Exhaustive Study/Survey: 1 in 4 Asian Americans feel out of place at work because of their race, while white men have the highest “belonging score”

Asian women exhibited the lowest belonging score. fascinating stuff, folks!

Surely you jest?

Anyhow let me cut to the chase.....why should any minority feel a sense of belonging in a country that they are so out-numbered in?

I am sure that if these women went back to their country of origin they would not have such a feeling of not belonging....just human nature to fell more comfortable with those whom you are genetically linked to.

Yet your drift seems to be that it is somehow America's fault.....even at a common sense level your perception on this is ridiculous.

Yet such erroneous thinking you demonstrate is at the heart of this nations number one problem...perceieved racism.

Academia, the entertainment industry, the democratic party, the MSM are all guilty of the same fallacy that you have demonstrated....that America is somehow racist because minorities feel different aka not comfortable, discriminated against etc.

As an American that has visited many other countries....I can tell you that when I return-- I feel much more comfortable as soon as my feet are back on the ground in America.

Just human nature for most to like to be around their own kind, that they feel more comfortable with people who are like them.

Also....it is just human nature for any people that are a minority to struggle for more power and influence in a nation that is not their own....because it is an innate response for survivability....aka if the Jews had more political power in Nazi Germany they might have prevented what happened to them.

Likewise the blacks in America striving for more power and influence....perfectly understandable.

However the same should hold true for the majority pop. but generally speaking --that is not the case because most do not realize in their arrogance if their power is diminished....their survivability is affected also.....as in if a minority gains more power, wealth and influence they will also increase their numbers and eventually achieve dominance....just how human nature works and it also applies to the animal kingdom.

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