Another Shot In The Head: Environmentalists Blocking Own Efforts To Save The Planet Through Lithium EV Batteries!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Man, it just don't get better than this! Turns out that the USA and Biden Administration's own efforts to develop lithium mining here to make EV batteries to save the planet is being blocked by the Biden Administration's own environmental impact efforts to save endangered species from extinction due to climate change!


Turns out that one of the best locations to mine lithium here to compete against chinese sources is right smack in Nevada on a high desert ridge---- right where they just designated a rare 6" buckwheat flower as endangered with only about 16,000 known plants left on a patch of land just 10 acres in size!

The rare Tiehm's Buckwheat is on the brink of extinction, and conservationists have vowed to fight to the very last to save this rare plant with no known use where at best plans, efforts to mine in the area for the much needed lithium to make green energy EV cars work would at the very least, destroy at least 25% to 33% of the rare flower habitat to begin with leaving open pit mines and tailing dumps within a mere 12 feet of the flowers.

Just when they thought they had solved their climatic and environmental concerns to mine raw materials for Joe Biden's EV batteries here to save the planet, they find that to do so would violate stringent, immutable federal laws guiding the protection of endangered species--- destroying the planet! Worse, any road-building or livestock grazing in the area threatens it, damn, even the desert rats here are a danger to the stuff who like to eat the flower--- an apparent, unprecedented rodent attack wiped out about 60% of the estimated surviving population of Tiehm's buckwheat in 2020.

Who knows--- they may have to shoot or poison all the rats in the area killing them to save the flower of no known value, unless the rats too are endangered. Just as bad, efforts to mine lithium elsewhere include another lithium mine proposed near the Oregon border also facing legal and regulatory challenges and a geothermal power plant planned near Reno where the Dixie Valley toad has also been declared endangered, despite also just being a toad with no particular unique value.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Meanwhile, China forges full steam ahead producing lithium in abundance with no such environmental impact restrictions at all in their way.

“Now that the Tiehm's Buckwheat is protected, we’ll use the full power of the Endangered Species Act to ensure Ioneer Mining Company of Australia commissioned to do the mining doesn’t harm one hair on a single buckwheat’s head,” one of the lead environmentalists said.
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