Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'

Which democratic policies do you blame for this poor child’s death?
It’s the stupidity of progressives like yourself
Yet you can’t post a real answer and address the question. You’re sounding like the stupid one here. Sorry
There are PLENTY of answers in the book but do you actually care or are you just here to argue platitudes?

I’m hear to discuss specific ideas. Kind of tough when people resort to petty insults in lieu of giving direct answers to direct questions
That's what I thought. You have no interest in digging into the facts.
Of course I do. Why would you think that I wouldn’t?
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.
Which democratic policies do you blame for this poor child’s death?

Listen to the father explain ...... in this school district each kid was allowed 4 misdemeanor charges before they would actually have anything done to them....then it reset each year.....misdemeanor battery was also excused in this way.....one misdemeanor would have popped on the kids background check for the gun he purchased....you know, the background checks anti-gunners keep pushing, but then void with their policies...
Finally an answer, thank you! So to summarize you’d want to keep misdemeanors on high schoolers records and then not allow people with misdemeanors to buy guns. Is that correct?

Nope..... violent people yes.....as this kid was. Non-violent people should be able to have misdeanors scrubbed.....this kid had lots of them....and they ignored him...
This will not have any impact on the Democrats who have declared they are definitely coming for our guns.
Do you think all dems are coming for all guns?

Just those in the leadership of the democrat party at the local, state and federal level, as well as the judges and justices they appoint.
Well now you’re lying. Come back when you can be honest

Not lying, that is the truth....the ones passing gun bans and magazine bans are the democrat leadership...
Are you really that stupid?
Just looking for an explanation man. If you can’t contribute then go somewhere else
You are that stupid. WTF do you think we want done with criminals and trouble makers?
Please explain it to me. What did you want done to the shooter before he did the shootings and why?

He could have been committed to a mental hospital.....at least arrested.....at a minimum the police knew who he was, with over 30 visits to the home....any arrest would have stopped him from getting the gun legally.......
Which event would trigger a trip to the mental hospital? Also what would you charge the kid with if you wanted him arrested and how long would that arrest prevent him from legally buying a gun?

Violence at the school....did you read about his behavior at home and at school? This kid needed to be seen by professionals, likely in a lock up situation.

What would I charge him with...? Bringing a knife to school, punching his mother in the face? We could start there....and that with the other long history of bizarre and violent behavior should have had him seen and isolated.
You are that stupid. WTF do you think we want done with criminals and trouble makers?
Please explain it to me. What did you want done to the shooter before he did the shootings and why?

Maybe he could've gotten the help he needed, instead of getting shuffled
So forced therapy? Should the school or police be in charge of that?

Read the articles about the father and what he found....this kid was a nut, and didn't hide it.....
I’ve read the fathers statements, thanks for posting and actually answering the question. You’re the only one to do so. I’m look for solutions. What would you like to have seen done and what should be done in the future?. You seem to be answering and having a real discussion so I appreciate that.

This kid's behavior was extreme and the obama "Promise Program" allowed the school to let it continue, and it allowed the police to not arrest him.....that has to stop. Over 30 visits to his home by the police, often with violent behavior...this is what should have gotten him extra action, and his various crimes should have put him on a watch list......
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.
Which democratic policies do you blame for this poor child’s death?

Listen to the father explain ...... in this school district each kid was allowed 4 misdemeanor charges before they would actually have anything done to them....then it reset each year.....misdemeanor battery was also excused in this way.....one misdemeanor would have popped on the kids background check for the gun he purchased....you know, the background checks anti-gunners keep pushing, but then void with their policies...
Finally an answer, thank you! So to summarize you’d want to keep misdemeanors on high schoolers records and then not allow people with misdemeanors to buy guns. Is that correct?

Nope..... violent people yes.....as this kid was. Non-violent people should be able to have misdeanors scrubbed.....this kid had lots of them....and they ignored him...
What specifically did this kid do that would qualify as violent and worthy of locking him up and taking away his right to own a weapon?
This will not have any impact on the Democrats who have declared they are definitely coming for our guns.
Do you think all dems are coming for all guns?

