FBI Agents Concluded Flynn Was Not Lying, Not Guilty of Anything, Recommended Closing The Investigation....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Brandon Van Grack, a Justice Department prosecutor and former member of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Team, must now exlain why he violated federal court orders demanding the FBI to "produce all evidence in the government’s possession “that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant’s guilt or punishment". The order also requires the government to submit favorable defense evidence to the court, including possible "impeachment evidence" that could undermine witnesses, even if the government believes the evidence “not to be material.”

Van Grack and the FBI failed / refused to obey that court order. Van Grack attempted to hide / withhold the evidence / material he / the government believed was not material and made several attempts to justify withholding it. Van Grack openly defied the court order by withholding evidence he / they thought was 'not material' - which the court ordered to be released - and then attempted to explain why the evidence was withheld....which was because he / they believed it was not 'material'.

The new release of official documents reveal that both the FBI and Weismann's-Mueller's team intentionally withheld a large amount of exculpatory evidence in the Flynn case that proves the FBI conducted an extensive, thorough investigation of newly appointed National Security Advisor Flynn, and agents came to the conclusion that Flynn had NOT lied, that he had NOT engaged in any illegal coordination / communication with the Russians, and they RECOMMENDED THE INVESTIGATION OF FLYNN BE TERMINATED.

"What Van Grack didn’t inform the court about – and didn’t provide to Flynn – was the newly unsealed January 4, 2017 "Closing Communication" from the FBI Washington Field Office, which recommended the FBI close its investigation of Flynn, as its exhaustive search through government databases “did not yield any information on which to predicate further investigative efforts.Van Grack also failed to provide evidence to Flynn’s attorneys that anti-Trump former FBI agent Peter Strzok then immediately intervened and instructed the FBI case manager handling the Flynn investigation to keep the probe open"

The evidence shows that LONG before the FBI 'ambushed' Flynn, attempting to catch him in a perjury trap, the FBI already KNEW he had committed NO CRIME and there was NO REASPON TO CONTINUE TO INVESTIGATE HIM.

The evidence shows the leadership[ within the FBI discussed what to do next regarding Flynn, AFTER coming to the conclusion that he had broken no lie and that the was no reason to investigate him further.
-- The (then) Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division Bill Priestap asked the FBI leadership what the goal was in keeping an investigation going of a man they KNEW was INNOCENT / had committed no crime. Priestap asked the FBI leadership what that goal was: “To get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”

** This proves 'CONSPIRACY', 'ABUSE OF POWER', and more...

Brandon Van Grack, a Justice Department prosecutor and former member of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Team, must now exlain why he violated federal court orders demanding the FBI to "produce all evidence in the government’s possession “that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant’s guilt or punishment". The order also requires the government to submit favorable defense evidence to the court, including possible "impeachment evidence" that could undermine witnesses, even if the government believes the evidence “not to be material.”

Van Grack and the FBI failed / refused to obey that court order. Van Grack attempted to hide / withhold the evidence / material he / the government believed was not material and made several attempts to justify withholding it. Van Grack openly defied the court order by withholding evidence he / they thought was 'not material' - which the court ordered to be released - and then attempted to explain why the evidence was withheld....which was because he / they believed it was not 'material'.

The new release of official documents reveal that both the FBI and Weismann's-Mueller's team intentionally withheld a large amount of exculpatory evidence in the Flynn case that proves the FBI conducted an extensive, thorough investigation of newly appointed National Security Advisor Flynn, and agents came to the conclusion that Flynn had NOT lied, that he had NOT engaged in any illegal coordination / communication with the Russians, and they RECOMMENDED THE INVESTIGATION OF FLYNN BE TERMINATED.

"What Van Grack didn’t inform the court about – and didn’t provide to Flynn – was the newly unsealed January 4, 2017 "Closing Communication" from the FBI Washington Field Office, which recommended the FBI close its investigation of Flynn, as its exhaustive search through government databases “did not yield any information on which to predicate further investigative efforts.Van Grack also failed to provide evidence to Flynn’s attorneys that anti-Trump former FBI agent Peter Strzok then immediately intervened and instructed the FBI case manager handling the Flynn investigation to keep the probe open"

The evidence shows that LONG before the FBI 'ambushed' Flynn, attempting to catch him in a perjury trap, the FBI already KNEW he had committed NO CRIME and there was NO REASPON TO CONTINUE TO INVESTIGATE HIM.

