Fake-science, Junk-science, Designer-science, Consensus-science


Sep 23, 2010
Secret-science is the latest alias fabricated by parasites and frauds:

The Environmental Protection Agency and other activists have long used ā€œsecret scienceā€ā€”another way of saying fake science or junk scienceā€”to justify job-killing regulations, legislation, and massive tax-dollar expenditures.​

More Evidence EPA Uses ā€˜Secret Scienceā€™ To Manipulate Politics With Alternative Facts
By Ned Barnett
March 16, 2017

More Evidence EPA Uses ā€˜Secret Scienceā€™ To Manipulate Politics

Finally, I could have posted this thread in the Law and Justice System forum because environment swindlers are guilty of breaking laws no different than the laws crooked charities and con artists break to steal money from individuals.

Question: Will FAKE SCIENTISTS go to jail. Answer: Not likely. You would need a thousand new prisons to house half of the crooks who got tax dollars under false pretenses.
1st post
Trying to out dumb Frankie boi? You are doing a good job of it. Remember, one of your GOP cocksucks tried to charge Dr. Mann with a felony because of the article in which he published the hockey stick graph. And got shot down.

You are another asshole trying to make Lysenkoism an element of our government.

What you are rejecting has been demonstrated by scientists from every nation and culture that has scientists. You are either a fool, or a liar.
Secret-science is the latest alias fabricated by parasites and frauds:

The Environmental Protection Agency and other activists have long used ā€œsecret scienceā€ā€”another way of saying fake science or junk scienceā€”to justify job-killing regulations, legislation, and massive tax-dollar expenditures.​

More Evidence EPA Uses ā€˜Secret Scienceā€™ To Manipulate Politics With Alternative Facts
By Ned Barnett
March 16, 2017

[UR='http://[B]thefederalist[/B].com/2017/03/16/evidence-epa-uses-secret-science-manipulate-politics-alternative-facts/']More Evidence EPA Uses ā€˜Secret Scienceā€™ To Manipulate Politics[/URL]​

Finally, I could have posted this thread in the Law and Justice System forum because environment swindlers are guilty of breaking laws no different than the laws crooked charities and con artists break to steal money from individuals.

Question: Will FAKE SCIENTISTS go to jail. Answer: Not likely. You would need a thousand new prisons to house half of the crooks who got tax dollars under false pretenses.

Oh, Flounders, you are SUCH a gullible retard!

A fake news story about global warming from another rightwingnut propaganda outlet funded by the fossil fuel industry.

The Federalist - Launched in September 2013 as a "web magazine on politics, policy, and culture," The Federalist is helmed by publisher Ben Domenech, a co-founder of the right-wing blog RedState.com and senior fellow at the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank known for its opposition to climate science, and funding from industry sources like the Koch brothers. Co-founder Sean Davis came to conservative journalism after a career in GOP politics, having worked for Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) and Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK).
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Secret-science is the latest alias fabricated by parasites and frauds:

The Environmental Protection Agency and other activists have long used ā€œsecret scienceā€ā€”another way of saying fake science or junk scienceā€”to justify job-killing regulations, legislation, and massive tax-dollar expenditures.​

More Evidence EPA Uses ā€˜Secret Scienceā€™ To Manipulate Politics With Alternative Facts
By Ned Barnett
March 16, 2017

More Evidence EPA Uses ā€˜Secret Scienceā€™ To Manipulate Politics

Finally, I could have posted this thread in the Law and Justice System forum because environment swindlers are guilty of breaking laws no different than the laws crooked charities and con artists break to steal money from individuals.

Question: Will FAKE SCIENTISTS go to jail. Answer: Not likely. You would need a thousand new prisons to house half of the crooks who got tax dollars under false pretenses.
Frauds like Michael Mann and his hokey schitck should already be in jail.. but they are slimy little pukes...
Secret-science is the latest alias fabricated by parasites and frauds:

The Environmental Protection Agency and other activists have long used ā€œsecret scienceā€ā€”another way of saying fake science or junk scienceā€”to justify job-killing regulations, legislation, and massive tax-dollar expenditures.​

More Evidence EPA Uses ā€˜Secret Scienceā€™ To Manipulate Politics With Alternative Facts
By Ned Barnett
March 16, 2017

[UR='http://[B]thefederalist[/B].com/2017/03/16/evidence-epa-uses-secret-science-manipulate-politics-alternative-facts/']More Evidence EPA Uses ā€˜Secret Scienceā€™ To Manipulate Politics[/URL]​

Finally, I could have posted this thread in the Law and Justice System forum because environment swindlers are guilty of breaking laws no different than the laws crooked charities and con artists break to steal money from individuals.

