Fear of Walking Dead Season 1

Your plan is to release a horde of thousands of Walkers! What fucking assholes. Man I hate the Salazar character. I hope he becomes Walker food soon. Not to mention they released this horde onto their family, trapped civilians and a town filled with innocent people (not to mention they left the gate open to the town also, assholes). Then they created a link in the army barracks fence.

In fact I hope the whole cast gets killed!
Not on here for another hour and a half but I know what is going on since I look at spoilers.

Meanwhile, I hope the producers don't plan to have this group eventually meet up with Ricks group. None of the characters of this collective of survivors have any redeeming factors. So yeah..I hope the whole cast turns to walker food.
Well, I am on the last 10 min of the show. It wasn't so bad this week. I'm surprised at Travis, I must say! *shock*
Season 1 of FWD was a huge let down! Horrible plot. Very little action and other than the black guy every character is horrible and you root against them.

The worst scene in the season is when they had the soldier appear the garage. So fucking stupid!

I actually don't think I am going to tune in to season 2!

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Well, I am on the last 10 min of the show. It wasn't so bad this week. I'm surprised at Travis, I must say! *shock*
Season 1 of FWD was a huge let down! Horrible plot. Very little action and other than the black guy every character is horrible and you root against them.

The worst scene in the season is when they had the soldier appear the garage. So fucking stupid!

I actually don't think I am going to tune in to season 2!

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Geez, you were one of the optimistic ones, I thought! :lol:
This show is fine. It's not as good as TWD, but it's certainly watchable. I think only having 6 episodes was a problem; they tried to fit too much into a small window. I would have preferred if they had expanded on the beginnings of the zombie rise and ended the season with the soldiers coming to 'save' them. Then season 2 could have been about the breakdown in order, the problems with the remaining authority, the eventual prison break. It would have allowed for greater character development and more time to make the show unique rather than jumping right to the beginning of TWD.

Still, this was good enough that I'll watch again if there's a second season. It fills the gap between TWD seasons and maybe as they go they'll improve.
This show is fine. It's not as good as TWD, but it's certainly watchable. I think only having 6 episodes was a problem; they tried to fit too much into a small window. I would have preferred if they had expanded on the beginnings of the zombie rise and ended the season with the soldiers coming to 'save' them. Then season 2 could have been about the breakdown in order, the problems with the remaining authority, the eventual prison break. It would have allowed for greater character development and more time to make the show unique rather than jumping right to the beginning of TWD.

Still, this was good enough that I'll watch again if there's a second season. It fills the gap between TWD seasons and maybe as they go they'll improve.

Heck, it's a lot better than some other shows I've seen! :) It's not fantastic, but I don't think it's so terrible either. I've talked to several people who do like it too.
It's being alluded to (Talking Dead) that rachet jaw is Ricks sister.

And as if we don't have enough zombie crap going on, there is yet another new show of people stuck on an airplane at the beginning of the outbreak. Supposedly 15 seasons starting in 2016. What is that one to be called? Fly the Walking Dead? Oy.
Have to admit, in five seasons of TWD never once did I think "oh hey, go live on a boat. Limited walker encounters". Not a bad idea.
I did. My first thought was..get the fuck out of dodge, find the nearest ocean, snag a big assed boat. I always wondered why survivors continued to stick to forests and big cities and towns. Lots of fish in the sea. Rain water. Port calls for food runs. Only problem is..who else thought that idea and became pirates going after others at sea? Still...yeah. If such a thing happened, I would be heading to the beach and finding the biggest boat I could steal.
Have to admit, in five seasons of TWD never once did I think "oh hey, go live on a boat. Limited walker encounters". Not a bad idea.
I did. My first thought was..get the fuck out of dodge, find the nearest ocean, snag a big assed boat. I always wondered why survivors continued to stick to forests and big cities and towns. Lots of fish in the sea. Rain water. Port calls for food runs. Only problem is..who else thought that idea and became pirates going after others at sea? Still...yeah. If such a thing happened, I would be heading to the beach and finding the biggest boat I could steal.

Living on a boat would be.....problematic for someone who hasn't spent much time on the water I would think. First, you'd almost have to have a sailboat because of the limited amount of fuel you can carry and the difficulty obtaining more. Second, depending on the number of people and size of the boat, keeping food supplies might be hard for any decent amount of time. Third, if there are maintenance issues, again, it could be very hard to get needed materials.

If you could take a boat to a small island with no zombies on it but enough agriculture to survive, that would work. Just living on a boat, however, would probably be too hard for most. Scurvy anyone? :p
If you could take a boat to a small island with no zombies on it but enough agriculture to survive, that would work. Just living on a boat, however, would probably be too hard for most. Scurvy anyone? :p

Truth be told I haven't watched the episode yet, probably will tonight while on the treadmill, but...

