TM can't handle the truth.

The reforms would have raised the capital reserve requirements for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, discouraging them from buying poor quality loans. Instead, Bawney ran interference, and we have bailed out these two to the tune of $400B.

They have committed fraud on their financial statements and paid enormous bonuses to the political cronies who are place in FM/FM as patronage jobs.
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We have to work through the backlog of homes folks.

This was a huge cluster fuck on housing Bush created and its going to take some time for this sector to recover.


Did we overbuild, or are houses too expensive? You are making an assumption and pretending that it is real. If houses were affordable they would be purchased. THAT is the reality, not that we built too many of them. I have five adult children living at home. Why? Simple, they can not afford to buy a house and can not afford to pay rent here in San Diego. Thank heavens I have an 8 bedroom house.

They would all be buyers if prices were lower. That is a simple truth.

The raw components of my house would cost 120,000 dollars if I were to buy them. Assuming reasonable labor costs, I could build the house totally for $300,000. So why is a house like mine selling for over half a million dollars? Houses are simply too expensive.

I agree, home prices are now getting back closer to where they should be. They should not rise again unless avg wages goes up.
New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae - The New York Times

Tell me who held both houses and the presidency in 2003?

Oh and btw freddy and fanny were not in trouble finacially at the time and the changes would have done exactly what?

Bush had the power and an entire congress that did ANYTHING he told them to do.

Now why did he Fight all 50 govenors who tried to protect their individual states from the oncoming mness?

WOW, do you even read the links you post? You just proved my point. Bush wanted to more strictly regulate Freddie and Fannie and the Democrats fought this regulation saying...
tighter regulation of the companies could sharply reduce their commitment to financing low-income and affordable housing.

So, the Democrats fought against stronger regulatory tactics because they feared that the people who were getting mortgages that they couldn't afford to re-pay would stop getting these loans.

Thanks for proving my point for me.


Dear fool , tell us exactly how the changes proposed would have done what you claimed they would have.

Then tell us HOW the fuck the dems could back the republicans down when they held the entire government in their hands?

Then ANSWER the question I have asked about THREE times now about WHY Bush FOUGHT all 50 govenors when they tried to protect their states by regulating the industry?

Your issue is nothing but a failed republican talking point.

Dear blind idiot. The only question that needed to be answered was. Bush tried to tighten regulations on Freddie and Fannie. It's right there in your link. The Democrats fought against that regulation because they feared that housing loans to "low-income" families would decrease. The Democrats are responsible for the housing market crash. It's all right there in your link for all to see. Thanks again. I'm now done in this thread.

You are bat shit crazy

You are a satanic lying sack of shit. You have proven yourself to be the most pathological liar I have ever encountered in my life. Ironic that I have met three of your kind on this forum. You all deny reality and lie about it all of the time.

I have worked with Stanford university on the IQ studies of the American schools all across the nation. We have serious problems in our inner cities. In some of them the high school graduation rate is under 20 percent.

That is because we are trying to graduate retarded (low IQ) students. Most of these students come from single parent families that are on welfare and are bleeding the American taxpayer dry for all of their assistance, yet they are having millions of children annually and dumbing down the average IQ of America.

By the way the common understanding of "Single Parent Family" is a woman who has had children by four or five different men. They are usually too low in IQ to work a normal job. For that matter, so are the men who get the women pregnant. Statistically over two thirds will be in prison in their life times.

That is a reality.
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WOW, do you even read the links you post? You just proved my point. Bush wanted to more strictly regulate Freddie and Fannie and the Democrats fought this regulation saying...

So, the Democrats fought against stronger regulatory tactics because they feared that the people who were getting mortgages that they couldn't afford to re-pay would stop getting these loans.

Thanks for proving my point for me.


Dear fool , tell us exactly how the changes proposed would have done what you claimed they would have.

Then tell us HOW the fuck the dems could back the republicans down when they held the entire government in their hands?

Then ANSWER the question I have asked about THREE times now about WHY Bush FOUGHT all 50 govenors when they tried to protect their states by regulating the industry?

Your issue is nothing but a failed republican talking point.

