FBI Agents Say FBI Leadership Too Entrenched In Politics - Call For Investigation Into Its Political Weaponization


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Everyone says there are good FBI agents, and the problem is with the leadership at the top.

Now those 'good' agents are stepping forward declaring this to be fact, that leadership within the FBI have become partisanly weaponized and call for an investigation of proven criminal Wray and others.

This is coming from (until recently) agents from within the FBI, free now to come forward and blow the whistle on the Democrat weaponized political enforcers within the FBI.

Everyone says there are good FBI agents, and the problem is with the leadership at the top.

Now those 'good' agents are stepping forward declaring this to be fact, that leadership within the FBI have become partisanly weaponized and call for an investigation of proven criminal Wray and others.

This is coming from (until recently) agents from within the FBI, free now to come forward and blow the whistle on the Democrat weaponized political enforcers within the FBI.

Probably disgruntled MAGAtards.
Probably disgruntled MAGAtards.
So every FBI Agent whistleblower, every Treasury Dept rep, every IRS agent, every Staye Dept rep who have come forward to report proven corription, abuse, and crime, are all 'Magaturds'?


Whatever you need to tell yourself to avoid reality, lil' snowflake...

So every FBI Agent whistleblower, every Treasury Dept rep, every IRS agent, every Staye Dept rep who have come forward to report proven corription, abuse, and crime, are all 'Magaturds'?


Whatever you need to tell yourself to avoid reality, lil' snowflake...

Reading the idiotic crap you consistently post never seems to pan out.
Probably disgruntled MAGAtards.
It’s a bait and switch. They may have be FBI agents but they have no direct involvement or direct knowledge of anything they’re complaining about. They’re just upset about the things they see on TV about the FBI.
lol some are bright enough to see that the current criminal syndicate won't have their backs, is all. They're having second thoughts about their dreams of a KGB sty;e immunity for the pogroms and shakedowns they aspire to.
Reading the idiotic crap you consistently post never seems to pan out.
It does. You just make stupid comments like this that adds nothing significant to the conversation, which is why most people ignore you.
So every FBI Agent whistleblower, every Treasury Dept rep, every IRS agent, every Staye Dept rep who have come forward to report proven corription, abuse, and crime, are all 'Magaturds'?
Well, yeah. The FBI has spent the last several decades hating liberals and Democrats, not to mention aiding fascism. See "Comey" for just one prominent example. The FBI busted their butts to put Trump in office.

I can see why the MAGAturds are upset. The FBI has always had their backs before. Spying on liberals, trying to pin fake crimes on liberals, letting conservatives skate on their crimes. If the FBI starts acting neutral, the MAGAturds are in deep doodoo, and they know it. Hence their current snowflake tears.
Well, yeah. The FBI has spent the last several decades hating liberals and Democrats, not to mention aiding fascism. See "Comey" for just one prominent example. The FBI busted their butts to put Trump in office.

I can see why the MAGAturds are upset. The FBI has always had their backs before. Spying on liberals, trying to pin fake crimes on liberals, letting conservatives skate on their crimes. If the FBI starts acting neutral, the MAGAturds are in deep doodoo, and they know it. Hence their current snowflake tears.

Dude, how much are your foreign handlers paying you?

Its either way too much or way too litte - haven't decided which yet.


So an FBI Agent testified under oath that Comey and the FBI knowingly, willingly participated in the failed 'Russian Collusion' coup attempt despite knowing prior to Mueller being named Special Counsel it was all bullshit ...

...according to you, because they were 'busting their ass' to get and keep Trump in office.


YOU are a VERY special kind of stupid.

Dude, how much are your foreign handlers paying you?
This isn't a debate. Comey deliberately worked to put Trump in office. You're just a sad lying fascist.

So an FBI Agent testified under oath that Comey and the FBI knowingly, willingly participated in the failed 'Russian Collusion' coup attempt despite knowing prior to Mueller being named Special Counsel it was all bullshit ...
Stop it. You know, just making up the stupid shit. It only fools your fellow fascist losers. Actually, it doesn't even fool them. They just pretend to believe, because TheParty commands it of them.

Oh, as usual, it sucks to be you, fascist. It's not just most of the nation that thinks you're a loser. It's most of the world. And they're right.
Dude, how much are your foreign handlers paying you?

Its either way too much or way too litte - haven't decided which yet.


So an FBI Agent testified under oath that Comey and the FBI knowingly, willingly participated in the failed 'Russian Collusion' coup attempt despite knowing prior to Mueller being named Special Counsel it was all bullshit ...

...according to you, because they were 'busting their ass' to get and keep Trump in office.


YOU are a VERY special kind of stupid.

Can you link the bold please or will this be another easyt65 making a claim and then hiding behind insults and excuses when unable to provide a link.

Please, feel free to debase yourself like usual.

I will wait.
This isn't a debate. Comey deliberately worked to put Trump in office.

You're right, troll / bot - it isn't a debate. Its a debunked, proven LIE.

Go back to your handlers for more training
Can you link the bold please or will this be another easyt65 making a claim and then hiding behind insults and excuses when unable to provide a link.

Why don't you do a little digging on USB and find the MANY threads anout this that contain all the links you cod ever want and more. Or you vould Google FBI Agent Paige and hiw SHE was that FBI Agent...

...which you already know.

Everyone on rbis board knows, however,that this post of yours is a sham, that you won't make any effort to do eithgwr of these because you fully intend to declare its a lie because I didn't spoonfeed your sorry ass...

...a tactic you quite often use, you pathetic troll / bot.

You just proved this again just now by asking for links you have previously asked for and reveived. If you don't repeatedly get the links you ask for, every time, you declare the facts to be false.

You're busted.

Go away, little troll.
Why don't you do a little digging on USB and find the MANY threads anout this that contain all the links you cod ever want and more. Or you vould Google FBI Agent Paige and hiw SHE was that FBI Agent...

...which you already know.

Everyone on rbis board knows, however,that this post of yours is a sham, that you won't make any effort to do eithgwr of these because you fully intend to declare its a lie because I didn't spoonfeed your sorry ass...

...a tactic you quite often use, you pathetic troll / bot.

You just proved this again just now by asking for links you have previously asked for and reveived. If you don't repeatedly get the links you ask for, every time, you declare the facts to be false.

You're busted.

Go away, little troll.
Haha. I knew it.

You just make shit up constantly.

What a sad little man.

Have a nice day, liar.
Thank you for proving me correct.
That you make stuff up and can't back it up.

Yeah, we know.

Make something else up for me. I need a good laugh when you follow up with a "do your own research derp derp".


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