EXCLUSIVE: Senate Committee Successfully Verifies All Bobulinski Materials Reviewed To Date


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The corruption is so deep with the Biden Family.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has been successful in verifying all materials reviewed so far from Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski, the Daily Caller has learned.

Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson will not call Bobulinski to testify before the November 3 elections, as the committee is working to review all the information provided to the committee by Bobulinski. The information has to be verified, as it is subject to the same false information to Congress laws that verbal or written testimony does. However, a Johnson spokesperson told the Caller that all the material provided by Bobulinski that has been reviewed so far has turned out to be legitimate. The committee has “also” not come across any “signs” or evidence to suggest the content is false, the spokesperson added.

Bobulinski, who said Tuesday he believes “Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised” in an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, has turned over evidence to the FBI alleging he met twice in the past with the former vice president in regards to business with his son Hunter. The Biden family has not yet disputed this information.


Johnson had the chance to interview Bobulinski on Friday and released a statement shortly after saying: “I appreciate that the FBI has a job to do, and I am glad they are finally taking an interest in these concerning financial matters that our Committees have been investigating for months,” Sen. Johnson said. “I expect that Mr. Bobulinski will speak with our committee as soon as possible and fully share his insights into the Biden family’s business dealings.”


Getting harder & harder for the proglodytes to deflect from this. Everybody knows the whole Biden Crime Syndicate is compromised. Even the ones who don't admit it know it is all true. They should be up on treason, Rico & international money laundering charges. F' them & the whole Deep State that protects them
The corruption is so deep with the Biden Family.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has been successful in verifying all materials reviewed so far from Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski, the Daily Caller has learned.
Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson will not call Bobulinski to testify before the November 3 elections, as the committee is working to review all the information provided to the committee by Bobulinski. The information has to be verified, as it is subject to the same false information to Congress laws that verbal or written testimony does. However, a Johnson spokesperson told the Caller that all the material provided by Bobulinski that has been reviewed so far has turned out to be legitimate. The committee has “also” not come across any “signs” or evidence to suggest the content is false, the spokesperson added.
Bobulinski, who said Tuesday he believes “Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised” in an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, has turned over evidence to the FBI alleging he met twice in the past with the former vice president in regards to business with his son Hunter. The Biden family has not yet disputed this information.
Johnson had the chance to interview Bobulinski on Friday and released a statement shortly after saying: “I appreciate that the FBI has a job to do, and I am glad they are finally taking an interest in these concerning financial matters that our Committees have been investigating for months,” Sen. Johnson said. “I expect that Mr. Bobulinski will speak with our committee as soon as possible and fully share his insights into the Biden family’s business dealings.”

The thing that pissed him off the most is that they stated he was part of Russian disinformation. I know that this phony Russia thing is the lefts new playing card, but they played it once to many times now. He even gave them a chance to retract their accusation, and obviously it wasn't honored. So he came out to protect his and his families name, since they all served honorably in the military.

Beyond his service, Bobulinski is also an honest businessman, and an admitted Democrat voter and supporter. The MSM is totally ignoring this story like it means absolutely nothing. But we all know outside of Fox, the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party.
The corruption is so deep with the Biden Family.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has been successful in verifying all materials reviewed so far from Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski, the Daily Caller has learned.
Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson will not call Bobulinski to testify before the November 3 elections, as the committee is working to review all the information provided to the committee by Bobulinski. The information has to be verified, as it is subject to the same false information to Congress laws that verbal or written testimony does. However, a Johnson spokesperson told the Caller that all the material provided by Bobulinski that has been reviewed so far has turned out to be legitimate. The committee has “also” not come across any “signs” or evidence to suggest the content is false, the spokesperson added.
Bobulinski, who said Tuesday he believes “Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised” in an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, has turned over evidence to the FBI alleging he met twice in the past with the former vice president in regards to business with his son Hunter. The Biden family has not yet disputed this information.
Johnson had the chance to interview Bobulinski on Friday and released a statement shortly after saying: “I appreciate that the FBI has a job to do, and I am glad they are finally taking an interest in these concerning financial matters that our Committees have been investigating for months,” Sen. Johnson said. “I expect that Mr. Bobulinski will speak with our committee as soon as possible and fully share his insights into the Biden family’s business dealings.”

