Facts About Lindell vs Dominion

Dominion is no doubt having second thoughts. Lindell is not.

In that first suit on February 22, 2021, when Dominion sued Lindell for allegedly damaging their reputation wrongly, or ā€œdefamation,ā€ it came along with similar lawsuits against Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro, and Sean Hannity, and according to Lindellā€™s countersuit, over 150 private individuals and organizations.

These suits open the company up to ā€œdiscoveryā€œ by Lindellā€™s side, which means that the court can make Dominion provide private emails, financial records, or other internal documents that Lindell needs to make his case that he has said isnā€™t false. But the history of Dominionā€™s company and information about the vulnerability of its machines that are shown in Lindellā€™s countersuit makes it look like scrutiny and transparency are not likely to help Dominionā€™s public image nor help the company win taxpayer-funded contracts in the future.
As much as I think the election was riddled with more fraud than a guy selling me solid gold bridges in Brooklyn, I don't think Dominion was solely or even in the majority responsible for that fraud. Nobody has ever been able to bring up enough evidence of it to satisfy me.
The machines were part of the problem, and we absolutely should stop voting by closed- source machines (open-source code, lots of inspections, etc. might MIGHT get me to endorse vote by machine). I just see no good evidence that Dominion machines ran software to change the election en masse.
I do expect the Dominion machine to be as secure as a graph paper bucket, but that's it.
Let's start with the simple fact that Dominion does not have a voting machine. Dominion has a Ballot Marking tablet. You make your choices on a screen and print out your ballot. A paper ballot is then cast. Votes are not recorded anywhere on the device.

Open source is bullshit.
To which Dershowitz remarks,

ā€œI think weā€™ll get to look in the machines. I think itā€™s going to be very hard for Dominion to argueā€¦ ā€˜weā€™re claiming that what you said about the machines is false, but weā€™re not going to let you see the machines, weā€™re not going to let you see the source codes, weā€™re going to protect our business secretsā€™ ā€¦ if you want to protect business secrets, thatā€™s okay, just donā€™t bring a lawsuit. Once you bring a lawsuit you open yourselves up to discovery, and weā€™re going to very vigorously demand that either they provide the information necessary for us to prove the case, or drop their claim. They canā€™t have it both ways. The government couldnā€™t have that both ways. When the government brings a lawsuit, even if they have national security secrets, they canā€™t use the national security secrets both as a sword and a shield against being able to hold them accountable. So weā€™re going to be, obviously, demanding access to their machines, to their codes, to everything that they claim justifies what they did.ā€
Dershowitz is not an ambulance chaser.
I know when I marked that (Dominion?) screen...it marked a paper ballot that reflected my choices and i handed it to a poll worker who fed it into a machine to count it.

That paper ballot did not go poof. It still exists to be counted or recounted ad infinitum.

Your system is different?
Dominion is no doubt having second thoughts. Lindell is not.

In that first suit on February 22, 2021, when Dominion sued Lindell for allegedly damaging their reputation wrongly, or ā€œdefamation,ā€ it came along with similar lawsuits against Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro, and Sean Hannity, and according to Lindellā€™s countersuit, over 150 private individuals and organizations.

These suits open the company up to ā€œdiscoveryā€œ by Lindellā€™s side, which means that the court can make Dominion provide private emails, financial records, or other internal documents that Lindell needs to make his case that he has said isnā€™t false. But the history of Dominionā€™s company and information about the vulnerability of its machines that are shown in Lindellā€™s countersuit makes it look like scrutiny and transparency are not likely to help Dominionā€™s public image nor help the company win taxpayer-funded contracts in the future.
As much as I think the election was riddled with more fraud than a guy selling me solid gold bridges in Brooklyn, I don't think Dominion was solely or even in the majority responsible for that fraud. Nobody has ever been able to bring up enough evidence of it to satisfy me.
The machines were part of the problem, and we absolutely should stop voting by closed- source machines (open-source code, lots of inspections, etc. might MIGHT get me to endorse vote by machine). I just see no good evidence that Dominion machines ran software to change the election en masse.
I do expect the Dominion machine to be as secure as a graph paper bucket, but that's it.
Let's start with the simple fact that Dominion does not have a voting machine. Dominion has a Ballot Marking tablet. You make your choices on a screen and print out your ballot. A paper ballot is then cast. Votes are not recorded anywhere on the device.

