Expelled Oklahoma U fraternity to sue university, possibly President Boren

Congress shall pass no law...

What law was passed infringing free speech? Who went to jail?

The students were expelled by an arm of the government. If you don't see that as infringing on them, then it is pointless to even talk to you.

I worked 33 years for the government and would have been fired if I screamed I would lynch any n*gger who wanted to work for me

As an employee, you were the government. The students in this case are not employees. They have the same status as any other citizen.

Yes they do

They are free to be as big an ass as they wish.........they are also free to face the consequences

What stands out is the hatred they exhibit and the sense of self entitlement

What are the consequences? Tell me exactly where the line is. If the state can expel them, can the state fine them? If the state can fine them, can the state jail them? Point out to me precisely what the limit is on the state in terms of laying down these consequences. While your at it, tell me what the standards are the state must follow to decide what speech it can assign consequences to and what speech it can't.

All you are seeing is some idiot kids. I don't give a gnat's fart about them. I do care about the state deciding what is acceptable speech and what is not and dealing out punishment for speech it doesn't like. If they can do that today, they can do it tomorrow and you don't know what speech it isn't going to like tomorrow.

The consequences are....you are no longer welcome to attend this school
Very fitting

The school has been given no criminal prosecution authority by the state. They are an institution of higher learning that is permitted to set rules of behavior
The students were expelled by an arm of the government. If you don't see that as infringing on them, then it is pointless to even talk to you.

I worked 33 years for the government and would have been fired if I screamed I would lynch any n*gger who wanted to work for me

As an employee, you were the government. The students in this case are not employees. They have the same status as any other citizen.

Yes they do

They are free to be as big an ass as they wish.........they are also free to face the consequences

What stands out is the hatred they exhibit and the sense of self entitlement

What are the consequences? Tell me exactly where the line is. If the state can expel them, can the state fine them? If the state can fine them, can the state jail them? Point out to me precisely what the limit is on the state in terms of laying down these consequences. While your at it, tell me what the standards are the state must follow to decide what speech it can assign consequences to and what speech it can't.

All you are seeing is some idiot kids. I don't give a gnat's fart about them. I do care about the state deciding what is acceptable speech and what is not and dealing out punishment for speech it doesn't like. If they can do that today, they can do it tomorrow and you don't know what speech it isn't going to like tomorrow.

The consequences are....you are no longer welcome to attend this school
Very fitting

The school has been given no criminal prosecution authority by the state. They are an institution of higher learning that is permitted to set rules of behavior

I asked you to show me that limitation. You will excuse me if I don't simply accept your unsupported opinion on that limitation when it comes to our most fundamental freedoms. If the state has the power to expel, why doesn't if have the power to fine? Show me the law.

I worked 33 years for the government and would have been fired if I screamed I would lynch any n*gger who wanted to work for me

As an employee, you were the government. The students in this case are not employees. They have the same status as any other citizen.

Yes they do

They are free to be as big an ass as they wish.........they are also free to face the consequences

What stands out is the hatred they exhibit and the sense of self entitlement

What are the consequences? Tell me exactly where the line is. If the state can expel them, can the state fine them? If the state can fine them, can the state jail them? Point out to me precisely what the limit is on the state in terms of laying down these consequences. While your at it, tell me what the standards are the state must follow to decide what speech it can assign consequences to and what speech it can't.

All you are seeing is some idiot kids. I don't give a gnat's fart about them. I do care about the state deciding what is acceptable speech and what is not and dealing out punishment for speech it doesn't like. If they can do that today, they can do it tomorrow and you don't know what speech it isn't going to like tomorrow.

The consequences are....you are no longer welcome to attend this school
Very fitting

The school has been given no criminal prosecution authority by the state. They are an institution of higher learning that is permitted to set rules of behavior

I asked you to show me that limitation. You will excuse me if I don't simply accept your unsupported opinion on that limitation when it comes to our most fundamental freedoms. If the state has the power to expel, why doesn't if have the power to fine? Show me the law.

