FBI warns about domestic violent extremist who praised Uvalde shooting

Right, the whole world is against you weenies. Sure.

I'm sure you had no problem with the part about the heightened threat from prochoice activists, though.

Because that is just who you guys are, now.
They should rename the repub party....the Charlie Brown party. No one is nice to them.....Biden pulled the football out from grumpy.
It doesn't matter if it is right or left...extremist are dangerous. Right wing nuts and left wing nuts are a danger to our country.

I wonder why right wing extremist are more prevalent since 2016?
a leftist just tried to kill a sitting Supreme Court Justice ... and leftist also recently firebombed a pro life center ...add that to the fact that the left just spent an entire summer in 2020 looting killing burning and rioting it appears that its the left that has gone nuts .

Some of these people are Alex Jones on steroids. They live to spread lied and stoke violence.
These are the same FBI assholes that lied to us about Trump, let Crooked Hillary off the hook, went after parents that complained to the school boards and who spent all their time going after the 1/6 Patriots instead of the goddamn BLM Negro terrorist that spent six months burning looting, murdering and destroying 200 American cities.
Speak out against the liberal agenda. Can't have that.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Everyone is NOT entitled to attack the US Capitol to stop a Constititionally authorized process. trump incited that attack.

Some of these people are Alex Jones on steroids. They live to spread lied and stoke violence.
Oh ffs!

The official said DHS is seeing threats from the “ideological spectrum” of actors, but did not offer more specifics.
Charlottesville.....It was at this press conference that Trump said that "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."

trump tells proud boys that they should "stand back and stand by"

trump added legitimacy and encouragement to fringe white supremacist groups. They got used to his praise and decided they were going to stop a congressional procedure to install a duly elected President.

I said in an earlier post that groups on the far right and far left are dangerous to this country. Admittedly, the FBI needs to be tracking them all. But Antifa did not attack the US Capitol and cause millions in damage....AND attempt to hang the VP cause he would not overturn the election for TFG. It was the far right groups of Oath Keepers and Proud Boys and a whole gaggle of MAGA cult members.
And conservatives want Trump to be president again – clearly they have contempt for sound, responsible governance.

Some of these people are Alex Jones on steroids. They live to spread lied and stoke violence.
DHS Is talking out of their azz---pushing a political agenda. It's the crazy libs attacking people and they are trying to make sound like it is nationalists attacking school kids and other innocents.
DHS Is talking out of their azz---pushing a political agenda
You have no good evidence of that and no good reason to think that whatsoever. You are literally telling fantasies to yourself out loud to soothe your childish political fetishes. Does that not embarrass you even a little bit?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Everyone is NOT entitled to attack the US Capitol to stop a Constititionally authorized process. trump incited that attack.
No he didn't, he said to peacefully go to to the Capitol and let their voice be heard. Now Schumer threatened the Supreme Court justices, and now a lefty loon tried to kill Kavanaugh. You support an investigation into Schumer?
No he didn't, he said to peacefully go to to the Capitol and let their voice be heard.
And yet every single hillbilly insurrectionist that has been arrested has said to a man or a woman that the president invited them there and had their backs and asked them to do it. Now why is that? Give me a break. You know you are completely full of s***.
Charlottesville.....It was at this press conference that Trump said that "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."

trump tells proud boys that they should "stand back and stand by"

trump added legitimacy and encouragement to fringe white supremacist groups. They got used to his praise and decided they were going to stop a congressional procedure to install a duly elected President.

I said in an earlier post that groups on the far right and far left are dangerous to this country. Admittedly, the FBI needs to be tracking them all. But Antifa did not attack the US Capitol and cause millions in damage....AND attempt to hang the VP cause he would not overturn the election for TFG. It was the far right groups of Oath Keepers and Proud Boys and a whole gaggle of MAGA cult members.
Hey - have the "far right groups" murdered anyone?

And yet you see leftie DA's letting murderers GO and refusing to prosecute them. Happens EVERY SINGLE DAY. Just happened in Los Angeles this week. Some asshole shit his grandma and deliberately ran over some people with his car, and Gascon that lily livered yellow bellied leftist refused to give him any jail time.

No one and I mean NO ONE is going to stand for this kind of crap from the lefties.
And yet every single hillbilly insurrectionist that has been arrested has said to a man or a woman that the president invited them there and had their backs and asked them to do it. Now why is that? Give me a break. You know you are completely full of s***.
Lol, they have been held a year and a half for trespassing. Except your blm and antifa guys, they walked.

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