Fact-check Obama's speech?


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.

I will define radical Islam.

Islamics who stone women to death for leaving their homes without a male who is blood related.

Islamics who believe if they blow themselves up and take “infidels”with them, they will go to Paradise.

Islamics who blame the women themselves who are raped and then stone them to death.

Those are SOME of the characteristics of “Radcial Islamics”.

By the way, they don’t GAF if you are a social justice warrior, by definition, if you are not the correct sect of Islam....you should convert or die....according to their beliefs.

That’s Radical Islam.
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.

I will define radical Islam.

Islamics who stone women to death for leaving their homes without a male who is blood related.

Islamics who believe if they blow themselves up and take “infidels”with them, they will go to Paradise.

Islamics who blame the women themselves who are raped and then stone them to death.

Those are SOME of the characteristics of “Radcial Islamics”.

By the way, they don’t GAF if you are a social justice warrior, by definition, if you are not the correct sect of Islam....you should convert or die....according to their beliefs.

That’s Radical Islam.

True but O'Neil's point was Ears just can't bring himself to say it
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.

You have no clue what radical Islam is, that's obvious

You're a really stupid person, Joe. Seriously. I realize you consider yourself the smartest man in the room but you're not even close
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.

I will define radical Islam.

Islamics who stone women to death for leaving their homes without a male who is blood related.

Islamics who believe if they blow themselves up and take “infidels”with them, they will go to Paradise.

Islamics who blame the women themselves who are raped and then stone them to death.

Those are SOME of the characteristics of “Radcial Islamics”.

By the way, they don’t GAF if you are a social justice warrior, by definition, if you are not the correct sect of Islam....you should convert or die....according to their beliefs.

That’s Radical Islam.

True but O'Neil's point was Ears just can't bring himself to say it

Gotcha.....of course Obama can’t do it because it would be telling the truth.

The left like to lump groups together and beat them up....so they cant point to specific segments of a group that might be bad. Their strategy is to attack groups as a whole....and defend them as a whole.


I will define radical Islam.

Islamics who stone women to death for leaving their homes without a male who is blood related.

Okay, and how often does that happen? If a woman is getting stoned, she probably did a lot more than that.

Islamics who believe if they blow themselves up and take “infidels”with them, they will go to Paradise.

again, history is full of people who thought they were going to be rewarded for dying in a war... so this is kind of a weak argument. Here's a crazy idea, don't invade their countries to start with.

By the way, they don’t GAF if you are a social justice warrior, by definition, if you are not the correct sect of Islam....you should convert or die....according to their beliefs.

Hey, funny thing, I've got a Mosque a few miles form where I live... and not a one of them has ever come over to try to force met convert at swordpoint, or even asked me nicely if I'd like to convert.

We do not have a problem with them because their belief in a sky fairy is any sillier than your belief in a sky fairy.

We have a problem with them because we invade their countries.

It's like sticking your dick in a hornets nest, and then complaining how radical the hornets are when they sting you.
I will define radical Islam.

Islamics who stone women to death for leaving their homes without a male who is blood related.

Okay, and how often does that happen? If a woman is getting stoned, she probably did a lot more than that.

Islamics who believe if they blow themselves up and take “infidels”with them, they will go to Paradise.

again, history is full of people who thought they were going to be rewarded for dying in a war... so this is kind of a weak argument. Here's a crazy idea, don't invade their countries to start with.

By the way, they don’t GAF if you are a social justice warrior, by definition, if you are not the correct sect of Islam....you should convert or die....according to their beliefs.

Hey, funny thing, I've got a Mosque a few miles form where I live... and not a one of them has ever come over to try to force met convert at swordpoint, or even asked me nicely if I'd like to convert.

We do not have a problem with them because their belief in a sky fairy is any sillier than your belief in a sky fairy.

We have a problem with them because we invade their countries.

It's like sticking your dick in a hornets nest, and then complaining how radical the hornets are when they sting you.

“How often does that happen?”

There you go...already watering it down.

It happens, and those are what I would call RADICAL ISLAMICS.
That asshole Obama did nothing but lie every day of his disastrous administration so we can pretty well assume he is going to continue to lie in a role as a Democrat partisan piece of shit.
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
All Islamists are radicals.

Want proof? Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women.
All Islamists are radicals.

Want proof? Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women.

Turkey, to start with. They are a pretty secular society. Indonesia, pretty secular. Egypt is pretty secular.

Keeping in mind, homosexual acts were still illegal in this country as recently as 20 years ago. Trump's buddy Putin still oppresses gays.

Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
Irreverent to the point made. Do you know the point? I fear not....Please do not derail the discussion with your silliness.
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
Major Hassan STILL LIVES!

Ever heard of him? Ever heard what BO called Hassan's murderous rampage? ...yeah...thought so.
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

Was it one of those 10 minute speeches cut down to 83 seconds once you cut out all the "Uhhh I.... Uhhh.... welll uhhhh....I ... I... Iii... WE... uhh..." shit?

I can't even stand the sound of his voice. If there is a source of it I can turn off I do immediately, or I get away from the source regardless of the circumstance.

Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
I've posted this today and numerous times
nazis/white supremacist have murdered 77 people---------------since 1995
blacks murder over 3000----------every year
blacks graduate at lower levels
commit crime at much higher levels--including HATE crimes

but the racist hypocrite never said blacks are bad
never EVEN said criminals are bad--he said police are bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why is it so hard to say CRIMINALS are bad--
you do agree--criminals are bad--yes??

he sent his AG to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL!!!!
Obama = HYPOCRITE/racist/America and police hater
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
very stupid
radical islamists/etc murder innocent civilians
they directly target innocent civilians
the US does not as policy
That asshole Obama did nothing but lie every day of his disastrous administration so we can pretty well assume he is going to continue to lie in a role as a Democrat partisan piece of shit.

Can you find an Obama list of lies that equal the 4,200 plus list of lies and misstatements, that have not been debunked by Trump, Trumps team or supporters?
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
I've looked on high and low, so far Obama is way, way behind Donald J Trump when it comes to bullshit.

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