Fearless leader to address the children

I just checked the Constitution to be sure..

Nowhere does it say the President is not allowed to talk to schoolchildren. Even if it is just to read "My Pet Goat"

I can't find the Federal Department of Education in my copy, mine has no mention of an Education Czar either.

Show me a single law that prohibits the President of the United States from adressing schoolchildren..

If not STFU

It's called, "Being an adult" and the President should be one and not a man child who needs love and adoration so desperately that he will go to 4th Graders!
You guys are seriously overreacting.

The President wants to talk to the children! ZOMG! Hitler youth! Obama is a dictator!


They are unfucking real. The USMB board is now borderline the AWE board where every resident of Uranus posts such illiterate slop. Yeah, so bounce me off, Gunny. But I will be replaced, so it won't matter anyway.
Hmmm.. I'm not sure why my thread was merged but so be it. Here is another example of this administration entering a classroom near you.

Students' take-home assignment: Census kits

The government has launched Census in Schools, an all-out campaign targeting superintendents, principals, teachers, students and, indirectly, parents, as schools open across the nation this month and next. The message: The Census is coming and here's why everyone should care.

The school effort is more ambitious than in 2000, the last time the government set out to count everyone. At that time, teachers had to request the material and it was available only in print. Now, the kits and lessons will arrive in every school and lesson plans can be downloaded online, where they will be available in 28 languages.

Between January and March, the Census Bureau will help plan a week of Census education in schools. During Census Week, teachers will devote 15 minutes every day for five days to the topic by discussing such things as civic participation, confidentiality or geography.

Students' take-home assignment: Census kits - USATODAY.com

And Heaven Forbid the kids should actually LEARN something like that, eh? A big NO-NO in uber conservative land?
Obama's Theme Song

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeF-wVWzVEs]YouTube - Lea Salonga - You Must Love Me from Evita (live)[/ame]
I can't find the Federal Department of Education in my copy, mine has no mention of an Education Czar either.

Show me a single law that prohibits the President of the United States from adressing schoolchildren..

If not STFU

It's called, "Being an adult" and the President should be one and not a man child who needs love and adoration so desperately that he will go to 4th Graders!

"We the People" elected President Obama
As president he values the institution of education and is free to address the children of this country on the necessity of an education. If you don't want a president who supports the education of the American children you are free to vote for the republican of your choice
Who doesn't want to hear from dear leader?

We must all sit and listen while he spreads his wisdom (based on no real life experience whatsoever) on our children.

Who wouldn't want that to happen?
Show me a single law that prohibits the President of the United States from adressing schoolchildren..

If not STFU

It's called, "Being an adult" and the President should be one and not a man child who needs love and adoration so desperately that he will go to 4th Graders!

"We the People" elected President Obama
As president he values the institution of education and is free to address the children of this country on the necessity of an education. If you don't want a president who supports the education of the American children you are free to vote for the republican of your choice

We the People elected a total fuck up who needs to be liked so badly it's dangerous
Show me a single law that prohibits the President of the United States from adressing schoolchildren..

If not STFU

It's called, "Being an adult" and the President should be one and not a man child who needs love and adoration so desperately that he will go to 4th Graders!

"We the People" elected President Obama
As president he values the institution of education and is free to address the children of this country on the necessity of an education. If you don't want a president who supports the education of the American children you are free to vote for the republican of your choice

Here's what the ManChild thinks of chillun:

"I am happy to be very clear how we enforce mandates for children, and the reason is because children don't have an option." -- America's Most UnAmerican President, Barack Adolph bin Hussein Obama

Maybe one of the kids will ask him about that?
It's called, "Being an adult" and the President should be one and not a man child who needs love and adoration so desperately that he will go to 4th Graders!

"We the People" elected President Obama
As president he values the institution of education and is free to address the children of this country on the necessity of an education. If you don't want a president who supports the education of the American children you are free to vote for the republican of your choice

Here's what the ManChild thinks of chillun:

"I am happy to be very clear how we enforce mandates for children, and the reason is because children don't have an option." -- America's Most UnAmerican President, Barack Adolph bin Hussein Obama

Maybe one of the kids will ask him about that?

Note: When you place things in parenthesis it is supposed to quote what was actually said..