The limitation is on rules of behavior and standards that fraternities must meet to be allowed on campus

Now, if the infraction we are talking about were a borderline infraction, you might have a case

But the infraction in this case was so offensive that the decision of the Dean was a no-brainer
As an employee, you were the government. The students in this case are not employees. They have the same status as any other citizen.

Yes they do

They are free to be as big an ass as they wish.........they are also free to face the consequences

What stands out is the hatred they exhibit and the sense of self entitlement

What are the consequences? Tell me exactly where the line is. If the state can expel them, can the state fine them? If the state can fine them, can the state jail them? Point out to me precisely what the limit is on the state in terms of laying down these consequences. While your at it, tell me what the standards are the state must follow to decide what speech it can assign consequences to and what speech it can't.

All you are seeing is some idiot kids. I don't give a gnat's fart about them. I do care about the state deciding what is acceptable speech and what is not and dealing out punishment for speech it doesn't like. If they can do that today, they can do it tomorrow and you don't know what speech it isn't going to like tomorrow.

The consequences are....you are no longer welcome to attend this school
Very fitting

The school has been given no criminal prosecution authority by the state. They are an institution of higher learning that is permitted to set rules of behavior

I asked you to show me that limitation. You will excuse me if I don't simply accept your unsupported opinion on that limitation when it comes to our most fundamental freedoms. If the state has the power to expel, why doesn't if have the power to fine? Show me the law.

The limitation is on rules of behavior and standards that fraternities must meet to be allowed on campus

Now, if the infraction we are talking about were a borderline infraction, you might have a case

But the infraction in this case was so offensive that the decision of the Dean was a no-brainer

The question is about the limitation the state has on punishing speech it doesn't like. What exactly are those limitations? Where is the line? Show me the law on that.
Yes they do

They are free to be as big an ass as they wish.........they are also free to face the consequences

What stands out is the hatred they exhibit and the sense of self entitlement

What are the consequences? Tell me exactly where the line is. If the state can expel them, can the state fine them? If the state can fine them, can the state jail them? Point out to me precisely what the limit is on the state in terms of laying down these consequences. While your at it, tell me what the standards are the state must follow to decide what speech it can assign consequences to and what speech it can't.

All you are seeing is some idiot kids. I don't give a gnat's fart about them. I do care about the state deciding what is acceptable speech and what is not and dealing out punishment for speech it doesn't like. If they can do that today, they can do it tomorrow and you don't know what speech it isn't going to like tomorrow.

The consequences are....you are no longer welcome to attend this school
Very fitting

The school has been given no criminal prosecution authority by the state. They are an institution of higher learning that is permitted to set rules of behavior

I asked you to show me that limitation. You will excuse me if I don't simply accept your unsupported opinion on that limitation when it comes to our most fundamental freedoms. If the state has the power to expel, why doesn't if have the power to fine? Show me the law.

The limitation is on rules of behavior and standards that fraternities must meet to be allowed on campus

Now, if the infraction we are talking about were a borderline infraction, you might have a case

But the infraction in this case was so offensive that the decision of the Dean was a no-brainer

The question is about the limitation the state has on punishing speech it doesn't like. What exactly are those limitations? Where is the line? Show me the law on that.

Doesn't have to be a line, it is at the Presidents discretion

Don't like his decision, appeal it

In this case, the infraction is so offensive that there is no question of his authority. An action that brings shame on the individuals, their families, their fraternity and the university is easy to rule on
What are the consequences? Tell me exactly where the line is. If the state can expel them, can the state fine them? If the state can fine them, can the state jail them? Point out to me precisely what the limit is on the state in terms of laying down these consequences. While your at it, tell me what the standards are the state must follow to decide what speech it can assign consequences to and what speech it can't.

