Family Feuds and The Holiday Season

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I grew up in a very close knit family. I'm the youngest of 4 siblings. My brother is the oldest, followed by my 2 sisters. Very sadly the younger of my 2 sisters was in the life battle with lung cancer this time last year, which she lost in mid January.

During that tragic time my older sister took the roll of the primary care giver and the rest of us played supporting roles. During the stresses of this time my sister-in-law and my sister had quite a falling out. My brother, for his own reasons supported his wife and my older sister for worthy reasons has never gotten over the tragedy or the falling out.

Over the year the falling out has only grown as they are all members of the same golf club but connected to different clique's. My sister and her husband stanch conservative, my brother and his wife stanch liberals. Well they have spent the year shining each other on and playing what I consider goofy games. My role has been sounding board and neutral observer just in hope that the dust would settle and they would come to their senses.

Now the escalation has taken an extreme turn to worse. My sister-in-law confronted my sister and all Hell has broken loose. I have no doubt that my brother or my sister would come to the aid of each other in a pinch but they have a hard time swallowing the past sillinesses and intense hurt feelings.

The bottom line is I've had about enough of this crap and need to do something about it and it sure sucks, in the Holiday Season, to have families in the throws of feuds.

i got no siblings...and from what i hear and see...they really must not be worth mother has 4 siblings...if they are the examples..then i know siblings are not worth having...the family split over land.. the parents didnt divide the land equally and the brother who got 90% of the land divided the survey bill 5 ways and insisted that those who got fucked out of their land pay 20% of the bill....i figured they would get over has been years.....but i was proven wrong...when one of the brothers did not show up for the funeral of his nephew....hell my aunts ex hubby showed up....proving he is more family than again from the view point of an only child...i have seen siblings fuck each other over in more ways than i can name or count....i just dont get it...
o but its your crazy ass family we are got troubles...sister vs. sister in law....poor brother/hubby has no option but to side with wife vs. sister...

what was the orginal falling out about....i will be objective?
o but its your crazy ass family we are got troubles...sister vs. sister in law....poor brother/hubby has no option but to side with wife vs. sister...

what was the orginal falling out about....i will be objective?

I like most men avoid troubles in the hen house, I prefer to use memory loss and non involvement. With siblings you tend to believe the oldest holds superior knowledge and all the secrets of life. When you find they don't it's disillusioning to say the least.

Sister vs sister-in-law has been brewing in the cauldron for years (oil/water).

I'm only concerned with my brother and sister, honestly their great people but obviously torn by outside interests. I feel fairly sure I can get them on the same page.

I'm sorry Dr. Bones, I can't type fast enough to explain the whole story.
see i just dont get it....the older wiser blah blah in the would be what momma wants...and brother would be expected to get wife under control.
see i just dont get it....the older wiser blah blah in the would be what momma wants...and brother would be expected to get wife under control.

My sister-in-law has always treated me well. If I was to compare her to a member on USMB, I would say she's like Jillian, nuff said. My sister on the other hand, I'd say Chanel.
Very strong personalities, very smart but very different.
I grew up in a very close knit family. I'm the youngest of 4 siblings. My brother is the oldest, followed by my 2 sisters. Very sadly the younger of my 2 sisters was in the life battle with lung cancer this time last year, which she lost in mid January.

During that tragic time my older sister took the roll of the primary care giver and the rest of us played supporting roles. During the stresses of this time my sister-in-law and my sister had quite a falling out. My brother, for his own reasons supported his wife and my older sister for worthy reasons has never gotten over the tragedy or the falling out.

Over the year the falling out has only grown as they are all members of the same golf club but connected to different clique's. My sister and her husband stanch conservative, my brother and his wife stanch liberals. Well they have spent the year shining each other on and playing what I consider goofy games. My role has been sounding board and neutral observer just in hope that the dust would settle and they would come to their senses.

Now the escalation has taken an extreme turn to worse. My sister-in-law confronted my sister and all Hell has broken loose. I have no doubt that my brother or my sister would come to the aid of each other in a pinch but they have a hard time swallowing the past sillinesses and intense hurt feelings.

The bottom line is I've had about enough of this crap and need to do something about it and it sure sucks, in the Holiday Season, to have families in the throws of feuds.

You won't be able to resolve it, and in fact will probaly make it worse.

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