Father of Lost SEAL Rips Trump

From the Herald article (C&P)
Owens and his SEAL commandos set out in the dark of night. Planning for the Yemen raid began last year during the Obama administration, but the execution was tabled because it was decided it would be better to launch the operation on a moonless night, which wouldn’t occur until after President Trump took office Jan. 20.

According to a timeline provided by the White House, then-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn briefed the president about the operation Jan. 25 over a dinner that included Vice President Mike Pence, Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and top security aides. It was not held in the Situation Room, as had been a practice under previous administrations.

President Trump signed the memo authorizing the action the next day, Jan. 26.

The younger Owens served under three presidents and met one of them: Barack Obama.
“This was a very, very well thought-out and executed effort,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Feb. 2 as questions first arose about the mission. He stressed that it had been thoroughly vetted and planned on Obama’s watch.

Colin Kahl, a national security adviser to former Vice President Joe Biden, however, tweeted his contention that Spicer was mistaken.

“Obama made no decisions on this before leaving office, believing it represented escalation of U.S. involvement in Yemen,” he wrote on Twitter.

At the time of the firefight, Trump was not in the Situation Room, where he would have been directly involved in monitoring developments. Spicer said he kept in touch with his national security staffers, who were directly plugged in. White House officials also pointed out that, in general, counter-terrorism operations are routine and presidents are not in the Situation Room for every mission.

U.S. forces, targeting a suspected al-Qaida compound, immediately faced armed militants, a sign that their cover had been blown. The Washington Post reported that militants, some of them women, fired from the rooftops. Three other commandos were injured when an MV-22 Osprey, sent in to evacuate the troops, crash-landed. It was later destroyed by a U.S. airstrike to prevent it from falling into militant hands.

Some reports have said as many as 23 civilians, including an 8-year-old girl, were killed.

Afterward, McCain characterized the mission as a failure, and Trump responded with a series of tweets defending the Yemen action, and criticizing McCain. The rancor further escalated when Spicer later stated that McCain — or anyone — who “undermines the success of that raid owes an apology and a disservice to life of Chief Owens.”

There is no SEAL mission that is without risk, said Don Mann, a 21-year veteran Navy SEAL, now retired. Mann, the author of “Inside SEAL Team Six: My Life and Missions with America’s Elite Warriors,” said that if the assault team knew ahead of time that it had been compromised, the SEAL commanders on the ground had the ability to abort the raid at any time.

Some reports said that they did know, and went forward anyway.

“The SEALS, unlike other forces, make their decision on the ground and that decision — in this case — cost a life, which is very very tragic, but that’s war,” Mann said.

“These people are good human beings. It weighs heavily on them. Seeing one person die, especially a teammate or friend, is beyond comprehension.”

He said it’s natural that Owens’ loved ones would have questions about what happened, but they shouldn’t be swayed by the politics surrounding the tragedy.

“Nobody knows the truth of what happened except the person on the ground. When politicians get it, they warp it far from the truth,” he said.

Powerful hands
There were so many SEALS at Ryan’s service at Arlington National Cemetery that his father’s arm got tired from shaking so many muscled hands. At the end, before his coffin was lowered, each of the SEALS removed their badges from their uniforms and pounded them one by one into the casket. When it over, the casket was covered in gold eagle tridents.

Bill Owens doesn’t want to talk about Ryan’s wife or his three young children. There are other things that he believes should remain private. He spoke out, he says, at the risk of offending some of his family and friends.

William Owens said he had deep reservations about the way the decision was made to launch what would be his son’s last mission.Emily MichotMiami Herald Staff
“I’d like some answers about all the things that happened in the timeline that led up to it. I know what the timeline is, and it bothers me a lot,” said Owens, who acknowledges he didn’t vote for Donald Trump.

One aspect of the chain of events that nags at him is the fact that the president signed the order suspending the entry of immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries, including Yemen, on Jan. 27 — the day before the mission.

Owens wonders whether that affected friendly forces in Yemen who were assisting with the raid.