Just those in the leadership of the democrat party at the local, state and federal level, as well as the judges and justices they appoint.
Well now you’re lying. Come back when you can be honest

Not lying, that is the truth....the ones passing gun bans and magazine bans are the democrat leadership...
True but I asked if all dems were going after all guns. You either avoided answering that question or you lied. Even the wingers that are talking about confiscation are only talking about assault weapons. Not all guns. It’s also only a faction of the party that is supporting this. These are obvious answers, it shouldn’t be that hard for you to say. Try being a bit more objective. More people will take you seriously.
Just looking for an explanation man. If you can’t contribute then go somewhere else
You are that stupid. WTF do you think we want done with criminals and trouble makers?
Please explain it to me. What did you want done to the shooter before he did the shootings and why?

He could have been committed to a mental hospital.....at least arrested.....at a minimum the police knew who he was, with over 30 visits to the home....any arrest would have stopped him from getting the gun legally.......
Which event would trigger a trip to the mental hospital? Also what would you charge the kid with if you wanted him arrested and how long would that arrest prevent him from legally buying a gun?

Violence at the school....did you read about his behavior at home and at school? This kid needed to be seen by professionals, likely in a lock up situation.

What would I charge him with...? Bringing a knife to school, punching his mother in the face? We could start there....and that with the other long history of bizarre and violent behavior should have had him seen and isolated.
Something like this?

Parkland student arrested for threats, two classmates cuffed for bringing knives to school where 17 were killed
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.
Which democratic policies do you blame for this poor child’s death?

Listen to the father explain ...... in this school district each kid was allowed 4 misdemeanor charges before they would actually have anything done to them....then it reset each year.....misdemeanor battery was also excused in this way.....one misdemeanor would have popped on the kids background check for the gun he purchased....you know, the background checks anti-gunners keep pushing, but then void with their policies...
Finally an answer, thank you! So to summarize you’d want to keep misdemeanors on high schoolers records and then not allow people with misdemeanors to buy guns. Is that correct?

Nope..... violent people yes.....as this kid was. Non-violent people should be able to have misdeanors scrubbed.....this kid had lots of them....and they ignored him...
What specifically did this kid do that would qualify as violent and worthy of locking him up and taking away his right to own a weapon?

It was a string of violent behavior including beating up his mother......also, brining a knife to school, and bullets..... there was a list of his behavior in one of the articles......read that and you will see his pattern of behavior would have flagged him.
This will not have any impact on the Democrats who have declared they are definitely coming for our guns.
Do you think all dems are coming for all guns?

Just those in the leadership of the democrat party at the local, state and federal level, as well as the judges and justices they appoint.
Well now you’re lying. Come back when you can be honest

Not lying, that is the truth....the ones passing gun bans and magazine bans are the democrat leadership...
True but I asked if all dems were going after all guns. You either avoided answering that question or you lied. Even the wingers that are talking about confiscation are only talking about assault weapons. Not all guns. It’s also only a faction of the party that is supporting this. These are obvious answers, it shouldn’t be that hard for you to say. Try being a bit more objective. More people will take you seriously.

No......I stated clearly, that the leadership of the democrat party was for banning and confiscating guns..... they will not stop at "Assault Rifles" since those rifles function the exact same way as every other semi-automatic rifle, pistol and shotgun...they are trying to establish the precedent that a semi-automatic weapon is too dangerous for civilians....

If the fraction of the party that plans on doing it is the party with the power to do it...it doesn't matter what their voters say..... and the attacks are not all going to be obvious to voters....they plan on ending the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act...which almost no one knows about. They will allow trial lawyers to sue gun makers into Judicial mandates to avoid lawsuits.....fake lawsuits....which will give the democrats gun control without having to vote for it.
You are that stupid. WTF do you think we want done with criminals and trouble makers?
Please explain it to me. What did you want done to the shooter before he did the shootings and why?

