Fake Coronavirus treats to destroy the world economy and impose NWO

The conspiracy of lefts:

- Monetary depreciation and indebtedness
- Insolvencies and economic collapse of companies, possibly entire countries
- massive lifetime decrise
- new currency is created
- Cash abolition is accelerated
- medical care collapses
- Closure of the borders, which would have come anyway
- Socialist economic system is being expanded
- Murder of all patriots, born-again Christians, conservatives, undertakers etc.

Covid-19 is the new leftist October Revolution

We got the national guards and that ain’t all
We got the CDC testing us at the mall
Gman curfew's got a hold of me, too
I got the jack boot pneumonia and the boggie wuhan flu

Got all my flights canceled to China ‘til fall
Went for a dump but there’s no TP at all
Gman curfew's got a hold of me too
I got the jack boot pneumonia and the boggie wuhan flu

I Wanna sneeze but I’m afraid I’ll show
Telling symptoms fema says got to go
Gman curfew's got a hold of me, too
I got the jack boot pneumonia and the boggie wuhan flu

Gotta quarantine for what I don’t know
My nose is runnin' but my fevers low
Gman curfew's got a hold of me, too
I got the jack boot pneumonia and the boggie wuhan flu

I gotta a potus sezs he’s got the plan
He was on TV , claims he is the man
Gman curfew's got me feelin’ blue
I got the jack boot pneumonia and the boggie wuhan flu

~S~ w/apologies to Mr Rivers

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