Families of San Bernardino islamic terror attack sue Facebook, Twitter, Google for supporting ISIS


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
San Bernardino victims' families sue Twitter, Facebook, Google

San Bernardino victims' families sue Twitter, Facebook, Google

The families of the victims of the 2015 San Bernardino, California, mass shooting filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against Twitter, Facebook and Google, accusing the companies of knowingly supporting ISIS.

According to the lawsuit, filed in federal court in Los Angeles on behalf of their attorneys, the families of Sierra Clayborn, Tin Nguyen and Nicholas Thalasinos, all of whom were killed in the terror attack, claim the two social media platforms and one search engine provide the terrorist group with support and a platform to grow.

"For years, Defendants have knowingly and recklessly provided the terrorist group ISIS with accounts to use its social networks as a tool for spreading extremist propaganda, raising funds, and attracting new recruits," the families said in the lawsuit. "Defendants are information content providers because they create unique content by combining ISIS postings with advertisements in a way that is specifically targeted at the viewer."

developmental disabilities." data-reactid="18">On Dec. 2, 2015, 14 people were killed at Inland Regional Center when heavily armed gunmen who were "on a mission" opened fire at the center, a facility that provides services to people with developmental disabilities.

In their lawsuit against the social media sites, the families of the San Bernardino victims say that Facebook, Twitter and Google have acted as a supporting tool for ISIS to "attract new recruits and inspire lone actor attacks."

In addition to a recruitment video, a Twitter page was made for Al-Furqan, ISIS's media wing responsible for producing multimedia propaganda. The lawsuit noted that Al-Furqan's Twitter followers "have grown at an astonishing rate," and says Al-Furqan has used the platform to post "messages from ISIS leadership as well as videos and images of beheadings and other brutal forms of executions."

As of December 2014, ISIS has had an estimated 70,000 Twitter accounts and posted at least 90 tweets every minute, according to the lawsuit. The families also claim that the terrorist group has used Google and Facebook in a similar manner and says that the advertising revenue Google earns is shared with ISIS....

It's obvious that the racist liberals who run these companies support terrorism against the United States.
San Bernardino victims' families sue Twitter, Facebook, Google

San Bernardino victims' families sue Twitter, Facebook, Google

The families of the victims of the 2015 San Bernardino, California, mass shooting filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against Twitter, Facebook and Google, accusing the companies of knowingly supporting ISIS.

According to the lawsuit, filed in federal court in Los Angeles on behalf of their attorneys, the families of Sierra Clayborn, Tin Nguyen and Nicholas Thalasinos, all of whom were killed in the terror attack, claim the two social media platforms and one search engine provide the terrorist group with support and a platform to grow.

"For years, Defendants have knowingly and recklessly provided the terrorist group ISIS with accounts to use its social networks as a tool for spreading extremist propaganda, raising funds, and attracting new recruits," the families said in the lawsuit. "Defendants are information content providers because they create unique content by combining ISIS postings with advertisements in a way that is specifically targeted at the viewer."

developmental disabilities." data-reactid="18">On Dec. 2, 2015, 14 people were killed at Inland Regional Center when heavily armed gunmen who were "on a mission" opened fire at the center, a facility that provides services to people with developmental disabilities.

In their lawsuit against the social media sites, the families of the San Bernardino victims say that Facebook, Twitter and Google have acted as a supporting tool for ISIS to "attract new recruits and inspire lone actor attacks."

In addition to a recruitment video, a Twitter page was made for Al-Furqan, ISIS's media wing responsible for producing multimedia propaganda. The lawsuit noted that Al-Furqan's Twitter followers "have grown at an astonishing rate," and says Al-Furqan has used the platform to post "messages from ISIS leadership as well as videos and images of beheadings and other brutal forms of executions."

As of December 2014, ISIS has had an estimated 70,000 Twitter accounts and posted at least 90 tweets every minute, according to the lawsuit. The families also claim that the terrorist group has used Google and Facebook in a similar manner and says that the advertising revenue Google earns is shared with ISIS....

It's obvious that the racist liberals who run these companies support terrorism against the United States.
Why stop there, go after the guy who wanted Muslim Refugees by the 10s of thousands and the DNC. Bankrupt the left and then there is no more problems in the US.
A slippery slope, here, in my opinion. Not saying I like what they do, but by allowing these companies to start censoring, where does it stop and who is the judge.
I would also imagine the postings help the NSA in their quest.
I can't say I accept the premise of suing these social media groups for this. I can understand how enraged these victims families are, but the sad reality is; and I say this with no malice intended, but liberty comes with risks. It's the one comment Obama stated a few times I agreed with, "democracy isn't easy". Indeed.

If citizens want to be free, they have to accept there are those among us who are hellbent on destruction and causing harm. Some of them even within the security apparatus (at least in Canada)! Anytime someone suggests an extreme level of security or clamping down on freedom and follow it with "if it saves at least one life, it's worth it" I always suggest something to the effect, "why don't we allow cameras inside our homes then, run by the state?" This would save thousands upon thousands of lives, and eliminate a hell of alot of crimes, from domestic violence, to illegal dealers, on and on.