“It just doesn’t make any sense to do something to antagonize an ally when you’re going to conduct a mission in that country,” he said. “Did we alienate some of the people working with them, translators or support people. Maybe they decided to release information to jeopardize the mission.”

These are only some of the many questions that Owens believes should be thoroughly examined, including the possibility that the decision to move forward with the mission was motivated by politics.

“I think these are valid questions. I don’t want anybody to think I have an agenda, because I don’t. I just want the truth.”


Now What do you want to investigate, the President that signed a request for authorization, or the people who leaked the plan to the enemy and then gave a strange statement later reminiscent of the NEVER MY FAULT eight year lies.
The mission was planned and approved during the end of the last presidential term.

Is the real expectation that no men will ever be lost to combat?

A whole helicopter full of Navy Seals was shot down, who took the fall? Was there an investigation.

I assume this Father knows that when someone joins the military they might actual have to go on missions.

That said, I feel for the Father I want this to happen to no one, friend or foe.
"The mission was planned and approved during the end of the last presidential term." If the mission had been approved during the end of the last term it would have been executed during the last term. It was planned and handed off to the next term to approve. Bush 41 wrote and negotiated NAFTA, but who do you blame for it? Does anybody point at Ike for the Bay of Pigs disaster?
This is how stupid you assholes are.....this mission was planned in detail for weeks before Trump came into office...then the military leaders told Trump...look, we have this mission planned, can we do it...and he said yes....

But please....don't let the truth, facts and reality get in your way...considering the Ambassador in Bhengazi asked the obama administration for more security over and over again.....and it was refused...and 4 Americans died....

Again....please, keep lying...we need to win the next elections too....
From the Herald article (C&P)
Owens and his SEAL commandos set out in the dark of night. Planning for the Yemen raid began last year during the Obama administration, but the execution was tabled because it was decided it would be better to launch the operation on a moonless night, which wouldn’t occur until after President Trump took office Jan. 20.

According to a timeline provided by the White House, then-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn briefed the president about the operation Jan. 25 over a dinner that included Vice President Mike Pence, Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and top security aides. It was not held in the Situation Room, as had been a practice under previous administrations.

President Trump signed the memo authorizing the action the next day, Jan. 26.

The younger Owens served under three presidents and met one of them: Barack Obama.
“This was a very, very well thought-out and executed effort,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Feb. 2 as questions first arose about the mission. He stressed that it had been thoroughly vetted and planned on Obama’s watch.

Colin Kahl, a national security adviser to former Vice President Joe Biden, however, tweeted his contention that Spicer was mistaken.

“Obama made no decisions on this before leaving office, believing it represented escalation of U.S. involvement in Yemen,” he wrote on Twitter.

At the time of the firefight, Trump was not in the Situation Room, where he would have been directly involved in monitoring developments. Spicer said he kept in touch with his national security staffers, who were directly plugged in. White House officials also pointed out that, in general, counter-terrorism operations are routine and presidents are not in the Situation Room for every mission.

U.S. forces, targeting a suspected al-Qaida compound, immediately faced armed militants, a sign that their cover had been blown. The Washington Post reported that militants, some of them women, fired from the rooftops. Three other commandos were injured when an MV-22 Osprey, sent in to evacuate the troops, crash-landed. It was later destroyed by a U.S. airstrike to prevent it from falling into militant hands.

Some reports have said as many as 23 civilians, including an 8-year-old girl, were killed.

Afterward, McCain characterized the mission as a failure, and Trump responded with a series of tweets defending the Yemen action, and criticizing McCain. The rancor further escalated when Spicer later stated that McCain — or anyone — who “undermines the success of that raid owes an apology and a disservice to life of Chief Owens.”

There is no SEAL mission that is without risk, said Don Mann, a 21-year veteran Navy SEAL, now retired. Mann, the author of “Inside SEAL Team Six: My Life and Missions with America’s Elite Warriors,” said that if the assault team knew ahead of time that it had been compromised, the SEAL commanders on the ground had the ability to abort the raid at any time.