Open source is bullshit.
Then I apologize for my mistake about Dominion, it has never been my focus. I was referring to the vote- counting machines (which I know were used in at least some, probably the majority, of the states.
And yes, possibly open source is bullshit (I don't see why, but I have no strong evidence to say why not), but it is an option I'd be willing to investigate, due to its transparency.
Dominion is no doubt having second thoughts. Lindell is not.

In that first suit on February 22, 2021, when Dominion sued Lindell for allegedly damaging their reputation wrongly, or ā€œdefamation,ā€ it came along with similar lawsuits against Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro, and Sean Hannity, and according to Lindellā€™s countersuit, over 150 private individuals and organizations.

These suits open the company up to ā€œdiscoveryā€œ by Lindellā€™s side, which means that the court can make Dominion provide private emails, financial records, or other internal documents that Lindell needs to make his case that he has said isnā€™t false. But the history of Dominionā€™s company and information about the vulnerability of its machines that are shown in Lindellā€™s countersuit makes it look like scrutiny and transparency are not likely to help Dominionā€™s public image nor help the company win taxpayer-funded contracts in the future.
As much as I think the election was riddled with more fraud than a guy selling me solid gold bridges in Brooklyn, I don't think Dominion was solely or even in the majority responsible for that fraud. Nobody has ever been able to bring up enough evidence of it to satisfy me.
The machines were part of the problem, and we absolutely should stop voting by closed- source machines (open-source code, lots of inspections, etc. might MIGHT get me to endorse vote by machine). I just see no good evidence that Dominion machines ran software to change the election en masse.
I do expect the Dominion machine to be as secure as a graph paper bucket, but that's it.
Let's start with the simple fact that Dominion does not have a voting machine. Dominion has a Ballot Marking tablet. You make your choices on a screen and print out your ballot. A paper ballot is then cast. Votes are not recorded anywhere on the device.

Open source is bullshit.
Then I apologize for my mistake about Dominion, it has never been my focus. I was referring to the vote- counting machines (which I know were used in at least some, probably the majority, of the states.
And yes, possibly open source is bullshit (I don't see why, but I have no strong evidence to say why not), but it is an option I'd be willing to investigate, due to its transparency.
The problem with open source is that is next to impossible to maintain. It would take a large district with lots of money, like LA county, CA to be able to do it. They had big problems when they tried it.

Dominion is no doubt having second thoughts. Lindell is not.

In that first suit on February 22, 2021, when Dominion sued Lindell for allegedly damaging their reputation wrongly, or ā€œdefamation,ā€ it came along with similar lawsuits against Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro, and Sean Hannity, and according to Lindellā€™s countersuit, over 150 private individuals and organizations.

These suits open the company up to ā€œdiscoveryā€œ by Lindellā€™s side, which means that the court can make Dominion provide private emails, financial records, or other internal documents that Lindell needs to make his case that he has said isnā€™t false. But the history of Dominionā€™s company and information about the vulnerability of its machines that are shown in Lindellā€™s countersuit makes it look like scrutiny and transparency are not likely to help Dominionā€™s public image nor help the company win taxpayer-funded contracts in the future.
As much as I think the election was riddled with more fraud than a guy selling me solid gold bridges in Brooklyn, I don't think Dominion was solely or even in the majority responsible for that fraud. Nobody has ever been able to bring up enough evidence of it to satisfy me.
The machines were part of the problem, and we absolutely should stop voting by closed- source machines (open-source code, lots of inspections, etc. might MIGHT get me to endorse vote by machine). I just see no good evidence that Dominion machines ran software to change the election en masse.
I do expect the Dominion machine to be as secure as a graph paper bucket, but that's it.

Nearly every country of Europe have manual voting and counting. Actually don't know a country that doesn't...

No machines, Ireland tried and it was a disaster... People hated it, really despised it...

Manual Counts can take a couple days(for preference voting (STV)), there is a drama with it... It is very transparent and tally men (party observers are everywhere)...


This is pretty similar picture all over Europe.. Each party has a tallyman assigned and they have a generally a good count what is being stacked into each pile(they are scarily actuate)...
There seems to be a lot of faith in the system.. We have elections won and lost by less than 5 votes at least 3 times I can remember and the looser conceded after a judge ran though the last few contested votes... No major hassle the Judge was actually asked into the count floor and he made the decision there. They were super close..
The multiseat preference voting makes it a lot more exciting as well..


