Fake News Libturd Style

What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.

And if the hacking exposes corruption i'm good with that.
The media has redirected their gullible naive minds away from what was found and has them believing the only reason their witch did not win it was because of putin.

Good God they are easy.

Actually..no, that is what YOU are saying. Please don't attribute your delusional thinking to the rest of us.

Whether Hillary would have won or lost without Russia's meddling is an unknown and ultimately irrelevant. What matters is that a foreign power did this. If that is too much for your little bird brain to grasp, then this might be the time for a strategic retreat to your Safe Space and a fresh pair of Depends. :)

So you're okay with corruption?

Are you OK with corruption?

What specific corruption was exposed?

I am not ok with foreign intervention EVER. Why are you?

Are there any kind of rules to become a USMB mod?
Like a semi adherence to the truth?
Or can you become a mod and spew whatever false narrative you want?
And if the hacking exposes corruption i'm good with that.
The media has redirected their gullible naive minds away from what was found and has them believing the only reason their witch did not win it was because of putin.

Good God they are easy.

Actually..no, that is what YOU are saying. Please don't attribute your delusional thinking to the rest of us.

Whether Hillary would have won or lost without Russia's meddling is an unknown and ultimately irrelevant. What matters is that a foreign power did this. If that is too much for your little bird brain to grasp, then this might be the time for a strategic retreat to your Safe Space and a fresh pair of Depends. :)

So you're okay with corruption?

Are you OK with corruption?

What specific corruption was exposed?

I am not ok with foreign intervention EVER. Why are you?

Are there any kind of rules to become a USMB mod?
Like a semi adherence to the truth?
Or can you become a mod and spew whatever false narrative you want?
The entire thread is based on falsehood :lol:

Exposing the shady fuckers in the DNC and hitlary is what the fucking media should have been doing.

It's you sniveling bed wetters who hold up no standards for the sociopaths you select to represent you.

It's you who has your own shit rubbed in your own face and you're apoplectic that you have to wash it off yourself.

Translation: supports foreign meddling in our elections as long as it benefits his candidate.
Not going to hold the bitch responsible for putting her emails on unsecured emails?

No, you are not. Makes you a fucking idiot.

I love too how you feign outrage over that and not about ALL of the other countries hacking our emails just about every day.

Very well documented too. Now, all of a sudden you just care sooooo much. Of course ignoring the bitch and the unsecured servers.

Plus how you ignore all of the disgraceful information and lies and bribes and what the Clinton Foundation was up to.

So, please. Go yell in your little echo chambers about how unjust things are for little fucking hillary.

Just don't do it with me.

Wah Wah Wah

Just admit it. You support Russia intervening in our elections as long as your candidate benefits.


You have proof of this intervention or are you just posting fake news? Hillary warned you that fake news like this could get someone killed.
Prove it's fake news.

Uh this election shoild.have taught you that. The leftwing media, wasnt right about anything.
I don't give a fuck if russian's did hack hitlary's ILLEGAL SERVER or the DNC's, and dumped incriminating evidence at the doorstep of the world concerning the corruption of these people and how they FUCKED BERNIE SANDERS.

What's really wrong about the entire thing is that the media virtually ignored it. The bed wetters still insist it didn't happen like the delusional little parrots they are.


Yup, having a thug murderer like Putin running our election is great, dupe.

You live for liberal 'hive' falsehoods and put the 'D' in your favorite word, dupe.
Funny how your "news" is nowhere else in the world...only in New BS GOP USA...
I don't give a fuck if russian's did hack hitlary's ILLEGAL SERVER or the DNC's, and dumped incriminating evidence at the doorstep of the world concerning the corruption of these people and how they FUCKED BERNIE SANDERS.

What's really wrong about the entire thing is that the media virtually ignored it. The bed wetters still insist it didn't happen like the delusional little parrots they are.


The left wing loved deep throat they love anything that tears down America it is quite obvious.
Not America- the corrupt GOP, dupe.
What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.


Exposing the shady fuckers in the DNC and hitlary is what the fucking media should have been doing.

It's you sniveling bed wetters who hold up no standards for the sociopaths you select to represent you.

It's you who has your own shit rubbed in your own face and you're apoplectic that you have to wash it off yourself.

Translation: supports foreign meddling in our elections as long as it benefits his candidate.
Not going to hold the bitch responsible for putting her emails on unsecured emails?

No, you are not. Makes you a fucking idiot.

I love too how you feign outrage over that and not about ALL of the other countries hacking our emails just about every day.

Very well documented too. Now, all of a sudden you just care sooooo much. Of course ignoring the bitch and the unsecured servers.

