Fauci Tells Matthew McConaughey, Yes, Sunlight Kills SARS COV 2


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2016
McConaughey asked Fauci whether it’s true that sunlight kills the virus (which has sickened more than 5.2 million people in the US and killed almost 168,000 at this point, according to Johns Hopkins University). “It does,” Fauci replied. “That’s one of the reasons why outside in the sun when you are interacting … That is much, much better than being inside … Outside is always better than inside.”

From there, McConaughey asked if this is partly why some tropical island nations like Japan have been much better off comparatively during the pandemic than the US. Fauci agreed that’s likely the case, which also squares with the results of a study published in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology back in June.

It found that “90% or more of SARS-CoV-2 virus will be inactivated after being exposed (to the summer sun) for 11 to 34 minutes.” Moreover, researchers added that “99% of SARS-CoV-2 may be inactivated within the two hours period around solar noon during summer in most US cities located south of latitude 43 degrees north,” which encompasses much of the US.

Previous studies have demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 is stable on surfaces for extended periods under indoor conditions.

Ninety percent of infectious virus was inactivated every 6.8 minutes in simulated saliva
and every 14.3 minutes in culture media when exposed to simulated sunlight representative of
the summer solstice at 40°N latitude at sea level on a clear day

In contrast to simulated sunlight, no significant decay was observed in darkness over the 60-minute test duration, which is consistent with previously published data with both SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1 [4, 5, 9, 20].
van Doremalen et al [4] reported half-lives of 5.6 and 6.8 hours for SARS-CoV-2 on nonporous stainless steel and plastic surfaces, respectively, under indoor conditions, or approximately 18 to 23 hours for a 90% reduction in infectivity. Chan et al [9] reported that it took 3–5 days to lose 90% of infectivity of SARS-CoV-1 dried on a surface under indoor conditions

In previous outbreaks with related coronaviruses, including severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 1 (SARS-CoV-1) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), both genetic material and infectious virus were detected in air samples, suggesting aerosol transmission as a possible transmission route [2–5]. Similarly, SARS-CoV-2 genetic material has been detected in air samples taken in COVID-19 patient treatment facilities, as well as in surface swabs from room exhaust vents and patient masks, suggesting the possibility of aerosol transmission [6–8].

I already posted comments pertaining to the above I believe back in April maybe...
based on the published studies pertaining to SARS, MERS and AI I had found during my research

I had stated very early on airborne transmission was occurring

I have so much I want to state, yet don't know where to begin
nor how to do so cohesively

I will say this though...Covid-19 is bilateral pneumonia, pneumonia in both lungs

The ONLY emerging infectious disease with pandemic potential back in Dec '19 in Hubei, China
causing bilateral pneumonia, cytokine storms, respiratory failure, glassy, opaque masses
effecting blood coagulation cells, low red blood cell counts, requiring mechanical ventilation or intubation,
14 day quarantines, contact tracing..whose symptoms at onset were fever, cough, chills and lethargic
effecting mainly men, elderly and those with underlying medical conditions

was an Antigenic Variant of a Highly Pathogenic AI H7N9 subtype that emerged in March 2019
and attributed to the change of virus strain used in vaccines in poultry vaccinations beginning in 2018

(when I started researching in Jan, ^ that was the FIRST article showing up on our own CDC site...
there was NOTHING about Viral Pneumonia of unknown cause outbreaks in China despite they were happening)

What I took away from it:

McConaughey: Why not enact a nationwide mask mandate with fines enforced as a penalty?

Fauci: “Absolutely we should have universal wearing of masks,” but mandates make people want to push back, and good modeling from leaders is more effective.
What I took away from it:

McConaughey: Why not enact a nationwide mask mandate with fines enforced as a penalty?

Fauci: “Absolutely we should have universal wearing of masks,” but mandates make people want to push back, and good modeling from leaders is more effective.
I love that you proudly display the fact that you've dismissed everything about the article except that which you found to be MOST politically convenient. I also love that it happened to be an opinion on law enforcement and the importance of political leaders acting as behavioral models, none of which I have any reason to believe are areas in which Fauci has some unique level of expertise.