As first disclosed here, the Chinese Communist Partyā€”CCPā€”purchased controlling interest in Dominion Voting Systems from Staples Street Capital in Canada, via UBS Bank on October 8th, 2020, less than a month before the biggest vote fraud in American history.

We showed you the SEC filings last year, so thatā€™s not a rumour, itā€™s a fact that this business deal occurred. The CCP owns controlling interest in (and over) Dominion Voting Systems and its many subsidiaries.

So Nurse Ratched doesnā€™t wring her hands or clutch her pearls over the CCPā€™s voting machine company suing us too, Iā€™ll show you why I say that, using updated numbers from the U.S. government, while pointing no fingers:

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates there were 153.07 million registered voters in 2020 (including dead, ghost voters, non-residents, etcā€”and even dogs in PA)ā€”thatā€™s the number registered to vote last year.

On Dec. 5th, 2020, totals were announced:

Biden- 81.2 million

Trump- 74.2 million

Independents- 2.9 million

Total 158.2 million

Got it? But there were 158.2 million votes for president on Nov. 3rd, 2020

Do you see a problem here? Thatā€™s 5 million more votes than voters even including the massive fake and illegal registrations now being removed from voter rolls by the hundreds of thousands.


The facts are quite different, arenā€™t they? And it gets much worse, as not all registered voters vote, now do they?
In fact, only 66.7% of all ā€˜eligibleā€™ voters actually showed up according to statista.com ā€”which is a record in American history if trueā€”but letā€™s use that number.

At a 66.7% turnout of an estimated 200 million eligible voters, that means only 133.4 million votersā€”including all the illegal and dead onesā€”cast 158.2 million ballots for president of the United States.

Friends and neighbours, thatā€™s 25 million more votes than voters, which is why when the overpaid liars on CNN, ABC, MSNBC and NPR say ā€œno evidence of fraud in the 2020 electionā€ā€”I say, ā€œno evidence of brains or integrity on cable and network TVā€. None.
Hmmm ... ... ??? :cool:


As first disclosed here, the Chinese Communist Partyā€”CCPā€”purchased controlling interest in Dominion Voting Systems from Staples Street Capital in Canada, via UBS Bank on October 8th, 2020, less than a month before the biggest vote fraud in American history.

We showed you the SEC filings last year, so thatā€™s not a rumour, itā€™s a fact that this business deal occurred. The CCP owns controlling interest in (and over) Dominion Voting Systems and its many subsidiaries.

So Nurse Ratched doesnā€™t wring her hands or clutch her pearls over the CCPā€™s voting machine company suing us too, Iā€™ll show you why I say that, using updated numbers from the U.S. government, while pointing no fingers:

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates there were 153.07 million registered voters in 2020 (including dead, ghost voters, non-residents, etcā€”and even dogs in PA)ā€”thatā€™s the number registered to vote last year.

On Dec. 5th, 2020, totals were announced:

Biden- 81.2 million

Trump- 74.2 million

Independents- 2.9 million

Total 158.2 million

Got it? But there were 158.2 million votes for president on Nov. 3rd, 2020

Do you see a problem here? Thatā€™s 5 million more votes than voters even including the massive fake and illegal registrations now being removed from voter rolls by the hundreds of thousands.


The facts are quite different, arenā€™t they? And it gets much worse, as not all registered voters vote, now do they?
In fact, only 66.7% of all ā€˜eligibleā€™ voters actually showed up according to statista.com ā€”which is a record in American history if trueā€”but letā€™s use that number.

At a 66.7% turnout of an estimated 200 million eligible voters, that means only 133.4 million votersā€”including all the illegal and dead onesā€”cast 158.2 million ballots for president of the United States.

Friends and neighbours, thatā€™s 25 million more votes than voters, which is why when the overpaid liars on CNN, ABC, MSNBC and NPR say ā€œno evidence of fraud in the 2020 electionā€ā€”I say, ā€œno evidence of brains or integrity on cable and network TVā€. None.
Hmmm ... ... ??? :cool:
That pillow guy is getting nuttier by the day, isn't he?


As first disclosed here, the Chinese Communist Partyā€”CCPā€”purchased controlling interest in Dominion Voting Systems from Staples Street Capital in Canada, via UBS Bank on October 8th, 2020, less than a month before the biggest vote fraud in American history.

We showed you the SEC filings last year, so thatā€™s not a rumour, itā€™s a fact that this business deal occurred. The CCP owns controlling interest in (and over) Dominion Voting Systems and its many subsidiaries.