The evidence shows the leadership[ within the FBI discussed what to do next regarding Flynn, AFTER coming to the conclusion that he had broken no lie and that the was no reason to investigate him further.
-- The (then) Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division Bill Priestap asked the FBI leadership what the goal was in keeping an investigation going of a man they KNEW was INNOCENT / had committed no crime. Priestap asked the FBI leadership what that goal was: “To get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”

** This proves 'CONSPIRACY', 'ABUSE OF POWER', and more...

The Press is not going to give this story any legs
Brandon Van Grack, a Justice Department prosecutor and former member of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Team, must now exlain why he violated federal court orders demanding the FBI to "produce all evidence in the government’s possession “that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant’s guilt or punishment". The order also requires the government to submit favorable defense evidence to the court, including possible "impeachment evidence" that could undermine witnesses, even if the government believes the evidence “not to be material.”

Van Grack and the FBI failed / refused to obey that court order. Van Grack attempted to hide / withhold the evidence / material he / the government believed was not material and made several attempts to justify withholding it. Van Grack openly defied the court order by withholding evidence he / they thought was 'not material' - which the court ordered to be released - and then attempted to explain why the evidence was withheld....which was because he / they believed it was not 'material'.

The new release of official documents reveal that both the FBI and Weismann's-Mueller's team intentionally withheld a large amount of exculpatory evidence in the Flynn case that proves the FBI conducted an extensive, thorough investigation of newly appointed National Security Advisor Flynn, and agents came to the conclusion that Flynn had NOT lied, that he had NOT engaged in any illegal coordination / communication with the Russians, and they RECOMMENDED THE INVESTIGATION OF FLYNN BE TERMINATED.

"What Van Grack didn’t inform the court about – and didn’t provide to Flynn – was the newly unsealed January 4, 2017 "Closing Communication" from the FBI Washington Field Office, which recommended the FBI close its investigation of Flynn, as its exhaustive search through government databases “did not yield any information on which to predicate further investigative efforts.Van Grack also failed to provide evidence to Flynn’s attorneys that anti-Trump former FBI agent Peter Strzok then immediately intervened and instructed the FBI case manager handling the Flynn investigation to keep the probe open"

The evidence shows that LONG before the FBI 'ambushed' Flynn, attempting to catch him in a perjury trap, the FBI already KNEW he had committed NO CRIME and there was NO REASPON TO CONTINUE TO INVESTIGATE HIM.

The evidence shows the leadership[ within the FBI discussed what to do next regarding Flynn, AFTER coming to the conclusion that he had broken no lie and that the was no reason to investigate him further.
-- The (then) Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division Bill Priestap asked the FBI leadership what the goal was in keeping an investigation going of a man they KNEW was INNOCENT / had committed no crime. Priestap asked the FBI leadership what that goal was: “To get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”

** This proves 'CONSPIRACY', 'ABUSE OF POWER', and more...


And the fucking libs support this shit.
The msm politburo: "Flynn who? Look over there - somebody fell out of a 10-story window in Chicago and died. Obviously dizzy from covid19. Trump should have outlawed open windows. He has blood on his hands."
The newly released documents show evidence that Van Grack was intentionally misleading Judge Sullivan, intentionally violating his order to release ALL evidence.

This new evidence puts Van Grack at risk for accusations that he was misleading Sullivan as to the materiality of Flynn’s statements to FBI agents Strzok and Joe Pientka when they interviewed him in the White House on January 24, 2017. Jordan and Johnson are now specifically seeking to question Pientka, who participated in the January 2017 White House interview that led to Flynn's prosecution.

'Pientka was also intimately involved in the probe of former Trump aide Carter Page, which the DOJ has since acknowledged was riddled with fundamental errors and premised on a discredited dossier that the bureau was told could be part of a Russian disinformation campaign.'

-- Evidence shows the FBI KNEW the Dossier contents came from the Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) and was Russian propaganda already being used against US Foreign Policy.

The FBI conspicuously removed Pientka from the FBI's website after the FBI awas contacted by the media and questioned about his extensive role in Crossfire Hurricane Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) matters.
-- The FBI doesn't fire its own criminals - they just 're-assign' them" Pientka was moved to a "senior role at the agency's San Francisco field office".

ALL of this information / evidence now being released exposes the FACT that new FBI Director Wray has openly LIED to the FISA Court, has LIED to Federal Judges, he and his FBI have HIDDEN evidence and violated court orders (BROKEN THE LAW) to keep all of this hidden to protect the FBI.