Do you have a link?
Quote: Originally Posted by keee keee
He is going to ask the children to let his administration know if their parents don't agree with him, or do not support his deathcare I mean his Healthcare program. Once reported the children will be removed and sent to training camps and Parents will be interned for Obamacare treatment of disidents, racists, and nonsupporters!!! (EXTERMINATION) or medical recycling of body parts for use in sick Democrat supporters
Exactly. I called my daughter's school's principal and told him exactly that.

Wow, I can't believe you openly flaunt being so gullible, paranoid and just... just ... downright mouth-breather STUPID. Turn off fox noise and rush limpballs and go outside. Read something other than an inflammatory blog now and then. Tune in to the BBC or NPR... you know - those boring stations that actually report the news without slant? Good god, I weep for this country. Please let your poor daughter think for herself... Talk about indoctrination. Holy crap!
Look....I don't see the problem here

In 15 to 20 years when we elect a republican president again, he will be free to address schoolchildren
You guys are seriously overreacting.

The President wants to talk to the children! ZOMG! Hitler youth! Obama is a dictator!


Obama wants to talk to people who won't call him a Marxist or ask him why he shielded Ezekiel Emanuel from a public hearing, so it was either 4th graders or Libruls and he went for the smarter, more interesting group.

lol ...

That's pretty funny!

Hilarious. The ignorant attacks on this renowned medical scientist is yet another perfect example of Gullible-itis as a pandemic disease among the right-wing fringe elements.

Ezekiel Emanuel, Obama's 'Deadly Doctor,' Strikes Back
Wed Aug 12, 3:25 pm ET

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the medical ethicist and oncologist who advises President Obama, does not own a television, and if you catch him in a typically energized moment, when his mind speeds even faster than his mouth, he is likely to blurt out something like, "I hate the Internet." So it took him several days in late July to discover he had been singled out by opponents of health-care reform as a "deadly doctor," who, according to an opinion column in the New York Post, wanted to limit medical care for "a grandmother with Parkinson's or a child with cerebral palsy." (Read an interview with Obama on health care.)

"I couldn't believe this was happening to me," says Emanuel, who in addition to spending his career opposing euthanasia and working to increase the quality of care for dying patients is the brother of White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel. "It is incredible how much one's reputation can be besmirched and taken out of context." (See pictures of health care for the uninsured.)

It would only get worse. Within days, the Post article, with selective and misleading quotes from Emanuel's 200 or so published academic papers, went viral.

Minnesota Representative Michelle Bachmann, a fierce opponent of Obama's reform plans, read large portions of it on the House floor. "Watch out if you are disabled!" she warned. Days later, in an online posting, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin attacked Emanuel's "Orwellian thinking," which she suggested would lead to a "downright evil" system that would employ a "death panel" to decide who gets lifesaving health care. By Aug. 10, hysteria had begun to take over in places. Mike Sola, whose son has cerebral palsy, turned up at a Michigan town-hall meeting to shout out concerns about what he regarded as Obama and Emanuel's plans to deny treatment to their family. Later, in an interview on Fox News, Sola held up the Post article. "Every American needs to read this," he declared. (Read "What Health-Care Reform Really Means.")
The attacks on Emanuel are a reminder that there is a narrow slice of Americans who not only don't trust government, but also have come to regard it as a dark conspirator in their lives. This peculiar brand of distrust helps create the conditions for fast-moving fear-mongering, especially on complex and emotionally charged topics like the life and death of the elderly and infirm. Prairie fires of that kind are hard to douse when the Administration's own plan for health care remains vague, weeks away from being ready for a public rollout.

This is where the criticism of Emanuel enters the picture, since he is just the sort of scientist who might be appointed to one of those panels. For decades, Emanuel has studied the ethics of medical care, especially in situations where a scarcity of resources requires hard decisions to be made. His work sometimes deals with the hardest possible decisions, like how to choose who gets a single kidney if there are three patients in need, or the reasons that doctors order tests with little medical value. Emanuel's reputation ranks him among the top members of his field. He is published often in the best journals; he has been given multiple awards for work to improve end-of-life care. At the White House, he has taken a free-floating role at the Office of Management and Budget, advising on a wide range of health issues.
But in a country where trust is in short supply, Emanuel has become a proxy for all the worst fears of government efforts to rein in costs by denying care. "The fundamental danger is that the American people are being asked to delegate all these life-influencing decisions," explains Betsy McCaughey, the conservative scholar who wrote the New York Post attack on Emanuel. "There is a lack of transparency here."