So Nurse Ratched doesnā€™t wring her hands or clutch her pearls over the CCPā€™s voting machine company suing us too, Iā€™ll show you why I say that, using updated numbers from the U.S. government, while pointing no fingers:

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates there were 153.07 million registered voters in 2020 (including dead, ghost voters, non-residents, etcā€”and even dogs in PA)ā€”thatā€™s the number registered to vote last year.

On Dec. 5th, 2020, totals were announced:

Biden- 81.2 million

Trump- 74.2 million

Independents- 2.9 million

Total 158.2 million

Got it? But there were 158.2 million votes for president on Nov. 3rd, 2020

Do you see a problem here? Thatā€™s 5 million more votes than voters even including the massive fake and illegal registrations now being removed from voter rolls by the hundreds of thousands.


The facts are quite different, arenā€™t they? And it gets much worse, as not all registered voters vote, now do they?
In fact, only 66.7% of all ā€˜eligibleā€™ voters actually showed up according to statista.com ā€”which is a record in American history if trueā€”but letā€™s use that number.

At a 66.7% turnout of an estimated 200 million eligible voters, that means only 133.4 million votersā€”including all the illegal and dead onesā€”cast 158.2 million ballots for president of the United States.

Friends and neighbours, thatā€™s 25 million more votes than voters, which is why when the overpaid liars on CNN, ABC, MSNBC and NPR say ā€œno evidence of fraud in the 2020 electionā€ā€”I say, ā€œno evidence of brains or integrity on cable and network TVā€. None.
Hmmm ... ... ??? :cool:
That pillow guy is getting nuttier by the day, isn't he?
Would depend how one defines "nuttier".
To Democrats, Leftist, and other libtards, that might seem the case.
To Conservatives and the rest of us whom think there was something fishy about the last elections and a bit of shenanigans to be found, not so.

FWIW, the game plan was set a few decades locally here in our WA state governor election where the recounts kept "finding" more votes that were "misplaced" for the Dem. candidate.


As first disclosed here, the Chinese Communist Partyā€”CCPā€”purchased controlling interest in Dominion Voting Systems from Staples Street Capital in Canada, via UBS Bank on October 8th, 2020, less than a month before the biggest vote fraud in American history.

We showed you the SEC filings last year, so thatā€™s not a rumour, itā€™s a fact that this business deal occurred. The CCP owns controlling interest in (and over) Dominion Voting Systems and its many subsidiaries.

So Nurse Ratched doesnā€™t wring her hands or clutch her pearls over the CCPā€™s voting machine company suing us too, Iā€™ll show you why I say that, using updated numbers from the U.S. government, while pointing no fingers:

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates there were 153.07 million registered voters in 2020 (including dead, ghost voters, non-residents, etcā€”and even dogs in PA)ā€”thatā€™s the number registered to vote last year.

On Dec. 5th, 2020, totals were announced:

Biden- 81.2 million

Trump- 74.2 million

Independents- 2.9 million

Total 158.2 million

Got it? But there were 158.2 million votes for president on Nov. 3rd, 2020

Do you see a problem here? Thatā€™s 5 million more votes than voters even including the massive fake and illegal registrations now being removed from voter rolls by the hundreds of thousands.


The facts are quite different, arenā€™t they? And it gets much worse, as not all registered voters vote, now do they?
In fact, only 66.7% of all ā€˜eligibleā€™ voters actually showed up according to statista.com ā€”which is a record in American history if trueā€”but letā€™s use that number.

At a 66.7% turnout of an estimated 200 million eligible voters, that means only 133.4 million votersā€”including all the illegal and dead onesā€”cast 158.2 million ballots for president of the United States.

Friends and neighbours, thatā€™s 25 million more votes than voters, which is why when the overpaid liars on CNN, ABC, MSNBC and NPR say ā€œno evidence of fraud in the 2020 electionā€ā€”I say, ā€œno evidence of brains or integrity on cable and network TVā€. None.
Hmmm ... ... ??? :cool:
That pillow guy is getting nuttier by the day, isn't he?
Would depend how one defines "nuttier".
To Democrats, Leftist, and other libtards, that might seem the case.
To Conservatives and the rest of us whom think there was something fishy about the last elections and a bit of shenanigans to be found, not so.

FWIW, the game plan was set a few decades locally here in our WA state governor election where the recounts kept "finding" more votes that were "misplaced" for the Dem. candidate.
I generally define nuttier as batshit crazy and getting worse.


