False claims about 40 beheaded babies & 30 Harvard student groups condemning Israel may teach us how the US left, right & liberal process news

If you drop a bomb and you know there are women and children there, you intended to do it.
Intended to drop the bomb, yes. Intended to kill W's and C's? No. They could have moved out of that area. London was all but evacuated during the blitz. So were a lot of German cities later on.

Dresden was a mistake. It was Britain that insisted we do it. An atrocity, IMHO.
Yeah, especially the anti-semitic rhetoric.

Did DailyKooks give you the spambot or do you have to rent it? How many computers and how many personas do you go by?

Because none of your posts are thought out, they're just spam posted in a random manner.

Is that where USMB has gone?? Controlled by AI now?
Only in this case, it's the Pals who are the semites.
As many have heard, a bizarre false claim has been made that HAMAS militants beheaded 40 babies in their counter-attacks against ongoing Israeli ethnic cleansing and war crimes this past weekend.

Patently absurd on its face, the truth, while still tragic, is a different matter:


In keeping with Israeli attacks on innocent Palestinian men, women and children which have left thousands upon thousands dead, it appears that as many as three dozen kibbutz inhabitants were murdered, a few as young as two.

While deeply sad, it pales in comparison to the vast multiples of this number of innocent Palestinians murdered by Israel.

But for the purpose of this thread, the most important aspect of the story from a group perception standpoint is that conservatives accepted at face value that 40 babies had been beheaded despite the absurdity of the claim, while liberals (and even more so the left) were far more (and correctly) skeptical.

Meanwhile, 30 student groups at the famously liberal/left-leaning Harvard have come out with stern condemnations of Israel's long history of behavior far worse and vastly more numerically lopsided than the terrible event noted above:

Cornel West on Harvard students blaming Israel: Largely right but lacking nuance

What these two stories have in common is that liberals, and to an even greater extent the left, appear far more inclined to ask questions which challenge pre-conceived narratives, prejudices, and supposed authorities rather than accepting alleged truths at face value.

Contrary to the conservative claim that liberals and the left are led more by feeling than fact, the reverse appears to be true.

In the case of the false baby beheading claim, conservatives allowed their pre-conceived notions of Muslim barbarism to quash the more logical path of skepticism and deeper research that liberals and the left followed.

And in the case of the endless cries of alleged "Unprovoked attacks on Israel!" by Palestinian groups, the highly educated students of Harvard looked long and hard at the ACTUAL long history of Israeli brutality, terrorism, land theft, ethnic cleansing and widespread civilian murder to conclude that Israel was in fact the longstanding aggressor, and had provided endless provocation over many decades.

Conservatives famously attack liberals and the left - often confusing the two - in an unending barrage of barbs pertaining to their alleged infantile and overly emotional response to events, but the opposite seems to often be the case.

Liberals and the left seem much more inclined to investigate, use logic and reason, and weigh numerous sources before drawing conclusions, whereas conservatives seem more inclined to trust arbitrary - and often untrustworthy - authority figures providing bad information which confirms their prior prejudices.

This is not to say that liberals and the left are immune from this behavior (see the eight year liberal witch hunt against Trump for instance), but rather that they seem less inclined to base their beliefs on feelings and pre-conceived notions than conservatives.

Is this something that is likely to change?

Is the difference the higher levels of education that liberals and the left tend to pursue?

Obviously all three groups have societal value, but this difference is quite glaring, and often disconcerting.
This is the media counter blitz going out today to try and gain back some positive spin on "Hamas and the Gaza Strip plight"

Been a huge social media campaign started early this morning or late last night...

But ya know what?
I don't care.

Because murdering civilians in their homes....parading naked, broken bodies of little girls from PEACE concerts as a trophy...terrorizing alzheimer grandmother's in the streets, desecration every corpse of every person that was murdered....

It really doesn't matter anymore.
This is the media counter blitz going out today to try and gain back some positive spin on "Hamas and the Gaza Strip plight"

Been a huge social media campaign started early this morning or late last night...

But ya know what?
I don't care.

Because murdering civilians in their homes....parading naked, broken bodies of little girls from PEACE concerts as a trophy...terrorizing alzheimer grandmother's in the streets, desecration every corpse of every person that was murdered....

It really doesn't matter anymore.
Maybe more people will see the media as what they are -- The scum of the Earth.
Because the UN was set up to be the global government system. So they had to apologize for the world doing nothing while the Jews were massacred.
The world didn't even know Jews were being massacred until we crossed the Rhine into Germany. And you want the world to stand silent while you ethnically cleanse the area of Palestinians, no different than Nazi Germany.
Intended to drop the bomb, yes. Intended to kill W's and C's? No. They could have moved out of that area. London was all but evacuated during the blitz. So were a lot of German cities later on.

Dresden was a mistake. It was Britain that insisted we do it. An atrocity, IMHO.

So what? Germany love terror bombing, in both World Wars, and they loved torpedoing civilian passenger liners, too. You want to throw a Pity Party for them? Get with Unkotare; he loves throwing Pity Parties for his Oppressed Japanese Heroes, you know, the ones who tossed babies into trucks using their bayonets,, and ordered stuff like the Bataan Death March. You can hug each other and cry about how evil the Americans and Allies were.
The world didn't even know Jews were being massacred until we crossed the Rhine into Germany. And you want the world to stand silent while you ethnically cleanse the area of Palestinians, no different than Nazi Germany.

So why didn't they just go back to their original countries, Egypt and Syria? And, Israel acknowledged some 300,000 of them had aright to return, as long as they acknowledged the State, but they chose not to. Sucks to be morons, as you well know.
"Like" is simply parsing evil things.
You hit an kill a child chasing a ball that darts out in front of your car, you are evil? Dead child. You're driving. That's a fucked up viewpoint on life.
It's like my Daddy always said, "I can't make you do something, but I can make you wish you had"

There is going to be lots and lots and LOTS of dead Tangos real soon. The brave ones :auiqs.jpg: will get to see their executioners, but they're still gonna be dead.

Real dead. Maybe Israel can turn Gaza into a parking lot.
Or winter quarters for our immigrants.
It's like my Daddy always said, "I can't make you do something, but I can make you wish you had"

There is going to be lots and lots and LOTS of dead Tangos real soon. The brave ones :auiqs.jpg: will get to see their executioners, but they're still gonna be dead.

Real dead. Maybe Israel can turn Gaza into a parking lot.
They just might. The Israeli's have better propaganda than the Germans did.

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