Fallon Show humiliates Bachmann with misogynistic song

You know.........she could have stated that it was a joke played at her expense, and then just simply ignored it from then. Trust me........the story would have gone away.

However, bitching and yelling about it just fans the flames and makes the story bigger (which makes me wonder if she's actually running or just another attention whore like Sarah Palin).

So it's her fault for objecting to a terrible classless insult.


Obama objected to being compared to Hitler.....which resulted in Hank Williams Jr getting the axe.

What's the difference????

Answer: Libs can get away with while cons get condemnation.

Really? I don't recall Obama ever dignifying William's asinine comments with a response.

ESPN fired Williams because his comments were outrageous and bad for business. Furthermore, he was a mere ad man. Easily replaced.

Obama usually doesn't dignify them with a response. What a wonderful President he is.

He let's his friends do it and says absolutely nothing. Anyone who is critical of him catches hell. Anyone who is critical of someone like Bachmann or Sarah Palin gets a better fucken gig.

I'm still waiting to see if anything happens to Chris Matthews.
I don't think anybody thought it was a good idea. As far as I can tell, nobody is reacting to that. They're reacting to how she handled it - which was "not well."

You know.........she could have stated that it was a joke played at her expense, and then just simply ignored it from then. Trust me........the story would have gone away.

However, bitching and yelling about it just fans the flames and makes the story bigger (which makes me wonder if she's actually running or just another attention whore like Sarah Palin).

She doesn't want it to go away. She needs the sympathy points to buoy her faltering campaign. She needs the media attention.

Now, of course, it's not sufficient for the mere VP of NBC to apologize.

Bachmann Disappointed NBC

She demands an apology from the President of NBC. Then once she gets that, she'll likely demand an apology from the board and then the president of GE. For one silly little song, she'll ride the Whaaaaaaaaaaambulance as far as it will go.

The goofy ass victim mentality can be seen on this board too with the feaux outrage and conservatives demanding liberals on this board condemn the actions of the Roots, as if we had anything to do with this.

Screw that.

While I personally am in the liberal minority and was critical of the Roots' action, the apology from the NBC exec ends it -- or should. Newsbusters is a whiny con(game) news source and the reporter is stringing this out for all its worth. It's over. Put the kleenex away.
So it's her fault for objecting to a terrible classless insult.


Obama objected to being compared to Hitler.....which resulted in Hank Williams Jr getting the axe.

What's the difference????

Answer: Libs can get away with while cons get condemnation.

Really? I don't recall Obama ever dignifying William's asinine comments with a response.

ESPN fired Williams because his comments were outrageous and bad for business. Furthermore, he was a mere ad man. Easily replaced.

Obama usually doesn't dignify them with a response. What a wonderful President he is.

He let's his friends do it and says absolutely nothing. Anyone who is critical of him catches hell. Anyone who is critical of someone like Bachmann or Sarah Palin gets a better fucken gig.

I'm still waiting to see if anything happens to Chris Matthews.

So he didn't, in fact, "object" to what Williams said.

So there is really no point to your point.
While I personally am in the liberal minority and was critical of the Roots' action, the apology from the NBC exec ends it -- or should. Newsbusters is a whiny con(game) news source and the reporter is stringing this out for all its worth. It's over. Put the kleenex away.

Of course. Bachmann needs the attention and cons need to reinforce their "evil liberal media" talking points.

What a bunch of frigging babies.
While I personally am in the liberal minority and was critical of the Roots' action, the apology from the NBC exec ends it -- or should. Newsbusters is a whiny con(game) news source and the reporter is stringing this out for all its worth. It's over. Put the kleenex away.

Of course. Bachmann needs the attention and cons need to reinforce their "evil liberal media" talking points.

What a bunch of frigging babies.

NBC apologized for it.

That should be the end of it. If they want to fire the little faggots that did it that's up to them.
While I personally am in the liberal minority and was critical of the Roots' action, the apology from the NBC exec ends it -- or should. Newsbusters is a whiny con(game) news source and the reporter is stringing this out for all its worth. It's over. Put the kleenex away.