All you are seeing is some idiot kids. I don't give a gnat's fart about them. I do care about the state deciding what is acceptable speech and what is not and dealing out punishment for speech it doesn't like. If they can do that today, they can do it tomorrow and you don't know what speech it isn't going to like tomorrow.

The consequences are....you are no longer welcome to attend this school
Very fitting

The school has been given no criminal prosecution authority by the state. They are an institution of higher learning that is permitted to set rules of behavior

I asked you to show me that limitation. You will excuse me if I don't simply accept your unsupported opinion on that limitation when it comes to our most fundamental freedoms. If the state has the power to expel, why doesn't if have the power to fine? Show me the law.

The limitation is on rules of behavior and standards that fraternities must meet to be allowed on campus

Now, if the infraction we are talking about were a borderline infraction, you might have a case

But the infraction in this case was so offensive that the decision of the Dean was a no-brainer

The question is about the limitation the state has on punishing speech it doesn't like. What exactly are those limitations? Where is the line? Show me the law on that.

Doesn't have to be a line, it is at the Presidents discretion

Don't like his decision, appeal it

In this case, the infraction is so offensive that there is no question of his authority. An action that brings shame on the individuals, their families, their fraternity and the university is easy to rule on

So a valid reason for infringing upon the freedom of speech is that it is offensive. Someone here just posted a comment that the god of the bible is a baby-murderer. That's pretty offensive. If he/she is a student at a state college should they be expelled?
The consequences are....you are no longer welcome to attend this school
Very fitting

The school has been given no criminal prosecution authority by the state. They are an institution of higher learning that is permitted to set rules of behavior

I asked you to show me that limitation. You will excuse me if I don't simply accept your unsupported opinion on that limitation when it comes to our most fundamental freedoms. If the state has the power to expel, why doesn't if have the power to fine? Show me the law.

The limitation is on rules of behavior and standards that fraternities must meet to be allowed on campus

Now, if the infraction we are talking about were a borderline infraction, you might have a case

But the infraction in this case was so offensive that the decision of the Dean was a no-brainer

The question is about the limitation the state has on punishing speech it doesn't like. What exactly are those limitations? Where is the line? Show me the law on that.

Doesn't have to be a line, it is at the Presidents discretion

Don't like his decision, appeal it

In this case, the infraction is so offensive that there is no question of his authority. An action that brings shame on the individuals, their families, their fraternity and the university is easy to rule on

So a valid reason for infringing upon the freedom of speech is that it is offensive. Someone here just posted a comment that the god of the bible is a baby-murderer. That's pretty offensive. If he/she is a student at a state college should they be expelled?

I've posted that the God in the Bible is a baby killer

If I went to a Christian University, that action would get me suspended

I worked 33 years for the government and would have been fired if I screamed I would lynch any n*gger who wanted to work for me

As an employee, you were the government. The students in this case are not employees. They have the same status as any other citizen.

Yes they do

They are free to be as big an ass as they wish.........they are also free to face the consequences

What stands out is the hatred they exhibit and the sense of self entitlement

What are the consequences? Tell me exactly where the line is. If the state can expel them, can the state fine them? If the state can fine them, can the state jail them? Point out to me precisely what the limit is on the state in terms of laying down these consequences. While your at it, tell me what the standards are the state must follow to decide what speech it can assign consequences to and what speech it can't.

All you are seeing is some idiot kids. I don't give a gnat's fart about them. I do care about the state deciding what is acceptable speech and what is not and dealing out punishment for speech it doesn't like. If they can do that today, they can do it tomorrow and you don't know what speech it isn't going to like tomorrow.

