Fears Mount- Kidnapped Priest may be Crucified on Good Friday

If the did crucify the guy, the left will have a monstrous collective orgasm. It will be the groan heard around the world.
you have proof that he was a liar?

cuz we have proof he was tending to the elderly, with 4 nuns that got murdered.

you are a complete degenerate

What proof do I have that he's lying?

He says there's a magic pixie in the sky who really cares if you are having the wrong kind of sex.

That makes him a liar.
No it doesn't make him a liar. It makes him sick with aids.
you have proof that he was a liar?

cuz we have proof he was tending to the elderly, with 4 nuns that got murdered.

you are a complete degenerate

What proof do I have that he's lying?

He says there's a magic pixie in the sky who really cares if you are having the wrong kind of sex.

That makes him a liar.
that's not proof, that's just more of your bigotry
you have proof that he was a liar?

cuz we have proof he was tending to the elderly, with 4 nuns that got murdered.

you are a complete degenerate

What proof do I have that he's lying?

He says there's a magic pixie in the sky who really cares if you are having the wrong kind of sex.

That makes him a liar.
And he deserves to be crucified for that?
And he deserves to be crucified for that?

He should be GLEEFUL to be crucified. I mean, he's going to live up his his heaven with his Sky Pixies kissing god's ass for all eternity.

Unless he knows he's full of shit, and he's scared just like the rest of us. est

I can't make up my mind who is the biggest asshole, you or paintbynumbers
Both of them are invisible assholes to me. It's a waste of time to see the shit that comes off their keyboards.
All scripts exposed by Last Prophet in advance: from years ((fake Karadzic) to nearly one year (Palmyra) and weeks (crucifixions of Cruz in the US and of catholic priest in Yemen).
All echoed by nobody
until finally aqll fulfilled on Easter 2016.

Easter 2016: Satanic celebration of ongoing and coming genocide, starting with freedom loving syrians, christians
- Figurative and real crucifixions: fake hispanic Ted Cruz (cross) to catholic priest, USA to Yemen.
- Real battle to 10 years proclamation of fake genocide during a fake battle: Srebrenica 1995 to fake Karadzic sentenced and fake liberation of Palmyra.
- And again no mock resurrection: illuminati forced to postpone "Osama Bin Laden rises from the Indian Ocean crucifoied to the missing Boeing 777" for the FIFTH year.

Illuminati celebrate Easter 2016:
Fake genocide proclaimed, fake liberation; figurative and real crucifixions. And again NO resurrection.
- Hague: "Srebrenica: Karadzic first one to be sentenced for genocide at the International Court for War Crimes, created in 1993 in response to large-scale atrocities committed by armed forces during Yugoslav Wars ", the 17th anniversary of the start of the bombing of Serbia.
- Assad and Russa, presented first time as also with ground troops, liberate Palmyra from ISIS
- "presidential candidate" Ted Cruz (cross) figuratively crucified (countless secret mistresses and children revealed), part of setting stage for mahunt for hispanics:
- catholoc priest kidnapped by ISIS during nuns masssacre in Yemen 3 weeks earlier crucified on Holy Friday

Start here
Hoaxes by the illuminati: From Srebrenica, a real battle and a fake massacre, to Palmyra, 20 years later a fake battle and a real genocide
May 2015 Palmyra, Syria: fake capture by ISIS, real genocide, COMING "liberation"
Palmyra, Syria 2015 = remake of Bamyan Buddhas, Afghanistan 2001
Palmyra: fake battle, real genocide
Fake wars and fake rebels in real wars by the illuminati: Palmyra fake capture by ISIS, real genocide, COMING "liberation"

Illuminati milestones: fake mass blood to start "humanitarian wars" starts 1994, Markale market, Sarajevo
"Coincidentally" at the city selected by the illuminati to start the grande finale, 80 years earlier.
Illuminati Milestones: Sarajevo, Markale market, 1994: start pf fake mass blood to start humanitarian wars

March 4, 2016
End Times Information Process about the Sunni and Christian Genocide:
March 2016 - Yemen: Aden nuns: false flag, real blood after countless fake Sanaa suicide bombings:
Fake war Assad/Iran/Russia & US led coalition vs ISIS pales in comparison with the fake war in "Saudi led coalition vs Houthis" in Yemen
Black Is White - have the human cattle robotically repeat it: Illuminati's third commandment: Yemen Aden nuns false flag vs Sanaa fake suicide bombings:

