Fair and balanced


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
This author is, IMNSHO, the most fair and balanced "journalist" I have ever read. Period. I don't always agree with his musical assessments, but, when he does make political commentary his bias, if he has any, is not detectable.

This particular article takes a jab at the "cancel culture" the social media has inflicted on politics. To me, allowing "social media" (which is, by and large people you don't have a clue about) to strongly influence your politics, or life, is just stupid. But, it is where we are in today's pseudo intellectual environment.

A lot of his readers (commenters) are avowed liberals (whatever the fuck that means in today's don't/can't read more than a paragraph environment).

There is a comment section if you care to add two cents. All it requires is a screen name and email address.

‘The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down’ Needs No Redemption

The fear when efforts were undertaken to strike anything that in any way could be construed however indirectly as being sympathetic to the Confederacy out of the public record was the slippery slope presented that may ultimately result in important pieces of art being mischaracterized and ultimately cancelled under false pretenses. Well ladies and gentlemen, we have officially reached that point
I remember during the MeToo thing, they tried to get rid of that old classic, "Baby it's Cold Outside."

Some folks even made rearrangements.

Good songs will always be remade, and if there is a demand, and if it will make money, I have faith that in a really free market, the majority will see through propagandist attempts to control art.


I still hear many versions of that song every year.

. . and I think folks will still listen to many versions, and do versions of, "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down." Just so long as it still touches the heart of artists.

At this point, it is like Mustang Sally, or any other classic, you go to the right Pub, there will always be a chance you are going to hear it.

. . . but, sometimes not so much. :heehee:
The Confederacy and the South lost. Get over it. We have been able to accept Trump (the most failed leader yet) as our president. Why do you southern idiots keep saying that the south needs to be revered? Germany doesn't have statues of Hitler, so why should we have those of confederate generals and soldiers? The South lost over 150 years ago. Get over it.
The Confederacy and the South lost. Get over it. We have been able to accept Trump (the most failed leader yet) as our president. Why do you southern idiots keep saying that the south needs to be revered? Germany doesn't have statues of Hitler, so why should we have those of confederate generals and soldiers? The South lost over 150 years ago. Get over it.
We've been over it.........for a long time.......it is snowflakes that can't get over it...........brain damage and WOKENESS..........My god ..........this country is full of MORONS.......

Let's go paint Columbus ...........he's evil...........Clearly your youth didn't get their ass kicked enough in their youth.
The Confederacy and the South lost. Get over it. We have been able to accept Trump (the most failed leader yet) as our president. Why do you southern idiots keep saying that the south needs to be revered? Germany doesn't have statues of Hitler, so why should we have those of confederate generals and soldiers? The South lost over 150 years ago. Get over it.
We've been over it.........for a long time.......it is snowflakes that can't get over it...........brain damage and WOKENESS..........My god ..........this country is full of MORONS.......

Let's go paint Columbus ...........he's evil...........Clearly your youth didn't get their ass kicked enough in their youth.

Guess you must be a snowflake then. You can't let the southern loss go.
The Confederacy and the South lost. Get over it. We have been able to accept Trump (the most failed leader yet) as our president. Why do you southern idiots keep saying that the south needs to be revered? Germany doesn't have statues of Hitler, so why should we have those of confederate generals and soldiers? The South lost over 150 years ago. Get over it.
We've been over it.........for a long time.......it is snowflakes that can't get over it...........brain damage and WOKENESS..........My god ..........this country is full of MORONS.......

Let's go paint Columbus ...........he's evil...........Clearly your youth didn't get their ass kicked enough in their youth.

Guess you must be a snowflake then. You can't let the southern loss go.
How so.........I've never been attacked by a Statue...........that must be a liberal thing.......did a statue hurt you as a kid........

The Confederacy and the South lost. Get over it. We have been able to accept Trump (the most failed leader yet) as our president. Why do you southern idiots keep saying that the south needs to be revered? Germany doesn't have statues of Hitler, so why should we have those of confederate generals and soldiers? The South lost over 150 years ago. Get over it.
We've been over it.........for a long time.......it is snowflakes that can't get over it...........brain damage and WOKENESS..........My god ..........this country is full of MORONS.......

Let's go paint Columbus ...........he's evil...........Clearly your youth didn't get their ass kicked enough in their youth.

Guess you must be a snowflake then. You can't let the southern loss go.
How so.........I've never been attacked by a Statue...........that must be a liberal thing.......did a statue hurt you as a kid........


Nope, never been hurt by a statue. However, I don't think that lauding a failed party, who eventually lost a war doesn't deserve recognition. Ever see a statue of Hitler?
The Confederacy and the South lost. Get over it. We have been able to accept Trump (the most failed leader yet) as our president. Why do you southern idiots keep saying that the south needs to be revered? Germany doesn't have statues of Hitler, so why should we have those of confederate generals and soldiers? The South lost over 150 years ago. Get over it.
We know the south lost the war you stupid ass. That's not what the article is about.
The Confederacy and the South lost. Get over it. We have been able to accept Trump (the most failed leader yet) as our president. Why do you southern idiots keep saying that the south needs to be revered? Germany doesn't have statues of Hitler, so why should we have those of confederate generals and soldiers? The South lost over 150 years ago. Get over it.
We know the south lost the war you stupid ass. That's not what the article is about.