The consequences are....you are no longer welcome to attend this school
Very fitting

The school has been given no criminal prosecution authority by the state. They are an institution of higher learning that is permitted to set rules of behavior

I asked you to show me that limitation. You will excuse me if I don't simply accept your unsupported opinion on that limitation when it comes to our most fundamental freedoms. If the state has the power to expel, why doesn't if have the power to fine? Show me the law.
Expulsion is in effect also a fine unless the students are refunded the tuition costs!
I asked you to show me that limitation. You will excuse me if I don't simply accept your unsupported opinion on that limitation when it comes to our most fundamental freedoms. If the state has the power to expel, why doesn't if have the power to fine? Show me the law.

The limitation is on rules of behavior and standards that fraternities must meet to be allowed on campus

Now, if the infraction we are talking about were a borderline infraction, you might have a case

But the infraction in this case was so offensive that the decision of the Dean was a no-brainer

The question is about the limitation the state has on punishing speech it doesn't like. What exactly are those limitations? Where is the line? Show me the law on that.

Doesn't have to be a line, it is at the Presidents discretion

Don't like his decision, appeal it

In this case, the infraction is so offensive that there is no question of his authority. An action that brings shame on the individuals, their families, their fraternity and the university is easy to rule on

So a valid reason for infringing upon the freedom of speech is that it is offensive. Someone here just posted a comment that the god of the bible is a baby-murderer. That's pretty offensive. If he/she is a student at a state college should they be expelled?

I've posted that the God in the Bible is a baby killer

If I went to a Christian University, that action would get me suspended
And why would it have to be a Christian University and not a state university? Can you name the constitutional ammendment?
As an employee, you were the government. The students in this case are not employees. They have the same status as any other citizen.

Yes they do

They are free to be as big an ass as they wish.........they are also free to face the consequences

What stands out is the hatred they exhibit and the sense of self entitlement

What are the consequences? Tell me exactly where the line is. If the state can expel them, can the state fine them? If the state can fine them, can the state jail them? Point out to me precisely what the limit is on the state in terms of laying down these consequences. While your at it, tell me what the standards are the state must follow to decide what speech it can assign consequences to and what speech it can't.

All you are seeing is some idiot kids. I don't give a gnat's fart about them. I do care about the state deciding what is acceptable speech and what is not and dealing out punishment for speech it doesn't like. If they can do that today, they can do it tomorrow and you don't know what speech it isn't going to like tomorrow.

The consequences are....you are no longer welcome to attend this school
Very fitting

The school has been given no criminal prosecution authority by the state. They are an institution of higher learning that is permitted to set rules of behavior

I asked you to show me that limitation. You will excuse me if I don't simply accept your unsupported opinion on that limitation when it comes to our most fundamental freedoms. If the state has the power to expel, why doesn't if have the power to fine? Show me the law.
Expulsion is in effect also a fine unless the students are refunded the tuition costs!

Its like getting kicked out of a movie theater
I asked you to show me that limitation. You will excuse me if I don't simply accept your unsupported opinion on that limitation when it comes to our most fundamental freedoms. If the state has the power to expel, why doesn't if have the power to fine? Show me the law.

The limitation is on rules of behavior and standards that fraternities must meet to be allowed on campus

Now, if the infraction we are talking about were a borderline infraction, you might have a case

But the infraction in this case was so offensive that the decision of the Dean was a no-brainer

The question is about the limitation the state has on punishing speech it doesn't like. What exactly are those limitations? Where is the line? Show me the law on that.

Doesn't have to be a line, it is at the Presidents discretion

Don't like his decision, appeal it

In this case, the infraction is so offensive that there is no question of his authority. An action that brings shame on the individuals, their families, their fraternity and the university is easy to rule on

So a valid reason for infringing upon the freedom of speech is that it is offensive. Someone here just posted a comment that the god of the bible is a baby-murderer. That's pretty offensive. If he/she is a student at a state college should they be expelled?