There's anal retentiveness. Then there's children who are more, "Everybody Poops". THEN there's children who are more, "Everybody Poops, but when I do it rainbows are born. Look upon my movement and worship!"
What I took away from it:

McConaughey: Why not enact a nationwide mask mandate with fines enforced as a penalty?

Fauci: “Absolutely we should have universal wearing of masks,” but mandates make people want to push back, and good modeling from leaders is more effective.
I love that you proudly display the fact that you've dismissed everything about the article except that which you found to be MOST politically convenient. I also love that it happened to be an opinion on law enforcement and the importance of political leaders acting as behavioral models, none of which I have any reason to believe are areas in which Fauci has some unique level of expertise.

And I don't poop, I have a BM.

There's anal retentiveness. Then there's children who are more, "Everybody Poops". THEN there's children who are more, "Everybody Poops, but when I do it rainbows are born. Look upon my movement and worship!"
Sunlight kill covid 19 on surfaces but not in the air or in the body!! That is why we must wear a mask.
we have been doing the outdoor thing since this began....take the kids to the park for two hours in the morning...back to the house.....out on the porch...as long as weather permits....anyone coming over....lets see 2 people the entire time....we sit outside

seems everyday there is new info coming out...i have the kids to the point they stop and move off the path when anyone is passing them...i am tried of the continual warnings i have to give them....we cant get hurt...cause we cant go to the hospital....and they both start school this week...

lets listen to fauci....over political bs
we have been doing the outdoor thing since this began....take the kids to the park for two hours in the morning...back to the house.....out on the porch...as long as weather permits....anyone coming over....lets see 2 people the entire time....we sit outside

seems everyday there is new info coming out...i have the kids to the point they stop and move off the path when anyone is passing them...i am tried of the continual warnings i have to give them....we cant get hurt...cause we cant go to the hospital....and they both start school this week...

lets listen to fauci....over political bs
Fauci isn't apolitical. To anyone who's got a personal care physician that they trust, I say listen to THEM. I see no reason to presume that Fauci is the greatest and most knowledgeable of all of the medical experts.
What I took away from it:

McConaughey: Why not enact a nationwide mask mandate with fines enforced as a penalty?

Fauci: “Absolutely we should have universal wearing of masks,” but mandates make people want to push back, and good modeling from leaders is more effective.
I love that you proudly display the fact that you've dismissed everything about the article except that which you found to be MOST politically convenient. I also love that it happened to be an opinion on law enforcement and the importance of political leaders acting as behavioral models, none of which I have any reason to believe are areas in which Fauci has some unique level of expertise.

And I don't poop, I have a BM.

There's anal retentiveness. Then there's children who are more, "Everybody Poops". THEN there's children who are more, "Everybody Poops, but when I do it rainbows are born. Look upon my movement and worship!"
Sunlight kill covid 19 on surfaces but not in the air or in the body!! That is why we must wear a mask.
Sunlight kills airborne Wuhan virus.
What I took away from it:

McConaughey: Why not enact a nationwide mask mandate with fines enforced as a penalty?

Fauci: “Absolutely we should have universal wearing of masks,” but mandates make people want to push back, and good modeling from leaders is more effective.
I love that you proudly display the fact that you've dismissed everything about the article except that which you found to be MOST politically convenient. I also love that it happened to be an opinion on law enforcement and the importance of political leaders acting as behavioral models, none of which I have any reason to believe are areas in which Fauci has some unique level of expertise.

And I don't poop, I have a BM.

There's anal retentiveness. Then there's children who are more, "Everybody Poops". THEN there's children who are more, "Everybody Poops, but when I do it rainbows are born. Look upon my movement and worship!"
Sunlight kill covid 19 on surfaces but not in the air or in the body!! That is why we must wear a mask.
Sunlight kill covid 19 on surfaces but not in the air or in the body!! That is why we must wear a mask.

No, sunlight does kill covid in the air.
But of course not in the body because the body provides shade to protect the covid virus from the harmful effects of ultraviolent light.

Sure masks reduce transmission, but that is why only the elderly and vulnerable should wear a mask.
The young and healthy should be deliberately getting infected so we can end the epidemic with herd immunity as quickly as possible.
What ends all epidemics is when they use up the easy local hosts too quickly.
If everyone wears a mask, then you conserve easy local hosts, so then the epidemic can go on forever.

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