Fake News Libturd Style

where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

We have credible proof that the DNC was hacked - but, other than Trump, who said voting machines were hacked?

No one has said that. Such idiots.
Putin, Comey, and 25 years 25 years of fake news about the Clintons won the election. A disgrace.
Only RW dupes think Dems expect a hack of the election, but after all that and Trump's rig talk, the recounts and investigations are a good idea, dupe.
Fake news is that queens best play! Good thing she was shot at right? How about the video for Benghazi? Dude, she's queen of fake news . Where are all the trump women victims? Where'd they go?
Never said she was shot at, dupe- Said she was ''under sniper fire", just like the security briefing on the plane that scared the hell out of everyone....And it was the video, dupe, just like with all the other attacks and protests at the time. Cowardly media strikes again...
I don't give a fuck if russian's did hack hitlary's ILLEGAL SERVER or the DNC's, and dumped incriminating evidence at the doorstep of the world concerning the corruption of these people and how they FUCKED BERNIE SANDERS.

What's really wrong about the entire thing is that the media virtually ignored it. The bed wetters still insist it didn't happen like the delusional little parrots they are.


Yup, having a thug murderer like Putin running our election is great, dupe.

You live for liberal 'hive' falsehoods and put the 'D' in your favorite word, dupe.
What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.


Exposing the shady fuckers in the DNC and hitlary is what the fucking media should have been doing.

It's you sniveling bed wetters who hold up no standards for the sociopaths you select to represent you.

It's you who has your own shit rubbed in your own face and you're apoplectic that you have to wash it off yourself.

Translation: supports foreign meddling in our elections as long as it benefits his candidate.
I don't give a fuck if russian's did hack hitlary's ILLEGAL SERVER or the DNC's, and dumped incriminating evidence at the doorstep of the world concerning the corruption of these people and how they FUCKED BERNIE SANDERS.

What's really wrong about the entire thing is that the media virtually ignored it. The bed wetters still insist it didn't happen like the delusional little parrots they are.

Yup, having a thug murderer like Putin running our election is great, dupe.

I rest my case.

It's just like a bed wetter to ignore the fact his candidate is a repulsive power hungry totalitarian hag, parrot the same insipid gibberish about russia, and then be dumb enough to call someone else a dupe.

That's why I don't oppose abortion. Cocksucker libturds like these should have been flushed down Hermit Gosnell's toilet.

What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.


Exposing the shady fuckers in the DNC and hitlary is what the fucking media should have been doing.

It's you sniveling bed wetters who hold up no standards for the sociopaths you select to represent you.

It's you who has your own shit rubbed in your own face and you're apoplectic that you have to wash it off yourself.

Translation: supports foreign meddling in our elections as long as it benefits his candidate.

The word 'meddling' is like 'fiddling'.........very, very general and imprecise.........:boohoo:...........
What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.


Exposing the shady fuckers in the DNC and hitlary is what the fucking media should have been doing.

It's you sniveling bed wetters who hold up no standards for the sociopaths you select to represent you.

It's you who has your own shit rubbed in your own face and you're apoplectic that you have to wash it off yourself.

Translation: supports foreign meddling in our elections as long as it benefits his candidate.

The word 'meddling' is like 'fiddling'.........very, very general and imprecise.........:boohoo:...........
It is precise enough.
Translation: supports foreign meddling in our elections as long as it benefits his candidate.

Still insisting russians doing THE MEDIA's job is "meddling"...

How about if the media did it's job? Would that be meddling?

Stupid ass.

And Trump wasn't my candidate either, it is delightful that hitlery lost, and she could have lost to Bernie and I'd still be happy.

What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.


Exposing the shady fuckers in the DNC and hitlary is what the fucking media should have been doing.

It's you sniveling bed wetters who hold up no standards for the sociopaths you select to represent you.

It's you who has your own shit rubbed in your own face and you're apoplectic that you have to wash it off yourself.

Translation: supports foreign meddling in our elections as long as it benefits his candidate.

The word 'meddling' is like 'fiddling'.........very, very general and imprecise.........:boohoo:...........
It is precise enough.

Sounds like you're just 'fiddling' around.........:lol:.
I don't give a fuck if russian's did hack hitlary's ILLEGAL SERVER or the DNC's, and dumped incriminating evidence at the doorstep of the world concerning the corruption of these people and how they FUCKED BERNIE SANDERS.

What's really wrong about the entire thing is that the media virtually ignored it. The bed wetters still insist it didn't happen like the delusional little parrots they are.


The left wing loved deep throat they love anything that tears down America it is quite obvious.
The liberals are offended that Hillary's emails were hacked on unsecured servers.

That, is all you need to know. That is what they are in a nutshell. Trust me. They are only yelling about stuff that they are told to yell about.

They are utterly useless to argue with. Since they literally have zero principles. Zero. You simply cannot argue with people who shift from debate to debate.

Hence the reason I insult them and hate them the way I do.
"fake news" and "alt-right" certainly two winning positions for the snowflake left.

They must not have "white guilted" us enough I reckon. It's a "privilege" I'm already starting to enjoy more. Whatever the fuck it is.

Well we have been saying for quite some time that the left wing is racist. Now they prove they are racist against people of orange color.
What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.


Exposing the shady fuckers in the DNC and hitlary is what the fucking media should have been doing.

It's you sniveling bed wetters who hold up no standards for the sociopaths you select to represent you.

It's you who has your own shit rubbed in your own face and you're apoplectic that you have to wash it off yourself.

Translation: supports foreign meddling in our elections as long as it benefits his candidate.
Not going to hold the bitch responsible for putting her emails on unsecured emails?

No, you are not. Makes you a fucking idiot.

I love too how you feign outrage over that and not about ALL of the other countries hacking our emails just about every day.

Very well documented too. Now, all of a sudden you just care sooooo much. Of course ignoring the bitch and the unsecured servers.

Plus how you ignore all of the disgraceful information and lies and bribes and what the Clinton Foundation was up to.

So, please. Go yell in your little echo chambers about how unjust things are for little fucking hillary.

Just don't do it with me.

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