exactly what are "free-riders" per Pelosi???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
the uninsured--those whom the Affordable Care Act was supposed to benefit--as "free riders." Pelosi, speaking to Audie Cornish of National Public Radio, explained that new taxes were necessary because some (many?) of the uninsured actively choose not to buy health insurance, even though they can afford it.

Read more: Pelosi Bashes the Uninsured: 'Free Riders' - Nancy Pelosi - Fox Nation

SO who are these "free riders"?? People according to Pelosi that CHOOSE not to buy though they can afford it! Fact is 17.5 million are under 34, make $50k+ and choose NOT to spend money on health insurance.

BUT what do they do when they get sick? Do they NOT pay? I'm sure a few don't!
BUT MOST pay out of their pocket. Owe the physician/hospitals NOTHING!

So what is then the purpose of INCLUDING THEM in the ranks of the UNINSURED?
As the 10 million who are counted uninsured but AREN"T CITIZENS and 14 million that ARE Covered by Medicaid but ARE wrongly counted as "uninsured"!
SO ACA was passed because MOST people thought there were 47 million to 50 million!

So if Pelosi passed the bill because she counted the 17.5 million who she NOW calls derisively "free loaders"... People SHE claims are using health care without paying for it!

People you can't have it both ways!
Either there aren't 50 million uninsured or the 17.5 million are not free loaders!
Either it is a TAX which would have NEVER passed if some that voted thought it was a tax!
OR it isn't and yet SCOTUS declared it a TAX so those that voted for it were defrauded, mislead and their constituents MUST hold them responsible!
I thought you right wingers hate the lazy bums mooching off of others? You should be all for the ACA which makes the free loaders get insurance to stop having others pay for it.

Don't forget the individual mandate is a republican idea,...
As I've pointed out Pelosi et.al. supporters are getting more caught in their deceptions!
First there were 50 million uninsured. Now we find out they are "free -riders" but then we find out
those despicable Free-riders generally pay their own way so where are they "free riders"?
Then we have all those voters for Obamacare thinking this will not have any taxes finding out from SCOTUS IT IS A TAX!
Then as Pelosi said we have to pass it to know what's in it.. THERE ARE 21 NEW taxes that will affect people making less then $120,000 which again was a lie from Obama remember..

if your family earns less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increased a single dime. I repeat: not one single dime. In fact, the recovery plan provides a tax cut – that’s right, a tax cut – for 95% of working families.
the uninsured--those whom the Affordable Care Act was supposed to benefit--as "free riders." Pelosi, speaking to Audie Cornish of National Public Radio, explained that new taxes were necessary because some (many?) of the uninsured actively choose not to buy health insurance, even though they can afford it.

Read more: Pelosi Bashes the Uninsured: 'Free Riders' - Nancy Pelosi - Fox Nation

SO who are these "free riders"?? People according to Pelosi that CHOOSE not to buy though they can afford it! Fact is 17.5 million are under 34, make $50k+ and choose NOT to spend money on health insurance.

BUT what do they do when they get sick? Do they NOT pay? I'm sure a few don't!
BUT MOST pay out of their pocket. Owe the physician/hospitals NOTHING!

So what is then the purpose of INCLUDING THEM in the ranks of the UNINSURED?
As the 10 million who are counted uninsured but AREN"T CITIZENS and 14 million that ARE Covered by Medicaid but ARE wrongly counted as "uninsured"!
SO ACA was passed because MOST people thought there were 47 million to 50 million!

So if Pelosi passed the bill because she counted the 17.5 million who she NOW calls derisively "free loaders"... People SHE claims are using health care without paying for it!

People you can't have it both ways!
Either there aren't 50 million uninsured or the 17.5 million are not free loaders!
Either it is a TAX which would have NEVER passed if some that voted thought it was a tax!
OR it isn't and yet SCOTUS declared it a TAX so those that voted for it were defrauded, mislead and their constituents MUST hold them responsible

Silly rabbit, didn't you get the memo? It's a tax and not a tax at the same time!

Amazing how Rush covers a topic and tosses out a one-liner, and they both show up here within minutes.

Too freakin' funny.


Did it on purpose you dunce... :fu:

Good to see you are a dittohead :badgrin:

"Did it on purpose." Right. Bullshit, you were just busted. Own it.

And indeed, I try to expose myself to the partisan blabbers on both ends.

I thought you right wingers hate the lazy bums mooching off of others? You should be all for the ACA which makes the free loaders get insurance to stop having others pay for it.

Don't forget the individual mandate is a republican idea,...

But the "free-riders" are paying for their health expenses!
Why should they pay double? Pay for their own health expenses never filing claims. never having owed hospitals/etc.. why then should THEY BE penalized?

Why is is so hard to comprehend that there were NEVER 50 million "uninsured"!
10 million were not citizens.. 14 million already covered by Medicaid!
17.5 million what you derisively call "free-riders" who pay their own way!
That leaves 8.5 million that truly need health insurance.

NoW if Obama had said:
1) Tax lawyers 10% and use that to pay the premium for the 8.5 million and that tax will reduce for every $10 billion the $600 billion defensive medicine costs decline!
2) Tax hospitals on "uncompensated services" and send the claims to the "uninsured health insurance company that uses the $10 billion from lawyers and $20 billion from hospitals!
3) Stop hospitals from sending 6,000% markup bills to Medicare because Medicare KNOWS
hospitals are padding and passing on thei "uncompensated costs"!