This proves, as well, that Wray's loyalty - as was / is Mueller's, Comey's, and McCabe's - is 1st and foremost to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, NOT to the United States Government, that he is willing to and HAS broken laws to protect the FBVI and the criminals who have violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, who have trampled US citizens;' civil/ Constitutional Rights, and participated in / facilitated a failed soft coup attempt against a newly elected President.

At the very least Wray should be FIRED immediately, if not arrested, indicted, and charged.

This is further evidence, as well, that the FBI should be placed under the leadership and direction of an independent Director from OUTSIDE of the FBI, someone who was not groomed within the agency.

And newly released evidence COMFIRMS the criminal leadership within the FBI, that Comey, McCabe, Baker, Clinespith, Strzok, Page, Priestap, Pientka, and more engaged in Conspiracy, Obstruction, and more in their role in the attempted coup against President Trump, consisting of numerous crimes involved in targeting several members of Trump's team, going as far as manufacturing crimes, altering official documents, withholding exculpatory evidence, and more...
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Brandon Van Grack, a Justice Department prosecutor and former member of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Team, must now exlain why he violated federal court orders demanding the FBI to "produce all evidence in the government’s possession “that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant’s guilt or punishment". The order also requires the government to submit favorable defense evidence to the court, including possible "impeachment evidence" that could undermine witnesses, even if the government believes the evidence “not to be material.”

Van Grack and the FBI failed / refused to obey that court order. Van Grack attempted to hide / withhold the evidence / material he / the government believed was not material and made several attempts to justify withholding it. Van Grack openly defied the court order by withholding evidence he / they thought was 'not material' - which the court ordered to be released - and then attempted to explain why the evidence was withheld....which was because he / they believed it was not 'material'.

The new release of official documents reveal that both the FBI and Weismann's-Mueller's team intentionally withheld a large amount of exculpatory evidence in the Flynn case that proves the FBI conducted an extensive, thorough investigation of newly appointed National Security Advisor Flynn, and agents came to the conclusion that Flynn had NOT lied, that he had NOT engaged in any illegal coordination / communication with the Russians, and they RECOMMENDED THE INVESTIGATION OF FLYNN BE TERMINATED.

"What Van Grack didn’t inform the court about – and didn’t provide to Flynn – was the newly unsealed January 4, 2017 "Closing Communication" from the FBI Washington Field Office, which recommended the FBI close its investigation of Flynn, as its exhaustive search through government databases “did not yield any information on which to predicate further investigative efforts.Van Grack also failed to provide evidence to Flynn’s attorneys that anti-Trump former FBI agent Peter Strzok then immediately intervened and instructed the FBI case manager handling the Flynn investigation to keep the probe open"

The evidence shows that LONG before the FBI 'ambushed' Flynn, attempting to catch him in a perjury trap, the FBI already KNEW he had committed NO CRIME and there was NO REASPON TO CONTINUE TO INVESTIGATE HIM.

The evidence shows the leadership[ within the FBI discussed what to do next regarding Flynn, AFTER coming to the conclusion that he had broken no lie and that the was no reason to investigate him further.
-- The (then) Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division Bill Priestap asked the FBI leadership what the goal was in keeping an investigation going of a man they KNEW was INNOCENT / had committed no crime. Priestap asked the FBI leadership what that goal was: “To get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”

** This proves 'CONSPIRACY', 'ABUSE OF POWER', and more...

Seem today Barr want to drop the whole case.
Did the judge do that? Close/drop case? It does not have to do so and still sentence the Traitor. Lock Him UP! It plead guilty to crimes. An does he not have local tax crimes pending in states?
And the deal to protect son from legal matters.

And what about...
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Coerced pleas are not valid.
Flynn is free.
The real criminals should be worried now.
Brandon Van Grack, a Justice Department prosecutor and former member of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Team, must now exlain why he violated federal court orders demanding the FBI to "produce all evidence in the government’s possession “that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant’s guilt or punishment". The order also requires the government to submit favorable defense evidence to the court, including possible "impeachment evidence" that could undermine witnesses, even if the government believes the evidence “not to be material.”

Van Grack and the FBI failed / refused to obey that court order. Van Grack attempted to hide / withhold the evidence / material he / the government believed was not material and made several attempts to justify withholding it. Van Grack openly defied the court order by withholding evidence he / they thought was 'not material' - which the court ordered to be released - and then attempted to explain why the evidence was withheld....which was because he / they believed it was not 'material'.