As first disclosed here, the Chinese Communist Partyā€”CCPā€”purchased controlling interest in Dominion Voting Systems from Staples Street Capital in Canada, via UBS Bank on October 8th, 2020, less than a month before the biggest vote fraud in American history.

We showed you the SEC filings last year, so thatā€™s not a rumour, itā€™s a fact that this business deal occurred. The CCP owns controlling interest in (and over) Dominion Voting Systems and its many subsidiaries.

So Nurse Ratched doesnā€™t wring her hands or clutch her pearls over the CCPā€™s voting machine company suing us too, Iā€™ll show you why I say that, using updated numbers from the U.S. government, while pointing no fingers:

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates there were 153.07 million registered voters in 2020 (including dead, ghost voters, non-residents, etcā€”and even dogs in PA)ā€”thatā€™s the number registered to vote last year.

On Dec. 5th, 2020, totals were announced:

Biden- 81.2 million

Trump- 74.2 million

Independents- 2.9 million

Total 158.2 million

Got it? But there were 158.2 million votes for president on Nov. 3rd, 2020

Do you see a problem here? Thatā€™s 5 million more votes than voters even including the massive fake and illegal registrations now being removed from voter rolls by the hundreds of thousands.


The facts are quite different, arenā€™t they? And it gets much worse, as not all registered voters vote, now do they?
In fact, only 66.7% of all ā€˜eligibleā€™ voters actually showed up according to statista.com ā€”which is a record in American history if trueā€”but letā€™s use that number.

At a 66.7% turnout of an estimated 200 million eligible voters, that means only 133.4 million votersā€”including all the illegal and dead onesā€”cast 158.2 million ballots for president of the United States.

Friends and neighbours, thatā€™s 25 million more votes than voters, which is why when the overpaid liars on CNN, ABC, MSNBC and NPR say ā€œno evidence of fraud in the 2020 electionā€ā€”I say, ā€œno evidence of brains or integrity on cable and network TVā€. None.
Hmmm ... ... ??? :cool:
That pillow guy is getting nuttier by the day, isn't he?
Would depend how one defines "nuttier".
To Democrats, Leftist, and other libtards, that might seem the case.
To Conservatives and the rest of us whom think there was something fishy about the last elections and a bit of shenanigans to be found, not so.

FWIW, the game plan was set a few decades locally here in our WA state governor election where the recounts kept "finding" more votes that were "misplaced" for the Dem. candidate.
I generally define nuttier as batshit crazy and getting worse.
In that case, applies to most Democrats and Leftists and especially our current POTUS.


As first disclosed here, the Chinese Communist Partyā€”CCPā€”purchased controlling interest in Dominion Voting Systems from Staples Street Capital in Canada, via UBS Bank on October 8th, 2020, less than a month before the biggest vote fraud in American history.

We showed you the SEC filings last year, so thatā€™s not a rumour, itā€™s a fact that this business deal occurred. The CCP owns controlling interest in (and over) Dominion Voting Systems and its many subsidiaries.

So Nurse Ratched doesnā€™t wring her hands or clutch her pearls over the CCPā€™s voting machine company suing us too, Iā€™ll show you why I say that, using updated numbers from the U.S. government, while pointing no fingers:

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates there were 153.07 million registered voters in 2020 (including dead, ghost voters, non-residents, etcā€”and even dogs in PA)ā€”thatā€™s the number registered to vote last year.

On Dec. 5th, 2020, totals were announced:

Biden- 81.2 million

Trump- 74.2 million

Independents- 2.9 million

Total 158.2 million

Got it? But there were 158.2 million votes for president on Nov. 3rd, 2020

Do you see a problem here? Thatā€™s 5 million more votes than voters even including the massive fake and illegal registrations now being removed from voter rolls by the hundreds of thousands.


The facts are quite different, arenā€™t they? And it gets much worse, as not all registered voters vote, now do they?
In fact, only 66.7% of all ā€˜eligibleā€™ voters actually showed up according to statista.com ā€”which is a record in American history if trueā€”but letā€™s use that number.

At a 66.7% turnout of an estimated 200 million eligible voters, that means only 133.4 million votersā€”including all the illegal and dead onesā€”cast 158.2 million ballots for president of the United States.