The thing that pissed him off the most is that they stated he was part of Russian disinformation. I know that this phony Russia thing is the lefts new playing card, but they played it once to many times now. He even gave them a chance to retract their accusation, and obviously it wasn't honored. So he came out to protect his and his families name, since they all served honorably in the military.

Beyond his service, Bobulinski is also an honest businessman, and an admitted Democrat voter and supporter. The MSM is totally ignoring this story like it means absolutely nothing. But we all know outside of Fox, the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party.

Of course they ignore it. Biden is the DNC. He said so. Would you want to pursue a story that made "your guy" out to be a crook??
Of course they ignore it. Biden is the DNC. He said so. Would you want to pursue a story that made "your guy" out to be a crook??

Funny. I was just discussing Tony Bobulinski with a leftist, and his claim was that nobody is talking about it. Hell, it was just on Fox for crying out loud. But it goes to show you the thoughts of leftists. If it's not on CNN, it's not really happening.
That smug little asshole at twitter, Dolan, reminds me of that other asshole Schirelli, who is in jail for jacking up his drug price 5000%. I hope Dolan gets an adjoining cell with a big buck to keep him company. Stick with Trumpy.
The corruption is so deep with the Biden Family.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has been successful in verifying all materials reviewed so far from Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski, the Daily Caller has learned.
Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson will not call Bobulinski to testify before the November 3 elections, as the committee is working to review all the information provided to the committee by Bobulinski. The information has to be verified, as it is subject to the same false information to Congress laws that verbal or written testimony does. However, a Johnson spokesperson told the Caller that all the material provided by Bobulinski that has been reviewed so far has turned out to be legitimate. The committee has “also” not come across any “signs” or evidence to suggest the content is false, the spokesperson added.
Bobulinski, who said Tuesday he believes “Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised” in an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, has turned over evidence to the FBI alleging he met twice in the past with the former vice president in regards to business with his son Hunter. The Biden family has not yet disputed this information.
Johnson had the chance to interview Bobulinski on Friday and released a statement shortly after saying: “I appreciate that the FBI has a job to do, and I am glad they are finally taking an interest in these concerning financial matters that our Committees have been investigating for months,” Sen. Johnson said. “I expect that Mr. Bobulinski will speak with our committee as soon as possible and fully share his insights into the Biden family’s business dealings.”

The thing that pissed him off the most is that they stated he was part of Russian disinformation. I know that this phony Russia thing is the lefts new playing card, but they played it once to many times now. He even gave them a chance to retract their accusation, and obviously it wasn't honored. So he came out to protect his and his families name, since they all served honorably in the military.

Beyond his service, Bobulinski is also an honest businessman, and an admitted Democrat voter and supporter. The MSM is totally ignoring this story like it means absolutely nothing. But we all know outside of Fox, the MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party.

Of course they ignore it. Biden is the DNC. He said so. Would you want to pursue a story that made "your guy" out to be a crook??
If they are just the propaganda arm of the DNC, they wouldn't.
They are the enemy of The People:


The corruption is so deep with the Biden Family.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has been successful in verifying all materials reviewed so far from Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski, the Daily Caller has learned.
Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson will not call Bobulinski to testify before the November 3 elections, as the committee is working to review all the information provided to the committee by Bobulinski. The information has to be verified, as it is subject to the same false information to Congress laws that verbal or written testimony does. However, a Johnson spokesperson told the Caller that all the material provided by Bobulinski that has been reviewed so far has turned out to be legitimate. The committee has “also” not come across any “signs” or evidence to suggest the content is false, the spokesperson added.
Bobulinski, who said Tuesday he believes “Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised” in an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, has turned over evidence to the FBI alleging he met twice in the past with the former vice president in regards to business with his son Hunter. The Biden family has not yet disputed this information.
Johnson had the chance to interview Bobulinski on Friday and released a statement shortly after saying: “I appreciate that the FBI has a job to do, and I am glad they are finally taking an interest in these concerning financial matters that our Committees have been investigating for months,” Sen. Johnson said. “I expect that Mr. Bobulinski will speak with our committee as soon as possible and fully share his insights into the Biden family’s business dealings.”

He's so upset...it only took him 3 years to come forward...right before the election....

He has zero credibility.
Of course they ignore it. Biden is the DNC. He said so. Would you want to pursue a story that made "your guy" out to be a crook??

