FACT:Before capitalism life expectancy was 24 years,after capitalism 66 years


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Before capitalism from the year 1000 to 1820 the world economy grew 600%
After introduction of capitalism from 1820 to 1998 the world economy grew 5,000%.
In regions like Europe,USA,Canada,Australia and New Zealand 19,000%.

Per capita income growth is not the only indicator of welfare.
Over the long run, there has been a dramatic increase in life expectation.
In the year 1000, the average infant could expect to live about 24 years.
A third would die in the first year of life, hunger and epidemic disease would ravage the survivors.
There was an almost imperceptible rise up to 1820, mainly in Western Europe. Most of the improvement has occurred since then.
Now the average infant can expect to survive 66 years.
The World Economy

So in the interest of honest discussion those of you who hate us "greedy" capitalists that KNOW factually that a rising tide raises all the boats, that know that the fact people are living nearly 3 times longer then before capitalism.. show me your stellar examples where economic freedom and capitalism has been bested!

Prove to me that there is a better way of increasing standards of living and thereby life spans!
Well, Germany, Japan, and France, among many other industrial nations have mixed their health care system so that they are hybrid capitalist-socialist system. And they all have much better health stats than we do. Including life span.
FACTS are in 1890 there was 4,000 millionaires in the USA.
in 2010 there were 5,220,000 millionaires.
15 nations with highest number of millionaires - Rediff.com Business

Over 130,400% increase in millionaires in 120 years..

For those of you who say.. "a $1 million in 1890 was worth more then a $1 million today.."

Inflation over 120 years $1 million in would buy in 1890 what $28 million buys in 2010 or 28 times.

So which is bigger.. 130,400% the growth in millionaires or 2,700% inflation in the dollar???

REALITY folks because the pie is BIGGER!
FACTS are in 1890 there was 4,000 millionaires in the USA.
in 2010 there were 5,220,000 millionaires.
15 nations with highest number of millionaires - Rediff.com Business

Over 130,400% increase in millionaires in 120 years..

For those of you who say.. "a $1 million in 1890 was worth more then a $1 million today.."

Inflation over 120 years $1 million in would buy in 1890 what $28 million buys in 2010 or 28 times.

So which is bigger.. 130,400% the growth in millionaires or 2,700% inflation in the dollar???

REALITY folks because the pie is BIGGER!

But there are still over 750,000 American families going bankrupt every year because of medical bills. And we still have an infant mortality rate like a third world nation.

Hoorah for the millionaires hardly addresses the issues with the health care in this nation.
Ohh come on now Old Rocks, we must worship the millionaires becuase they have all the money and we want to be just like them.

Imagine what the life span would be if:

  • Our population did not have such a high obesity/heart disease rate
  • Our culture put more emphasis on personal health than on the Kardashians
  • All Americans had easy access to regular preventive medicine
  • All Americans had easy access to regular diagnostic medicine and early detection

Asking too much, I know.

Well, Germany, Japan, and France, among many other industrial nations have mixed their health care system so that they are hybrid capitalist-socialist system. And they all have much better health stats than we do. Including life span.

Your comment has NO bearing first of all on the thread that life spans increased 3 fold due to a higher economic standard after 1820... thats a fact.

As far as your worn out OLD cliche of "better health stats"???
A) for the most part those countries are made up of homogeneous population i.e. their
stats are more reliable therefore. In the USA though with illegal immigration the birth
rates of legal citizens is co-mingled with demographics THAT have a higher infant mortality
and this is FACT borne out by the experts when they hear that cliched statement.

B) Where would you want to go if you had a life threatening event?
This web site ranks hospital care world wide: World Hospitals' ranking on the Web: World Ranking
In the top 20 world wide hospitals..
1) 17 are in the USA
2) 13 USA hospitals are the top 13 hospitals in the world.
3) France has ONE (1).. Germany /Japan NONE in the top 20 hospitals.
4) Japan first entry is # 37 !
5) Germany's first is #45!
In the top 50 of world hospitals
1) 30 are in the USA!

So where in the world would the chances of being in the top 50 hospitals be best?

But again rely on those OLD cliches about health care being the finest in nationalized health care countries... Just another false narrative continued as an effort to detract from the FACTS the USA has the BEST health system in the world!
READ the above web site and get enlightened!
Cities and nations finally realizing that poor sanitation and food safety led to the multitude of diseases instituted sanitation projects and eventually vaccination campaigns to halt and in many cases eliminate communicable disease from their lands. Socialism is responsible for our increased lifespans, if it was up to capitalists your kids would still be in danger of polio every summer and you would have smallpox scars all over your face.
Before capitalism there was Jesus.

Then he ran the money changers from the temple as was crucified for it.

Ohh wait. I usppose there has always been capitalism.
Cities and nations finally realizing that poor sanitation and food safety led to the multitude of diseases instituted sanitation projects and eventually vaccination campaigns to halt and in many cases eliminate communicable disease from their lands. Socialism is responsible for our increased lifespans, if it was up to capitalists your kids would still be in danger of polio every summer and you would have smallpox scars all over your face.

Who paid for the those sanitation programs?
Who paid taxes. People that earned money.
Certainly selling a few bushels of wheat didn't pay the tax bill to put in the sewage lines!

Where did the "socialist" countries that installed these sewage systems get the money to build them?

