Famous Presidential Quotes

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Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
November 17th, 1973 : I am not a Crook!

January 15th, 1998: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky!"

January 14th, 2017 "I have never worked for Russia"

Barack Obama - " You Can Keep Your Doctor "

What he failed to explain is as long as they are in network...

Now to you comparing Trump to Nixon and Clinton, my bet you will be upset when Trump is not impeached and removed and win again in 2020...
Barack Obama - " You Can Keep Your Doctor "

What he failed to explain is as long as they are in network...

Which is exactly was the case before you got the ACA.

I pretty much have to change doctors every time I change jobs.

Now, what does that have to do with sloppy denials of wrongdoing by Presidents who got caught like the three above?
No quote needed. I mean c'mon--most Trump president ever, and definitely the funniest.

Barack Obama - " You Can Keep Your Doctor "

What he failed to explain is as long as they are in network...

Which is exactly was the case before you got the ACA.

I pretty much have to change doctors every time I change jobs.

Now, what does that have to do with sloppy denials of wrongdoing by Presidents who got caught like the three above?

Wait, Trump has been caught at what so far?

Funny thing is you have tried and convicted the President on what you believed he has done but he has not been caught like those two.

Also Obama shows the board how you ignore his lies ( yes he lied ) and just focus on Trump lies.

Finally, stop excusing Obama for his lie or don't because you love liars as long as they are Democrats and let be honest you only mentioned Clinton because you knew it would be thrown in your face!
"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race." -- Calvin Coolidge
Oh, if you want a real lie read LBJ reasoning to escalate the Vietnam conflict!

Trump lie has not lead us into a large police conflict!
Wait, Trump has been caught at what so far?

Funny thing is you have tried and convicted the President on what you believed he has done but he has not been caught like those two.

Also Obama shows the board how you ignore his lies ( yes he lied ) and just focus on Trump lies.

Finally, stop excusing Obama for his lie or don't because you love liars as long as they are Democrats and let be honest you only mentioned Clinton because you knew it would be thrown in your face!

No, I brought up Clinton and Nixon because I see the obvious corrolations. No one but the koolaid drinkers believe quotes like that.

Deep down, you guys know he was playing footsie with the Russians. His own lackeys are breaking bad on him.
Wait, Trump has been caught at what so far?

Funny thing is you have tried and convicted the President on what you believed he has done but he has not been caught like those two.

Also Obama shows the board how you ignore his lies ( yes he lied ) and just focus on Trump lies.

Finally, stop excusing Obama for his lie or don't because you love liars as long as they are Democrats and let be honest you only mentioned Clinton because you knew it would be thrown in your face!

No, I brought up Clinton and Nixon because I see the obvious corrolations. No one but the koolaid drinkers believe quotes like that.

Deep down, you guys know he was playing footsie with the Russians. His own lackeys are breaking bad on him.

So please show the impeachable evidence and impeach and remove seeing you clearly have it...

Wait, it is your opinion and you do not have the clear cut evidence...
"I'll have them ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years" - LBJ

LBJ never said that.

Sure, he did. He said this too

"Son, when I appoint a ****** to the Supreme Court (Thurgood Marshall) I want everyone to know he's a ******"


FACT CHECK: Did LBJ Say 'I'll Have Those N*****s Voting Democratic for 200 Years'?

Said it in front of witnesses. Yup.

"Lyndon Johnson said the word “******” a lot." --MSNBC

Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist.
So please show the impeachable evidence and impeach and remove seeing you clearly have it...

Wait, it is your opinion and you do not have the clear cut evidence...

actually, the evidence is pretty clear cut... just like it was clear cut that Clinton was lying about banging the intern.

Said it in front of witnesses. Yup.

"Lyndon Johnson said the word “******” a lot." --MSNBC

Okay, but you still don't have him saying it in public in the quotes you cited. I'm sure everyone in the 1960's used the N-word at some point.

So show us the tape where he said it in public like the three presidents said their lies I listed above.
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