Excellent easy to read article on EV batteries FYI


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Do you know what an EV battery looks like, or how it's put together, or how big it is? Here's a quick read that is very informative about EV batteries and the challenges of recycling and/or disposing of dead EV batteries. There will be many millions of them to deal with and currently they are not designed to be recycled.

Do you know what an EV battery looks like, or how it's put together, or how big it is? Here's a quick read that is very informative about EV batteries and the challenges of recycling and/or disposing of dead EV batteries. There will be many millions of them to deal with and currently they are not designed to be recycled.

You're not offering any solutions to the issue of 'climate change and global warming.

You're trying to deflect from the issue by complaining about batteries. Get on the right side of the debate, along with mainstream science, rather than the side that thinks the god is coming to the rescue.
Thanks OP .

You are just trying to educate us ---appreciated .

I now see the future where "my" Anti Gravity changes us as a species forever but twice over .

To extract the most from this simple system and from the mindless Sheeple , you get them to pile everything into Electric Cars and consequent industries like re-cycling , and then make your money by shorting everything just before AG is introduced .
Trillions of profit and the Sheeple billionaires from electric cars are then Sheeple ex billionaires .

So the electric phase is just a short term scam to take all of that investment market and leave the way clear for the real project -- central control of all AG travel.

Grand Father Sherlock would be proud of that deduction .
You're not offering any solutions to the issue of 'climate change and global warming.

You're trying to deflect from the issue by complaining about batteries. Get on the right side of the debate, along with mainstream science, rather than the side that thinks the god is coming to the rescue.
Why the negativity? I posted an informative article on EV batteries. Chill out. :dunno:
You're not offering any solutions to the issue of 'climate change and global warming.
You have been duped just as the gullible left in this country and elsewhere have.
And the fact you people think we can change the weather or climate and should spend trillions trying, is the reason our nation is so badly off in so many ways.
You're not offering any solutions to the issue of 'climate change and global warming.

You're trying to deflect from the issue by complaining about batteries. Get on the right side of the debate, along with mainstream science, rather than the side that thinks the god is coming to the rescue.

That's because those aren't real problems.

Those are myths perpetrated to instill fear so that the public will willingly return to serfdom.
You're not offering any solutions to the issue of 'climate change and global warming.

You're trying to deflect from the issue by complaining about batteries. Get on the right side of the debate, along with mainstream science, rather than the side that thinks the god is coming to the rescue.

The solution is to ban mass production EV batteries until the industry comes up with a viable plan to recycle the batteries without creating an environmental disaster.



The solution is to ban mass production EV batteries until the industry comes up with a viable plan to recycle the batteries without creating an environmental disaster.



I agree. EV battery technology is far too immature for wide scale use. By pushing the EV industry too soon, we are creating massive problems when there is absolutely no need to do so.
Taking on the task of lithium recycling will be species of Acidothiobacillus mentioned in this academically dense article:
Do you know what an EV battery looks like, or how it's put together, or how big it is? Here's a quick read that is very informative about EV batteries and the challenges of recycling and/or disposing of dead EV batteries. There will be many millions of them to deal with and currently they are not designed to be recycled.

Ecological disaster to be produced, keep charged and disposed of but yet these stupid uneducated Moon Bats think they are going to save the planet.

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