Expect this from The Left After President Trump is Re-elected

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Friends, there is a little known complication with Long Term Infections of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

For some inexplicable reason, sufferers with TDS start looking over their shoulders, become paranoid, and start hoarding food. Think of it as TDS reaching 2nd stage which is more severe than the first stage where the patient exhibits alternatively episodic fits of anger alternating with uncontrollable crying.

Scientists are predicting the worst for these people as they feel more and more threatened and triggered by an ever increasing scary world,.

When reality begins to set in, and they withdraw in to their illness, and prepare for their world to end the delusions grow even stronger.

Full story at the link provided.

Family of 7 discovered living in Dutch farm cellar for years waiting for world to end

Authorities in the Netherlands have launched a major investigation after an apparent family of 7 was discovered living in the basement of an isolated farm, allegedly "waiting for the end of time."

Police in Drenthe said on Twitter that someone reported they were worried about the living conditions of people who were living in "an enclosed space" on a farm located just outside the town of Ruinerwold.

When police went to the home on the farm on Monday, they discovered six adults aged 18-25 inside and a 58-year-old man who "did not want to cooperate with the investigation" and was subsequently arrested. It's unclear what relationship exactly the 58-year-old held with the others, but some reports described them as a "family".

"All scenarios are still open. Our research is in full swing and we cannot share more information at this time," police said.

Mayor Roger de Groot said Tuesday in a short statement the family is believed to have lived for 9 years on the farm and that authorities found "a number of improvised rooms where a family lived a withdrawn life."

He added: "I've never seen anything like it."

The discovery was made after the 58-year-old man's possible son, age 25, walked from the farm to a pub in Ruinerwold, where he was "completely confused" and police were called, RTV Drenthe reported.

The owner of the pub, Chris Westerbeek, told Dagblad van het Noorden the young man looked "unkempt," with long hair, and said he "needed help and had never been to school."

The 25-year-old added he slipped away at night because it "was not possible during the day," and that he could not go back to where he came from, according to Westerbeek.

When police went to the farm, they discovered a staircase to the basement behind a cupboard in the living room of the home, RTV reported.

The group lived in the space and had no contact with the outside world, according to the television station. The six younger members of the group reportedly had no idea there were other humans out in the world.

What? No Civil War talk.

Oh, that's if ol'Trumpybear gets fired.

What? No Civil War talk.

Oh, that's if ol'Trumpybear gets fired.

Sorry Putin's Whittle Butt Plug, but yes, you are in a Civil War, but we are just Ignoring you just like Trump Ignores your FAKE SUBPOENAS.

Isn't this why you threatened to blow up The White House and Behead The President, and if you couldn't do that, you were going to aim you Subpoena Cannon at him. Am I Right?

You are a bunch of Violent Fascists.

I thought You were Going to Accept The Results of The 2016 Election, Right?

Isn't that what Hillary Clinton said?

Then she created The Resistance.

That makes you and her LIARS.

Now, don't you have a home made bomb shelter to stock?
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What? No Civil War talk.

Oh, that's if ol'Trumpybear gets fired.

:dunno: fired?
Give him a break. He sometimes loses track of The Scripting with his TDS and falls out of Character as a Broke Ass LibTard.

I am sure he was just trying to translate something in to English and it just came out wrong.

Then again, cut him some slack cuz, no one I ever met from Liphuckistan ever spoke no good InGRish.
What? No Civil War talk.

Oh, that's if ol'Trumpybear gets fired.

Sorry Putin's Whittle Butt Plug, but yes, you are in a Civil War, but we are just Ignoring you just like Trump Ignores your FAKE SUBPOENAS.

Isn't this why you threatened to blow up The White House and Behead The President, and if you couldn't do that, you were going to aim you Subpoena Cannon at him. Am I Right?

I thought You were Going to Accept The Results of The 2016 Election, Right?

Isn't that what Hillary Clinton said?

Then she created The Resistance.

That makes you and her LIARS.

Now, don't you have a home made bomb shelter to stock?
That "other" party you're so hysterical over has done nothing but mount #theassistance, those "other guys" suck off the same donor class.
What? No Civil War talk.

Oh, that's if ol'Trumpybear gets fired.

Sorry Putin's Whittle Butt Plug, but yes, you are in a Civil War, but we are just Ignoring you just like Trump Ignores your FAKE SUBPOENAS.

Isn't this why you threatened to blow up The White House and Behead The President, and if you couldn't do that, you were going to aim you Subpoena Cannon at him. Am I Right?