Some reports said that they did know, and went forward anyway.

“The SEALS, unlike other forces, make their decision on the ground and that decision — in this case — cost a life, which is very very tragic, but that’s war,” Mann said.

“These people are good human beings. It weighs heavily on them. Seeing one person die, especially a teammate or friend, is beyond comprehension.”

He said it’s natural that Owens’ loved ones would have questions about what happened, but they shouldn’t be swayed by the politics surrounding the tragedy.

“Nobody knows the truth of what happened except the person on the ground. When politicians get it, they warp it far from the truth,” he said.

Powerful hands
There were so many SEALS at Ryan’s service at Arlington National Cemetery that his father’s arm got tired from shaking so many muscled hands. At the end, before his coffin was lowered, each of the SEALS removed their badges from their uniforms and pounded them one by one into the casket. When it over, the casket was covered in gold eagle tridents.

Bill Owens doesn’t want to talk about Ryan’s wife or his three young children. There are other things that he believes should remain private. He spoke out, he says, at the risk of offending some of his family and friends.

William Owens said he had deep reservations about the way the decision was made to launch what would be his son’s last mission.Emily MichotMiami Herald Staff
“I’d like some answers about all the things that happened in the timeline that led up to it. I know what the timeline is, and it bothers me a lot,” said Owens, who acknowledges he didn’t vote for Donald Trump.

One aspect of the chain of events that nags at him is the fact that the president signed the order suspending the entry of immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries, including Yemen, on Jan. 27 — the day before the mission.

Owens wonders whether that affected friendly forces in Yemen who were assisting with the raid.

“It just doesn’t make any sense to do something to antagonize an ally when you’re going to conduct a mission in that country,” he said. “Did we alienate some of the people working with them, translators or support people. Maybe they decided to release information to jeopardize the mission.”

These are only some of the many questions that Owens believes should be thoroughly examined, including the possibility that the decision to move forward with the mission was motivated by politics.

“I think these are valid questions. I don’t want anybody to think I have an agenda, because I don’t. I just want the truth.”


Now What do you want to investigate, the President that signed a request for authorization, or the people who leaked the plan to the enemy and then gave a strange statement later reminiscent of the NEVER MY FAULT eight year lies.

And as I pointed out...they do not just jump on a helicopter and go on a raid....especially against trained terrorists...and your post confirms this...thank you......

The military had the plan, briefed Trump and asked him to give the go ahead...he agreed........

Trump has as much responsiblity for this as you or I do....
Facts are that the helicopters used in this raid are the most used transports for this type of raid. The reason that they are used is for their capacity. and their ability to take small arms fire without being disabled. To use a larger group of helicopters would require More actual space for the landing zone, or for the team to drop in different areas and move to the objective with more exposure to the enemy. There is a reason for the way any mission is planned, and IN almost all SO group missions each member involved has a say in the specifics of the mission. So if you are not or never have been involved in at least a military tactics or counter insurgency class you do not have any idea how these things are designed planned or carried out, and should not just be running the DL. It only shows that you are a typical uninformed, indoctrinated talking points spouting liberal.
The mission was planned and approved during the end of the last presidential term.

Is the real expectation that no men will ever be lost to combat?

A whole helicopter full of Navy Seals was shot down, who took the fall? Was there an investigation.

I assume this Father knows that when someone joins the military they might actual have to go on missions.

That said, I feel for the Father I want this to happen to no one, friend or foe.
"The mission was planned and approved during the end of the last presidential term." If the mission had been approved during the end of the last term it would have been executed during the last term. It was planned and handed off to the next term to approve. Bush 41 wrote and negotiated NAFTA, but who do you blame for it? Does anybody point at Ike for the Bay of Pigs disaster?

