Fauci publishes paper admitting COVID vax does not prevent infection or preading of COVID virus

You know no one said that the vaccination prevented transmitting of the the virus or was a cure for the virus (well maybe Trump did) . That as is hot air.
Oh really?

Biden and Rachel Madcow, for starters...
The virus is highly contagious and with all the variants it seems obvious. They say that it helps people from becoming sick but its not a certainty.
Backpedaling. Goalpost shifting.
The only purpose of the vaccination is to fight the disease that the virus causes.
WRONG. That is the purpose of the immune system. The mRNA jabs, rather, are ultimately instructing your body to manufacture the disease.
Or more precisely to build up the immunity system of the person which gives the person a better chance of recovery and hopes to prevent serious illness.
The goal is to train the adaptive immune system to better handle the disease. Additionally, you do realize that there is an innate immune system, right? You act like there isn't.
If they have a strong immune system then it can even prevent sickness but may still have the virus.
The immune system prevents sickness, not the jabs... The jabs quite literally instruct your body to generate the disease.
The object of the vaccination is to build up one immune system or cause an immune response so that the body can fight the disease that the virus causes.
This is re: one's ADAPTIVE immune system, not one's immune system. The mRNA jabs (not vaccinations) are causing the body to manufacture the disease.
All COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the United States are effective at preventing COVID-19.
They are not vaccines, and they do not prevent COVID-19. Almost everyone who gets the jabs gets covid later on (and technically everyone who gets the jabs is "getting covid" as their body is being instructed to manufacture it).
This does not mean it 100% and no one says that. Covid 19 is the diseases. SARS-CoV-2 is the virus. SARS can cause death no matter what.
SARS-CoV-2 does not cause death. It is typically opportunistic pneumonia which may arise afterward that causes death.
You can't be sure that you were actually "vaxxed" when the CPR happened. What was the time window between the "vaxx" and the CPR?
About a month. It should also be noted, that when ordered to mandatory quarantine and mandatory serum testing by one of Trump's favored labs, Labtech, I was found to have the antibodies from when I contracted Covid flying to a ski trip earlier in the year and ended up a month after the testing becoming a Covid therapeutic plasma donor. So, there is that. Some immunity due to previously defeating the same strain making the rounds, the vaccines or both. I don't spend much time worrying about which was and has been responsible for keeping me healthy. But like I said, I have very little history of bad reactions to anything I have been injected with and almost no autoimmune allergies in general. So for me, the vaccine is just hedging bets with little risk of a downside. I thank my parents and what I have been exposed to for my genetics. Take it. Don't take it. It's all the same to me. YOU have to decide where and how to hedge your bets on health matters based on YOUR family history and medical history. I'm good with that.
I don't. I had Covid (it sucked bad) on the first go around, got vaccinated and didn't catch it again, even after giving full unprotected CPR to one of your article's "atypical" victims, a 31-year-old that was too young, to be vaccinated, unlike me, not in the group at risk. He didn't make it. I did. Not a medical profession, just trained. It's their eyes you remember, that "what the fuck?" look in their eyes.
Yup! - My 29 year old tenant caught covid that caused heart problems that killed him 6 months later at age 30. Since he was covid free by the time he died, his death was not listed as covid. The vaccine would have saved him.

I have lost 4 unvaccinated close family & friends from covid. No one I know had any issues from vaccinations. I know a few covid deaths that were not listed as covid.
The first serious pathology we see is the assumption that anyone has been vaccinated, in the traditional sense that most anyone can understand it. Second pathology being that your argument is based on "surveillance case definitions." Precious, though doesn't cut the mustard.

This schizoid attempt to define things relies on a 14-day parameter by which to establish "fully vaccinated" vs proven science (a Danish report) that shows spike circulation up to 28 days. This only establishes a time window of 28 days since the last jab. This means that when the medical mafia confiscates a "surveillance case" for the statistics, the thief's credibility can only remain credible for up to 28 days, after which it must maintain its credibility by retesting the organism if it is to remain within the confines of a scientific approach.

Yes, if one accepts sin and immaculate conception, everything else that follows may make perfectly good sense.