Take a ship or barge out into the harbor or off shore in a lake and drop anchor. You don't have to be sailing it to get the advantages, the main one being a physical barrier.

Now you have a base of operations from which to conduct scavenging runs and possibly begin building shore based fortifications.

If you could take a boat to a small island with no zombies on it but enough agriculture to survive, that would work. Just living on a boat, however, would probably be too hard for most. Scurvy anyone? :p

Truth be told I haven't watched the episode yet, probably will tonight while on the treadmill, but...

Take a ship or barge out into the harbor or off shore in a lake and drop anchor. You don't have to be sailing it to get the advantages, the main one being a physical barrier.

Now you have a base of operations from which to conduct scavenging runs and possibly begin building shore based fortifications.


That certainly would have advantages. There are disadvantages too, though. Weather could become far more dangerous. Any need to quickly reach 'home' is more difficult, as is any need to quickly leave. If anyone gets motion sickness they are in for trouble. :lol:

Combining a boat with the creation of a base of sorts on shore would certainly be a good plan, though!
If you could take a boat to a small island with no zombies on it but enough agriculture to survive, that would work. Just living on a boat, however, would probably be too hard for most. Scurvy anyone? :p

Truth be told I haven't watched the episode yet, probably will tonight while on the treadmill, but...

Take a ship or barge out into the harbor or off shore in a lake and drop anchor. You don't have to be sailing it to get the advantages, the main one being a physical barrier.

Now you have a base of operations from which to conduct scavenging runs and possibly begin building shore based fortifications.


That certainly would have advantages. There are disadvantages too, though. Weather could become far more dangerous. Any need to quickly reach 'home' is more difficult, as is any need to quickly leave. If anyone gets motion sickness they are in for trouble. :lol:

Combining a boat with the creation of a base of sorts on shore would certainly be a good plan, though!

That would be a big problem for me! I get sea sick. There would have to be a good supply of Dramamine on board! :D
I'm finding the show boring and I simply don't care anything about the characters. I don't even know their names. Doubt I'll be watching when it picks up after TWD is over. The acting is subpar. Oh, and that donut zombie? Fx were awful. I'm out.
I thought the acting started out bad but got much better. The characters aren't great but I think they all have potential. I am really hoping the black guy that saved the junky son makes it. He had a great introduction and seems like he could be an awesome character. I am not a fan of Mr Salazar anymore. Sorry but torturing and then planning to kill a kid who saved your daughter from a bullet to the head was pretty low especially when you have no idea what is going on. Fuck that guy I hope he becomes Walker food.

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Im no fan of Mr Salazar either. I know they are trying to show he survived a war earlier in life ( or something to that effect)...the way his character is now...he would have fit right in at Terminus.
Pretty decent episode. Taking over the military and members of the military leaving to be with their own families.realistic
I like Strands (?) house...maybe they could find some way to secure that whole area and live out there.

He didnt seem too concerned about his yacht sitting way out in the water...like its always way out there. lol
Maybe its full of walkers and they are partying it up.
Well, I am on the last 10 min of the show. It wasn't so bad this week. I'm surprised at Travis, I must say! *shock*
Season 1 of FWD was a huge let down! Horrible plot. Very little action and other than the black guy every character is horrible and you root against them.

The worst scene in the season is when they had the soldier appear the garage. So fucking stupid!

I actually don't think I am going to tune in to season 2!

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Geez, you were one of the optimistic ones, I thought! :lol:
I am full of it. I'll be back next season!

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I'm finding the show boring and I simply don't care anything about the characters. I don't even know their names. Doubt I'll be watching when it picks up after TWD is over. The acting is subpar. Oh, and that donut zombie? Fx were awful. I'm out.
I thought the acting started out bad but got much better. The characters aren't great but I think they all have potential. I am really hoping the black guy that saved the junky son makes it. He had a great introduction and seems like he could be an awesome character. I am not a fan of Mr Salazar anymore. Sorry but torturing and then planning to kill a kid who saved your daughter from a bullet to the head was pretty low especially when you have no idea what is going on. Fuck that guy I hope he becomes Walker food.

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Im no fan of Mr Salazar either. I know they are trying to show he survived a war earlier in life ( or something to that effect)...the way his character is now...he would have fit right in at Terminus.
Pretty decent episode. Taking over the military and members of the military leaving to be with their own families.realistic
I like Strands (?) house...maybe they could find some way to secure that whole area and live out there.

He didnt seem too concerned about his yacht sitting way out in the water...like its always way out there. lol
Maybe its full of walkers and they are partying it up.

Yeah, I'm not too thrilled by some of the cold heartedness I've seen. Salazar has gone a bit over the edge, IMO.

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