Facts About Lindell vs Dominion

Crazy Sore-Loser Pillow guy now says Aug 13 is the confirmed date for DearLeader's triumphant return to the presidency.

Trump cultists, do you agree with your hero Lindell?

I know, this puts you in a tough spot. You all know Lindell is a lying kook, but your cult commands you to back up anything he says, no matter how insane. It's probably best if you just remain silent.


As first disclosed here, the Chinese Communist Partyā€”CCPā€”purchased controlling interest in Dominion Voting Systems from Staples Street Capital in Canada, via UBS Bank on October 8th, 2020, less than a month before the biggest vote fraud in American history.

We showed you the SEC filings last year, so thatā€™s not a rumour, itā€™s a fact that this business deal occurred. The CCP owns controlling interest in (and over) Dominion Voting Systems and its many subsidiaries.

So Nurse Ratched doesnā€™t wring her hands or clutch her pearls over the CCPā€™s voting machine company suing us too, Iā€™ll show you why I say that, using updated numbers from the U.S. government, while pointing no fingers:

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates there were 153.07 million registered voters in 2020 (including dead, ghost voters, non-residents, etcā€”and even dogs in PA)ā€”thatā€™s the number registered to vote last year.

On Dec. 5th, 2020, totals were announced:

Biden- 81.2 million

Trump- 74.2 million

Independents- 2.9 million

Total 158.2 million

Got it? But there were 158.2 million votes for president on Nov. 3rd, 2020

Do you see a problem here? Thatā€™s 5 million more votes than voters even including the massive fake and illegal registrations now being removed from voter rolls by the hundreds of thousands.


The facts are quite different, arenā€™t they? And it gets much worse, as not all registered voters vote, now do they?
In fact, only 66.7% of all ā€˜eligibleā€™ voters actually showed up according to statista.com ā€”which is a record in American history if trueā€”but letā€™s use that number.

At a 66.7% turnout of an estimated 200 million eligible voters, that means only 133.4 million votersā€”including all the illegal and dead onesā€”cast 158.2 million ballots for president of the United States.

Friends and neighbours, thatā€™s 25 million more votes than voters, which is why when the overpaid liars on CNN, ABC, MSNBC and NPR say ā€œno evidence of fraud in the 2020 electionā€ā€”I say, ā€œno evidence of brains or integrity on cable and network TVā€. None.
Hmmm ... ... ??? :cool:
That pillow guy is getting nuttier by the day, isn't he?
Would depend how one defines "nuttier".
To Democrats, Leftist, and other libtards, that might seem the case.
To Conservatives and the rest of us whom think there was something fishy about the last elections and a bit of shenanigans to be found, not so.

FWIW, the game plan was set a few decades locally here in our WA state governor election where the recounts kept "finding" more votes that were "misplaced" for the Dem. candidate.
I generally define nuttier as batshit crazy and getting worse.
In that case, applies to most Democrats and Leftists and especially our current POTUS.
81 million voters didn't seem to think that in the last election.
81 million votes, jury still out if all were from real voters.
Still, places them in that nuttier and "batshit crazy and getting worse." category.
Or as Ayn Rand would put it, the looters and wealth takers.
Jury(well Judges) came back in in 70+ cases saying there is nothing to suggest a different result... Even Trump's lawyers said they had no evidence to that effect...

Thanks for mentioning Ayn Rand, a women FACT CHECK: Did Ayn Rand Receive Social Security Benefits?....
Why is it that the Leftist Loonie Libtards always only present half of the information, ~ which fits there propaganda agenda?

From your link;

The "Atlas Shrugged" author called government handouts "immoral," but there is evidence that she accepted Social Security benefits in her later years ā€” and that it was consistent with her worldview to do so. "​



As first disclosed here, the Chinese Communist Partyā€”CCPā€”purchased controlling interest in Dominion Voting Systems from Staples Street Capital in Canada, via UBS Bank on October 8th, 2020, less than a month before the biggest vote fraud in American history.

We showed you the SEC filings last year, so thatā€™s not a rumour, itā€™s a fact that this business deal occurred. The CCP owns controlling interest in (and over) Dominion Voting Systems and its many subsidiaries.

So Nurse Ratched doesnā€™t wring her hands or clutch her pearls over the CCPā€™s voting machine company suing us too, Iā€™ll show you why I say that, using updated numbers from the U.S. government, while pointing no fingers:

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates there were 153.07 million registered voters in 2020 (including dead, ghost voters, non-residents, etcā€”and even dogs in PA)ā€”thatā€™s the number registered to vote last year.