I've posted that the God in the Bible is a baby killer

If I went to a Christian University, that action would get me suspended

Not my question. If you were attending a state university, should you be expelled for that post?
Yes they do

They are free to be as big an ass as they wish.........they are also free to face the consequences

What stands out is the hatred they exhibit and the sense of self entitlement

What are the consequences? Tell me exactly where the line is. If the state can expel them, can the state fine them? If the state can fine them, can the state jail them? Point out to me precisely what the limit is on the state in terms of laying down these consequences. While your at it, tell me what the standards are the state must follow to decide what speech it can assign consequences to and what speech it can't.

All you are seeing is some idiot kids. I don't give a gnat's fart about them. I do care about the state deciding what is acceptable speech and what is not and dealing out punishment for speech it doesn't like. If they can do that today, they can do it tomorrow and you don't know what speech it isn't going to like tomorrow.

The consequences are....you are no longer welcome to attend this school
Very fitting

The school has been given no criminal prosecution authority by the state. They are an institution of higher learning that is permitted to set rules of behavior

I asked you to show me that limitation. You will excuse me if I don't simply accept your unsupported opinion on that limitation when it comes to our most fundamental freedoms. If the state has the power to expel, why doesn't if have the power to fine? Show me the law.
Expulsion is in effect also a fine unless the students are refunded the tuition costs!

Its like getting kicked out of a movie theater

No, it isn't.
You have no concept of freedom of speech. It prohibits the government from taking action against you for what you might say

It does nothing to protect you from the consequences of your actions
Oklahoma University is the government, it is a public university and a state institution, and thus held to the first amendment.

So yes, the 1st Amendment absolutely protects you from the consequences of government action against you.
I was in the government for 33 years. I hired and fired people

If I had exercised my free speech by screaming I would never hire a n*gger, I would have been fired

There are still consequences for what you say
These aren't worthless dead end government employees like you, these are good kids, students with edgy senses of humor. There is no equivalency legally or morally.

As far as the rights of students go, as per 1A and case law, they are protected from retribution by the State for their speech.

I hope the little bastards have a long career in the fast food industry.

Asshole Leftist who wants entire lives to be destroyed over comments he finds offensive. May you get the exact same poverty you so rashly wish upon others.

What you right wing racist dummies seem to have forgotten is: There is no such thing as freedom of speech at a formal event of an officially sanctioned organization.
Still looking for the law that was passed.

It was passed when the Constitution was ratified.
Congress shall pass no law...

What law was passed infringing free speech? Who went to jail?

The students were expelled by an arm of the government. If you don't see that as infringing on them, then it is pointless to even talk to you.
Individuals can't be 'infringed upon,' their rights can, however, where in this case no rights were 'infringed upon,' the right to free speech in particular.

They were expelled by the state for speech. That is an infringement upon their right to free speech. Free speech doesn't mean speech you approve of.

Do you imagine you have freedom of speech in the work place? Try it some time and see what happens.
Yes they do, good kids make edgy jokes in private all the time. Immoral control freaks that want to punish them, and use the State to do so, are bad people. Good people aren't repressive tyrannical assholes like you.

No, they don't. This isn't an edgy joke. This is a racist slur. These are little punks and they are getting exactly what they deserve.
You deserve a beating to within an inch of your life and being left in a gutter.

Another fine example of the moral compass in action.
Oklahoma University is the government, it is a public university and a state institution, and thus held to the first amendment.

So yes, the 1st Amendment absolutely protects you from the consequences of government action against you.
I was in the government for 33 years. I hired and fired people

If I had exercised my free speech by screaming I would never hire a n*gger, I would have been fired

There are still consequences for what you say
These aren't worthless dead end government employees like you, these are good kids, students with edgy senses of humor. There is no equivalency legally or morally.

As far as the rights of students go, as per 1A and case law, they are protected from retribution by the State for their speech.

I hope the little bastards have a long career in the fast food industry.

Asshole Leftist who wants entire lives to be destroyed over comments he finds offensive. May you get the exact same poverty you so rashly wish upon others.