The Bible vs the Illuminati anti-Bible: Easter crucifixions figurative and real crucifixions, real and fake battles: USA to Yemen, Srebrenica to Palmyra. And again no mock resurrection.
Easter 2016: Satanic celebration of ongoing and coming genocide, starting with freedom loving syrians, christians
Unprecedented types of ongoing genocides

1. - Number of victims: elderly and sick in white majority countries
Nearly 100 million mostly white and mostly US, EU, Australia and Canada citizens in this millenium alone, in hospitals and care homes,
This doies not include the number of murdered unborn babies.

2. - Arsenal: syrians
The victims, almost all arabs, mostly sunnis but also chrisstians and dissidents, are so far "just" over one milllion.
HOW the genocide is being carried out is one of the reasons that makes it unprecedented:
- It started behind closed doors with extermination camps 2011
- shortly after also in public with military aircraft, including low flying helicopters dropping barrel bombs for the first time ever.
This is possible because the victims have no anti-aircraft weapons whatsoever, although Syria is bordered by countries alos with sunni majority, either absolute (Turkey and Jordan, additionally also arabs) or relative (Lebanon, also arabs).
- "coincidentally" the same sunni majority bordering countries where genocide is carried on by "Vaccination" alias vassassination, mostly of children, among the nearly five million refugees in camps.
- Mass public executions by ISIS (beheadings, crucifixions) since 2013.
Since Sep 2015 the syrian genocide became the first to be also
- officially carried out simultaneously by Russia and NATO, as russian Sukhois and Migs joined the "US led coalition" that had joined Assad one year earlier, all under the cover of fighting ISIS.
- carried out the same way and near the same locations as the holocaust: refugees forced to leave refugee camps in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, by terminating "food stamps", started to arrive in Europe to be gassed and cremated in exterminatiiom camps.

3. Majority of population of formally independent countries
Regimes of Afghanistan's Kabul, Iraq's Baghdad, Syria's Assad, South Sudan's Juba and Central African Republic's Bangui: what do they have in common?
They are all
- recognized as legitimate governments by the United Nations
- officially military protected on the ground and on the air by members the United Nations Security Council, from US jets and ground troops in Afghanistan and Iraq to russian jets and ground troops in Syria to UN "peacekeepers" in South Sudan and Central African Republic.
- participating in a genocide where the targeted are the majority of the population or in Iraq the largest religious group.
- Iraq 2003, before the genocide of sunnis and chrisitans started: sunnis were the largest group.
- Afghanistan over a decade now: almost all ethnic groups are targeted, because almost all oppose the puppet government.
- Syria: sunnis and christians were more than 80% of the population in 2011.
- South Sudan: victims are christians and freedom loving people, the largest majority of sudanese, the first people ever to break-up the colonial drawn borders.
Cover-up: "ethnic conflict" .
- Central African Republic: victims are christians. It's the first time that christians are being target for genocide in a country where they are not only the relative but also the absolute majority, in fact they are 75%.
It started witj a staged coup and "religious conflict" as cover-up. As this tactic failed the South Sudan's tactic was again applied: UN "preacekeepers".

4. In more than one continent:
- elderly and sick, mostly whites: from EU to US and Australia.
- christians: from Iraq to Cental Afican Republic:
- syrians (also afghans, iraqis and others): from Syria since 2011 to extermination camps in Europe since Sep 2015.

Great Tribulation: Easter 2016 satanic mockery:
The Bible vs the Illuminati anti-Bible: Easter crucifixions figurative and real crucifixions, real and fake battles: USA to Yemen, Srebrenica to Palmyra. And again no mock resurrection.

So ... where is Jesus in End Times?
As you would expect, the answer starts with each Easter Sunday, more precisely each one since 2012.
Osama Bin Laden's resurrection, a 9/11 2001 remake:
Original script for the remake of New York 9/11 2001.
God repeatedly postpones and irrevocably modifies the satanic script.
9/11 for dummies - The Five Basic Facts, by Matt M: Osama Bin Laden resurrection, a 9/11 2001 remake: God repeatedly postpones and irrevocably modifies the satanic script[/QUOTE]

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