So where is the post-28-days test results for each of these cases that comprise the statistics for "fully vaccinated"?
About a month. It should also be noted, that when ordered to mandatory quarantine and mandatory serum testing by one of Trump's favored labs, Labtech, I was found to have the antibodies from when I contracted Covid flying to a ski trip earlier in the year and ended up a month after the testing becoming a Covid therapeutic plasma donor. So, there is that. Some immunity due to previously defeating the same strain making the rounds, the vaccines or both. I don't spend much time worrying about which was and has been responsible for keeping me healthy. But like I said, I have very little history of bad reactions to anything I have been injected with and almost no autoimmune allergies in general. So for me, the vaccine is just hedging bets with little risk of a downside. I thank my parents and what I have been exposed to for my genetics. Take it. Don't take it. It's all the same to me. YOU have to decide where and how to hedge your bets on health matters based on YOUR family history and medical history. I'm good with that.
That's precisely why we ask about a time window. At 28 days, according to the Danish report spike is still circulating, though it apparently disappears and as one of the inventors, Dr. Malone has said, it remains in the lymph nodes for 60 days. This is a far cry from CPR.
The first serious pathology we see is the assumption that anyone has been vaccinated, in the traditional sense that most anyone can understand it. Second pathology being that your argument is based on "surveillance case definitions." Precious, though doesn't cut the mustard.

This schizoid attempt to define things relies on a 14-day parameter by which to establish "fully vaccinated" vs proven science (a Danish report) that shows spike circulation up to 28 days. This only establishes a time window of 28 days since the last jab. This means that when the medical mafia confiscates a "surveillance case" for the statistics, the thief's credibility can only remain credible for up to 28 days, after which it must maintain its credibility by retesting the organism if it is to remain within the confines of a scientific approach.

Yes, if one accepts sin and immaculate conception, everything else that follows may make perfectly good sense.

So where is the post-28-days test results for each of these cases that comprise the statistics for "fully vaccinated"?

Again, I don't care what you call it. It's saving lives.
That's precisely why we ask about a time window. At 28 days, according to the Danish report spike is still circulating, though it apparently disappears and as one of the inventors, Dr. Malone has said, it remains in the lymph nodes for 60 days. This is a far cry from CPR.
Yes, so a "surveillance case definition" must take into consideration previous infection/antibodies, before it can define the scapegoat as "unvaccinated," which is problematic because the first pathology is to take the bait that it's actually a vaccine. They are playing games with the signifier-signified so as to establish the credibility of mRNA injections that are not vaccines.

You were giving convalescent plasma though the circulating mRNA spike from the injection can't be said to have assisted in defining the plasma, because it was likely hiding out in the lymph nodes by then.
Again, I don't care what you call it. It's saving lives.
We care about continuing to define the pathologies that are taking lives, not saving them. That is because this last is the minority that will eventually yield the clues to expose the vaccine pimp and the origins of the virus.

Furthermore, we're not yet convinced that there are no pathological sequelae.
We care about continuing to define the pathologies that are taking lives, not saving them. That is because this last is the minority that will eventually yield the clues to expose the vaccine pimp and the origins of the virus.

Furthermore, we're not yet convinced that there are no pathological sequelae.

That's precisely why we ask about a time window. At 28 days, according to the Danish report spike is still circulating, though it apparently disappears and as one of the inventors, Dr. Malone has said, it remains in the lymph nodes for 60 days. This is a far cry from CPR.
Well, CPR sure didn't help, only exposing me to somebody dying from it, up close and personal, with him dying anyway. A month later in the same house, a woman dropped dead of Covid without calling 911, while the rest of the family was back in Detroit for the funeral of the first guy. They called me to break in and check on her, as she wasn't answering calls. I did not do any CPR that time, as she was in rigor and cold when I first saw her on the floor. I was damned glad when that family move away two months later. Unless it is a kid drowning, it is unlikely I will ever do CPR again.
Well, CPR sure didn't help, only exposing me to somebody dying from it, up close and personal, with him dying anyway. A month later in the same house, a woman dropped dead of Covid without calling 911, while the rest of the family was back in Detroit for the funeral of the first guy. They called me to break in and check on her, as she wasn't answering calls. I did not do any CPR that time, as she was in rigor and cold when I first saw her on the floor. I was damned glad when that family move away two months later. Unless it is a kid drowning, it is unlikely I will ever do CPR again.
So to further understand how this time window we are investigating works, applies to both the giver of the CPR and the victim, either of which can have a questionable "vaccine" status or a C-19-infection status.

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