Expelled Oklahoma U fraternity to sue university, possibly President Boren

More telling

Did any of them protest that what they were doing was wrong?
If no one complained about a hostel environment, then the case of expelling the students for creating a hostel environment is weak!

Would you approve of Belle Knox being expelled from Duke for making porn?
Seems the entire nation is complaining about a hostile educational environment
Your rights end where my feelings begin.

In this case, it was the feelings of an entire university

Sucks being a racist these days doesn't it?
Better to be a racist than a hypersensitive control freak like you.

Says it all, what more telling remark could there be regarding your alleged morality.
I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

Yes they do

They have the right to be held accountable for their actions, just like everyone else. By everyone except conservatives who will defend to the death the right to scream N*gger

The big question is, why aren't you willing to defend it?
I am under no obligation to defend repulsive behavior or those ho are punished because of it

Then you don't deserve the right yourself. Free speech means everyone or it means no one.
They were free to chant any repulsive thing they want......
The university is free to expel them for it

Nobody can compel a university to admit blatant racists

Then you have absolutely no concept of what freedom is or what it means.
Freedom must be balanced
The assholes on the bus are free to engage in their racist chants....the university is free to expell them for it
Still looking for the law that was passed.

It was passed when the Constitution was ratified.
Congress shall pass no law...

What law was passed infringing free speech? Who went to jail?

The students were expelled by an arm of the government. If you don't see that as infringing on them, then it is pointless to even talk to you.

I worked 33 years for the government and would have been fired if I screamed I would lynch any n*gger who wanted to work for me

As an employee, you were the government. The students in this case are not employees. They have the same status as any other citizen.

Yes they do

They are free to be as big an ass as they wish.........they are also free to face the consequences

What stands out is the hatred they exhibit and the sense of self entitlement
More telling

Did any of them protest that what they were doing was wrong?
If no one complained about a hostel environment, then the case of expelling the students for creating a hostel environment is weak!

Would you approve of Belle Knox being expelled from Duke for making porn?
Seems the entire nation is complaining about a hostile educational environment
Your rights end where my feelings begin.

In this case, it was the feelings of an entire university

Sucks being a racist these days doesn't it?
Better to be a racist than a hypersensitive control freak like you.
You truly are an ignorant idiot.

The issue has nothing to do with anyone's 'feelings being hurt,' or anyone being 'hypersensitive.'

And no one is seeking to be a 'control freak.'

Indeed, you and other racists remain at liberty to express your ignorance, hate, and racism in any manner you with, in any venue, anytime you wish, absent punitive measures by the government.
No, you are all immoral. You want to ruin people's lives and throw them out of school because they make politically incorrect jokes with friends in private. You are bad people without a moral compass.

I'd say your morality is in question here. When the time comes, God isn't going to look more favorably upon you for being a tacit supporter of racism, rather than simply just another rabid bigot.

I think you should be just a little more humble in speculating how God is going to judge. If he's as harsh on racism as you say he is, then the Left has much to dread.
Yes, in fact the First Amendment is all about consequences. In fact, that is the entire point. It protects you from the State abridging your right to free speech, such as in a State institution implementing speech codes and levying punishment upon you for your speech.

I know this and I am not even an American. Your Bill of Rights is still one of the few things I love about your country and admire them for.

Looks like you need a refresher on your own Constitution

Legally, the University doesn't have a leg to stand on.

FindLaw Cases and Codes
You have no concept of freedom of speech. It prohibits the government from taking action against you for what you might say

It does nothing to protect you from the consequences of your actions
Oklahoma University is the government, it is a public university and a state institution, and thus held to the first amendment.

So yes, the 1st Amendment absolutely protects you from the consequences of government action against you.
I was in the government for 33 years. I hired and fired people

If I had exercised my free speech by screaming I would never hire a n*gger, I would have been fired

There are still consequences for what you say
These aren't worthless dead end government employees like you, these are good kids, students with edgy senses of humor. There is no equivalency legally or morally.

As far as the rights of students go, as per 1A and case law, they are protected from retribution by the State for their speech.

I hope the little bastards have a long career in the fast food industry.

Asshole Leftist who wants entire lives to be destroyed over comments he finds offensive. May you get the exact same poverty you so rashly wish upon others.
If no one complained about a hostel environment, then the case of expelling the students for creating a hostel environment is weak!

Would you approve of Belle Knox being expelled from Duke for making porn?
Seems the entire nation is complaining about a hostile educational environment
Your rights end where my feelings begin.

In this case, it was the feelings of an entire university

Sucks being a racist these days doesn't it?
Better to be a racist than a hypersensitive control freak like you.
You truly are an ignorant idiot.

The issue has nothing to do with anyone's 'feelings being hurt,' or anyone being 'hypersensitive.'

And no one is seeking to be a 'control freak.'

Indeed, you and other racists remain at liberty to express your ignorance, hate, and racism in any manner you with, in any venue, anytime you wish, absent punitive measures by the government.