Question: Will FAKE SCIENTISTS go to jail. Answer: Not likely. You would need a thousand new prisons to house half of the crooks who got tax dollars under false pretenses.
Oh, Flounders, you are SUCH a gullible retard!

A fake news story about global warming from another rightwingnut propaganda outlet funded by the fossil fuel industry.

The Federalist - Launched in September 2013 as a "web magazine on politics, policy, and culture," The Federalist is helmed by publisher Ben Domenech, a co-founder of the right-wing blog RedState.com and
publisher Ben Domenech - senior fellow at the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank known for its opposition to climate science, and funding from industry sources like the Koch brothers. Co-founder Sean Davis came to conservative journalism after a career in GOP politics, having worked for Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) and Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK).
Frauds like Michael Mann and his hokey schitck should already be in jail.. but they are slimy little pukes...

In the real world, Dr. Mann is a top ranked, world class scientist, with many peer-reviewed publications, and many awards and accolades from his peers.

In the real world, you, Boober, are a pathetically ignorant and retarded rightwingnut loser, manipulated into stooping for corporations, highly delusional and extremely misinformed.....in short, an inconsequential and irrelevant wacko.

It is only in BizarroWorld Denierstan that ignorant crackpots like you can get away with saying things like that about good honest scientists without being met with incredulous laughter and everyone backing away carefully, followed by a call to security to come get the crazy man.

In the real world....

Michael E. Mann (born 1965) is an American climatologist and geophysicist,[1] currently director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University, who has contributed to the scientific understanding of historic climate change based on the temperature record of the past thousand years. He has pioneered techniques to find patterns in past climate change, and to isolate climate signals from "noisy data".[3]

As lead author of a paper produced in 1998 with co-authors Raymond S. Bradley and Malcolm K. Hughes, Mann used advanced statistical techniques to find regional variations in a hemispherical climate reconstruction covering the past 600 years. In 1999 the same team used these techniques to produce a reconstruction over the past 1,000 years (MBH99) which was dubbed the "hockey stick graph" because of its shape. He was one of eight lead authors of the "Observed Climate Variability and Change" chapter of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Third Scientific Assessment Report published in 2001. A graph based on the MBH99 paper was highlighted in several parts of the report, and was given wide publicity. The IPCC acknowledged that his work, along with that of the many other lead authors and review editors, contributed to the award of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, which was won jointly by the IPCC and Al Gore.

Mann was organizing committee chair for the National Academy of Sciences Frontiers of Science in 2003 and has received a number of honors and awards including selection by Scientific American as one of the fifty leading visionaries in science and technology in 2002. In 2012 he was inducted as a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and was awarded the Hans Oeschger Medal of the European Geosciences Union. In 2013 he was elected a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society, and awarded the status of distinguished professor in Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.

Mann is author of more than 200 peer-reviewed and edited publications. He has also published three books: Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming (2008), The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines (2012), and The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy (2016). In 2012, the European Geosciences Union described his publication record as "outstanding for a scientist of his relatively young age". Mann is also a co-founder and contributor to the climatology blog RealClimate.
Secret-science is the latest alias fabricated by parasites and frauds:

The Environmental Protection Agency and other activists have long used ā€œsecret scienceā€ā€”another way of saying fake science or junk scienceā€”to justify job-killing regulations, legislation, and massive tax-dollar expenditures.​

More Evidence EPA Uses ā€˜Secret Scienceā€™ To Manipulate Politics With Alternative Facts
By Ned Barnett
March 16, 2017

[UR='http://[B]thefederalist[/B].com/2017/03/16/evidence-epa-uses-secret-science-manipulate-politics-alternative-facts/']More Evidence EPA Uses ā€˜Secret Scienceā€™ To Manipulate Politics[/URL]​

Finally, I could have posted this thread in the Law and Justice System forum because environment swindlers are guilty of breaking laws no different than the laws crooked charities and con artists break to steal money from individuals.