Plus how you ignore all of the disgraceful information and lies and bribes and what the Clinton Foundation was up to.

So, please. Go yell in your little echo chambers about how unjust things are for little fucking hillary.

Just don't do it with me.
Her server is about the only one that WAS NOT hacked, fool. lol
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

We have credible proof that the DNC was hacked - but, other than Trump, who said voting machines were hacked?
Well where's the evidence?. And, for any Hitlery emails, well that would have been done years before she announced running for president. So fake news times ten! I mean the FBI had her server during the entire presidential race! Right?
What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.


Exposing the shady fuckers in the DNC and hitlary is what the fucking media should have been doing.

It's you sniveling bed wetters who hold up no standards for the sociopaths you select to represent you.

It's you who has your own shit rubbed in your own face and you're apoplectic that you have to wash it off yourself.

Translation: supports foreign meddling in our elections as long as it benefits his candidate.
Not going to hold the bitch responsible for putting her emails on unsecured emails?

No, you are not. Makes you a fucking idiot.

I love too how you feign outrage over that and not about ALL of the other countries hacking our emails just about every day.

Very well documented too. Now, all of a sudden you just care sooooo much. Of course ignoring the bitch and the unsecured servers.

Plus how you ignore all of the disgraceful information and lies and bribes and what the Clinton Foundation was up to.

So, please. Go yell in your little echo chambers about how unjust things are for little fucking hillary.

Just don't do it with me.

Wah Wah Wah

Just admit it. You support Russia intervening in our elections as long as your candidate benefits.


You have proof of this intervention or are you just posting fake news? Hillary warned you that fake news like this could get someone killed.
Only the head of the CIA and NSA saying so, in OCTOBER- and now. Except on Fox Noise, etc, dupes.
where's the hack? Hey one of you libturds please post the evidence of a hack. No one on any news station has shown any evidence.

All voting machines are off line. So, explain how a cyber hack can occur?

Libturds, king and queens of fake fking news

We have credible proof that the DNC was hacked - but, other than Trump, who said voting machines were hacked?
Jill Stein. Who was for a short time, a one woman budget wrecking crew. She wasted a lot of people's time and money with her stupidity. She maintained that the vote was hacked.
She is a greedy self involved individual who would not be satisfied without her 15 seconds of fame and a pound of flesh....And she's a liberal. What's that tell ya?
BTW Injun,, who is :"we"?
What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.
There is no evidence of that. Its a rumor. A rumor started by those on the whiny left. People who are very predictable. It was a given that had Clinton lost the election, the democrats would cry foul and claim they were cheated. All they needed was someone to blame. They picked the Russians. Why? because the Russkies are an easy target/ The dems know God Damned well they would be hard pressed to bring home any evidence. But the dems got it out there. And they are satisfied with that. And of course geniuses such as yourself, have taken the bait and look like boated flounder.
Quit being a bedwetter, Pete. The good people in America will force Congress to nixonise Trump sooner than later, and everybody who stands by him is going to suffer the shameful agony and embarrassment at being assholes in America..
Who the fuck's talking to you jerkoff? Kill yourself.
You always prove that you are a step down never a cut above.
And you always prove you're a fucking pink shirt wearing spineless liberal.
Putin, Comey, and 25 years 25 years of fake news about the Clintons won the election. A disgrace.
Only RW dupes think Dems expect a hack of the election, but after all that and Trump's rig talk, the recounts and investigations are a good idea, dupe.
Fake news is that queens best play! Good thing she was shot at right? How about the video for Benghazi? Dude, she's queen of fake news . Where are all the trump women victims? Where'd they go?
Never said she was shot at, dupe- Said she was ''under sniper fire", just like the security briefing on the plane that scared the hell out of everyone....And it was the video, dupe, just like with all the other attacks and protests at the time. Cowardly media strikes again...
Hey asshole. What's the difference between under sniper fire and being shot at?
The video theory jhas been debunked. All evidence of the Benghazi attack and slaughter points to a premeditated planned attack.
SSTFU......In fact, go get caught in the screws of that boat in your avatar.
Oh, one other thing. You libs are so OVER. You no longer have a say. You no longer get to control the conversation. 8 years of your lefty bullshit is enough. Step aside. Or get knocked on your whiny bitching complaining asses.
What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.


Exposing the shady fuckers in the DNC and hitlary is what the fucking media should have been doing.

It's you sniveling bed wetters who hold up no standards for the sociopaths you select to represent you.

It's you who has your own shit rubbed in your own face and you're apoplectic that you have to wash it off yourself.

Translation: supports foreign meddling in our elections as long as it benefits his candidate.
Translation: Coyote is having a shit fit because candidate of choice lost an election....

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