Your selective outrage is the most damning proof of your racist bigotry. If this were blacks making racist statements about whites we wouldn't hear shit from you because you're a racist and you judge people by the color of their skin. You asshole racist Leftists are deluded into thinking you're the ones championing civil rights and equality. Quite the opposite, you are doing everything in your power to make sure that racial harmony never happens.

Because you're assholes.

That had to be said again.
Seems the entire nation is complaining about a hostile educational environment
Your rights end where my feelings begin.

In this case, it was the feelings of an entire university

Sucks being a racist these days doesn't it?
Better to be a racist than a hypersensitive control freak like you.
You truly are an ignorant idiot.

The issue has nothing to do with anyone's 'feelings being hurt,' or anyone being 'hypersensitive.'

And no one is seeking to be a 'control freak.'

Indeed, you and other racists remain at liberty to express your ignorance, hate, and racism in any manner you with, in any venue, anytime you wish, absent punitive measures by the government.

Your selective outrage is the most damning proof of your racist bigotry. If this were blacks making racist statements about whites we wouldn't hear shit from you because you're a racist and you judge people by the color of their skin. You asshole racist Leftists are deluded into thinking you're the ones championing civil rights and equality. Quite the opposite, you are doing everything in your power to make sure that racial harmony never happens.

Because you're assholes.

That had to be said again.
I bet that there are lots of both black and white college students that sing along to rap music that glorify killing cops and slapping hoes. Should they be expelled from college?
If no one complained about a hostel environment, then the case of expelling the students for creating a hostel environment is weak!

Would you approve of Belle Knox being expelled from Duke for making porn?
Seems the entire nation is complaining about a hostile educational environment
Your rights end where my feelings begin.

In this case, it was the feelings of an entire university

Sucks being a racist these days doesn't it?
Better to be a racist than a hypersensitive control freak like you.
You truly are an ignorant idiot.

The issue has nothing to do with anyone's 'feelings being hurt,' or anyone being 'hypersensitive.'

And no one is seeking to be a 'control freak.'

Indeed, you and other racists remain at liberty to express your ignorance, hate, and racism in any manner you with, in any venue, anytime you wish, absent punitive measures by the government.
You are just a verbose little worm that cloaks your tyrannical views behind pseudo-legalistic gibberish.

But tell us more how about protesting and expelling individuals who makes edgy jokes isn't hypersensitive and controlling :lol:
There is no such thing as a 'race card,' it's another inane contrivance of the right, like 'political correctness,' or the 'liberal media.'

The problem is many on the right attempt to propagate the lie of a 'race card.'

Indeed, no one seeks to 'trump' the First Amendment, the notion is idiocy, as is the notion that the students' right to 'free speech' was 'violated.'

They were expelled because of what they said. The university is a government entity, an arm of the state. Not a private institution. How is that not a violation of their right to free speech?

Let's go over it: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The university, as an extension of government, falls under that prohibition. It doesn't say unless the speech is icky, or insults people, or clearly shows the speaker to be a total twit. If the university can prohibit one kind of speech, no matter how disgusting and idiotic, it can prohibit other kinds of speech as well. The kid on the video was an asshole. As far as I know, the entire frat was a collection of assholes. But assholes have as much right to spew repulsive nonsense as anyone else.
Still looking for the law that was passed.

It was passed when the Constitution was ratified.
Congress shall pass no law...

What law was passed infringing free speech? Who went to jail?

The students were expelled by an arm of the government. If you don't see that as infringing on them, then it is pointless to even talk to you.
Individuals can't be 'infringed upon,' their rights can, however, where in this case no rights were 'infringed upon,' the right to free speech in particular.
Racists found the limits of free speech

Used to be they could pull that shit anywhere
Oh! So racist speech isn't protected by the first ammendment!

They are protected, they're not going to jail. They still have to follow the schools code of conduct.

Tell me, hypocrite Leftist, if homosexual dating were a violation of the school's code of conduct, which side of the issue would you be on?

I thought so.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Government seeking to single out a particular class of persons for disadvantage motivated solely by who constitutes that class of persons violates the 14th Amendment, having nothing to do with their 'conduct' as gay students.

The OU students were expelled as a consequence of their conduct, not who they are, and not as a consequence of their speech.

Wrong again. I said if homosexual dating were a violation of the school's conduct code, what side would you be on. That's conduct that's being targeted, not who people are. You Lying Leftists cannot conceal your despicable hypocrisy.
No, you are in fact wrong.

Your 'comparison' fails as a fallacy – you're comparing two different things which have nothing to do with each other.

Homosexuals are discriminated against based on the condition of who they are, not what they do.

Indeed, there are homosexuals who are celibate, just as there are heterosexuals, where homosexuals are nonetheless subject to discrimination having nothing to do with their conduct.

Unlike gay Americans subject to discrimination, the OU students were expelled due to their conduct, not due to who they are, and not as a consequence of their speech.

That you and others on the right believe their conduct did not warrant expulsion is irrelevant, the students violated school policy, and were expelled accordingly.
Oh! So racist speech isn't protected by the first ammendment!

They are protected, they're not going to jail. They still have to follow the schools code of conduct.

