Fake polls.

Diver Diva

Platinum Member
Jun 2, 2019
I still haven't seen a single Biden sign, and Trump signs are everywhere here. Our President does a rally in Florida and 40,000 people show up. Biden does a rally in Florida and there are more Trump supporters outside heckling him than there are Biden supporters inside. We have parades of thousands of boats with Trump flags.

And the polls say Biden is ahead in Florida.
They are designed to convince Repubs we don't have a chance so why bother, the low info follow-the-crowd sheople to vote Dem so they can say they voted for the winner & give the left another excuse to burn down their cities when they lose.
I still haven't seen a single Biden sign, and Trump signs are everywhere here. Our President does a rally in Florida and 40,000 people show up. Biden does a rally in Florida and there are more Trump supporters outside heckling him than there are Biden supporters inside. We have parades of thousands of boats with Trump flags.

And the polls say Biden is ahead in Florida.

Actually that is no longer true.....Trump has pulled ahead even in the bullshit polls and the early voting is largely in his favor....it was inevitable.
During the first Debate he made a big deal about prescription prices one of the premier political issues in that state....Biden and the Dems NEVER EVER MENTION IT because they are funded heavily by big pharma. This is just a mind trick to keep on the fence voters from going to vote in the thought that it's already lost... They're pulling 2016 all over again times two.....that's all.

I think the posts here are about right...Dems often know fully well that an issue, incident, etc is exactly what we are saying about it, but instead choose to use worn tactics like just proclaiming something is "debunked", or "false" without any supporting documentation to back up their claims in the hopes that it just sticks as a narrative...They also hate that it isn't working because Trump has figured out how to use their own tactics against them, so they are devolving into angry children, spitting insults....None of this is a winning strategy for them...
All the polls said hillary would win in a landslide.

They lie.
The actually showed her at about 2% on election day, and she won the popular vote by about 2%.

I know those facts don't exist in your world, but that is where they were.

The thing is, and I get so tired of pointing this out, but, Her popular vote doesn't mean shit, just like if Biden wins the popular vote, but looses the EC then he will have lost....Period...

We have an EC for a reason, and it has worked since the begining...

Because you people don't like Trump's personality, you think that you can just ignore that he not only beat Hillary in the EC, he DESTROYED her clearly...Popular vote is NOT how we elect our Presidents, and people like you need to accept your loss, and get over it.
I think the posts here are about right...Dems often know fully well that an issue, incident, etc is exactly what we are saying about it, but instead choose to use worn tactics like just proclaiming something is "debunked", or "false" without any supporting documentation to back up their claims in the hopes that it just sticks as a narrative...They also hate that it isn't working because Trump has figured out how to use their own tactics against them, so they are devolving into angry children, spitting insults....None of this is a winning strategy for them...
I don't give a damn what the polls say....if Trump is going to lose then he's going to lose with my vote....that simple.

I still haven't seen a single Biden sign, and Trump signs are everywhere here. Our President does a rally in Florida and 40,000 people show up. Biden does a rally in Florida and there are more Trump supporters outside heckling him than there are Biden supporters inside. We have parades of thousands of boats with Trump flags.

And the polls say Biden is ahead in Florida.

I think the posts here are about right...Dems often know fully well that an issue, incident, etc is exactly what we are saying about it, but instead choose to use worn tactics like just proclaiming something is "debunked", or "false" without any supporting documentation to back up their claims in the hopes that it just sticks as a narrative...They also hate that it isn't working because Trump has figured out how to use their own tactics against them, so they are devolving into angry children, spitting insults....None of this is a winning strategy for them...
I don't give a damn what the polls say....if Trump is going to lose then he's going to lose with my vote....that simple.


I am starting to believe that he is going to win...I'm still not at the "landslide" level that some of my friends are convinced is going to happen, and would be nice...But, I do think he'll win...
I still haven't seen a single Biden sign, and Trump signs are everywhere here. Our President does a rally in Florida and 40,000 people show up. Biden does a rally in Florida and there are more Trump supporters outside heckling him than there are Biden supporters inside. We have parades of thousands of boats with Trump flags.

And the polls say Biden is ahead in Florida.
..I see a lot of Biden signs where I'm at--but that doesn't mean much
..no one really knows what will happen
I still haven't seen a single Biden sign, and Trump signs are everywhere here. Our President does a rally in Florida and 40,000 people show up. Biden does a rally in Florida and there are more Trump supporters outside heckling him than there are Biden supporters inside. We have parades of thousands of boats with Trump flags.

And the polls say Biden is ahead in Florida.

Actually that is no longer true.....Trump has pulled ahead even in the bullshit polls and the early voting is largely in his favor....it was inevitable.
During the first Debate he made a big deal about prescription prices one of the premier political issues in that state....Biden and the Dems NEVER EVER MENTION IT because they are funded heavily by big pharma. This is just a mind trick to keep on the fence voters from going to vote in the thought that it's already lost... They're pulling 2016 all over again times two.....that's all.

But the postal service and dems down in the Miami Dade area are trying to create scenarios so votes can be counted after Nov 3.
I hope the feds find every guilty party within the scheme.
I still haven't seen a single Biden sign, and Trump signs are everywhere here. Our President does a rally in Florida and 40,000 people show up. Biden does a rally in Florida and there are more Trump supporters outside heckling him than there are Biden supporters inside. We have parades of thousands of boats with Trump flags.

And the polls say Biden is ahead in Florida.

Actually that is no longer true.....Trump has pulled ahead even in the bullshit polls and the early voting is largely in his favor....it was inevitable.
During the first Debate he made a big deal about prescription prices one of the premier political issues in that state....Biden and the Dems NEVER EVER MENTION IT because they are funded heavily by big pharma. This is just a mind trick to keep on the fence voters from going to vote in the thought that it's already lost... They're pulling 2016 all over again times two.....that's all.

But the postal service and dems down in the Miami Dade area are trying to create scenarios so votes can be counted after Nov 3.
I hope the feds find every guilty party within the scheme.

It's the party politics that is the poison of this nation. We should never be at a place where a POTUS wins 51/49 it's just insane. We should never be at a place where every member of one political party votes for a SCOTUS judge and every member of the other votes against....Ultimately it is an indictment of both parties frankly...

Platforms have become empty vehicles of pandering for the lowest common denominator and no longer reflect the intrinsic needs of the Nation. The heinous spending that takes place on individual campaigns belies the promises of both parties that people are first in America and that either one of them are for transparency and truth. It is completely and utterly disgusting and certainly not the original purpose for the election seasons.

I still haven't seen a single Biden sign, and Trump signs are everywhere here. Our President does a rally in Florida and 40,000 people show up. Biden does a rally in Florida and there are more Trump supporters outside heckling him than there are Biden supporters inside. We have parades of thousands of boats with Trump flags.

And the polls say Biden is ahead in Florida.
If signs correlated return election outcomes, Trump would have won 90% electoral college vote, plus the popular vote by a mile

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