Question: Will FAKE SCIENTISTS go to jail. Answer: Not likely. You would need a thousand new prisons to house half of the crooks who got tax dollars under false pretenses.
Oh, Flounders, you are SUCH a gullible retard!

A fake news story about global warming from another rightwingnut propaganda outlet funded by the fossil fuel industry.

The Federalist - Launched in September 2013 as a "web magazine on politics, policy, and culture," The Federalist is helmed by publisher Ben Domenech, a co-founder of the right-wing blog RedState.com and
publisher Ben Domenech - senior fellow at the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank known for its opposition to climate science, and funding from industry sources like the Koch brothers. Co-founder Sean Davis came to conservative journalism after a career in GOP politics, having worked for Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) and Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK).
Frauds like Michael Mann and his hokey schitck should already be in jail.. but they are slimy little pukes...

In the real world, Dr. Mann is a top ranked, world class scientist, with many peer-reviewed publications, and many awards and accolades from his peers.

In the real world, you, Boober, are a pathetically ignorant and retarded rightwingnut loser, manipulated into stooping for corporations, highly delusional and extremely misinformed.....in short, an inconsequential and irrelevant wacko.

It is only in BizarroWorld Denierstan that ignorant crackpots like you can get away with saying things like that about good honest scientists without being met with incredulous laughter and everyone backing away carefully, followed by a call to security to come get the crazy man.

In the real world....

Michael E. Mann (born 1965) is an American climatologist and geophysicist,[1] currently director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University, who has contributed to the scientific understanding of historic climate change based on the temperature record of the past thousand years. He has pioneered techniques to find patterns in past climate change, and to isolate climate signals from "noisy data".[3]

As lead author of a paper produced in 1998 with co-authors Raymond S. Bradley and Malcolm K. Hughes, Mann used advanced statistical techniques to find regional variations in a hemispherical climate reconstruction covering the past 600 years. In 1999 the same team used these techniques to produce a reconstruction over the past 1,000 years (MBH99) which was dubbed the "hockey stick graph" because of its shape. He was one of eight lead authors of the "Observed Climate Variability and Change" chapter of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Third Scientific Assessment Report published in 2001. A graph based on the MBH99 paper was highlighted in several parts of the report, and was given wide publicity. The IPCC acknowledged that his work, along with that of the many other lead authors and review editors, contributed to the award of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, which was won jointly by the IPCC and Al Gore.

Mann was organizing committee chair for the National Academy of Sciences Frontiers of Science in 2003 and has received a number of honors and awards including selection by Scientific American as one of the fifty leading visionaries in science and technology in 2002. In 2012 he was inducted as a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and was awarded the Hans Oeschger Medal of the European Geosciences Union. In 2013 he was elected a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society, and awarded the status of distinguished professor in Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.

Mann is author of more than 200 peer-reviewed and edited publications. He has also published three books: Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming (2008), The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines (2012), and The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy (2016). In 2012, the European Geosciences Union described his publication record as "outstanding for a scientist of his relatively young age". Mann is also a co-founder and contributor to the climatology blog RealClimate.

Realclimate blog is crap science... Always has been. Political hack crap. Now i know why you like it..
A fake news story about global warming from another rightwingnut propaganda outlet funded by the fossil fuel industry.
To Rolling Thunder: You got it backwards. Every statistic that originates with climate change parasites is a fake news story.
currently director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University,
To Rolling Thunder: Yeah right. Parasites in higher education predicting a self-fulfilling prophecy. Halfwits like you would believe Walt Disney if he told you his rat knows how to talk.
Secret-science is the latest alias fabricated by parasites and frauds:

The Environmental Protection Agency and other activists have long used ā€œsecret scienceā€ā€”another way of saying fake science or junk scienceā€”to justify job-killing regulations, legislation, and massive tax-dollar expenditures.​

More Evidence EPA Uses ā€˜Secret Scienceā€™ To Manipulate Politics With Alternative Facts
By Ned Barnett
March 16, 2017

[UR='http://[B]thefederalist[/B].com/2017/03/16/evidence-epa-uses-secret-science-manipulate-politics-alternative-facts/']More Evidence EPA Uses ā€˜Secret Scienceā€™ To Manipulate Politics[/URL]​

Finally, I could have posted this thread in the Law and Justice System forum because environment swindlers are guilty of breaking laws no different than the laws crooked charities and con artists break to steal money from individuals.