The new release of official documents reveal that both the FBI and Weismann's-Mueller's team intentionally withheld a large amount of exculpatory evidence in the Flynn case that proves the FBI conducted an extensive, thorough investigation of newly appointed National Security Advisor Flynn, and agents came to the conclusion that Flynn had NOT lied, that he had NOT engaged in any illegal coordination / communication with the Russians, and they RECOMMENDED THE INVESTIGATION OF FLYNN BE TERMINATED.

"What Van Grack didn’t inform the court about – and didn’t provide to Flynn – was the newly unsealed January 4, 2017 "Closing Communication" from the FBI Washington Field Office, which recommended the FBI close its investigation of Flynn, as its exhaustive search through government databases “did not yield any information on which to predicate further investigative efforts.Van Grack also failed to provide evidence to Flynn’s attorneys that anti-Trump former FBI agent Peter Strzok then immediately intervened and instructed the FBI case manager handling the Flynn investigation to keep the probe open"

The evidence shows that LONG before the FBI 'ambushed' Flynn, attempting to catch him in a perjury trap, the FBI already KNEW he had committed NO CRIME and there was NO REASPON TO CONTINUE TO INVESTIGATE HIM.

The evidence shows the leadership[ within the FBI discussed what to do next regarding Flynn, AFTER coming to the conclusion that he had broken no lie and that the was no reason to investigate him further.
-- The (then) Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division Bill Priestap asked the FBI leadership what the goal was in keeping an investigation going of a man they KNEW was INNOCENT / had committed no crime. Priestap asked the FBI leadership what that goal was: “To get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”

** This proves 'CONSPIRACY', 'ABUSE OF POWER', and more...

Seem today Barr want to drop the whole case.
Did the judge do that? Close/drop case? It does not have to do so and still sentence the Traitor. Lock Him UP! It plead guilty to crimes. An does he not have local tax crimes pending in states?
And the deal to protect son from legal matters.

And what about...

You don't seem to know fuck all, do you son.

Wait until your kenyan lawn jockey is dragged thru the streets on his way to a federal lockup. He's up to his clit in this sneaky, seditious coup. Treason. Hang the mother fuck.
Brandon Van Grack, a Justice Department prosecutor and former member of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Team, must now exlain why he violated federal court orders demanding the FBI to "produce all evidence in the government’s possession “that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant’s guilt or punishment". The order also requires the government to submit favorable defense evidence to the court, including possible "impeachment evidence" that could undermine witnesses, even if the government believes the evidence “not to be material.”

Van Grack and the FBI failed / refused to obey that court order. Van Grack attempted to hide / withhold the evidence / material he / the government believed was not material and made several attempts to justify withholding it. Van Grack openly defied the court order by withholding evidence he / they thought was 'not material' - which the court ordered to be released - and then attempted to explain why the evidence was withheld....which was because he / they believed it was not 'material'.

The new release of official documents reveal that both the FBI and Weismann's-Mueller's team intentionally withheld a large amount of exculpatory evidence in the Flynn case that proves the FBI conducted an extensive, thorough investigation of newly appointed National Security Advisor Flynn, and agents came to the conclusion that Flynn had NOT lied, that he had NOT engaged in any illegal coordination / communication with the Russians, and they RECOMMENDED THE INVESTIGATION OF FLYNN BE TERMINATED.

"What Van Grack didn’t inform the court about – and didn’t provide to Flynn – was the newly unsealed January 4, 2017 "Closing Communication" from the FBI Washington Field Office, which recommended the FBI close its investigation of Flynn, as its exhaustive search through government databases “did not yield any information on which to predicate further investigative efforts.Van Grack also failed to provide evidence to Flynn’s attorneys that anti-Trump former FBI agent Peter Strzok then immediately intervened and instructed the FBI case manager handling the Flynn investigation to keep the probe open"

The evidence shows that LONG before the FBI 'ambushed' Flynn, attempting to catch him in a perjury trap, the FBI already KNEW he had committed NO CRIME and there was NO REASPON TO CONTINUE TO INVESTIGATE HIM.

The evidence shows the leadership[ within the FBI discussed what to do next regarding Flynn, AFTER coming to the conclusion that he had broken no lie and that the was no reason to investigate him further.
-- The (then) Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division Bill Priestap asked the FBI leadership what the goal was in keeping an investigation going of a man they KNEW was INNOCENT / had committed no crime. Priestap asked the FBI leadership what that goal was: “To get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”

** This proves 'CONSPIRACY', 'ABUSE OF POWER', and more...

Overtime pay.

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