Executive Action for Pipeline~ Where are all the criers who slammed Obama for doing it?

Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed executive actions to advance approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.

"The pipelines are all risk and no reward, allowing corporate polluters to transport oil through our country to be sold on the global market, while putting our air and water at serious risk," he said in a statement.

Trump advances Keystone pipeline, DAPL with executive actions - CNNPolitics.com
Better question! Why aren't you applauding Trump for doing what Obama did?

Whaaat? I actually don't think one man /woman should have all of that power...
Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed executive actions to advance approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.

"The pipelines are all risk and no reward, allowing corporate polluters to transport oil through our country to be sold on the global market, while putting our air and water at serious risk," he said in a statement.

Trump advances Keystone pipeline, DAPL with executive actions - CNNPolitics.com
Better question! Why aren't you applauding Trump for doing what Obama did?

Whaaat? I actually don't think one man /woman should have all of that power...
But, the fact remains no liberal ever complained when Obama did it.
Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed executive actions to advance approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.

"The pipelines are all risk and no reward, allowing corporate polluters to transport oil through our country to be sold on the global market, while putting our air and water at serious risk," he said in a statement.

Trump advances Keystone pipeline, DAPL with executive actions - CNNPolitics.com
Better question! Why aren't you applauding Trump for doing what Obama did?

Whaaat? I actually don't think one man /woman should have all of that power...
But, the fact remains no liberal ever complained when Obama did it.

It hasn't even been a week since he has been in and how many has he done already?
I don't think he sleeps....
Trump's tape wasn't a confession. You must be on drugs. How Bill felt about his abuse is hardly relevant.

I never call the tape of his admitting he felt entitled to grab beautiful women buy the pussy because he is a star a confession. I did take some Advil a few hours ago for a bad back. Is that what you mean?

Bill is not President. That ship has sailed. We have the Grabber in Chief now.

The point is that you supported Bill when he was Groper in Chief. That this is a standard for you is a lie

Ah, so your point :dig:

I mean really all you've got is President Bill "Lied about a blowjob" Clinton.


I was talking about Kathleen Wiley, not Monica Lewinski. You didn't get that from the discussion? Seriously?

Just so you know, Monica never complained that Slick groped her, she was a willing participant.

Damn, with all the posting you do on politics, you don't even know the basics of recent history?

So you have Bill on tape with Wiley?

Nothings was proven either way. It is a he said she said situation. Not so with Monica. And that's all you guys ever had on Bill.


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