Fact is fact, Tea Partiers are extremists

yea, all them grandma's and grandpa's out there look "reeeeeeel" extremist.

and then this writer goes on to call people, monkeys. you Betcha:lol::cuckoo:
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yea, all them grandma's and grandpa's out there look "reeeeeeel" extremist.

and then this article goes on to call people, monkeys.:lol::cuckoo:

Know I called them monkeys, mainly because they do a good job of fling poop and not facts.

That makes you a monkey, v2.

Facts are facts, the Tea Party started during Obama's presidental campaign with their lies about Obama being a Muslim, Socialist, and being born outside the US, hell one old retard even believed he was Arab. They're prime examples of what politicians can do with uneducated, uninformed, ignorant people. They're walking zombies. If Limbaugh, Beck or Palin said Obama was really a Martian from space in disguise Tea partiers would believe it, I'd bet they'd even "find" Martian to back up their statements.

Please provide a link to tea party members saying Obama's a Muslim.

Lying sack of shit.
I'd bet Bass is another card carrying member of Mediamatters, dailyKos, Hufferpost, moveon., the Dnc.

they have all the "talking points" down pat.:lol:
There won't be a link. He's just doing what his leaders tell him to. Or maybe he's just doing what the voices in his head tell him to....at any rate, he can't help it.

People who are unable to think for themselves are the angriest people you will ever run up against.
I'd bet Bass is another card carrying member of Mediamatters, dailyKos, Hufferpost, moveon., the Dnc.

they have all the "talking points" down pat.:lol:

Actually the Bass is a free thinking true conservative that refuses to play follow the leader to a bunch of retards called the Republican Party. Is it standard for every deluded Republitard to declare every who disagrees with their BS a liberal or covert agent for liberal organizations? There you schizoids go again with yet more conspiracy BS.
Right-wing extremists taint Tea Party protests, hurt conservative cause | The Eagle Online

This was from a conservative on conservatives. The Tea Partiers are sick extremist monkeys with severe mental issues and are in need of help. When you believe lies are the truth and believe it as gospel something is wrong.

FACT IS fact.

Brilliant. :cuckoo:

No fucking shit, assmuncher.

But your CLAIM is a contention, not a fact. And your claim is ignorant and wrong; it is not factual.

The Tea Partiers are the antithesis of extremists.

They are exercising their Constitutionally guaranteed rights. Nothing extreme about that.

The dishonest and irrational reaction of assholes like Basshole v2 is on the extreme side, however.

Poor Basshole v1.2. Doesn't wike it when those mean old Americans exercise a Constitutional right in a vocal way that disagrees with his preferred statism.

Too fucking bad, asshole.
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There won't be a link. He's just doing what his leaders tell him to. Or maybe he's just doing what the voices in his head tell him to....at any rate, he can't help it.

People who are unable to think for themselves are the angriest people you will ever run up against.

You hit the nail on the head on this one.....It perfectly described Tea partiers.
There won't be a link. He's just doing what his leaders tell him to. Or maybe he's just doing what the voices in his head tell him to....at any rate, he can't help it.

People who are unable to think for themselves are the angriest people you will ever run up against.

You hit the nail on the head on this one.....It perfectly described Tea partiers.

No link?


I'm tired of people who have an opinion that is outside of mainstream being labeled as 'extreme' which implies all sorts of negative conotations. Can't someone have an opinion that is not inlign with other people without it being labeled as 'negative'. Its nothing more than totalitarianism to expect everyone's opinion to line up with everyone elses.
but we not give a shit that you calls us estremests... we likes it, we likes you to pull out your frayed race card,, it's so damn friggin cute..
The Tea Partiers are the real people.

The extremists are controlling Washington.

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