Friends and neighbours, thatā€™s 25 million more votes than voters, which is why when the overpaid liars on CNN, ABC, MSNBC and NPR say ā€œno evidence of fraud in the 2020 electionā€ā€”I say, ā€œno evidence of brains or integrity on cable and network TVā€. None.
Hmmm ... ... ??? :cool:
That pillow guy is getting nuttier by the day, isn't he?
Would depend how one defines "nuttier".
To Democrats, Leftist, and other libtards, that might seem the case.
To Conservatives and the rest of us whom think there was something fishy about the last elections and a bit of shenanigans to be found, not so.

FWIW, the game plan was set a few decades locally here in our WA state governor election where the recounts kept "finding" more votes that were "misplaced" for the Dem. candidate.
I generally define nuttier as batshit crazy and getting worse.
In that case, applies to most Democrats and Leftists and especially our current POTUS.
81 million voters didn't seem to think that in the last election.


As first disclosed here, the Chinese Communist Partyā€”CCPā€”purchased controlling interest in Dominion Voting Systems from Staples Street Capital in Canada, via UBS Bank on October 8th, 2020, less than a month before the biggest vote fraud in American history.

We showed you the SEC filings last year, so thatā€™s not a rumour, itā€™s a fact that this business deal occurred. The CCP owns controlling interest in (and over) Dominion Voting Systems and its many subsidiaries.

So Nurse Ratched doesnā€™t wring her hands or clutch her pearls over the CCPā€™s voting machine company suing us too, Iā€™ll show you why I say that, using updated numbers from the U.S. government, while pointing no fingers:

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates there were 153.07 million registered voters in 2020 (including dead, ghost voters, non-residents, etcā€”and even dogs in PA)ā€”thatā€™s the number registered to vote last year.

On Dec. 5th, 2020, totals were announced:

Biden- 81.2 million

Trump- 74.2 million

Independents- 2.9 million

Total 158.2 million

Got it? But there were 158.2 million votes for president on Nov. 3rd, 2020

Do you see a problem here? Thatā€™s 5 million more votes than voters even including the massive fake and illegal registrations now being removed from voter rolls by the hundreds of thousands.


The facts are quite different, arenā€™t they? And it gets much worse, as not all registered voters vote, now do they?
In fact, only 66.7% of all ā€˜eligibleā€™ voters actually showed up according to statista.com ā€”which is a record in American history if trueā€”but letā€™s use that number.

At a 66.7% turnout of an estimated 200 million eligible voters, that means only 133.4 million votersā€”including all the illegal and dead onesā€”cast 158.2 million ballots for president of the United States.

Friends and neighbours, thatā€™s 25 million more votes than voters, which is why when the overpaid liars on CNN, ABC, MSNBC and NPR say ā€œno evidence of fraud in the 2020 electionā€ā€”I say, ā€œno evidence of brains or integrity on cable and network TVā€. None.
Hmmm ... ... ??? :cool:
That pillow guy is getting nuttier by the day, isn't he?
Would depend how one defines "nuttier".
To Democrats, Leftist, and other libtards, that might seem the case.
To Conservatives and the rest of us whom think there was something fishy about the last elections and a bit of shenanigans to be found, not so.

FWIW, the game plan was set a few decades locally here in our WA state governor election where the recounts kept "finding" more votes that were "misplaced" for the Dem. candidate.
I generally define nuttier as batshit crazy and getting worse.
In that case, applies to most Democrats and Leftists and especially our current POTUS.
81 million voters didn't seem to think that in the last election.
81 million votes, jury still out if all were from real voters.
Still, places them in that nuttier and "batshit crazy and getting worse." category.
Or as Ayn Rand would put it, the looters and wealth takers.


As first disclosed here, the Chinese Communist Partyā€”CCPā€”purchased controlling interest in Dominion Voting Systems from Staples Street Capital in Canada, via UBS Bank on October 8th, 2020, less than a month before the biggest vote fraud in American history.

We showed you the SEC filings last year, so thatā€™s not a rumour, itā€™s a fact that this business deal occurred. The CCP owns controlling interest in (and over) Dominion Voting Systems and its many subsidiaries.

So Nurse Ratched doesnā€™t wring her hands or clutch her pearls over the CCPā€™s voting machine company suing us too, Iā€™ll show you why I say that, using updated numbers from the U.S. government, while pointing no fingers:

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates there were 153.07 million registered voters in 2020 (including dead, ghost voters, non-residents, etcā€”and even dogs in PA)ā€”thatā€™s the number registered to vote last year.

