FDR outlawing private ownership of gold and wanting to cap income at 25,000 a year.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
"Executive Order 6102 required all persons to deliver on or before May 1, 1933, all but a small amount of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates owned by them to the Federal Reserve, in exchange for $20.67 (consumer price index, adjusted value of $400 today) per troy ounce. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended by the recently passed Emergency Banking Act of March 9, 1933, violation of the order was punishable by fine up to $10,000 (equivalent to $193,548 today) or up to ten years in prison, or both."

He forced everyone to turn in their gold under threat of imprisonment and then enacted policy designed to raise inflation and devalue their savings.

He also issued an Executive Order that Congress had to override putting a 100% tax rate on income over 25,000 a year.

"On April 27, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to cap the income that any one American could claim and keep. With the United States in "grave national danger," said Roosevelt, "no American citizen ought to have a net income, after he has paid his taxes, of more than $25,000 a year." That would be the equivalent of an income a bit above $200,000 today."

He had to settle for a maximum tax rate of 94%.

How About a Maximum Wage? : Taxation: F.D.R. wanted to cap incomes of the wealthy--an idea whose time may have come again.

He issued more Executive Orders than Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, and Trump combined.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the worst president in the history of this country.
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Gold is hoarded, money gets spent.

It is my right to hoard my gold, silver and precious gems if I like and no one should have the right to tell you how much you should be able to make or keep!
You say that but it turns out not to be the case.

Well no one has the right in this country how much you can make, so it is the damn case unless you can show me the law where the cap is at!
Have you heard of this thing we had called the great depression? The things FDR had to do to avoid a socialist revolution in America seems kind of harsh these days but there were no liquid assets to be had to restart the economy. The super rich had vaults full of the stuff that just sat there year after year doing nothing.
1st the Demon-crats explode the poor population in the country, and then they want to make the working class and the wealthy pay the dam bill for it all. The greatest longest lasting scam in the history of the nation.
Gold is hoarded, money gets spent.

It is my right to hoard my gold, silver and precious gems if I like and no one should have the right to tell you how much you should be able to make or keep!
You say that but it turns out not to be the case.

Well no one has the right in this country how much you can make, so it is the damn case unless you can show me the law where the cap is at!
Have you heard of this thing we had called the great depression? The things FDR had to do to avoid a socialist revolution in America seems kind of harsh these days but there were no liquid assets to be had to restart the economy. The super rich had vaults full of the stuff that just sat there year after year doing nothing.

WW2 got us out of the depression. FDR's policies exacerbated it.
1st the Demon-crats explode the poor population in the country, and then they want to make the working class and the wealthy pay the dam bill for it all. The greatest longest lasting scam in the history of the nation.
Plutocracy is the longest-running scam in America. All they have to do is convince enough Americans that their livelihoods depend on our billionaire aristocracy pit them against the Americans that know better and they get to live like royalty and be above the law while we fight for the crumbs that trickle down from their table.
He also imprisoned over 100,000 people simply for being of Japanese descent. Most of them were American citizens, some second or third generation.
Gold is hoarded, money gets spent.

It is my right to hoard my gold, silver and precious gems if I like and no one should have the right to tell you how much you should be able to make or keep!
You say that but it turns out not to be the case.

Well no one has the right in this country how much you can make, so it is the damn case unless you can show me the law where the cap is at!
Have you heard of this thing we had called the great depression? The things FDR had to do to avoid a socialist revolution in America seems kind of harsh these days but there were no liquid assets to be had to restart the economy. The super rich had vaults full of the stuff that just sat there year after year doing nothing.

WW2 got us out of the depression. FDR's policies exacerbated it.

Yeah I've heard that one before. War spending is still government spending. The rich got taxed big time to pay for it too. The great depression was a problem of a loss of liquidity in the economy. Capitalism had failed because the capitalists were just sitting on their wealth. FDR saved the capitalist system from it's sins and got money flowing through the economy again by taxing static wealth. I see no alternative he could have taken.
"Executive Order 6102 required all persons to deliver on or before May 1, 1933, all but a small amount of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates owned by them to the Federal Reserve, in exchange for $20.67 (consumer price index, adjusted value of $400 today) per troy ounce. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended by the recently passed Emergency Banking Act of March 9, 1933, violation of the order was punishable by fine up to $10,000 (equivalent to $193,548 today) or up to ten years in prison, or both."