If you know they lost, why do you support keeping statues of those who were losers? Trump doesn't support losers.
The Confederacy and the South lost. Get over it. We have been able to accept Trump (the most failed leader yet) as our president. Why do you southern idiots keep saying that the south needs to be revered? Germany doesn't have statues of Hitler, so why should we have those of confederate generals and soldiers? The South lost over 150 years ago. Get over it.
We know the south lost the war you stupid ass. That's not what the article is about.

If you know they lost, why do you support keeping statues of those who were losers? Trump doesn't support losers.
It's history dumbfuck.
The Confederacy and the South lost. Get over it. We have been able to accept Trump (the most failed leader yet) as our president. Why do you southern idiots keep saying that the south needs to be revered? Germany doesn't have statues of Hitler, so why should we have those of confederate generals and soldiers? The South lost over 150 years ago. Get over it.
We know the south lost the war you stupid ass. That's not what the article is about.

If you know they lost, why do you support keeping statues of those who were losers? Trump doesn't support losers.
It's history dumbfuck.

You're right, it IS history, and the south lost. Why do you keep defending losers?
The Confederacy and the South lost. Get over it. We have been able to accept Trump (the most failed leader yet) as our president. Why do you southern idiots keep saying that the south needs to be revered? Germany doesn't have statues of Hitler, so why should we have those of confederate generals and soldiers? The South lost over 150 years ago. Get over it.
We know the south lost the war you stupid ass. That's not what the article is about.

If you know they lost, why do you support keeping statues of those who were losers? Trump doesn't support losers.
It's history dumbfuck.

You're right, it IS history, and the south lost. Why do you keep defending losers?
Stupid ass. I'm done with such idiocy.
The Confederacy and the South lost. Get over it. We have been able to accept Trump (the most failed leader yet) as our president. Why do you southern idiots keep saying that the south needs to be revered? Germany doesn't have statues of Hitler, so why should we have those of confederate generals and soldiers? The South lost over 150 years ago. Get over it.
We know the south lost the war you stupid ass. That's not what the article is about.

If you know they lost, why do you support keeping statues of those who were losers? Trump doesn't support losers.
It's history dumbfuck.

You're right, it IS history, and the south lost. Why do you keep defending losers?
Why do you feel that a statue will molest you..........LOL
It's a great piece of music- rates up there with This Land is Your Land.

Sadly, the writers at Rolling Stone magazine are educated beyond their intellect- which is a shame, since it does, on occasion, have some pretty good articles.
The Confederacy and the South lost. Get over it. We have been able to accept Trump (the most failed leader yet) as our president. Why do you southern idiots keep saying that the south needs to be revered? Germany doesn't have statues of Hitler, so why should we have those of confederate generals and soldiers? The South lost over 150 years ago. Get over it.
You democrats are so stupid and ignorant. Trying to equate the south with nazi Germany when you democrats are the ones who most resemble nazi Germany.
The Nazis were aggressors and the south were trying to protect themselves from northern federal aggression.
And now democrats just want to erase history and censor just like Nazis and their book-burning.
You’re so dense.
The Confederacy and the South lost. Get over it. We have been able to accept Trump (the most failed leader yet) as our president. Why do you southern idiots keep saying that the south needs to be revered? Germany doesn't have statues of Hitler, so why should we have those of confederate generals and soldiers? The South lost over 150 years ago. Get over it.
We know the south lost the war you stupid ass. That's not what the article is about.

If you know they lost, why do you support keeping statues of those who were losers? Trump doesn't support losers.

no shame in losing to a greatly superior foe.

they fought hard, they fought well and they were forgiven and welcomed back into the fold, long, long ago.

what part of this is bothering you?
It's a great piece of music- rates up there with This Land is Your Land.

Sadly, the writers at Rolling Stone magazine are educated beyond their intellect- which is a shame, since it does, on occasion, have some pretty good articles.

i did not know there wasa dobie grey cover. i will have to look that up!
The Confederacy and the South lost. Get over it. We have been able to accept Trump (the most failed leader yet) as our president. Why do you southern idiots keep saying that the south needs to be revered? Germany doesn't have statues of Hitler, so why should we have those of confederate generals and soldiers? The South lost over 150 years ago. Get over it.
We've been over it.........for a long time.......it is snowflakes that can't get over it...........brain damage and WOKENESS..........My god ..........this country is full of MORONS.......

Let's go paint Columbus ...........he's evil...........Clearly your youth didn't get their ass kicked enough in their youth.

Guess you must be a snowflake then. You can't let the southern loss go.
How so.........I've never been attacked by a Statue...........that must be a liberal thing.......did a statue hurt you as a kid........


Nope, never been hurt by a statue. However, I don't think that lauding a failed party, who eventually lost a war doesn't deserve recognition. Ever see a statue of Hitler?

To the victor go the spoils......
But for a small thin line, Hitler could have ruled the World....and you'd be a Hitler Statue Boot Cleaner today
Fortunately for the world, he was defeated. But if we erase the memories and lesson, we will no doubt repeat

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