FDR, The Democrat Hero


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
1) Opposed anti-lynching law.
2) Nominated a Ku Klux Klanman (Hugo Black)
3) Censored talk about the persecution of Jews and basically refused Jewish refugees.

Go ahead and defend that. FDR created the Progressive swamp we suffer from today. Worst President ever.
1) Opposed anti-lynching law.
2) Nominated a Ku Klux Klanman (Hugo Black)
3) Censored talk about the persecution of Jews and basically refused Jewish refugees.

Go ahead and defend that. FDR created the Progressive swamp we suffer from today. Worst President ever.
I've read that he was EXTREMELY racist. Against Jews AND blacks. He served as president as long as he did because it was convenient to keep him during World War II. And of course all the lying he did to the public and they believed him. If the people had known the truth about him, he probably would've not been re-elected in 1936.
1) Opposed anti-lynching law.
2) Nominated a Ku Klux Klanman (Hugo Black)
3) Censored talk about the persecution of Jews and basically refused Jewish refugees.

Go ahead and defend that. FDR created the Progressive swamp we suffer from today. Worst President ever.
I take exception to that 44 was the worst FDR and his open quid pro quo was second.
1) Opposed anti-lynching law.
2) Nominated a Ku Klux Klanman (Hugo Black)
3) Censored talk about the persecution of Jews and basically refused Jewish refugees.

Go ahead and defend that. FDR created the Progressive swamp we suffer from today. Worst President ever.
I take exception to that 44 was the worst FDR and his open quid pro quo was second.

"Franklin Roosevelt operated in a quid pro quo setting almost every day of his presidency during the 1930s, and it was accepted by the Democratic Party that that's the way it would work. In fact, they campaigned on quid pro quo," he said..."

Historian Burt Folsom recalls when Democrats proudly campaigned on 'quid pro quo'
1) Opposed anti-lynching law.
2) Nominated a Ku Klux Klanman (Hugo Black)
3) Censored talk about the persecution of Jews and basically refused Jewish refugees.

Go ahead and defend that. FDR created the Progressive swamp we suffer from today. Worst President ever.

Wouldn't shake Jesse Owens hand (the black might rub off)
1) Opposed anti-lynching law.
2) Nominated a Ku Klux Klanman (Hugo Black)
3) Censored talk about the persecution of Jews and basically refused Jewish refugees.

Go ahead and defend that. FDR created the Progressive swamp we suffer from today. Worst President ever.

Don’t leave out:

4) Embroiled America in a war he swore we would never get involved in.

5) Extended the Great Depression by 7 years.

6) Consigned much of Asia and Eastern Europe to Communist hell

7) Threw tens of thousands of innocent, brave, loyal Americans into concentration camps

8) Bullied the Supreme Court into becoming his lap dog

9) Threatened our very form of government with destruction
FDR was the greatest President in Amerikan History!:aargh:

His imprisonment of innocent Japanese Americans, support of the KKK, his adulterous lifestyle, and being Stalin bitch near the end of the war made him an idol to the Amerikan left!!:blues:

So do not dare to dispute FDR greatness and remember your Pubic Edukation or after the Bern is elected you will be sent to one of those great Gulag Reedukation Camps in Quebec!!!:blahblah:
1) Opposed anti-lynching law.
2) Nominated a Ku Klux Klanman (Hugo Black)
3) Censored talk about the persecution of Jews and basically refused Jewish refugees.

Go ahead and defend that. FDR created the Progressive swamp we suffer from today. Worst President ever.
I take exception to that 44 was the worst FDR and his open quid pro quo was second.
You might be correct, O was the culmination of all the bad policies FDR put in place.
So why did the American people vote for FDR four times?
So why have historians named FDR America's greatest president?
So why are a number of FDR's policies still in effect?
So why didn't Republicans nominate a Republican that could beat FDR?
So why did Republicans nominate Hoover to beat FDR?
Why didn't Hoover present a program to fit the emergency?
Why did Republicans allow FDR to be elected four times in a row?
Why did Ronald Reagan vote for FDR four times?

I haven't checked yet but now wonder if the Americans of Jewish descent did not vote for FDR every time he ran.
So why did the American people vote for FDR four times?
So why have historians named FDR America's greatest president?
So why are a number of FDR's policies still in effect?
So why didn't Republicans nominate a Republican that could beat FDR?
So why did Republicans nominate Hoover to beat FDR?
Why didn't Hoover present a program to fit the emergency?
Why did Republicans allow FDR to be elected four times in a row?
Why did Ronald Reagan vote for FDR four times?

I haven't checked yet but now wonder if the Americans of Jewish descent did not vote for FDR every time he ran.

Because the press never reported any of that at the time and FDR's propaganda machine was powerful and people got brainwashed.......I cannot answer for why anyone would vote for him other than he was a great propagandist.

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