Moonless night. Try reading the thread.
Facts are that the helicopters used in this raid are the most used transports for this type of raid. The reason that they are used is for their capacity. and their ability to take small arms fire without being disabled. To use a larger group of helicopters would require More actual space for the landing zone, or for the team to drop in different areas and move to the objective with more exposure to the enemy. There is a reason for the way any mission is planned, and IN almost all SO group missions each member involved has a say in the specifics of the mission. So if you are not or never have been involved in at least a military tactics or counter insurgency class you do not have any idea how these things are designed planned or carried out, and should not just be running the DL. It only shows that you are a typical uninformed, indoctrinated talking points spouting liberal.

Was that addressed to me or the left wing morons on the thread....

I used that helicopter to point out that these raids are not spontaneous events, but are planned out in the greatest detail.....and your article confirmed it....this was not a mission planned on Trump's watch but he simply gave the go ahead after being presented with the mission by those who planned it....
Hopefully there will be an investigation to find the Obama subverts and traitors who tipped off AQ and are responsible for the leaks.
Yemenghazi needs to be FULLY investigated. Maybe then, the Republican operatives will stop investigations simply to damage people politically. Unlike Benghazi, Yemenghazi was ORDERED by the Commander-in-Chief and the buck stops with him.
Not with this so-called president...it's on everyone but his tiny hands.
He brags what a success the operation was, while the Generals tell of its failure. The man couldn't even enter the situation room to see what was happening, too busy with more important things
It's all a video game to him.

It's all politics to you. How many investigations were launched for all the missions that military died under Obama's command?
The father of the Seal said he wants an investigation. The left wing claims that he "rips Trump" . When are Americans going to understand that the radical left doesn't give a damn about the Military and never did? It's all about politics.

Well you must admit "Rips" sounds better than the Father wanting and investigation.

The investigation is a good idea so they can find out who leaked the mission to AQ. Whoever that is needs to be prosecuted or if its a Muslim, kill the bastard.
The mission was planned and approved during the end of the last presidential term.

Is the real expectation that no men will ever be lost to combat?

A whole helicopter full of Navy Seals was shot down, who took the fall? Was there an investigation.

I assume this Father knows that when someone joins the military they might actual have to go on missions.

That said, I feel for the Father I want this to happen to no one, friend or foe.
"The mission was planned and approved during the end of the last presidential term." If the mission had been approved during the end of the last term it would have been executed during the last term. It was planned and handed off to the next term to approve. Bush 41 wrote and negotiated NAFTA, but who do you blame for it? Does anybody point at Ike for the Bay of Pigs disaster?

This mission relied on total cover of darkness.

"President Barack Obama’s national security aides had reviewed the plans for a risky attack on a small, heavily guarded brick home of a senior Qaeda collaborator in a mountainous village in a remote part of central Yemen.

But Mr. Obama did not act because the Pentagon wanted to launch the attack on a moonless night and the next one would come after his term had ended"

Here's the key to it all. Someone betrayed the Seals. Now how the hell can Trump be held responsible for someone tipping AQ off?

Whoever the Commander was made the decision to go ahead with the mission despite knowing their cover was blown.

"Through a communications intercept, the commandos knew that the mission had been somehow compromised, but pressed on toward their target roughly five miles from where they had been flown into the area. “They kind of knew they were screwed from the beginning,” one former SEAL Team 6 official said.

With the crucial element of surprise lost, the Americans and Emiratis found themselves in a gun battle with Qaeda fighters who took up positions in other houses, a clinic, a school and a mosque, often using women and children as cover, American military officials said in interviews this week."

The mission was planned and approved during the end of the last presidential term.

Is the real expectation that no men will ever be lost to combat?

A whole helicopter full of Navy Seals was shot down, who took the fall? Was there an investigation.

I assume this Father knows that when someone joins the military they might actual have to go on missions.

That said, I feel for the Father I want this to happen to no one, friend or foe.
"The mission was planned and approved during the end of the last presidential term." If the mission had been approved during the end of the last term it would have been executed during the last term. It was planned and handed off to the next term to approve. Bush 41 wrote and negotiated NAFTA, but who do you blame for it? Does anybody point at Ike for the Bay of Pigs disaster?