He forced everyone to turn in their gold under threat of imprisonment and then enacted policy designed to raise inflation and devalue their savings.

He also issued an Executive Order that Congress had to override putting a 100% tax rate on income over 25,000 a year.

"On April 27, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to cap the income that any one American could claim and keep. With the United States in "grave national danger," said Roosevelt, "no American citizen ought to have a net income, after he has paid his taxes, of more than $25,000 a year." That would be the equivalent of an income a bit above $200,000 today."

He had to settle for a maximum tax rate of 94%.

How About a Maximum Wage? : Taxation: F.D.R. wanted to cap incomes of the wealthy--an idea whose time may have come again.

He issued more Executive Orders than Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, and Trump combined.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the worst president in the history of this country.
God, I hate that motherfucking commie shit and I am glad he is fucking dead,

All commies belong in the ground.

It is my right to hoard my gold, silver and precious gems if I like and no one should have the right to tell you how much you should be able to make or keep!
You say that but it turns out not to be the case.

Well no one has the right in this country how much you can make, so it is the damn case unless you can show me the law where the cap is at!
Have you heard of this thing we had called the great depression? The things FDR had to do to avoid a socialist revolution in America seems kind of harsh these days but there were no liquid assets to be had to restart the economy. The super rich had vaults full of the stuff that just sat there year after year doing nothing.

WW2 got us out of the depression. FDR's policies exacerbated it.

Yeah I've heard that one before. War spending is still government spending. The rich got taxed big time to pay for it too. The great depression was a problem of a loss of liquidity in the economy. Capitalism had failed because the capitalists were just sitting on their wealth. FDR saved the capitalist system from it's sins and got money flowing through the economy again by taxing static wealth. I see no alternative he could have taken.

Hoover and especially FDR made things worse by meddling. The Fed responded to a market crash by raising interest rates, Hoover and FDR raised taxes, and basically everyone involved made the problem worse.
You say that but it turns out not to be the case.

Well no one has the right in this country how much you can make, so it is the damn case unless you can show me the law where the cap is at!
Have you heard of this thing we had called the great depression? The things FDR had to do to avoid a socialist revolution in America seems kind of harsh these days but there were no liquid assets to be had to restart the economy. The super rich had vaults full of the stuff that just sat there year after year doing nothing.

WW2 got us out of the depression. FDR's policies exacerbated it.

Yeah I've heard that one before. War spending is still government spending. The rich got taxed big time to pay for it too. The great depression was a problem of a loss of liquidity in the economy. Capitalism had failed because the capitalists were just sitting on their wealth. FDR saved the capitalist system from it's sins and got money flowing through the economy again by taxing static wealth. I see no alternative he could have taken.

Hoover and especially FDR made things worse by meddling. The Fed responded to a market crash by raising interest rates, Hoover and FDR raised taxes, and basically everyone involved made the problem worse.
The real blame falls on banks and stock investments and how terribly dishonest they were. People lost faith in the economy because there was really no one to make them not just steal everyone's money. We now have faith in our financial institutions because of the kind of monetary policies FDR enacted. You know your money is safe in the bank, didn't used to be that way.
Well no one has the right in this country how much you can make, so it is the damn case unless you can show me the law where the cap is at!
Have you heard of this thing we had called the great depression? The things FDR had to do to avoid a socialist revolution in America seems kind of harsh these days but there were no liquid assets to be had to restart the economy. The super rich had vaults full of the stuff that just sat there year after year doing nothing.

WW2 got us out of the depression. FDR's policies exacerbated it.

Yeah I've heard that one before. War spending is still government spending. The rich got taxed big time to pay for it too. The great depression was a problem of a loss of liquidity in the economy. Capitalism had failed because the capitalists were just sitting on their wealth. FDR saved the capitalist system from it's sins and got money flowing through the economy again by taxing static wealth. I see no alternative he could have taken.

Hoover and especially FDR made things worse by meddling. The Fed responded to a market crash by raising interest rates, Hoover and FDR raised taxes, and basically everyone involved made the problem worse.
The real blame falls on banks and stock investments and how terribly dishonest they were. People lost faith in the economy because there was really no one to make them not just steal everyone's money. We now have faith in our financial institutions because of the kind of monetary policies FDR enacted. You know your money is safe in the bank, didn't used to be that way.
That is such cocksucking BULLSHIT!!!

