

Do you people even hear yourselves half the time?
Hey, everyone needs drugs to go with all those republic guns.
Was she questioned or investigated for this so called body?

Yes, she was. Don't be daft. How do you think the cops knew who she was and her involvement with Jamarcus Glover?

Lol, no wonder there no crimes are being solved. So they saw him leave her house with a box that had been sent through the USPS and just assumed it was drugs. The USPS Inspector confirmed it wasn't drugs, maybe it was a stool sample.

The Postal Inspector has been talking out of both sides of his mouth, like a weaselly civil servant who screams "not me" when something goes south.

Yep the cops can go back to murdering black folks and not have to worry about being prosecuted for it.

Actually, people of all races will finally get fed up with crime....

This is the biggest problem with Democrats. They are soft on defense, and they are soft on Crime... and this is the main reason why white folks who don't make enough money to care about tax cuts or capital gains or regulation keep voting for the Republicans.
Yes, she was. Don't be daft. How do you think the cops knew who she was and her involvement with Jamarcus Glover?
She wasn't arrested, so they realized she wasn't involved. Something you can't seem to comprehend.
The Postal Inspector has been talking out of both sides of his mouth, like a weaselly civil servant who screams "not me" when something goes south.
So the Postal Inspector is a weasel, but cops who lied to obtain a search warrant are not. Smfh.

Actually, people of all races will finally get fed up with crime....

Black folks have been fed up with crime and police brutality for decades.
This is the biggest problem with Democrats. They are soft on defense, and they are soft on Crime... and this is the main reason why white folks who don't make enough money to care about tax cuts or capital gains or regulation keep voting for the Republicans.
Republicans talk tough and don't do shit.

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