Dear blind idiot. The only question that needed to be answered was. Bush tried to tighten regulations on Freddie and Fannie. It's right there in your link. The Democrats fought against that regulation because they feared that housing loans to "low-income" families would decrease. The Democrats are responsible for the housing market crash. It's all right there in your link for all to see. Thanks again. I'm now done in this thread.


Yes you do have to answer the questions if you wish to keep saying any of what you claim is true and would have had any impact.

If they really wanted to regulate ANYFUCKING thing then they could have because they held ALL the power.

Its a bullshit republican talking point.
You are bat shit crazy

You are a satanic lying sack of shit.

I have worked with Stanford university on the IQ studies of the American schools all across the nation. We have serious problems in our inner cities. In some of them the high school graduation rate is under 20 percent.

That is because we are trying to graduate retarded (low IQ) students. Most of these students come from single parent families that are on welfare and are bleeding the American taxpayer dry for all of their assistance, yet they are having millions of children annually and dumbing down the average IQ of America.

By the way the common understanding of "Single Parent Family" is a woman who has had children by four or five different men. They are usually too low in IQ to work a normal job.

That is a reality.

Document your claims or its just some internet bullshit claim, get it.
Dear fool , tell us exactly how the changes proposed would have done what you claimed they would have.

Then tell us HOW the fuck the dems could back the republicans down when they held the entire government in their hands?

Then ANSWER the question I have asked about THREE times now about WHY Bush FOUGHT all 50 govenors when they tried to protect their states by regulating the industry?

Your issue is nothing but a failed republican talking point.

Dear blind idiot. The only question that needed to be answered was. Bush tried to tighten regulations on Freddie and Fannie. It's right there in your link. The Democrats fought against that regulation because they feared that housing loans to "low-income" families would decrease. The Democrats are responsible for the housing market crash. It's all right there in your link for all to see. Thanks again. I'm now done in this thread.


Yes you do have to answer the questions if you wish to keep saying any of what you claim is true and would have had any impact.

If they really wanted to regulate ANYFUCKING thing then they could have because they held ALL the power.

Its a bullshit republican talking point.

Where do you get all of your FALSE information?

The Republicans had ALL of the power in 2003? Not even close. Yes, they had the majority in both the House and Senate, but they did not have 2/3 majority, which is needed for a vote. (Unless of course they do what Democrats did to pass this mess of a Health Care Bill)

Here is the make up of the 108th Congress (2003-2005)

House: Democrats: 48
Republicans: 51
Other: 1

Republican voting % of House in 2003 was 51%. Not even close to a voting majority of 2/3.

Senate: Democrats: 205
Republicans: 229
Other: 1

Republican voting % of Senate in 2003 was 53%. Again not even close to a voting majority of 2/3.

So, where exactly do you get that the Republicans had ALL of the power?

Another Truthmatters lie debunked.


We have to work through the backlog of homes folks.

This was a huge cluster fuck on housing Bush created and its going to take some time for this sector to recover.


Bush built houses?

This is almost as good as the thread that blamed Bush for a spike in unwed mothers.

OK, I'll play. What specific legislation did Bush sign that resulted in a glut of homes?

"During the presidential campaign last year, thenGovernor Clinton, responding to the complaints of bankers and community leaders, vowed to reform CRA; to make the law work by emphasizing performance over paperwork."

Isn't requiring paperwork better than giving loans to people with bad credit and unverified income?

"It will channel billions of dollars a year in new credit into America's distressed communities"

Why would we want to "channel billions" into the hood where home values always decline?

"We walked through South Central Los Angeles, in a predominantly minority neighborhood in New York City to see with our own eyes and to listen with our own ears to what should be done"

Isn't that where Boys 'N' the Hood was set?

Doesn't everyone living there want out?

"By replacing paperwork requirements with performance tests, this package would stimulate bank lending, investment and service in low and moderate income communities. This proposal is not about formulas. Community groups and bankers both emphasized the need for flexibility."

Hello NINJA loans!


We have to work through the backlog of homes folks.

This was a huge cluster fuck on housing Bush created and its going to take some time for this sector to recover.