In her Post article, McCaughey paints the worst possible image of Emanuel, quoting him, for instance, endorsing age discrimination for health-care distribution, without mentioning that he was only addressing extreme cases like organ donation, where there is an absolute scarcity of resources. She quotes him discussing the denial of care for people with dementia without revealing that Emanuel only mentioned dementia in a discussion of theoretical approaches, not an endorsement of a particular policy. She notes that he has criticized medical culture for trying to do everything for a patient, "regardless of the cost or effects on others," without making clear that he was not speaking of lifesaving care but of treatments with little demonstrated value. "No one who has read what I have done for 25 years would come to the conclusions that have been put out there," says Emanuel. "My quotes were just being taken out of context."
Ezekiel Emanuel, Obama's 'Deadly Doctor,' Strikes Back - Yahoo! News
"We the People" elected President Obama
As president he values the institution of education and is free to address the children of this country on the necessity of an education. If you don't want a president who supports the education of the American children you are free to vote for the republican of your choice

Here's what the ManChild thinks of chillun:

"I am happy to be very clear how we enforce mandates for children, and the reason is because children don't have an option." -- America's Most UnAmerican President, Barack Adolph bin Hussein Obama

Maybe one of the kids will ask him about that?

Note: When you place things in parenthesis it is supposed to quote what was actually said..

Do you have a link?

How many times do you want to lose these arguments with me?

Obama Scoffs at Clinton War Claim - Political Radar

Obama Scoffs at Clinton War Claim

November 28, 2007 4:32 PM

ABC News' Sunlen Miller Reports: Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., scoffed Wednesday at former President Bill Clinton's recent claim that he opposed the Iraq war from the very beginning.

"Well if he did," Obama said on a conference call with reporters, "I don't think most of us have heard about it."

"My understanding is that Senator Clinton and him were talking frequently. So you'll have to talk to them about whether they discussed this issue at all," he said.

When asked about the difference between his health care plan and Sen. Hillary Clinton's plan, Obama said they're not all that different.

But, he said, Clinton has not specified how she would enforce a mandate for coverage.

"[It's] more of a political point that she's trying to make rather than a real point," Obama said.

The issue of mandates for health care has driven the debate between Clinton and Obama for the past few weeks. Obama says he would enforce his mandate for health care for all children by fining parents if they refused to allow health care coverage for their children.

"I am happy to be very clear how we enforce mandates for children, and the reason is because children don't have an option."
Here's a Sample...

"I don't think it's too much to ask that we, the wealthiest nation in the World, could take care of the least among us"... Probably what Barry the Messianic will say...

Teachers then Ask Students to Emote about it...

"I want to help people without money... I want to help sick people..." - 4th Grader

It's Fucking Creepy, and Barry has no Shame.

Can't Sell this TRIPE the Parents (Read VOTERS), then go after their Children.

Welcome to Castro's Cuba.



Yes, real creepy. Exactly what they teach children in Christian Bible Schools, using Jesus as the example.
What's your Political Affiliation, A15?...



I'm not affiliated with a party, I'm a registered Independent.

My views on issues are liberal on some---conservative on others.

I voted for Bush in 2000, abstained in 2004, and Obama in 2008.

Then I Know who your Dog in this Fight is... And you Know Mine.


Get used to AmeriKKKa looking More and More like Castro's Cuba.



Look at it this way, Mal--at least you'd have coverage for treatment of your mental condition.
I'm not affiliated with a party, I'm a registered Independent.

My views on issues are liberal on some---conservative on others.

I voted for Bush in 2000, abstained in 2004, and Obama in 2008.

Then I Know who your Dog in this Fight is... And you Know Mine.


Get used to AmeriKKKa looking More and More like Castro's Cuba.



And in 2012 or 2016 when we have another peaceful transition of power all of these threads filled with paranoia are going to look mighty silly.

Kinda like all those nutters who thought Bush was forming a dictatorship and would find a way to keep his office.

Well, that WAS kinda hard to ignore when they came right out and said it. Not Bush, but Republican control forever. It was no secret, thus no conspiracy theory.

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