F-22 Flight Controls lecture (for laymen)

Fort Fun Indiana

Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Interesting lecture on F-22 flight control systems. How the plane "flies itself", the geometry and use of the airplane and its systems and how the pilot can focus on higher functions (ordering Gs to turn, refueling, etc).

Interesting lecture on F-22 flight control systems. How the plane "flies itself", the geometry and use of the airplane and its systems and how the pilot can focus on higher functions (ordering Gs to turn, refueling, etc).

Software problems and crashes due to random bit-flipping from exposure to ionizing radiation. You can't drop a nuke reliably with a plane like that if the radiation from the bomb bay puts out the electronic flight control systems.
Interesting lecture on F-22 flight control systems. How the plane "flies itself", the geometry and use of the airplane and its systems and how the pilot can focus on higher functions (ordering Gs to turn, refueling, etc).

Awesome lecture.
"Private Pilot Ground School"?

What private pilot's hummin' around in an F-22??
You mean it's a seargent's pilot ground school? Or how much rank do you need to fly one of those contraptions in the military? Or how much respect does an Air Force cadet get compared to say, Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, Coast Guard etc.? Is there a rank-and-pay differential going on? There's a little bit too much corporate-style straight-A excellency (Six Sigma etc.) going on in the Air Force with procurement and supply contracts with the good old boys at Raytheon, Boeing, Airbus, the Chinese parts-makers. There's a top-hatter government-gangster TS/SCI clearance floating around as a status symbol without any particular "need to know" any particular information in order to do one's job.
You mean it's a seargent's pilot ground school? Or how much rank do you need to fly one of those contraptions in the military? Or how much respect does an Air Force cadet get compared to say, Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, Coast Guard etc.? Is there a rank-and-pay differential going on? There's a little bit too much corporate-style straight-A excellency (Six Sigma etc.) going on in the Air Force with procurement and supply contracts with the good old boys at Raytheon, Boeing, Airbus, the Chinese parts-makers. There's a top-hatter government-gangster TS/SCI clearance floating around as a status symbol without any particular "need to know" any particular information in order to do one's job.
Don't tell me. Let me guess. You failed to get into flight school?
You mean it's a seargent's pilot ground school? Or how much rank do you need to fly one of those contraptions in the military? Or how much respect does an Air Force cadet get compared to say, Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, Coast Guard etc.? Is there a rank-and-pay differential going on? There's a little bit too much corporate-style straight-A excellency (Six Sigma etc.) going on in the Air Force with procurement and supply contracts with the good old boys at Raytheon, Boeing, Airbus, the Chinese parts-makers. There's a top-hatter government-gangster TS/SCI clearance floating around as a status symbol without any particular "need to know" any particular information in order to do one's job.
Do you have to look for a sinister motive in every puddle? Geesh, go breathe into a paper bag or something.
Do you have to look for a sinister motive in every puddle? Geesh, go breathe into a paper bag or something.
Last time I "visited" a USAF base, over twenty years ago, some lady was being raped and a bunch of buddies were trying to set me up to be arrested and court-martialed on false charges as a college prank. F'ing M.P. or who knows who the F it is taking pot-shots at me with a .22" rifle every time I drive by that place.

There's a whole city self contained on that base, with its own high school and everything. Guns are banned like most U.S. military bases and the kids get in fights about their fathers' respective rank in the military.

I'm sure there was somebody with enough rank to call the dogs off but none of those military people really want to stick their neck out that far in front of the Mafia.
Last time I "visited" a USAF base, over twenty years ago, some lady was being raped and a bunch of buddies were trying to set me up to be arrested and court-martialed on false charges as a college prank. F'ing M.P. or who knows who the F it is taking pot-shots at me with a .22" rifle every time I drive by that place.

There's a whole city self contained on that base, with its own high school and everything. Guns are banned like most U.S. military bases and the kids get in fights about their fathers' respective rank in the military.

I'm sure there was somebody with enough rank to call the dogs off but none of those military people really want to stick their neck out that far in front of the Mafia.
What in the world makes you think an M.P. would be shooting at you with a .22 rifle, while you drive by a military base? Did you report it to civilian police, military police or anybody or did you just quiver in your car?
What in the world makes you think an M.P. would be shooting at you with a .22 rifle, while you drive by a military base? Did you report it to civilian police, military police or anybody or did you just quiver in your car?
The civvie cops are "brothers" to the M.P.'s at the F.O.A.S.T., and there's a mob boss somewhere, with enough rank to order a hit with maybe just a subtle "hint" or half a suggestion or by raising a finger partway like at an auction, without risking criminal charges on his own neck.
The civvie cops are "brothers" to the M.P.'s at the F.O.A.S.T., and there's a mob boss somewhere, with enough rank to order a hit with maybe just a subtle "hint" or half a suggestion or by raising a finger partway like at an auction, without risking criminal charges on his own neck.
You are being paranoid. Photograph the bullet holes in your car (if they are any), state your accusation and send with the pictures to Air Force Inspector General, FBI and multiple news outlets.
Don't be such an AFL-CIO Teamsters dumbass.
Ok, Ok, show us the bullet holes in your car. I know the marksmanship standard of the military services. A car is a hard thing to miss and even harder for a person to know they have been shot at in their moving car if the car isn't hit. I simply doubt the veracity of your claim, but told you the best way to handle if it were valid.
Ok, Ok, show us the bullet holes in your car. I know the marksmanship standard of the military services. A car is a hard thing to miss and even harder for a person to know they have been shot at in their moving car if the car isn't hit. I simply doubt the veracity of your claim, but told you the best way to handle if it were valid.
I got a big bill for auto glass.

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