Question: Will FAKE SCIENTISTS go to jail. Answer: Not likely. You would need a thousand new prisons to house half of the crooks who got tax dollars under false pretenses.

Oh, Flounders, you are SUCH a gullible retard! A fake news story about global warming from another rightwingnut propaganda outlet funded by the fossil fuel industry.
The Federalist - Launched in September 2013 as a "web magazine on politics, policy, and culture," The Federalist is helmed by publisher Ben Domenech, a co-founder of the right-wing blog RedState.com and senior fellow at the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank known for its opposition to climate science, and funding from industry sources like the Koch brothers. Co-founder Sean Davis came to conservative journalism after a career in GOP politics, having worked for Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) and Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK).

You got it backwards. Every statistic that originates with climate change parasites is a fake news story.

Yeah right. Parasites in higher education predicting a self-fulfilling prophecy. Halfwits like you would believe Walt Disney if he told you his rat knows how to talk.

And ol' Flounders flounders in his sea of stupidity and ignorance, and sputters incoherently some more anti-science denier cult demented myths.
What you are rejecting has been demonstrated by scientists from every nation and culture that has scientists.

To Old Rocks: When truth is too overpowering to debate turn to consensus-science:

A few days ago I had a conversation with a very smart university professor of history and somehow the climate change subject came up. Almost instantly he responded to my thoughts by saying: ā€œYou must be one of those deniers who rejects the science consensus.ā€​

This is the new form of intellectual bullying and itā€™s intentionally designed is to stop the conversation not advance it. In the academies it is a technique to close off scientific inquiry.

When the liberals talk of ?consensus, what consensus are they talking about? Of whom? About what? Here is John Kay of the? Financial Times on the so-called consensus:​

Science is a matter of evidence, not what a majority of scientists thinkā€¦. The notion of a monolithic ā€œscience,ā€ meaning what scientists say, is pernicious and the notion of ā€œscientific consensusā€ actively so.​

Confessions of a Climate Change ā€˜Denierā€™
Thomas A. Smith
March 17, 2017, 12:04 am

Confessions of a Climate Change ā€˜Denierā€™
sputters incoherently some more anti-science denier cult demented myths.
To Rolling Thunder: Environmental science statistics are a collection of myths. Environmental parasites are the ugly reality.
Trying to out dumb Frankie boi? You are doing a good job of it. Remember, one of your GOP cocksucks tried to charge Dr. Mann with a felony because of the article in which he published the hockey stick graph. And got shot down.

You are another asshole trying to make Lysenkoism an element of our government.

What you are rejecting has been demonstrated by scientists from every nation and culture that has scientists. You are either a fool, or a liar.
Yet, for thousands of years the Earth was flat and the Sun revolved around it.
And then those myths fell to the development of the scientific method. The spread of heliocentrism was opposed for many years, however, by people - just - like - you.
Your kind is nothing new on this planet.
To mamooth: Indeed your kind have been at it for centuries. Let me remind you that you read this before:

Phlogiston Theory

Centuries ago, Al Goreā€™s scientific consensus gave the world the phlogiston theory. The following excerpt from a piece by Robert Tracinskiā€™s gives a brief history:​

In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, in the early years of the science of chemistry, many serious scientists accepted phlogiston theory. This was an attempt to explain the chemical processes of combustion, oxidation, and metabolism by inferring the existence of a substance call "phlogiston." This theory was wrong, but it was not a totally crazy invention; it simply came too early, before scientists had sufficient evidence to prove a theory of combustion. Phlogiston was only superseded when the great chemist Lavoisier identified oxygen as the substance that is actually responsible for combustion, a discovery that helped pave the way for the development of modern chemistry.​

This next excerpt is beautiful in its simplicity in relation to todayā€™s global warming scam:​

But imagine: what would have happened if the government had come along and pumped the equivalent of billions of dollars into phlogiston research? What if phlogiston had become a social cause, promoted by political leaders, touted by famous actors, defended by the culture's best writers? What if those who raised objections to the theory were vilified as "phlogiston deniers" and had to worry about losing funding for their research?