People had extra money because Coolidge did his job. They invested that extra money in the market and it grew like a motherfucker. What goes up...

Market correction.

FDR and his commie horde came in pointing the finger and using/abusing government power.

Commies must fucking hang!!!
Have you heard of this thing we had called the great depression? The things FDR had to do to avoid a socialist revolution in America seems kind of harsh these days but there were no liquid assets to be had to restart the economy. The super rich had vaults full of the stuff that just sat there year after year doing nothing.

WW2 got us out of the depression. FDR's policies exacerbated it.

Yeah I've heard that one before. War spending is still government spending. The rich got taxed big time to pay for it too. The great depression was a problem of a loss of liquidity in the economy. Capitalism had failed because the capitalists were just sitting on their wealth. FDR saved the capitalist system from it's sins and got money flowing through the economy again by taxing static wealth. I see no alternative he could have taken.

Hoover and especially FDR made things worse by meddling. The Fed responded to a market crash by raising interest rates, Hoover and FDR raised taxes, and basically everyone involved made the problem worse.
The real blame falls on banks and stock investments and how terribly dishonest they were. People lost faith in the economy because there was really no one to make them not just steal everyone's money. We now have faith in our financial institutions because of the kind of monetary policies FDR enacted. You know your money is safe in the bank, didn't used to be that way.
That is such cocksucking BULLSHIT!!!

People had extra money because Coolidge did his job. They invested that extra money in the market and it grew like a motherfucker. What goes up...

Market correction.

FDR and his commie horde came in pointing the finger and using/abusing government power.

Commies must fucking hang!!!
Who talks like that? The bad guy in shitty action movies? Quit acting like the stereotype of a MAGA hat wearing rage filled geezer if you wish to be taken seriously.
"Executive Order 6102 required all persons to deliver on or before May 1, 1933, all but a small amount of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates owned by them to the Federal Reserve, in exchange for $20.67 (consumer price index, adjusted value of $400 today) per troy ounce. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended by the recently passed Emergency Banking Act of March 9, 1933, violation of the order was punishable by fine up to $10,000 (equivalent to $193,548 today) or up to ten years in prison, or both."

He forced everyone to turn in their gold under threat of imprisonment and then enacted policy designed to raise inflation and devalue their savings.

He also issued an Executive Order that Congress had to override putting a 100% tax rate on income over 25,000 a year.

"On April 27, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to cap the income that any one American could claim and keep. With the United States in "grave national danger," said Roosevelt, "no American citizen ought to have a net income, after he has paid his taxes, of more than $25,000 a year." That would be the equivalent of an income a bit above $200,000 today."

He had to settle for a maximum tax rate of 94%.

How About a Maximum Wage? : Taxation: F.D.R. wanted to cap incomes of the wealthy--an idea whose time may have come again.

He issued more Executive Orders than Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, and Trump combined.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the worst president in the history of this country.
I have yet to meet a Republican in their 80s who doesn’t thank FDR for preventing them from starving to death.
WW2 got us out of the depression. FDR's policies exacerbated it.

Yeah I've heard that one before. War spending is still government spending. The rich got taxed big time to pay for it too. The great depression was a problem of a loss of liquidity in the economy. Capitalism had failed because the capitalists were just sitting on their wealth. FDR saved the capitalist system from it's sins and got money flowing through the economy again by taxing static wealth. I see no alternative he could have taken.

Hoover and especially FDR made things worse by meddling. The Fed responded to a market crash by raising interest rates, Hoover and FDR raised taxes, and basically everyone involved made the problem worse.
The real blame falls on banks and stock investments and how terribly dishonest they were. People lost faith in the economy because there was really no one to make them not just steal everyone's money. We now have faith in our financial institutions because of the kind of monetary policies FDR enacted. You know your money is safe in the bank, didn't used to be that way.
That is such cocksucking BULLSHIT!!!

People had extra money because Coolidge did his job. They invested that extra money in the market and it grew like a motherfucker. What goes up...

Market correction.

FDR and his commie horde came in pointing the finger and using/abusing government power.

Commies must fucking hang!!!
Who talks like that? The bad guy in shitty action movies? Quit acting like the stereotype of a MAGA hat wearing rage filled geezer if you wish to be taken seriously.
Start making sense, if you want to be taken seriously, ass wipe.

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