On Dec. 5th, 2020, totals were announced:

Biden- 81.2 million

Trump- 74.2 million

Independents- 2.9 million

Total 158.2 million

Got it? But there were 158.2 million votes for president on Nov. 3rd, 2020

Do you see a problem here? Thatā€™s 5 million more votes than voters even including the massive fake and illegal registrations now being removed from voter rolls by the hundreds of thousands.


The facts are quite different, arenā€™t they? And it gets much worse, as not all registered voters vote, now do they?
In fact, only 66.7% of all ā€˜eligibleā€™ voters actually showed up according to statista.com ā€”which is a record in American history if trueā€”but letā€™s use that number.

At a 66.7% turnout of an estimated 200 million eligible voters, that means only 133.4 million votersā€”including all the illegal and dead onesā€”cast 158.2 million ballots for president of the United States.

Friends and neighbours, thatā€™s 25 million more votes than voters, which is why when the overpaid liars on CNN, ABC, MSNBC and NPR say ā€œno evidence of fraud in the 2020 electionā€ā€”I say, ā€œno evidence of brains or integrity on cable and network TVā€. None.
Hmmm ... ... ??? :cool:
That pillow guy is getting nuttier by the day, isn't he?
Would depend how one defines "nuttier".
To Democrats, Leftist, and other libtards, that might seem the case.
To Conservatives and the rest of us whom think there was something fishy about the last elections and a bit of shenanigans to be found, not so.

FWIW, the game plan was set a few decades locally here in our WA state governor election where the recounts kept "finding" more votes that were "misplaced" for the Dem. candidate.
I generally define nuttier as batshit crazy and getting worse.
In that case, applies to most Democrats and Leftists and especially our current POTUS.
81 million voters didn't seem to think that in the last election.
81 million votes, jury still out if all were from real voters.
Still, places them in that nuttier and "batshit crazy and getting worse." category.
Or as Ayn Rand would put it, the looters and wealth takers.
Jury(well Judges) came back in in 70+ cases saying there is nothing to suggest a different result... Even Trump's lawyers said they had no evidence to that effect...

Thanks for mentioning Ayn Rand, a women FACT CHECK: Did Ayn Rand Receive Social Security Benefits?....
These suits open the company up to ā€œdiscoveryā€œ by Lindellā€™s side,
And Dominion wasn't afraid of that at all.

What does that tell you?
Well you're dead wrong on that, seriously the stupidest thing I have yet heard, a questionable company such as Dominion, not afraid of Discovery! Lindell Has deep pockets, and he is backed by his steadfast spiritual beliefs, I'd be very very nervous if I was Dominion and its deep state backers!

No law firm will touch Lindell.. He's nuts.
Yes indeed, he and Trump are ethical violations waiting to happen...
This is not about Trump.

Yes it is because it is about the lies against Dominion that those like My Pillow guy spread because they couldnā€™t believe Trump lost to Biden!
Moonglow Hun, no doubt that Dominion wants to settle this out of court with Lindell just going away............DISCOVERY opens them up to much scrunity---it means that they will have to provide financial records and give up proprietory company information. The huge lawsuit numbers was meant to scare Lindell away----------if Lindell doesn't back down, Dominion is in for a world of hurt. Money going in, Money going out, bribes to win government contracts and all that shit will be made public. And this is assuming that Dominion is just a normal slimey company that is always after government contracts............it gets much worse with CHEATING for the communist chinese or corrupt pols.
Moonglow Hun, no doubt that Dominion wants to settle this out of court with Lindell just going away............DISCOVERY opens them up to much scrunity---it means that they will have to provide financial records and give up proprietory company information. The huge lawsuit numbers was meant to scare Lindell away----------if Lindell doesn't back down, Dominion is in for a world of hurt. Money going in, Money going out, bribes to win government contracts and all that shit will be made public. And this is assuming that Dominion is just a normal slimey company that is always after government contracts............it gets much worse with CHEATING for the communist chinese or corrupt pols.
No, discovery doesn't mean you get to look at anything you want and even the stuff you do get to look at is kept secret.
Crazy Sore-Loser Pillow guy now says Aug 13 is the confirmed date for DearLeader's triumphant return to the presidency.

Trump cultists, do you agree with your hero Lindell?

I know, this puts you in a tough spot. You all know Lindell is a lying kook, but your cult commands you to back up anything he says, no matter how insane. It's probably best if you just remain silent.

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