Of course. Bachmann needs the attention and cons need to reinforce their "evil liberal media" talking points.

What a bunch of frigging babies.

NBC apologized for it.

That should be the end of it. If they want to fire the little faggots that did it that's up to them.

Then why is Bachmann/right wing blogo-sphere still whining about it?

They must just be "little faggot" friendly, huh?
Of course. Bachmann needs the attention and cons need to reinforce their "evil liberal media" talking points.

What a bunch of frigging babies.

NBC apologized for it.

That should be the end of it. If they want to fire the little faggots that did it that's up to them.

Then why is Bachmann/right wing blogo-sphere still whining about it?

They must just be "little faggot" friendly, huh?

Bachmann is a lying assed bitch.....that's why.

I can't stand her.

Doesn't mean NBC was justified in acting like total assholes.
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Bachmann is a laying assed bitch.....that's why.

I can't stand her.

Doesn't mean NBC was justified in acting like total assholes.

It wasn't classy, but life is tough.

Bachmann should get a helmet. Now the VP has apologized, she wants the president to apologize.

She is going to drag this as far as it will go.

It doesn't matter, she's toast anyways. In five months she'll be out of the race.
I'm not going to fuss with you Marc. I understand you buy into all the anti-Rush rhetoric, and that's fine. He's a big boy and he can take the flak and sometimes actually deserves it. But it isn't ALL that often that he is over the top--certainly not to the extent that the left who hate him says he is. I was commenting on Ed's obsession with Rush and the dishonest way he attacks him. I will set the record straight when somebody is clearly misquoted or likely misquoted or misrepresented whether it is Rush or Barack Obama or anybody else. And that would include you as well. I was raised not to bear false witness and for me it is an ethical issue as well even if I despise the person.

But in any case diverting the thread topic to Rush Limbaugh is absolutely a derail of what this thread is supposed to be about.
It is no surprise to me that you can't back up your false witness against me. You can give no example of me misquoting or misrepresenting your MessiahRushie. Furthermore, you defended FOX's editing out of all of Hoffa's voting references in his "take them out" speech by attacking Think Progress who reported the dishonest FOX editing as being Soros funded and anti-FOX, as if that has anything to do with the undeniable fact that FOX dishonestly edited the video to change the context from voting to violence.
So much for your "ethics!"
Bachmann is a laying assed bitch.....that's why.

I can't stand her.

Doesn't mean NBC was justified in acting like total assholes.

It wasn't classy, but life is tough.

Bachmann should get a helmet. Now the VP has apologized, she wants the president to apologize.

She is going to drag this as far as it will go.

It doesn't matter, she's toast anyways. In five months she'll be out of the race.

She's just a bitch. She loves to make up lies about the front-runners. Seems to me she's doing Obama's work for him, her and Santorum......and Romney on occasion.
Like I said........Bachmann is an attention whore who is using this bullshit as a way to get media coverage to help her campaign.

The only thing she did that was more serious than Palin was to actually enter the race, but I think she's gonna be toast after about another month or so, and will probably be out right after Iowa.
Some people have no class. The booing of Michelle Obama was spontaneous.
This by Fallon was totally set up..

Maybe he has something against women, who knows
Some people have no class. The booing of Michelle Obama was spontaneous.
This by Fallon was totally set up..

Maybe he has something against women, who knows

Are you positive it is Fallon who did that and not the band only?

And..........like I said..........if Bachmann would drop it, it would go away, but she can't because she needs the attention for her failing campaign.
Some people have no class. The booing of Michelle Obama was spontaneous.
This by Fallon was totally set up..

Maybe he has something against women, who knows

Nevertheless the booing of Michelle Obama was in decidedly poor taste and low class. I'm sure only a relative few in the crowd did it and when you have 160k or more folks attending these events, it should not be a condemnation of Nascar. But Michelle was invited to start the race and should have been treated with courtesy and respect.