This mission relied on total cover of darkness.

"President Barack Obama’s national security aides had reviewed the plans for a risky attack on a small, heavily guarded brick home of a senior Qaeda collaborator in a mountainous village in a remote part of central Yemen.

But Mr. Obama did not act because the Pentagon wanted to launch the attack on a moonless night and the next one would come after his term had ended"

Dancer, this is all academic. I don't know why Ike didn't act on the Bay of Pigs either. All I know is the mission failed. If you will remember, I did not blame Trump for this Yemen bust as I'm certain he was counting on a rousing success. And I'm sure we'd have heard about his military prowess ad nauseum had the raid succeeded in whatever it's mission was. Although finding the tipper (if there is one like it seems) is a priority with me. But I will always contend that the decision is an Oval Office responsibility. And you will also recall he talked a lot about 'Day One' and how he would immediately assume Presidential responsibility for American safety. I have to assume too...that the man who knows more than the generals will man up. Bottom line...find the tipper!
I hope someone is tracking down the leaker.Whoever tipped off AQ should be wearing orange for the rest of his or her life. Or a noose to take care of the leaker more quickly.
Hopefully there will be an investigation to find the Obama subverts and traitors who tipped off AQ and are responsible for the leaks.
Yemenghazi needs to be FULLY investigated. Maybe then, the Republican operatives will stop investigations simply to damage people politically. Unlike Benghazi, Yemenghazi was ORDERED by the Commander-in-Chief and the buck stops with him.
Not with this so-called president...it's on everyone but his tiny hands.
He brags what a success the operation was, while the Generals tell of its failure. The man couldn't even enter the situation room to see what was happening, too busy with more important things
It's all a video game to him.

It's all politics to you. How many investigations were launched for all the missions that military died under Obama's command?
You do not need an investigation for all military missions, but for those that turn out to be a disaster, poorly run, and the president is nowhere to be found
Yemenghazi needs to be FULLY investigated. Maybe then, the Republican operatives will stop investigations simply to damage people politically. Unlike Benghazi, Yemenghazi was ORDERED by the Commander-in-Chief and the buck stops with him.
Not with this so-called president...it's on everyone but his tiny hands.
He brags what a success the operation was, while the Generals tell of its failure. The man couldn't even enter the situation room to see what was happening, too busy with more important things
It's all a video game to him.

It's all politics to you. How many investigations were launched for all the missions that military died under Obama's command?
You do not need an investigation for all military missions, but for those that turn out to be a disaster, poorly run, and the president is nowhere to be found
You sound like a pussy whipped bitch...
Not with this so-called president...it's on everyone but his tiny hands.
He brags what a success the operation was, while the Generals tell of its failure. The man couldn't even enter the situation room to see what was happening, too busy with more important things
It's all a video game to him.

It's all politics to you. How many investigations were launched for all the missions that military died under Obama's command?
You do not need an investigation for all military missions, but for those that turn out to be a disaster, poorly run, and the president is nowhere to be found
You sound like a pussy whipped bitch...
You whined and cried, when OBL was killed, because supposedly Obama was a spectator in the raid. Well in this one, Homer, Trump didn't even bother to come to the situation room. He must have had better things to do, and crotches to be grabbed
He brags what a success the operation was, while the Generals tell of its failure. The man couldn't even enter the situation room to see what was happening, too busy with more important things
It's all a video game to him.

It's all politics to you. How many investigations were launched for all the missions that military died under Obama's command?
You do not need an investigation for all military missions, but for those that turn out to be a disaster, poorly run, and the president is nowhere to be found
You sound like a pussy whipped bitch...
You whined and cried, when OBL was killed, because supposedly Obama was a spectator in the raid. Well in this one, Homer, Trump didn't even bother to come to the situation room. He must have had better things to do, and crotches to be grabbed
Neither Trump nor Obama have anything to do with the killing of terrorists... it's the planners then the special operations/special forces/seal teams that do the killing…

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