Yet that is precisely how today's scientific, political, and cultural establishment is approaching the nascent science of climatology.​

The questions posed by Mr. Tracinski are not that difficult to answer. As a matter of self-preservation a phlogiston bureaucracy feeding on tax dollars would have quickly acquired enough authority to get away with manufacturing scientific ā€œfactsā€ as well as accumulating the muscle to silence critics. Does that sound familiar?​

Assuming that phlogiston theory would have eventually been disproved by Lavoisier, the phlogiston parasites would have been so entrenched in Franceā€™s public trough they would be there in perpetuity. It is easier for literal scientists to cure all of the diseases known to man than it is for scientific truth to drive one parasite away from the public trough.​

NOTE: In todayā€™s America plagued by bureaucratic tyranny, how much simpler it is for those with a vested interest in big government to write and enforce regulations than it is to get an oppressive law enacted. I do not know about you but I have never voted for a bureaucrat, nor have I ever heard a proposed regulation debated by an informed public before it was implemented by bureaucrats.

The members of Congress plaster sorrowful expressions on their faces every time they admit to failing in their oversight responsibilities ā€”ā€” which happens every other week. So with all of Congressā€™ oversight failures, and with bureaucrats and judges making the laws these days just how do our elected sad sacks spend their time? Between unelected bureaucrats and bossy judges it is getting mighty hard to locate individual liberties.

The final excerpt reminds us that the founder of modern chemistry lost his head:​

During the Reign of Terror, the French government sent Lavoisier to the guillotine because of his connections to the old aristocratic regime. That is one of history's great crimes against science -- but it probably did less damage than our government has caused by killing climatology with the false kindness of politically motivated research funding.​

April 12, 2007
Is Climatology a Science?
By Robert Tracinski

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Is Climatology a Science?

I suspect that Lavoisier incurred the wrath of phlogistonā€™s true believers, just as todayā€™s environmental priesthood would behead all who speak out against the global warming fraud.​

How to Lose OneĀ’s Head
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And then those myths fell to the development of the scientific method. The spread of heliocentrism was opposed for many years, however, by people - just - like - you.

An thank God for that.........enough of the human racism crap. People are done with that.........which is why tens of millions of Americans are cheering their lings out that the EPA is getting a groin kick.:coffee:. Obviously, when so many people saw billions of $$ wasted on solar energy, they realized the DUMS were doing it wrong.:bye1:
To mamooth: Indeed your kind have been at it for centuries. Let me remind you that you read this before:
No, I haven't. Why did you think I did?

No matter. It's just you projecting your frothing anti-science outlook on to normal people. If you prefer, we can now compare you to a phlogiston devotee or alchemist, instead of comparing you to a flat-earther or anti-heliocentrist. They're all just different examples of how anti-science fanatics cling to obsolete science because the facts and data revealed by the scientific method threaten their political worldview.

Centuries ago, Al Goreā€™s scientific consensus

Gore Rule invoked. Any one bringing up Gore reveals themselves as a mindless cultist, and thus forfeits the thread for their side. Those who can talk about facts and science, do. Those who can't, they deflect by attacking whatever political figures their cult told them to demonize. You don't see any rational people talk about Gore, because he's irrelevant to the science. Rational people talk about facts, cultists talk about people.
Let me remind you that you read this before:
No, I haven't. Why did you think I did?
To mamooth: #2 permalink Feb 18, 2014:

Nice unibomber manifesto. Was there supposed to be a point in it, other than to illustrate you suffer from both ODS and GDS (Gore Derangement Syndrome)?

By the way, whoever brings up Gore first automatically loses. You lost with the OP. We on the rational side don't talk about Gore, since we're interested in the science, not the politics. I know that's tough for you to understand, given that for you this is entirely about your political cult.​

How to Lose OneĀ’s Head
April 12, 2007
Is Climatology a Science?
By Robert Tracinski

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Is Climatology a Science?