There has been much criticism of Bachmann for her reaction on this thread suggesting she has raised a big stink over the Fallon Show incident. She hasn't. She didn't know the song when the band played it and therefore did not comment on it during the show. She has not commented on it until she was advised of the disrespectful title and lyrics by the media and was asked for her comments by the media. She rightfully recognized the unkind, uncharitable, and hateful treatment of conservative women for what it was, and said that NBC should apologize for the actions of the band. She asked for nobody to be fired. She did not blame Fallon and said she would gladly go back on his show. She certainly has not gone about it all indignant and demanding that heads roll.

Whether or not one likes her personally or approves of her politics, she deserves to be represented honestly and fairly in this incident just as Michelle Obama deserved to be treated respectfully as the guest of Nascar that she was.
Some people have no class. The booing of Michelle Obama was spontaneous.
This by Fallon was totally set up..

Maybe he has something against women, who knows

Are you positive it is Fallon who did that and not the band only?

And..........like I said..........if Bachmann would drop it, it would go away, but she can't because she needs the attention for her failing campaign.

whatever dude, Bachmann doesn't HAVE to drop it just because you think she should.
If Fallon loses viewers over this, would serve him right.
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Some people have no class. The booing of Michelle Obama was spontaneous.
This by Fallon was totally set up..

Maybe he has something against women, who knows

Nevertheless the booing of Michelle Obama was in decidedly poor taste and low class. I'm sure only a relative few in the crowd did it and when you have 160k or more folks attending these events, it should not be a condemnation of Nascar. But Michelle was invited to start the race and should have been treated with courtesy and respect.

There has been much criticism of Bachmann for her reaction on this thread suggesting she has raised a big stink over the Fallon Show incident. She hasn't. She didn't know the song when the band played it and therefore did not comment on it during the show. She has not commented on it until she was advised of the disrespectful title and lyrics by the media and was asked for her comments by the media. She rightfully recognized the unkind, uncharitable, and hateful treatment of conservative women for what it was, and said that NBC should apologize for the actions of the band. She asked for nobody to be fired. She did not blame Fallon and said she would gladly go back on his show. She certainly has not gone about it all indignant and demanding that heads roll.

Whether or not one likes her personally or approves of her politics, she deserves to be represented honestly and fairly in this incident just as Michelle Obama deserved to be treated respectfully as the guest of Nascar that she was.

You may be right about the booing, but you have a large crowd of people you can't CONTROL them all. The Fallon show was a absolute setup. Like I said, if he loses viewers over it, would serve him right.
Some people have no class. The booing of Michelle Obama was spontaneous.
This by Fallon was totally set up..

Maybe he has something against women, who knows

Are you positive it is Fallon who did that and not the band only?

And..........like I said..........if Bachmann would drop it, it would go away, but she can't because she needs the attention for her failing campaign.

whatever dude, Bachmann doesn't HAVE to drop it just because you think she should.
If Fallon loses viewers over this, would serve him right.

I didn't say she had to, I just said that if she did, it would go away, but she won't because she needs the attention for her failing campaign. It's her choice to keep pursuing this.

And..........the more time she spends on this, the more it's going to drag her campaign down because she's being seen as petty right now.

Besides, aren't there more important issues that need to be discussed like jobs and the economy instead of insults that SHE DIDN'T GET WHEN THEY HAPPENED?

And, I find her delayed indignation to be a bit contrived.
Some people have no class. The booing of Michelle Obama was spontaneous.
This by Fallon was totally set up..

Maybe he has something against women, who knows

Nevertheless the booing of Michelle Obama was in decidedly poor taste and low class. I'm sure only a relative few in the crowd did it and when you have 160k or more folks attending these events, it should not be a condemnation of Nascar. But Michelle was invited to start the race and should have been treated with courtesy and respect.

There has been much criticism of Bachmann for her reaction on this thread suggesting she has raised a big stink over the Fallon Show incident. She hasn't. She didn't know the song when the band played it and therefore did not comment on it during the show. She has not commented on it until she was advised of the disrespectful title and lyrics by the media and was asked for her comments by the media. She rightfully recognized the unkind, uncharitable, and hateful treatment of conservative women for what it was, and said that NBC should apologize for the actions of the band. She asked for nobody to be fired. She did not blame Fallon and said she would gladly go back on his show. She certainly has not gone about it all indignant and demanding that heads roll.