Funny. I was just discussing Tony Bobulinski with a leftist, and his claim was that nobody is talking about it. Hell, it was just on Fox for crying out loud. But it goes to show you the thoughts of leftists. If it's not on CNN, it's not really happening.

Nobody outside of far right whacko sites and networks is talking about it.
Getting harder & harder for the proglodytes to deflect from this. Everybody knows the whole Biden Crime Syndicate is compromised. Even the ones who don't admit it know it is all true. They should be up on treason, Rico & international money laundering charges. F' them & the whole Deep State that protects them

Gee, only if there was someone in the DOJ who wanted to get to the bottom of this. Either that or there is nothing to get to the bottom of.
The corruption is so deep with the Biden Family.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has been successful in verifying all materials reviewed so far from Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski, the Daily Caller has learned.
Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson will not call Bobulinski to testify before the November 3 elections, as the committee is working to review all the information provided to the committee by Bobulinski. The information has to be verified, as it is subject to the same false information to Congress laws that verbal or written testimony does. However, a Johnson spokesperson told the Caller that all the material provided by Bobulinski that has been reviewed so far has turned out to be legitimate. The committee has “also” not come across any “signs” or evidence to suggest the content is false, the spokesperson added.
Bobulinski, who said Tuesday he believes “Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised” in an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, has turned over evidence to the FBI alleging he met twice in the past with the former vice president in regards to business with his son Hunter. The Biden family has not yet disputed this information.
Johnson had the chance to interview Bobulinski on Friday and released a statement shortly after saying: “I appreciate that the FBI has a job to do, and I am glad they are finally taking an interest in these concerning financial matters that our Committees have been investigating for months,” Sen. Johnson said. “I expect that Mr. Bobulinski will speak with our committee as soon as possible and fully share his insights into the Biden family’s business dealings.”

He's so upset...it only took him 3 years to come forward...right before the election....

He has zero credibility.
He came forward, with the supporting evidence, because Schiff falsely accused him of being a Russian agent. Had Schiff not told this lie about him, we'd have never heard of him.
Of course they ignore it. Biden is the DNC. He said so. Would you want to pursue a story that made "your guy" out to be a crook??

Funny. I was just discussing Tony Bobulinski with a leftist, and his claim was that nobody is talking about it. Hell, it was just on Fox for crying out loud. But it goes to show you the thoughts of leftists. If it's not on CNN, it's not really happening.

Nobody outside of far right whacko sites and networks is talking about it.
And yet, a majority of Americans are wise to the fact that Crime Family Boss, Joe, is lying about his lack of knowledge of his bagman scooping up bribes throughout the world.
Getting harder & harder for the proglodytes to deflect from this. Everybody knows the whole Biden Crime Syndicate is compromised. Even the ones who don't admit it know it is all true. They should be up on treason, Rico & international money laundering charges. F' them & the whole Deep State that protects them

Gee, only if there was someone in the DOJ who wanted to get to the bottom of this. Either that or there is nothing to get to the bottom of.

Candyporn SEZ????
"Well first things first. She is going to win. There is no doubt about that.

As for “taking people for a ride”…there is little chance that the Democrats will be remembered as the party that made goofy claims this election season. For it was your messiah who suggested building a 2,000 mile wall and making Mexico pay for it. It was your messiah who suggested rounding up 11,000,000 people and sending them home. It was your messiah who suggested Japan and Saudi Arabia get nukes, that we could have a strategic alliance with Russia when they have not even the remotest inkling of wanting any such alliance, that you can jail your political rivals when they become “in charge of the law”…. Yeah fuck stain, the ride you guys have been on is one for the ages.

As for “being fucked”…can’t wait to see how the GOP puts itself back together again after this. Can you really say you’re a party of Conserve-Hate-ives any longer? All that still applies is the Hate part of the word. Can you say you’re the party of God when your nominee is an admitted philanderer thrice married who uses profanity on the Stump?

Get back to me on that would you little man?
Of course they ignore it. Biden is the DNC. He said so. Would you want to pursue a story that made "your guy" out to be a crook??

Funny. I was just discussing Tony Bobulinski with a leftist, and his claim was that nobody is talking about it. Hell, it was just on Fox for crying out loud. But it goes to show you the thoughts of leftists. If it's not on CNN, it's not really happening.
Fox is not a reputble source. They are a joke
Reputable sources such as the BBC are not reporting anything other than Trump is making unsubstantiated claims against Biden.

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