Yeah, of course, Tracinski isn't a scientist, but a reactionary political hack, which is why you'd rely on his ridiculous nonsense. Here's how a real scientist - you know, someone who knows his stuff - takes apart someone like the good Tracinski, calmly, factually, piece by piece, until the reactionary crank stands exposed for what he is. It doesn't help any that Tracinski is one of the more capable of the bunch, he's still an ignoramus and a crank, just knowledgeable enough to befuddle lesser cranks.

Not that I'd expect you to learn anything about cranks, or crank science, given you're willing and ready to peddle that pap. For everyone else we got to learn what and who you are: yet another arch-conservative crank-science peddler.
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To mamooth: Indeed your kind have been at it for centuries. Let me remind you that you read this before:
No, I haven't. Why did you think I did?

No matter. It's just you projecting your frothing anti-science outlook on to normal people. If you prefer, we can now compare you to a phlogiston devotee or alchemist, instead of comparing you to a flat-earther or anti-heliocentrist. They're all just different examples of how anti-science fanatics cling to obsolete science because the facts and data revealed by the scientific method threaten their political worldview.

Centuries ago, Al Goreā€™s scientific consensus

Gore Rule invoked. Any one bringing up Gore reveals themselves as a mindless cultist, and thus forfeits the thread for their side. Those who can talk about facts and science, do. Those who can't, they deflect by attacking whatever political figures their cult told them to demonize. You don't see any rational people talk about Gore, because he's irrelevant to the science. Rational people talk about facts, cultists talk about people.

But the "cultists" are winning s0n..those are the facts. You s0n, are part of a club......known as "alarmists". If your club were winning, the UN wouldn't be being defunded for climate change related stuff. The EPA climate programs would be being expanded right now instead of being eliminated. That's how the dots connect in the real world. The guru for your club is now completely irrelevant outside of the club.

s0n......its all adds up to you sounding like a mental case.:bye1:
As to arch-conservative crank-science peddlers:

Not that I'd expect you to learn anything about cranks, or crank science, given you're willing and ready to peddle that pap. For everyone else we got to learn what and who you are: yet another arch-conservative crank-science peddler.


This paper conducts an analysis of the financial resource mobilization of the organizations that make up the climate change counter-movement (CCCM) in the United States. Utilizing IRS data, total annual income is compiled for a sample of CCCM organizations (including advocacy organizations, think tanks, and trade associations). These data are coupled with IRS data on philanthropic foundation funding of these CCCM organizations contained in the Foundation Centerā€™s data base. This results in a data sample that contains financial information for the time period 2003 to 2010 on the annual income of 91 CCCM organizations funded by 140 different foundations.

An examination of these data shows that these 91 CCCM organizations have an annual income of just over $900 million, with an annual average of $64 million in identifiable foundation support. The overwhelming majority of the philanthropic support comes from conservative foundations. Additionally, there is evidence of a trend toward concealing the sources of CCCM funding through the use of donor directed philanthropies.
Yeah, these $900 million sure are being spent to further a virtuous aim, such as countering the bureaucratic tyranny smothering the average, defenseless U.S. citizen. This is desperately needed since Dr. James E. Hansen, et. al., sure got filthy rich on grant money, amply rewarded for peddling lies the whole world's scientific community confirms to be valid.

Of course, the output by these CCCM organizations feeds an ample number of blogs, which then feed that pap to countless useful idiots dutifully promulgating and multiplying the pap. All around take advantage of the fact that it's hilariously easy to hoodwink a lot of folks, and depressingly hard to convince them they've been hoodwinked.

The most recent area of scientific legerdemain is, of course, climate change, or man-made global warming. For the past decade or so, we've been inundated with dire predictions of earthly catastrophes that have yet to materialize, while we're shamed into reducing our imagined "carbon footprint" in order to save the Earth. We're told the science is settled and that no further debate is necessary, despite no significant change in the worldwide climate or temperature. Meanwhile, there is proof of faked data, which was revealed in the "Climategate" email scandal, and proof that the methodology for gathering temperature was fraudulent, as exposed by author Christopher Horner in his book The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism. There is abundant verifiable evidence that man-made global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the power-hungry and embraced by the gullible, but we're told that the science is settled and that dissent is wrong or ignorant or even stupid.


Prove it, or stop saying the science is settled.

March 25, 2017
The Science Is Settled! Now Shut Up!
By Don Fisher, Jr.

Articles: The Science Is Settled! Now Shut Up!

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