Fantasy and the new sheriff.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Well, it’s now electorally official. Donald Trump is the new president. Millions of sedating prescriptions are no doubt being written for the stunned and devastated victims suffering from the post-traumatic stress of Hillary Clinton’s loss. Confused Democrats, staggered by an atomic blast of reality, shuffle about in an almost delusional daze as the results are confirmed. The catastrophic, unbelievable outcome denying the White House to the first woman president is affecting many democrats like a serious head injury. It’s a pathetically heartbreaking thing to watch-and a little scary too as it has been for the last eight years.

In a giddy stampede of unicorns under rainbows the Democrats fell all over themselves to elect the first black president-and an eminent academic no less. Well, the academic part is more like a trip to fantasyland since finding a human who remembers Obama in an academic setting is not only like looking for a needle in a haystack, you have to look long and hard to even find a haystack. But fantasy is what it’s all about with contemporary Democrats so facts and actual events are just boring, inconvenient details that are blocked by lining their hats with the aluminum foil of political correctness.

The shocking result of this election has been so injurious to the delicate, snowflake self-images of many Democrats that it has put them into a state where they are hopping mad. Their behavior after failing to put Hillary Clinton in the White House is getting nuttier almost by the day. The bizarre conduct of many Democrats after this election loss is emblematic of indoctrinated cult members who have been told for decades that that they are more intelligent and better equipped to run society only to find out that the collective wisdom of the masses has rejected them as buffoons.

It’s a blow that’s impossible for them to contemplate or even comprehend so they drift into a conspiratorial psychosis and rant about rigged elections. They blame the Russians, the FBI and the Electoral College. They blame racism, misogyny and fake news. They blame everything but themselves and their absurd, Obama-inspired worldview of prostituting American Exceptionalism to the economic and cultural slavery of globalization. What they should be blaming is Hillary Clinton’s incompetent act of using State Department officials in Benghazi as sacrificial lambs to preserve and protect Obama’s Nobel Prize winning legacy and then spreading fake news about a video.

It’s probably a waste of time to point out to Democrats that you can’t separate Hillary from Bill Clinton any more than you can separate Bonnie from Clyde. Hillary’s secret email server is peanuts compared to the global scam the Clinton’s have been operating called the Clinton Foundation. Hillary lost because she and Bill make Bernie Madoff look like St. Francis of Assisi. These “Natural Born Shillers” have amassed a personal fortune of a quarter of a billion dollars gleaned directly from the influence peddling schemes of the foundation which began modestly in 1997 and has metastasized into a money-laundering speech machine that rivals the Las Vegas Strip. Just the donations from the Persian Gulf states of Kuwait, Oman Qatar and the United Arab Emirates equal a hundred million dollars. Funny, donations have been falling off since Hillary no longer has any White House connections.

The Democrats who are up in arms running to and fro screaming Michelle Obama’s lament about no hope need to understand that they were not cheated or robbed of anything. Their candidate was deemed unacceptable by the people. And their candidate was so cock sure that she would win that she played checkers with the popular vote while her opponent played chess with the Electoral College. It’s really quite simple to explain what happened. The town folk got sick of Dodge City and elected a new sheriff. So disappointed Democrats need to get themselves a cup of hot chocolate and a coloring book and then take a nice nap because there’s a new sheriff in town.
Well, it’s now electorally official. Donald Trump is the new president. Millions of sedating prescriptions are no doubt being written for the stunned and devastated victims suffering from the post-traumatic stress of Hillary Clinton’s loss. Confused Democrats, staggered by an atomic blast of reality, shuffle about in an almost delusional daze as the results are confirmed. The catastrophic, unbelievable outcome denying the White House to the first woman president is affecting many democrats like a serious head injury. It’s a pathetically heartbreaking thing to watch-and a little scary too as it has been for the last eight years.

In a giddy stampede of unicorns under rainbows the Democrats fell all over themselves to elect the first black president-and an eminent academic no less. Well, the academic part is more like a trip to fantasyland since finding a human who remembers Obama in an academic setting is not only like looking for a needle in a haystack, you have to look long and hard to even find a haystack. But fantasy is what it’s all about with contemporary Democrats so facts and actual events are just boring, inconvenient details that are blocked by lining their hats with the aluminum foil of political correctness.