Tell me, hypocrite Leftist, if homosexual dating were a violation of the school's code of conduct, which side of the issue would you be on?

I thought so.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Government seeking to single out a particular class of persons for disadvantage motivated solely by who constitutes that class of persons violates the 14th Amendment, having nothing to do with their 'conduct' as gay students.

The OU students were expelled as a consequence of their conduct, not who they are, and not as a consequence of their speech.

Wrong again. I said if homosexual dating were a violation of the school's conduct code, what side would you be on. That's conduct that's being targeted, not who people are. You Lying Leftists cannot conceal your despicable hypocrisy.
No, you are in fact wrong.

Your 'comparison' fails as a fallacy – you're comparing two different things which have nothing to do with each other.

Homosexuals are discriminated against based on the condition of who they are, not what they do.

Indeed, there are homosexuals who are celibate, just as there are heterosexuals, where homosexuals are nonetheless subject to discrimination having nothing to do with their conduct.

Unlike gay Americans subject to discrimination, the OU students were expelled due to their conduct, not due to who they are, and not as a consequence of their speech.

That you and others on the right believe their conduct did not warrant expulsion is irrelevant, the students violated school policy, and were expelled accordingly.

No public school "policy" that violates the Constitution is valid. That's one. Two, if homosexuals are allowed in a school but homosexual dating is disallowed, then it isn't homosexuals being discriminated against because they're gay, but their actions. Unlike speech, there is ABSOLUTELY NO constitutional protection for being gay. So what we have is you giving preference to "rights" that were never protected over rights that are specified and encoded in our supreme document. So not only are you selective about your outrage, but you fight for fake rights while trying to deny people their real rights.

And answer the damn question. Should those black students with their racist rap song also be expelled if they violated the "code of conduct" or are you a lying, Leftist hypocrite?
I think you should be just a little more humble in speculating how God is going to judge. If he's as harsh on racism as you say he is, then the Left has much to dread.

God doesn't exist. Thankfully. Because honestly, reading the bible, God is a baby-murdering prick.

Of course, not a one of you wold ask your sky pixie- "Bone Cancer in Children, what the fuck is up with that?"
And answer the damn question. Should those black students with their racist rap song also be expelled if they violated the "code of conduct" or are you a lying, Leftist hypocrite?

It would depend on what the lyrics said. If it said something like "Mow down those crackers with a Mac 10" , They probably would be expelled and totally deserve it.
It was passed when the Constitution was ratified.
Congress shall pass no law...

What law was passed infringing free speech? Who went to jail?

The students were expelled by an arm of the government. If you don't see that as infringing on them, then it is pointless to even talk to you.

I worked 33 years for the government and would have been fired if I screamed I would lynch any n*gger who wanted to work for me

As an employee, you were the government. The students in this case are not employees. They have the same status as any other citizen.

Yes they do

They are free to be as big an ass as they wish.........they are also free to face the consequences

What stands out is the hatred they exhibit and the sense of self entitlement

What are the consequences? Tell me exactly where the line is. If the state can expel them, can the state fine them? If the state can fine them, can the state jail them? Point out to me precisely what the limit is on the state in terms of laying down these consequences. While your at it, tell me what the standards are the state must follow to decide what speech it can assign consequences to and what speech it can't.

All you are seeing is some idiot kids. I don't give a gnat's fart about them. I do care about the state deciding what is acceptable speech and what is not and dealing out punishment for speech it doesn't like. If they can do that today, they can do it tomorrow and you don't know what speech it isn't going to like tomorrow.
They were expelled because of what they said. The university is a government entity, an arm of the state. Not a private institution. How is that not a violation of their right to free speech?

Let's go over it: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The university, as an extension of government, falls under that prohibition. It doesn't say unless the speech is icky, or insults people, or clearly shows the speaker to be a total twit. If the university can prohibit one kind of speech, no matter how disgusting and idiotic, it can prohibit other kinds of speech as well. The kid on the video was an asshole. As far as I know, the entire frat was a collection of assholes. But assholes have as much right to spew repulsive nonsense as anyone else.
Still looking for the law that was passed.

It was passed when the Constitution was ratified.
Congress shall pass no law...

What law was passed infringing free speech? Who went to jail?

The students were expelled by an arm of the government. If you don't see that as infringing on them, then it is pointless to even talk to you.
Individuals can't be 'infringed upon,' their rights can, however, where in this case no rights were 'infringed upon,' the right to free speech in particular.

They were expelled by the state for speech. That is an infringement upon their right to free speech. Free speech doesn't mean speech you approve of.
I think you should be just a little more humble in speculating how God is going to judge. If he's as harsh on racism as you say he is, then the Left has much to dread.

God doesn't exist. Thankfully. Because honestly, reading the bible, God is a baby-murdering prick.

Of course, not a one of you wold ask your sky pixie- "Bone Cancer in Children, what the fuck is up with that?"

A good example. Let us say you are a student of a state university and you posted a video of yourself making this comment. Obviously offensive to Christians, Jews and Muslims. If you were expelled for it, would that be a violation of your first amendment rights?

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