Executive Orders and Treaties, a question.

should POTUS have the power to terminate a Treaty w/o the advice and consent of The Senate?

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If it was ratified by the senates, i dont see how he could.
Some treaties expire though. So anything in particular you are thinking about?

It's a general question, spurred by Trump's desire on nuclear proliferation. However, Trump's negativity toward NATO and the UN would seems to need advice and consent from 2/3 of the Senate, if he choose to withdraw from either one of them.
Wait didn't Obama sign one with Iran which basically gave them the bomb because we gave them hundreds of billions and basically looked away while they make the bomb. I don't think Trump would do that.....
If it was ratified by the senates, i dont see how he could.
Some treaties expire though. So anything in particular you are thinking about?

It's a general question, spurred by Trump's desire on nuclear proliferation. However, Trump's negativity toward NATO and the UN would seems to need advice and consent from 2/3 of the Senate, if he choose to withdraw from either one of them.
Wait didn't Obama sign one with Iran which basically gave them the bomb because we gave them hundreds of billions and basically looked away while they make the bomb. I don't think Trump would do that.....

Check your 'facts'.
US Constitution, Article VI, Clause 2;
"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." [Emphasis added]

Given the Constitution clearly states in plain & clear English that a treaty made under the authority of the Constitution becomes the "supreme law of the land", there is no way any president can unilaterally terminate a treaty ratified by the Senate. The Framers established the Constitution to rid the people of the States of the Rule of a King who could do what he wished, like a Crazy George III or a Trump!
What happened to the Treaty of Fort Laramie? When did the Senate vote to absolve that? Treaty of Detroit? Treaty of Bosque Redondo?
What happened to the Treaty of Fort Laramie? When did the Senate vote to absolve that? Treaty of Detroit? Treaty of Bosque Redondo?
Your deflection, notwithstanding, Dummy!

Any Chief Executive unlawfully abrogating a treaty ratified by the Senate makes any lawful treaty withdrawal after the fact a moot fucking point, shit for brains. It's not lawful per Article VI of the Constitution, PERIOD, regardless of the slicing and dicing! An unlawful act cannot stand as legal precedent to show legal grounds, you bloody FOOL!

Trumps only LAWFUL course of action to get from under the INF treaty to make his butt banging buddy Putin smile is to plead with the Senate (but they ain't gonna do that). You Idiot RW'ers always yammering about how holy the US Constitution is to you, but when push comes to shove, you'll wipe your ass crack with torn patches from it for expedience sake. Bloody hypocrites!
If it was ratified by the senates, i dont see how he could.
Some treaties expire though. So anything in particular you are thinking about?

It's a general question, spurred by Trump's desire on nuclear proliferation. However, Trump's negativity toward NATO and the UN would seems to need advice and consent from 2/3 of the Senate, if he choose to withdraw from either one of them.
Wait didn't Obama sign one with Iran which basically gave them the bomb because we gave them hundreds of billions and basically looked away while they make the bomb. I don't think Trump would do that.....

Wait what? They have a bomb now?

If it was ratified by the senates, i dont see how he could.
Some treaties expire though. So anything in particular you are thinking about?

It's a general question, spurred by Trump's desire on nuclear proliferation. However, Trump's negativity toward NATO and the UN would seems to need advice and consent from 2/3 of the Senate, if he choose to withdraw from either one of them.
Wait didn't Obama sign one with Iran which basically gave them the bomb because we gave them hundreds of billions and basically looked away while they make the bomb. I don't think Trump would do that.....

Wait what? They have a bomb now?

Uhh no. In fact they are still in compliance with a treaty that TRUMP walked away from
If it was ratified by the senates, i dont see how he could.
Some treaties expire though. So anything in particular you are thinking about?

It's a general question, spurred by Trump's desire on nuclear proliferation. However, Trump's negativity toward NATO and the UN would seems to need advice and consent from 2/3 of the Senate, if he choose to withdraw from either one of them.
Wait didn't Obama sign one with Iran which basically gave them the bomb because we gave them hundreds of billions and basically looked away while they make the bomb. I don't think Trump would do that.....

Check your 'facts'.

They are known facts.

He did nothing but give them money
This is the same guy that said we couldn't beat ISIS ir we couldn't get 3% GDP growth
If it was ratified by the senates, i dont see how he could.
Some treaties expire though. So anything in particular you are thinking about?

It's a general question, spurred by Trump's desire on nuclear proliferation. However, Trump's negativity toward NATO and the UN would seems to need advice and consent from 2/3 of the Senate, if he choose to withdraw from either one of them.
Wait didn't Obama sign one with Iran which basically gave them the bomb because we gave them hundreds of billions and basically looked away while they make the bomb. I don't think Trump would do that.....

Wait what? They have a bomb now?


No after the deal they stopped trying to make one.....which is as real as Never Never Land

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