I thought You were Going to Accept The Results of The 2016 Election, Right?

Isn't that what Hillary Clinton said?

Then she created The Resistance.

That makes you and her LIARS.

Now, don't you have a home made bomb shelter to stock?
That "other" party you're so hysterical over has done nothing but mount #theassistance, those "other guys" suck off the same donor class.
unions and every other rich fk.
What? No Civil War talk.

Oh, that's if ol'Trumpybear gets fired.

Sorry Putin's Whittle Butt Plug, but yes, you are in a Civil War, but we are just Ignoring you just like Trump Ignores your FAKE SUBPOENAS.

Isn't this why you threatened to blow up The White House and Behead The President, and if you couldn't do that, you were going to aim you Subpoena Cannon at him. Am I Right?

I thought You were Going to Accept The Results of The 2016 Election, Right?

Isn't that what Hillary Clinton said?

Then she created The Resistance.

That makes you and her LIARS.

Now, don't you have a home made bomb shelter to stock?

Make up your mind. If, as you say, we are already in one, why would we hide away like some end-of-the-world nut jobs and pretend that ol'Trumpybear isn't trying to destroy the world order the greatest generation gave us?
What? No Civil War talk.

Oh, that's if ol'Trumpybear gets fired.

Sorry Putin's Whittle Butt Plug, but yes, you are in a Civil War, but we are just Ignoring you just like Trump Ignores your FAKE SUBPOENAS.

Isn't this why you threatened to blow up The White House and Behead The President, and if you couldn't do that, you were going to aim you Subpoena Cannon at him. Am I Right?

I thought You were Going to Accept The Results of The 2016 Election, Right?

Isn't that what Hillary Clinton said?

Then she created The Resistance.

That makes you and her LIARS.

Now, don't you have a home made bomb shelter to stock?
That "other" party you're so hysterical over has done nothing but mount #theassistance, those "other guys" suck off the same donor class.
Why did you pay Putin to help you Defeat The Don in 2016?

Who you going to call to help you in 2020, Iran?
What? No Civil War talk.

Oh, that's if ol'Trumpybear gets fired.

Sorry Putin's Whittle Butt Plug, but yes, you are in a Civil War, but we are just Ignoring you just like Trump Ignores your FAKE SUBPOENAS.

Isn't this why you threatened to blow up The White House and Behead The President, and if you couldn't do that, you were going to aim you Subpoena Cannon at him. Am I Right?

I thought You were Going to Accept The Results of The 2016 Election, Right?

Isn't that what Hillary Clinton said?

Then she created The Resistance.

That makes you and her LIARS.

Now, don't you have a home made bomb shelter to stock?
That "other" party you're so hysterical over has done nothing but mount #theassistance, those "other guys" suck off the same donor class.
unions and every other rich fk.
Right, working people are in the donor class. Don's not, he's one of "us".
What? No Civil War talk.

Oh, that's if ol'Trumpybear gets fired.

Sorry Putin's Whittle Butt Plug, but yes, you are in a Civil War, but we are just Ignoring you just like Trump Ignores your FAKE SUBPOENAS.

Isn't this why you threatened to blow up The White House and Behead The President, and if you couldn't do that, you were going to aim you Subpoena Cannon at him. Am I Right?

I thought You were Going to Accept The Results of The 2016 Election, Right?

Isn't that what Hillary Clinton said?

Then she created The Resistance.

That makes you and her LIARS.

Now, don't you have a home made bomb shelter to stock?
That "other" party you're so hysterical over has done nothing but mount #theassistance, those "other guys" suck off the same donor class.
unions and every other rich fk.
Right, working people are in the donor class. Don's not, he's one of "us".
50% of americans don't pay federal taxes. so only 50% donate. Only 42% vote.
What? No Civil War talk.

Oh, that's if ol'Trumpybear gets fired.

Sorry Putin's Whittle Butt Plug, but yes, you are in a Civil War, but we are just Ignoring you just like Trump Ignores your FAKE SUBPOENAS.

Isn't this why you threatened to blow up The White House and Behead The President, and if you couldn't do that, you were going to aim you Subpoena Cannon at him. Am I Right?

I thought You were Going to Accept The Results of The 2016 Election, Right?

Isn't that what Hillary Clinton said?

Then she created The Resistance.

That makes you and her LIARS.

Now, don't you have a home made bomb shelter to stock?