What you right wing racist dummies seem to have forgotten is: There is no such thing as freedom of speech at a formal event of an officially sanctioned organization.
What does it that have to do with you wanting someone's entire life to be destroyed over a comment? You people kill babies in the womb but you think an off color song is the epitome of evil? You don't need to worry about how God will judge conservatives, it's the Left that is evil, demonic, and ripe for the grapes of wrath.
I was in the government for 33 years. I hired and fired people

If I had exercised my free speech by screaming I would never hire a n*gger, I would have been fired

There are still consequences for what you say
These aren't worthless dead end government employees like you, these are good kids, students with edgy senses of humor. There is no equivalency legally or morally.

As far as the rights of students go, as per 1A and case law, they are protected from retribution by the State for their speech.

I hope the little bastards have a long career in the fast food industry.

Asshole Leftist who wants entire lives to be destroyed over comments he finds offensive. May you get the exact same poverty you so rashly wish upon others.

What you right wing racist dummies seem to have forgotten is: There is no such thing as freedom of speech at a formal event of an officially sanctioned organization.
What does it that have to do with you wanting someone's entire life to be destroyed over a comment? You people kill babies in the womb but you think an off color song is the epitome of evil? You don't need to worry about how God will judge conservatives, it's the Left that is evil, demonic, and ripe for the grapes of wrath.

The answer is simple: I despise racist assholes. As to God's judgement: I'll continue to pray for your salvation from hatred and intolerance.
Oklahoma University is the government, it is a public university and a state institution, and thus held to the first amendment.

So yes, the 1st Amendment absolutely protects you from the consequences of government action against you.
I was in the government for 33 years. I hired and fired people

If I had exercised my free speech by screaming I would never hire a n*gger, I would have been fired

There are still consequences for what you say
These aren't worthless dead end government employees like you, these are good kids, students with edgy senses of humor. There is no equivalency legally or morally.

As far as the rights of students go, as per 1A and case law, they are protected from retribution by the State for their speech.

I hope the little bastards have a long career in the fast food industry.

Asshole Leftist who wants entire lives to be destroyed over comments he finds offensive. May you get the exact same poverty you so rashly wish upon others.

What you right wing racist dummies seem to have forgotten is: There is no such thing as freedom of speech at a formal event of an officially sanctioned organization.
Really? I somehow missed that exemption in my reading of the 1st Amendment.
These aren't worthless dead end government employees like you, these are good kids, students with edgy senses of humor. There is no equivalency legally or morally.

As far as the rights of students go, as per 1A and case law, they are protected from retribution by the State for their speech.

I hope the little bastards have a long career in the fast food industry.

Asshole Leftist who wants entire lives to be destroyed over comments he finds offensive. May you get the exact same poverty you so rashly wish upon others.

What you right wing racist dummies seem to have forgotten is: There is no such thing as freedom of speech at a formal event of an officially sanctioned organization.
What does it that have to do with you wanting someone's entire life to be destroyed over a comment? You people kill babies in the womb but you think an off color song is the epitome of evil? You don't need to worry about how God will judge conservatives, it's the Left that is evil, demonic, and ripe for the grapes of wrath.

The answer is simple: I despise racist assholes. As to God's judgement: I'll continue to pray for your salvation from hatred and intolerance.
You despise yourself then. Save your heathen prayers to Ra. The risen Christ lives in my heart and through his shed blood on the cross, I am made right with God.
It was passed when the Constitution was ratified.
Congress shall pass no law...

What law was passed infringing free speech? Who went to jail?

The students were expelled by an arm of the government. If you don't see that as infringing on them, then it is pointless to even talk to you.
Individuals can't be 'infringed upon,' their rights can, however, where in this case no rights were 'infringed upon,' the right to free speech in particular.

They were expelled by the state for speech. That is an infringement upon their right to free speech. Free speech doesn't mean speech you approve of.

Do you imagine you have freedom of speech in the work place? Try it some time and see what happens.

They are not employees.

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