Whether or not one likes her personally or approves of her politics, she deserves to be represented honestly and fairly in this incident just as Michelle Obama deserved to be treated respectfully as the guest of Nascar that she was.
It was only a few at the NASCAR event, but the vast majority of CON$ervative hate media has cheered and praised the booing by the few, and therefore it should be a condemnation of CON$ervoFascism.
Some people have no class. The booing of Michelle Obama was spontaneous.
This by Fallon was totally set up..

Maybe he has something against women, who knows

Nevertheless the booing of Michelle Obama was in decidedly poor taste and low class. I'm sure only a relative few in the crowd did it and when you have 160k or more folks attending these events, it should not be a condemnation of Nascar. But Michelle was invited to start the race and should have been treated with courtesy and respect.

There has been much criticism of Bachmann for her reaction on this thread suggesting she has raised a big stink over the Fallon Show incident. She hasn't. She didn't know the song when the band played it and therefore did not comment on it during the show. She has not commented on it until she was advised of the disrespectful title and lyrics by the media and was asked for her comments by the media. She rightfully recognized the unkind, uncharitable, and hateful treatment of conservative women for what it was, and said that NBC should apologize for the actions of the band. She asked for nobody to be fired. She did not blame Fallon and said she would gladly go back on his show. She certainly has not gone about it all indignant and demanding that heads roll.

Whether or not one likes her personally or approves of her politics, she deserves to be represented honestly and fairly in this incident just as Michelle Obama deserved to be treated respectfully as the guest of Nascar that she was.

You may be right about the booing, but you have a large crowd of people you can't CONTROL them all. The Fallon show was a absolute setup. Like I said, if he loses viewers over it, would serve him right.

I gently disagree. Michelle is convinced that Fallon did NOT know what the band was going to play and she holds him not the least bit accountable. (He has confirmed her belief.) The band however did intentionally set it up and actually was gloating in tweets later that they had done it. So THEY deserved a huge reprimand and, as employees of not Fallon but NBC, Michelle was owed an apology from NBC which is all she asked for.

It is easy to say she should have just sucked it up and blown it off. Maybe she should, but it is no secret that conservative women and minorities are particularly singled out for ridicule, demeaning and belittling comments, and are targeted to be savaged far more than most people in the public eye. And if we don't start speaking up, point out, and objecting to that, it will be increasingly difficult if not impossible to elect a conservative woman or minority to any high office.

President Obama certainly criticizes his critics when the media prods him on that. Sometimes volunteers such criticism in his speeches. Michelle Bachmann deserves the same right to do that.
Some people have no class. The booing of Michelle Obama was spontaneous.
This by Fallon was totally set up..

Maybe he has something against women, who knows

Nevertheless the booing of Michelle Obama was in decidedly poor taste and low class. I'm sure only a relative few in the crowd did it and when you have 160k or more folks attending these events, it should not be a condemnation of Nascar. But Michelle was invited to start the race and should have been treated with courtesy and respect.

There has been much criticism of Bachmann for her reaction on this thread suggesting she has raised a big stink over the Fallon Show incident. She hasn't. She didn't know the song when the band played it and therefore did not comment on it during the show. She has not commented on it until she was advised of the disrespectful title and lyrics by the media and was asked for her comments by the media. She rightfully recognized the unkind, uncharitable, and hateful treatment of conservative women for what it was, and said that NBC should apologize for the actions of the band. She asked for nobody to be fired. She did not blame Fallon and said she would gladly go back on his show. She certainly has not gone about it all indignant and demanding that heads roll.

Whether or not one likes her personally or approves of her politics, she deserves to be represented honestly and fairly in this incident just as Michelle Obama deserved to be treated respectfully as the guest of Nascar that she was.
It was only a few at the NASCAR event, but the vast majority of CON$ervative hate media has cheered and praised the booing by the few, and therefore it should be a condemnation of CON$ervoFascism.

oh brother..lol

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