He could have been committed to a mental hospital.....at least arrested.....at a minimum the police knew who he was, with over 30 visits to the home....any arrest would have stopped him from getting the gun legally.......
Which event would trigger a trip to the mental hospital? Also what would you charge the kid with if you wanted him arrested and how long would that arrest prevent him from legally buying a gun?

Violence at the school....did you read about his behavior at home and at school? This kid needed to be seen by professionals, likely in a lock up situation.

What would I charge him with...? Bringing a knife to school, punching his mother in the face? We could start there....and that with the other long history of bizarre and violent behavior should have had him seen and isolated.
Something like this?

Parkland student arrested for threats, two classmates cuffed for bringing knives to school where 17 were killed

This would be attempted murder.....

Two students were arrested later in the day after they pulled knives on their classmates in two separate incidents. One of the students took out a blade she had kept hidden in her bra druing a lunchtime brawl, according to an arrest report. The other student displayed a knife on board a bus the day before and was cuffed Tuesday.
This will not have any impact on the Democrats who have declared they are definitely coming for our guns.
Do you think all dems are coming for all guns?

Just those in the leadership of the democrat party at the local, state and federal level, as well as the judges and justices they appoint.
Well now you’re lying. Come back when you can be honest

Not lying, that is the truth....the ones passing gun bans and magazine bans are the democrat leadership...
True but I asked if all dems were going after all guns. You either avoided answering that question or you lied. Even the wingers that are talking about confiscation are only talking about assault weapons. Not all guns. It’s also only a faction of the party that is supporting this. These are obvious answers, it shouldn’t be that hard for you to say. Try being a bit more objective. More people will take you seriously.

You are throwing that word "Lie" around pretty easily....we have been able to have a polite conversation so far....keep using that word and that can change.
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.
So how did she die if it wasn’t from a gun?
Poor fellow. It was the kid with the guns that killed his child. Sorry for his loss, but no Democrat or Republican policy made that kid go crazy.
Just looking for an explanation man. If you can’t contribute then go somewhere else
You are that stupid. WTF do you think we want done with criminals and trouble makers?
Please explain it to me. What did you want done to the shooter before he did the shootings and why?

He could have been committed to a mental hospital.....at least arrested.....at a minimum the police knew who he was, with over 30 visits to the home....any arrest would have stopped him from getting the gun legally.......
Which event would trigger a trip to the mental hospital? Also what would you charge the kid with if you wanted him arrested and how long would that arrest prevent him from legally buying a gun?

Violence at the school....did you read about his behavior at home and at school? This kid needed to be seen by professionals, likely in a lock up situation.

What would I charge him with...? Bringing a knife to school, punching his mother in the face? We could start there....and that with the other long history of bizarre and violent behavior should have had him seen and isolated.
I can’t find info on him bringing a knife to school or punching his mother in the face. I see reports of him getting in fights in school and pushing his mother against a wall for taking away his Xbox. Is that what your talking about? Please be accurate with this stuff. Cops said they didn’t have anything that rose to an arrestable offense with the house calls. Apparently the mom called 23 times on both brothers and would use the cops to help deescalate the kids when they acted out.
You are that stupid. WTF do you think we want done with criminals and trouble makers?
Please explain it to me. What did you want done to the shooter before he did the shootings and why?

He could have been committed to a mental hospital.....at least arrested.....at a minimum the police knew who he was, with over 30 visits to the home....any arrest would have stopped him from getting the gun legally.......
Which event would trigger a trip to the mental hospital? Also what would you charge the kid with if you wanted him arrested and how long would that arrest prevent him from legally buying a gun?

Violence at the school....did you read about his behavior at home and at school? This kid needed to be seen by professionals, likely in a lock up situation.

What would I charge him with...? Bringing a knife to school, punching his mother in the face? We could start there....and that with the other long history of bizarre and violent behavior should have had him seen and isolated.
I can’t find info on him bringing a knife to school or punching his mother in the face. I see reports of him getting in fights in school and pushing his mother against a wall for taking away his Xbox. Is that what your talking about? Please be accurate with this stuff. Cops said they didn’t have anything that rose to an arrestable offense with the house calls. Apparently the mom called 23 times on both brothers and would use the cops to help deescalate the kids when they acted out.