These 3 steps would:
1) Reduce waste in $600 billion spent out of fear of lawsuits!
2) Reduce the $600 billion Medicare spends much due to hospitals padding and passing!
3) Insurance rates dropping because they like Medicare will see reduction in claim costs!

BUT to idiots who have NO idea how all this works... this is TOO complicated!
Idiots would rather DESTROY $100 billion a year tax generators!
I thought you right wingers hate the lazy bums mooching off of others? You should be all for the ACA which makes the free loaders get insurance to stop having others pay for it.

Don't forget the individual mandate is a republican idea,...

But the "free-riders" are paying for their health expenses!
Why should they pay double? Pay for their own health expenses never filing claims. never having owed hospitals/etc.. why then should THEY BE penalized?

Why is is so hard to comprehend that there were NEVER 50 million "uninsured"!
10 million were not citizens.. 14 million already covered by Medicaid!
17.5 million what you derisively call "free-riders" who pay their own way!
That leaves 8.5 million that truly need health insurance.

NoW if Obama had said:
1) Tax lawyers 10% and use that to pay the premium for the 8.5 million and that tax will reduce for every $10 billion the $600 billion defensive medicine costs decline!
2) Tax hospitals on "uncompensated services" and send the claims to the "uninsured health insurance company that uses the $10 billion from lawyers and $20 billion from hospitals!
3) Stop hospitals from sending 6,000% markup bills to Medicare because Medicare KNOWS
hospitals are padding and passing on thei "uncompensated costs"!

These 3 steps would:
1) Reduce waste in $600 billion spent out of fear of lawsuits!
2) Reduce the $600 billion Medicare spends much due to hospitals padding and passing!
3) Insurance rates dropping because they like Medicare will see reduction in claim costs!

BUT to idiots who have NO idea how all this works... this is TOO complicated!
Idiots would rather DESTROY $100 billion a year tax generators!

The GOP would never go for that, that is "class warfare" and "attacking the job creators"
As much as I dislike this president's agenda I have to stick up for him out of fairness. When he said folks' taxes wouldn't go up a single dime, not one single dime, he was telling the truth. They'll go up a whole lot of dimes, many multiples of dimes.
As much as I dislike this president's agenda I have to stick up for him out of fairness. When he said folks' taxes wouldn't go up a single dime, not one single dime, he was telling the truth. They'll go up a whole lot of dimes, many multiples of dimes.

No one's taxes are going up unless you are a freeloader without health insurance and refuse to get it.
I thought you right wingers hate the lazy bums mooching off of others? You should be all for the ACA which makes the free loaders get insurance to stop having others pay for it.

Don't forget the individual mandate is a republican idea,...

Romney sold the mandate as a lesson in "personal responsibility". New Romney should debate the old Romney...they wouldn't like each other
I thought you right wingers hate the lazy bums mooching off of others? You should be all for the ACA which makes the free loaders get insurance to stop having others pay for it.

Don't forget the individual mandate is a republican idea,...

But the "free-riders" are paying for their health expenses!
Why should they pay double? Pay for their own health expenses never filing claims. never having owed hospitals/etc.. why then should THEY BE penalized?

Why is is so hard to comprehend that there were NEVER 50 million "uninsured"!
10 million were not citizens.. 14 million already covered by Medicaid!
17.5 million what you derisively call "free-riders" who pay their own way!
That leaves 8.5 million that truly need health insurance.

NoW if Obama had said:
1) Tax lawyers 10% and use that to pay the premium for the 8.5 million and that tax will reduce for every $10 billion the $600 billion defensive medicine costs decline!
2) Tax hospitals on "uncompensated services" and send the claims to the "uninsured health insurance company that uses the $10 billion from lawyers and $20 billion from hospitals!
3) Stop hospitals from sending 6,000% markup bills to Medicare because Medicare KNOWS
hospitals are padding and passing on thei "uncompensated costs"!

These 3 steps would:
1) Reduce waste in $600 billion spent out of fear of lawsuits!
2) Reduce the $600 billion Medicare spends much due to hospitals padding and passing!
3) Insurance rates dropping because they like Medicare will see reduction in claim costs!

BUT to idiots who have NO idea how all this works... this is TOO complicated!
Idiots would rather DESTROY $100 billion a year tax generators!

The GOP would never go for that, that is "class warfare" and "attacking the job creators"

NO.. the truth is Obama wouldn't go for it!

All because 42% of them(Congress) are lawyers that also had their profession
donate and $43 million to Obama a lawyer!

In the 2008 election cycle, the industry contributed a massive $234 million to federal political candidates and interests , 76 percent of which went to Democratic candidates and committees Nearly $300 million in 2008 alone!

Top Recipients, 2011-2012
Obama, Barack (D) $12,373,275
Romney, Mitt (R) $5,198,046
Gillibrand, Kirsten (D-NY) Senate $1,806,168
Nelson, Bill (D-FL) Senate $1,373,814
Warren, Elizabeth (D-MA) $1,163,056
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