The heartbreak of historical and economic illiteracy on parade ^^^^.

This mess was years in the making - and was completely bipartisan.

Read upon CRA and the Boston Federal Reserve's white paper telling banks to adopt "subjective" lending standards.

This was caused by deregulation of the lending industry with the final nail being Gram Leach Bliliey. Then Bush proceded to NOT police the markets with what little power he had left to police them with.

You and your right wing ideas CRASHED the world economy for a second time in one lifetime.

It was your Randian Heros who fucked us and your refusal to accept this will not stop the sane people from cleaning up the mess and fixing it so your fucked up ideas can never take hold again.


"President Clinton signed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act ("Act") into law November 12, 1999. The Act repeals the 66-year old Glass-Steagall Act, which prohibited banks, securities firms and insurance companies from affiliating."

SIFMA - Gramm-Leach-Bliley

"Clinton vowed to veto the Senate version of the bill unless it was re-written to include "requirements that banks make loans to minorities, farmers, and others who have had little access to credit." The new version passed 90-8 in the Senate, passed the House, and Clinton signed it into law."

ICKY PEOPLE: Search results for Phil Gramm, Bill Clinton Key Culprits in Subprime Meltdown

So what did Bush do?


  • $Bill%20Clinton-JTM-046793.jpg
    27.9 KB · Views: 58
You are bat shit crazy

And you are a satanic lying sack of shit.

I have worked with Stanford university on the IQ studies of the American schools all across the nation. We have serious problems in our inner cities. In some of them the high school graduation rate is under 20 percent.

That is because we are trying to graduate retarded (low IQ) students. Most of these students come from single parent families that are on welfare and are bleeding the American taxpayer dry for all of their assistance, yet they are having millions of children annually and dumbing down the average IQ of America.

By the way the common understanding of "Single Parent Family" is a woman who has had children by four or five different men. They are usually too low in IQ to work a normal job.

That is a reality.

Document your claims or its just some internet bullshit claim, get it.

As I have explained before, Stanford's research into IQ in America is open to Doctoral students in Psychology or Education or Sociology. It is not open to stupid people like you for good reason.

If you want to find out about IQ distribution there are no end of numbers that have been reported on the Internet. Here are several. If you put the pieces together you can figure out what is happening to create this massive welfare state of stupid people who have almost six kids per mother and all live off of welfare or social security. This is not a racial issue, though most research says it is racial. There are stupid Whites and stupid Asians (though not very many of them) on the dole in the United States. They continue the process of living off of welfare just as much as Blacks or Hispanics do. The simple fact of the matter is that stupid people like you have bad DNA that produces stupid children who continue to live off of the generosity of the welfare state. We need to root all of you low IQ DNA defective types out and sterilize you so that you do not keep on producing parasites on the costly system that the Satanic Liberals have created.

VDARE.com: 10/22/06 - Average IQ by State: Honest Numbers at Last
Race differences in intelligence: how research changed my mind to overcome the “all races are equal” dogma. | Human Stupidity: Irrationality, Self Deception

The moral to the story is that LOW IQ people who are on the dole should be sterilized. We do not need them breeding successive generations of LOW IQ people who are on the dole who go on breeding LOW IQ people who will be on the dole who will go on breeding.....................................
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The simple fact of the matter is that the stinking liberals decided to try to extend the dream of home ownership to the Low IQ masses in the United States. The Low IQ masses did exactly what we know they would do. They proved that they could not handle the responsibility of home ownership and balancing an income to pay for same. The really stupid people should never have been given the opportunity to destroy the economic structure of the country and the world.
Mortgage rates are going up - and the mortgage restructuring program was a total bust.

Mortgage rates are going up because the Fed stopped its $1.25 trillion mortgage purchase program, and because the economy is getting better.

I find this funny. how can you justify the statement that the economy is getting better when we are still shedding jobs all over the country and more and more people are falling off the back end of extended UI?

Gosh, when that happens, Hilda Solis drops them from the Labor Force. With such a rapidly increasing population, how is it that the Workforce is decreasing. Damn, it should at least be holding par.

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