On Dec. 5th, 2020, totals were announced:

Biden- 81.2 million

Trump- 74.2 million

Independents- 2.9 million

Total 158.2 million

Got it? But there were 158.2 million votes for president on Nov. 3rd, 2020

Do you see a problem here? Thatā€™s 5 million more votes than voters even including the massive fake and illegal registrations now being removed from voter rolls by the hundreds of thousands.


The facts are quite different, arenā€™t they? And it gets much worse, as not all registered voters vote, now do they?
In fact, only 66.7% of all ā€˜eligibleā€™ voters actually showed up according to statista.com ā€”which is a record in American history if trueā€”but letā€™s use that number.

At a 66.7% turnout of an estimated 200 million eligible voters, that means only 133.4 million votersā€”including all the illegal and dead onesā€”cast 158.2 million ballots for president of the United States.

Friends and neighbours, thatā€™s 25 million more votes than voters, which is why when the overpaid liars on CNN, ABC, MSNBC and NPR say ā€œno evidence of fraud in the 2020 electionā€ā€”I say, ā€œno evidence of brains or integrity on cable and network TVā€. None.
Hmmm ... ... ??? :cool:
That pillow guy is getting nuttier by the day, isn't he?
Would depend how one defines "nuttier".
To Democrats, Leftist, and other libtards, that might seem the case.
To Conservatives and the rest of us whom think there was something fishy about the last elections and a bit of shenanigans to be found, not so.

FWIW, the game plan was set a few decades locally here in our WA state governor election where the recounts kept "finding" more votes that were "misplaced" for the Dem. candidate.
I generally define nuttier as batshit crazy and getting worse.
In that case, applies to most Democrats and Leftists and especially our current POTUS.
81 million voters didn't seem to think that in the last election.
81 million votes, jury still out if all were from real voters.
Still, places them in that nuttier and "batshit crazy and getting worse." category.
Or as Ayn Rand would put it, the looters and wealth takers.
Jury(well Judges) came back in in 70+ cases saying there is nothing to suggest a different result... Even Trump's lawyers said they had no evidence to that effect...

Thanks for mentioning Ayn Rand, a women FACT CHECK: Did Ayn Rand Receive Social Security Benefits?....
Thing is, this is dependent upon sources that are dominated by Democrat employees and judges whom are also largely Democrat - appointed via the BHO years. i.e. not objective nor non-partisan "opinions".

As for "Social Security", this was "sold" to the USA taxpayers, by "the swamp" as just an investment which would be managed by the guv'mint. Reality is that SS was just another tax, since the moneys coming in (taken from our income/earnings) went to the General Fund and the guv'mint bought it's own bonds as the "investment" ~ borrowed from it's future self in form of IOUs.

So, if we citizens/taxpayers take the situation literally, the taxes we paid in, in the name of "Social Security" are supposed to be "our money" held and used by the Fed. guv'mint, and owed back to us. So in the context of that ponzie scheme, Rand and the rest of us are entitled to take back at a later date what we put in.
Crazy Sore-Loser Pillow guy now says Aug 13 is the confirmed date for DearLeader's triumphant return to the presidency.

Trump cultists, do you agree with your hero Lindell?

I know, this puts you in a tough spot. You all know Lindell is a lying kook, but your cult commands you to back up anything he says, no matter how insane. It's probably best if you just remain silent.
For now, we "play along" with the game dominated by the Democrat cheating. We'll still look for evidence to make a case in court, while planning how to make the next national elections more honest than the last one.

Also, we'll "stockpile" for what might become the next 'American Civil War'.

What is worse than "Quid-pro-Quo/Groper and Molester of Females Joe" winning the POTUS, is what this would say about the decline of ethics, integrity, and morality of many American citizens and voters if he and Harris really got this number of votes from a majority of citizens/voters. USA is truly in decline when a majority are now willing to loot the national treasury and abandon founding principles.
Democrats have kept this out of the courts for a reason.
Ah yes, the Dem bogeyman. What's more likely is the batshyte crazy conspiracy theorist known as Mike is having second thoughts.
Pubs need to do everything the Dems pulled in November.

If they do so? They will be accused of implementing "Jim Crow 2.0," and disenfranchising voters by the consortium's media.

. . . and the mindless lemmings that repeat everything they see in the ruling class journalist controlled MSM will repeat it like lemmings, especially when it is repeated in their BIG TECH social media.

No. Faith. Most people here believe in nothing or what is convenient at the time.
Let's see if god protects him from the consequences of defaming Dominion. Anyway, isn't he too busy killing babies in tornadoes to bother with crazy Mike?

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