Who invented the system and why?
Before PVC pipes were made of cast iron. Who invented the cast iron system.
Who invented "PVC" pipes?
All of these above were done by those EVIL money grubbing capitalists!
Who hired people to build the iron pipes now PVC pipes.
Who paid the taxes stolen by the socialistic governments!

NO progress in the world has EVER been attributed to socialistic practices!

As Milton Friedman on Greed. “Well first of all, tell me: Is there some society you know that doesn't run on greed? You think Russia doesn't run on greed?"

You tell me who was a totally non-greedy socialism leader? Castro? Stalin? Mao?
Ortega? Pol Pot? Which of them was NOT greedy for POWER?
the naivete of some of the people on this board is appalling!

With a few strokes of the keyboard folks, you that use OLD worn out cliches..
"socialism builds sewage plants"...hahahhah... tell that to the people that dig the ditches!

Every one of you socialists on this board can NOT with any honesty can say you are altruistic!
Every one of you socialists on this board if given $100,000 to do with what you want would take
that $100,000 and spend it on something that will make you feel GOOD!

Even if you gave it ALL away to a charity, or a friend or whatever and didn't spend a dime on yourself you still are not ALTRUISTIC i.e. socialistic!
Because the very FACT you gave it away means you did it for:
1) it made you feel good "I love giving gifts at Christmas!" WHY? It makes you feel good!
2) You gave it because you felt guilt! So to assuage get rid of guilt give it away? Made you feel better!
3) You gave the $100k away because there was a need. What did you feel like when you filled that need? "GOOD"! Satisfied. Happy. ALL emotions that ultimately MAKE YOU FEEL Good!

So tell me you socialists that believe incorrectly that raising the standards of living by sharing the wealth .. why would you want to raise the standards of living? MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD!

My reasons is it would make me more money! Crass as you think that is that makes ME FEEL good!
So what's the difference between you feeling good and me feeling good?
OH you say I am only interested in making money from poor people!
WOW... you totally missed this whole thread because it points out factually that the way societies advance is when the entire society participates in the advancement and CAPITALISM free enterprise seemed FACTUALLY to be the better mechanism then SOCIALISM.. i.e. keeping every one at the same level!!!
Cities and nations finally realizing that poor sanitation and food safety led to the multitude of diseases instituted sanitation projects and eventually vaccination campaigns to halt and in many cases eliminate communicable disease from their lands. Socialism is responsible for our increased lifespans, if it was up to capitalists your kids would still be in danger of polio every summer and you would have smallpox scars all over your face.

Who paid for the those sanitation programs?
Who paid taxes. People that earned money.
Certainly selling a few bushels of wheat didn't pay the tax bill to put in the sewage lines!

Where did the "socialist" countries that installed these sewage systems get the money to build them?

Who invented the system and why?
Before PVC pipes were made of cast iron. Who invented the cast iron system.
Who invented "PVC" pipes?
All of these above were done by those EVIL money grubbing capitalists!
Who hired people to build the iron pipes now PVC pipes.
Who paid the taxes stolen by the socialistic governments!

NO progress in the world has EVER been attributed to socialistic practices!

As Milton Friedman on Greed. “Well first of all, tell me: Is there some society you know that doesn't run on greed? You think Russia doesn't run on greed?"

You tell me who was a totally non-greedy socialism leader? Castro? Stalin? Mao?
Ortega? Pol Pot? Which of them was NOT greedy for POWER?

Don't derail your own topic. Public health is at best a secondary concern for capitalists. The story of public health as a national concern is almost entirely one of national programs of infrastructure and medicines given away for free, socialism by some definitions. The polio vaccine alone is one of the greatest stories of serving the greater good in the history of mankind and no one got filthy rich off it but it bought us a generation of healthy children who now bitch about the government being good for nothing.
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This web site ranks hospital care world wide: World Hospitals' ranking on the Web: World Ranking

So where in the world would the chances of being in the top 50 hospitals be best?

Are you an idiot? Webometrics measures web presence, not quality of care. Maybe you should read how they determine the rankings next time.

The unit for analysis is the institutional domain, so only hospitals with an independent web domain are considered. If an institution has more than one main domain, two or more entries are used with the different addresses.

The first Web indicator, Web Impact Factor (WIF), was based on link analysis that combines the number of external inlinks and the number of pages of the website, a ratio of 1:1 between visibility and size. This ratio is used for the ranking, adding two new indicators to the size component: Number of documents, measured from the number of rich files in a web domain, and number of publications being collected by Google Scholar database.

Four indicators were obtained from the quantitative results provided by the main search engines as follows:

Size (S). Number of pages recovered from four engines: Google, Yahoo, Live Search and Exalead.

Visibility (V). The total number of unique external links received (inlinks) by a site can be only confidently obtained from Yahoo Search, Live Search and Exalead.

Rich Files (R). After evaluation of their relevance to academic and publication activities and considering the volume of the different file formats, the following were selected: Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Microsoft Excel (.xls), Microsoft Word (.doc) and Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt). These data were extracted using Google.

Scholar (Sc). Google Scholar provides the number of papers and citations for each academic domain. These results from the Scholar database represent papers, reports and other academic items.​

The four ranks were combined according to a formula where each one has a different weight but maintaining the ratio 1:1:

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