In another instance, Cruz punched her in the jaw when she was driving because she wouldn’t stop at the store he wanted. Three of her teeth were knocked loose, the family source said.
In a September 2016 episode, officials were called to Cruz’s house over Snapchat videos that seemed to show him cutting both his arms. Investigators questioned Cruz and his mother, who said her son’s behavior was due to a breakup with a girlfriend who had been unfaithful, according to a Florida Department of Children and Families report obtained by Fox News.

Police were also called to a mobile home just after Thanksgiving about Cruz getting into a physical fight. Cruz was allegedly “punching walls and breaking items inside the home” before getting into a fight with Rock Deschamps, the 22-year old son of Lynda Cruz’s friend, Rocxanne Deschamps.

Nikolas Cruz's mom, tormented by his behavior, weighed signing over parental rights: family source
Please explain it to me. What did you want done to the shooter before he did the shootings and why?

He could have been committed to a mental hospital.....at least arrested.....at a minimum the police knew who he was, with over 30 visits to the home....any arrest would have stopped him from getting the gun legally.......
Which event would trigger a trip to the mental hospital? Also what would you charge the kid with if you wanted him arrested and how long would that arrest prevent him from legally buying a gun?

Violence at the school....did you read about his behavior at home and at school? This kid needed to be seen by professionals, likely in a lock up situation.

What would I charge him with...? Bringing a knife to school, punching his mother in the face? We could start there....and that with the other long history of bizarre and violent behavior should have had him seen and isolated.
Something like this?

Parkland student arrested for threats, two classmates cuffed for bringing knives to school where 17 were killed

This would be attempted murder.....

Two students were arrested later in the day after they pulled knives on their classmates in two separate incidents. One of the students took out a blade she had kept hidden in her bra druing a lunchtime brawl, according to an arrest report. The other student displayed a knife on board a bus the day before and was cuffed Tuesday.
Huh? You think kids should be arrested for attempted murder for having a knife on them? How does that play out. How long would you lock them up for?
Do you think all dems are coming for all guns?

Just those in the leadership of the democrat party at the local, state and federal level, as well as the judges and justices they appoint.
Well now you’re lying. Come back when you can be honest

Not lying, that is the truth....the ones passing gun bans and magazine bans are the democrat leadership...
True but I asked if all dems were going after all guns. You either avoided answering that question or you lied. Even the wingers that are talking about confiscation are only talking about assault weapons. Not all guns. It’s also only a faction of the party that is supporting this. These are obvious answers, it shouldn’t be that hard for you to say. Try being a bit more objective. More people will take you seriously.

You are throwing that word "Lie" around pretty easily....we have been able to have a polite conversation so far....keep using that word and that can change.
I agree we were having a good convo and I’d like to keep going. I won’t use the word lie of that is triggering you, but when I ask very simply if you think all dems are trying to ban all guns. The simple answer is no. You said dem leadership was trying to do that. That just is not true. Maybe your not lying maybe you are just wrong or confused. If you really think all dems are going after all guns then please show a link or statement that is proposing such things. Note that banning assault weapons is not banning all guns.
Right. It was the fault of Democrats in a Republican controlled state with lax gun laws, for the Parkland shooting.
It's the Democrat's fault for the mass shootings in...

Gilroy, CA 7/28/19
Aurora, IL 2/15/19
Chicago, IL 11/19/18
Thousand Oaks, CA 11/7/18
Perryman, MD 9/20/18
Bakersfield, CA 9/12/18
Annapolis, MD 6/28/18
Yountville, CA 3/9/18
Rancho Tehama, CA 11/14/17
Edgewood, MD 10/18/17
San Francisco, CA 6/14/17
Fresno, California 4/18/2017
San Bernardino, California 12/2/2015
Santa Barbara, California 5/23/2014
Alturas, California 2/20/2014


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