Make up your mind. If, as you say, we are already in one, why would we hide away like some end-of-the-world nut jobs and pretend that ol'Trumpybear isn't trying to destroy the world order the greatest generation gave us?
It's more like a drive by slap fight for you Libphuckistanians.

You actually don't have The Courage to mount a hot Civil War for your Resistance, which is more comparative to you wearing an Adult Diaper.

You Shit in your Pants out of Spite, and then Ignore The Smell. And then you lie about it or blame it on The Dog.

Then you run when someone brings it to your attention, that you have this massive pile of shit in your pants.

What? No Civil War talk.

Oh, that's if ol'Trumpybear gets fired.

Sorry Putin's Whittle Butt Plug, but yes, you are in a Civil War, but we are just Ignoring you just like Trump Ignores your FAKE SUBPOENAS.

Isn't this why you threatened to blow up The White House and Behead The President, and if you couldn't do that, you were going to aim you Subpoena Cannon at him. Am I Right?

I thought You were Going to Accept The Results of The 2016 Election, Right?

Isn't that what Hillary Clinton said?

Then she created The Resistance.

That makes you and her LIARS.

Now, don't you have a home made bomb shelter to stock?
That "other" party you're so hysterical over has done nothing but mount #theassistance, those "other guys" suck off the same donor class.
Why did you pay Putin to help you Defeat The Don in 2016?

Who you going to call to help you in 2020, Iran?

We americans don't call Iran, we topple their duly democratically elected govt and then put one of our stooges in to run the country our way. The people of Iran ousted him, they must be punished with endless war, conflict and economic colonization. IF we can make the Iranian people suffer enough, maybe they'll help us topple the govt after we've starved enough of their children.

The Don, my 2 cents worth here, is the perfect president to represent american interests in our current state of dysfunctional pathology and societal decay. Sometimes you have to watch and wait for a friend to hit bottom. For this reason alone I support Don, onward to the bottom.
What? No Civil War talk.

Oh, that's if ol'Trumpybear gets fired.

Sorry Putin's Whittle Butt Plug, but yes, you are in a Civil War, but we are just Ignoring you just like Trump Ignores your FAKE SUBPOENAS.

Isn't this why you threatened to blow up The White House and Behead The President, and if you couldn't do that, you were going to aim you Subpoena Cannon at him. Am I Right?

I thought You were Going to Accept The Results of The 2016 Election, Right?

Isn't that what Hillary Clinton said?

Then she created The Resistance.

That makes you and her LIARS.

Now, don't you have a home made bomb shelter to stock?
That "other" party you're so hysterical over has done nothing but mount #theassistance, those "other guys" suck off the same donor class.
Why did you pay Putin to help you Defeat The Don in 2016?

Who you going to call to help you in 2020, Iran?

We americans don't call Iran, we topple their duly democratically elected govt and then put one of our stooges in to run the country our way. The people of Iran ousted him, they must be punished with endless war, conflict and economic colonization. IF we can make the Iranian people suffer enough, maybe they'll help us topple the govt after we've starved enough of their children.

The Don, my 2 cents worth here, is the perfect president to represent american interests in our current state of dysfunctional pathology and societal decay. Sometimes you have to watch and wait for a friend to hit bottom. For this reason alone I support Don, on to the bottom.
Or if You are From LibPhuckistan and are an Obama Asshole Licker, like most LibTards are, you Give Iran a $150 Billion and Sell US Uranium to Russia for Iran to buy with the money you gave them to build Nuclear Weapons which they point right back at us.

I heard Treason is The National Pass Time in LibPhuckistan!

Sedition comes in 2nd.
What? No Civil War talk.

Oh, that's if ol'Trumpybear gets fired.

Sorry Putin's Whittle Butt Plug, but yes, you are in a Civil War, but we are just Ignoring you just like Trump Ignores your FAKE SUBPOENAS.

Isn't this why you threatened to blow up The White House and Behead The President, and if you couldn't do that, you were going to aim you Subpoena Cannon at him. Am I Right?

I thought You were Going to Accept The Results of The 2016 Election, Right?

Isn't that what Hillary Clinton said?

Then she created The Resistance.

That makes you and her LIARS.

Now, don't you have a home made bomb shelter to stock?
That "other" party you're so hysterical over has done nothing but mount #theassistance, those "other guys" suck off the same donor class.
unions and every other rich fk.
Right, working people are in the donor class. Don's not, he's one of "us".
50% of americans don't pay federal taxes. so only 50% donate. Only 42% vote.
Can't we get that back down to only affluent white males?

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