The shocking result of this election has been so injurious to the delicate, snowflake self-images of many Democrats that it has put them into a state where they are hopping mad. Their behavior after failing to put Hillary Clinton in the White House is getting nuttier almost by the day. The bizarre conduct of many Democrats after this election loss is emblematic of indoctrinated cult members who have been told for decades that that they are more intelligent and better equipped to run society only to find out that the collective wisdom of the masses has rejected them as buffoons.

It’s a blow that’s impossible for them to contemplate or even comprehend so they drift into a conspiratorial psychosis and rant about rigged elections. They blame the Russians, the FBI and the Electoral College. They blame racism, misogyny and fake news. They blame everything but themselves and their absurd, Obama-inspired worldview of prostituting American Exceptionalism to the economic and cultural slavery of globalization. What they should be blaming is Hillary Clinton’s incompetent act of using State Department officials in Benghazi as sacrificial lambs to preserve and protect Obama’s Nobel Prize winning legacy and then spreading fake news about a video.

It’s probably a waste of time to point out to Democrats that you can’t separate Hillary from Bill Clinton any more than you can separate Bonnie from Clyde. Hillary’s secret email server is peanuts compared to the global scam the Clinton’s have been operating called the Clinton Foundation. Hillary lost because she and Bill make Bernie Madoff look like St. Francis of Assisi. These “Natural Born Shillers” have amassed a personal fortune of a quarter of a billion dollars gleaned directly from the influence peddling schemes of the foundation which began modestly in 1997 and has metastasized into a money-laundering speech machine that rivals the Las Vegas Strip. Just the donations from the Persian Gulf states of Kuwait, Oman Qatar and the United Arab Emirates equal a hundred million dollars. Funny, donations have been falling off since Hillary no longer has any White House connections.

The Democrats who are up in arms running to and fro screaming Michelle Obama’s lament about no hope need to understand that they were not cheated or robbed of anything. Their candidate was deemed unacceptable by the people. And their candidate was so cock sure that she would win that she played checkers with the popular vote while her opponent played chess with the Electoral College. It’s really quite simple to explain what happened. The town folk got sick of Dodge City and elected a new sheriff. So disappointed Democrats need to get themselves a cup of hot chocolate and a coloring book and then take a nice nap because there’s a new sheriff in town.
Absolutely brilliant analysis, Ray! Thanks. One big Gold Star coming your forehead's way.
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It's apparent that many people do not yet realize the seriousness of the criminal behavior of the Clintons. Using access to the State Department and Washington inside politics to personally enrich themselves are high crimes and they will be held accountable. They've skated on everything since Arkansas but they are going to pay for this. Because Hillary lost the election she and Bill are now about to be fitted for handcuffs. They will soon be relegated to a retirement community surrounded by razor wire. It won't be the President-elect that will do this, it will be the FBI and other agencies at last. It's going to happen.

And maybe they'll let the Hildebeast wear her orange pantsuit while incarcerated. Although that clearly wouldn't be fair to her fellow criminal roommates in jumpsuits. But, hey, she's special.
Won't happen.

Strange that the President Elect is the one busy scribbling out checks to avoid going to trial though.

Thanks for your "analysis" was quite funny.
It's apparent that many people do not yet realize the seriousness of the criminal behavior of the Clintons. Using access to the State Department and Washington inside politics to personally enrich themselves are high crimes and they will be held accountable. They've skated on everything since Arkansas but they are going to pay for this. Because Hillary lost the election she and Bill are now about to be fitted for handcuffs. They will soon be relegated to a retirement community surrounded by razor wire. It won't be the President-elect that will do this, it will be the FBI and other agencies at last. It's going to happen.

I am afraid that this would provide the Democrats with an excuse for persecution of their political opponents the next time they control the DOJ. That being said, it is deplorable that Obama considered hacking into DNC emails to be a greater crime than revealing national security secrets.

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