Yes, it's an extreme manner to make my point but I hope it has been made. East Germany was a nation that was quite safe, ask those citizens how they felt that 1 in every 6 or 7 people (by estimations) were working for the Stasi in one form or another. We have a frighteningly similar system here in Canada believe it or not, in fact the RCMP openly admired the Stasi tactics and tried to emulate them based on a book released in the 1970s. Our economy is now in shambles and we don't even have a domestic auto industry, the end result of government intervention and a state run economy (with many state patsies supporting it for self gain).

Bottom line, bad things happen. There is plenty of "blame" to go around, but those in law enforcement and trying to do good can't prevent everything, especially when supporting your Constitution and Individual Freedom. You do your best to prevent, and I'm sure a far larger number are prevented that we don't know about than succeed.
San Bernardino victims' families sue Twitter, Facebook, Google

San Bernardino victims' families sue Twitter, Facebook, Google

The families of the victims of the 2015 San Bernardino, California, mass shooting filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against Twitter, Facebook and Google, accusing the companies of knowingly supporting ISIS.

According to the lawsuit, filed in federal court in Los Angeles on behalf of their attorneys, the families of Sierra Clayborn, Tin Nguyen and Nicholas Thalasinos, all of whom were killed in the terror attack, claim the two social media platforms and one search engine provide the terrorist group with support and a platform to grow.

"For years, Defendants have knowingly and recklessly provided the terrorist group ISIS with accounts to use its social networks as a tool for spreading extremist propaganda, raising funds, and attracting new recruits," the families said in the lawsuit. "Defendants are information content providers because they create unique content by combining ISIS postings with advertisements in a way that is specifically targeted at the viewer."

developmental disabilities." data-reactid="18">On Dec. 2, 2015, 14 people were killed at Inland Regional Center when heavily armed gunmen who were "on a mission" opened fire at the center, a facility that provides services to people with developmental disabilities.

In their lawsuit against the social media sites, the families of the San Bernardino victims say that Facebook, Twitter and Google have acted as a supporting tool for ISIS to "attract new recruits and inspire lone actor attacks."

In addition to a recruitment video, a Twitter page was made for Al-Furqan, ISIS's media wing responsible for producing multimedia propaganda. The lawsuit noted that Al-Furqan's Twitter followers "have grown at an astonishing rate," and says Al-Furqan has used the platform to post "messages from ISIS leadership as well as videos and images of beheadings and other brutal forms of executions."

As of December 2014, ISIS has had an estimated 70,000 Twitter accounts and posted at least 90 tweets every minute, according to the lawsuit. The families also claim that the terrorist group has used Google and Facebook in a similar manner and says that the advertising revenue Google earns is shared with ISIS....

It's obvious that the racist liberals who run these companies support terrorism against the United States.
Why stop there, go after the guy who wanted Muslim Refugees by the 10s of thousands and the DNC. Bankrupt the left and then there is no more problems in the US.

The shooter guy was born here.
A slippery slope, here, in my opinion. Not saying I like what they do, but by allowing these companies to start censoring, where does it stop and who is the judge.
I would also imagine the postings help the NSA in their quest.
Who is the judge? The judge is the guy who hears the arguments.
San Bernardino victims' families sue Twitter, Facebook, Google

San Bernardino victims' families sue Twitter, Facebook, Google

The families of the victims of the 2015 San Bernardino, California, mass shooting filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against Twitter, Facebook and Google, accusing the companies of knowingly supporting ISIS.

According to the lawsuit, filed in federal court in Los Angeles on behalf of their attorneys, the families of Sierra Clayborn, Tin Nguyen and Nicholas Thalasinos, all of whom were killed in the terror attack, claim the two social media platforms and one search engine provide the terrorist group with support and a platform to grow.

"For years, Defendants have knowingly and recklessly provided the terrorist group ISIS with accounts to use its social networks as a tool for spreading extremist propaganda, raising funds, and attracting new recruits," the families said in the lawsuit. "Defendants are information content providers because they create unique content by combining ISIS postings with advertisements in a way that is specifically targeted at the viewer."

developmental disabilities." data-reactid="18">On Dec. 2, 2015, 14 people were killed at Inland Regional Center when heavily armed gunmen who were "on a mission" opened fire at the center, a facility that provides services to people with developmental disabilities.

In their lawsuit against the social media sites, the families of the San Bernardino victims say that Facebook, Twitter and Google have acted as a supporting tool for ISIS to "attract new recruits and inspire lone actor attacks."

In addition to a recruitment video, a Twitter page was made for Al-Furqan, ISIS's media wing responsible for producing multimedia propaganda. The lawsuit noted that Al-Furqan's Twitter followers "have grown at an astonishing rate," and says Al-Furqan has used the platform to post "messages from ISIS leadership as well as videos and images of beheadings and other brutal forms of executions."

As of December 2014, ISIS has had an estimated 70,000 Twitter accounts and posted at least 90 tweets every minute, according to the lawsuit. The families also claim that the terrorist group has used Google and Facebook in a similar manner and says that the advertising revenue Google earns is shared with ISIS....

It's obvious that the racist liberals who run these companies support terrorism against the United States.
Why stop there, go after the guy who wanted Muslim Refugees by the 10s of thousands and the DNC. Bankrupt the left and then there is no more problems in the US.

The shooter guy was born here.

Doesn't mean he can't be a Muslim extremist/terrorist.

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