Explosives found in World Trade Center dust

If Gage is so sure about his conclusions, why is it he will only agree to a debate with a wedding officiant with an English degree?

Riveting 2-hour Radio Trial

He must be too chickenshit to go up against anyone with a degree in structural engineering, or someone in the controlled demolitions field.
If Gage is so sure about his conclusions, why is it he will only agree to a debate with a wedding officiant with an English degree?

Riveting 2-hour Radio Trial

He must be too chickenshit to go up against anyone with a degree in structural engineering, or someone in the controlled demolitions field.
in another video someone posted, Gage claimed the towers were constructed in the 80's
If Gage is so sure about his conclusions, why is it he will only agree to a debate with a wedding officiant with an English degree?

Riveting 2-hour Radio Trial

He must be too chickenshit to go up against anyone with a degree in structural engineering, or someone in the controlled demolitions field.
in another video someone posted, Gage claimed the towers were constructed in the 80's

Gage will claim anything, as long as the DVD can be sold at the twoofer sites for the introductory low price of $29.95.
Let's look at the young heroes of the TRUTHTM "movement"

I present to you, The loose change gang.

Korey Rowe - Dope Pusher.

Loose Change Producer Arrested for Allegedly Selling Heroin to Undercover Officer.

Jason Bermas - Pizza Cook

And I can't find a link, but Dylan Avery is desperate to find someone who will put him back on the radio.

These three jokers had it all. For a while after Loose Change was released, the world was their oyster. They pissed it away by adding any goofy oddball theory into their "documentary" until it became the funniest joke on the web.

Gage, Balsamo, Ventera, Judy Woods, A. & S. Jones and Deets paved the path to obscurity for them. They are just really good followers.
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And let's not forget their silly meme that fire does not weaken steel.

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Somebody must have forgotten to tell the south tower core that it was supposed to explode in Judy Wood's energy beam.

Here's Jesse Ventura's claims of "voice morphing" being shot to shit.

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The conspiracy freaks like to claim that the Pentagon was not hit by a commercial jet.

This video pisses them off.

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I know that 911 inside jobbity-job-job and FizzlesExist have me on ignore, but maybe E(di)ots will try to refute my last posts.

And what the hell, I'm in a rare form tonight. Maybe someone will step up and answer the question I've been trying to get Fizzles to answer for months.

Why does Bob McIlvaine waffle and evade when Geraldo Rivera asks him if the architects and engineers support his theories?

I'm not relying on any of the Twoofers to answer the question, so don't expect me to hold my breath waiting.
What's holding up that 1 story? 69 other ones correct? Learn basic physics. you cannot grasp it, this is embarrassing.

Your grasp of structures and loads is SEVERELY lacking.

Here is why you are making wrong assumptions.

The tower as a whole is composed of many different components and connections. Let's give you a simple example.

Let's pound a steel column into the ground. Let's weld a 4" wide x 8" long x 1/4" thick steel plate to the side of the column so the the 4" wide section is perpendicular to the face of the column and welded along the 8" length. Now let's take a sledgehammer and beat the top of that plate.

What's going to give? The weakest point of those components? You'll bend the plate before the column even budges.

See what you fail to see is yes, the columns support the structure a a whole, but the truss supports were designed to hold ONLY THE FLOOR and it's static load, which distributes that load to the columns. Those support, circled in red in the photo below, were never designed to hold up a collapsing 30 story block from above.

SO when that block hit the first floor below, the truss supports failed and the block became 31 stories.

This is why you see sections of perimeter columns falling AWAY from the tower as the debris block descended downward. Once the floor trusses were destroyed, there was nothing holding the perimeter columns up and the debris block pushed them outwards.
Not to mention the top tilted, therefore it is IMPOSSIBLE FOR IT TO STOP TILTING, UNLESS THE LOWER FLOORS WERE GONE. How were they gone? Oh, controlled demolition.

This makes no sense. How do missing floors stop the tilt?

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